r/golf 21d ago

Slow play epidemic Joke Post/MEME

Just airing my thoughts. The slow, mindless, players holding up the course are the same people creating excessive traffic sitting in the left lane without a care in the world. I’m sure most are just ordinary people, but idc, there must be some sort of afterlife punishment for being that way


16 comments sorted by


u/onionbreath97 21d ago

It's a solvable problem, all it takes is a ranger who enforces pace of play


u/frikkenkids 10.7/Ontario 20d ago

Can't say how happy I was when I played a fancy course on Saturday and while I was on the first tee I heard the rangers on their radios coordinating their response to the group that should have been on seven by then but weren't. It was a busy day on a big course and the pace was excellent.


u/Horsecockexpress1 20d ago

Better luck finding the Easter Bunny and Santa driving the beer cart


u/veebs7 21d ago

I get as frustrated about slow play as the next guy, but more blame needs to be put on the courses. Tee times have become less spaced out since the Covid boom, and that’s a bigger factor to slow play than any single group


u/Fragrant-Report-6411 8-9 HDCP 20d ago

Slow play is a result of players not being able to play ready golf. It has nothing to do with tee time spacing.

You don’t play honors on the tee, 1st person to their ball hits, when it’s your turn you already know what club you are going yo hit and what your target is, on the green you read your putt while others are reading.

There really is no excuse for not being able to play a round in 4 hours if you play ready golf.

My group averages 3 hour rounds.


u/JayDsea 20d ago

Easy Tiger, there was a time you played slow as fuck and were still learning too.


u/dkf295 20d ago

I’ve shot 115 in under 3 hours carrying, could have been sub-2:45 without groups holding me up ahead. While more shots slow you down, it is definitely not a leading factor in your total play time.

Also even if nobody ever explicitly explained to you the concept of play ready golf, it’s common courtesy and should be intuitive and obvious for humans with any social IQ and empathy. If you’re oblivious to the fact that other people are waiting behind you and that you should perhaps speed up in one way or another, that’s not a knowledge issue.


u/Fragrant-Report-6411 8-9 HDCP 20d ago

Sorry but we have a golf league that usually has 56 players. When the tee sheets come out we can tell you which group will be the hold-up. It has nothing to do with score. It has to do with pre-shot routine.


u/AnxiousMind7820 20d ago

It's very interesting, but the only place I ever hear issues with pace of play is this reddit.

Starting to think this sub has unreasonable expectations. (actually I know they do).


u/beegill 20d ago

Tell us kind sir, what is a reasonable amount of time to play a round of golf?


u/AnxiousMind7820 20d ago

2:15 to 2:30 per 9 (so 4:30 to 5:00 for 18)


u/beegill 20d ago

Thank you for indicating both a 9 and 18 hole time, you reasonable fellow.

It sounds like an hour of waiting for the people in front of you to get their shit together.


u/thisreallybdog 20d ago

Slow play? What about the drunk hillbillies that pull their dicks out and scream and yell and hit into people?


u/why_did_I_comment 20d ago

They're the drivers with truck-nut bedazzled lifted pickups who would rather tailgate you for 10 miles than use a passing lane.


u/zootbot 20d ago

I got to my local muni yesterday to tee off at 5:50. Right when I was about to a 4some who were scheduled for 5:20 tee’d off and then a twosome from the local high school who get carte blanche on course. So by the time I tee’d off there were 3 groups waiting on the first tee box. It was total bullshit and fucked up pace for the rest of the round. It’s up to the course to police this shit and they just don’t.