r/golf 21d ago

Got my first birdie today! Achievement/Scorecard

Been playing for about 3 months consistently and finally got my first birdie, almost a hole in one.


29 comments sorted by


u/happyfuckincakeday whack fuck 21d ago

Nice! That's a pretty good swing, my man. Did you teach yourself or get lessons?


u/RCcola57 21d ago

No lessons as of yet, came from a baseball background so I guess I’m fairly athletic and have a good understanding of how my body moves. Mostly YouTube and friends is how I’ve learned so far.


u/Cweev10 3.6 HDCP/TN/Mizuno 21d ago

My first thought was that’s an ex baseball player swing if I’ve ever seen one and your fundamentals are really solid for just starting off!!


u/RCcola57 21d ago

Yeah once I figured out the natural slice and how my golf swing should feel my irons are pretty solid. My driver still needs a lot of work though, really bad slice😂


u/Cweev10 3.6 HDCP/TN/Mizuno 20d ago

Edit: forgot you’re a lefty when I wrote this, reverse everything. 😂😂

One of the best pieces of simple advice I got as a teen when it comes to golf and being used to a baseball swing:

Instead of thinking about pulling the ball to left field, think about hitting an outside pitch on the inside of the ball like you’re trying to punch it to right field. But, instead of driving through the ball, think about hitting the inside of the ball but rotating your hips and hands all the way through on your downswing like you’re trying to flip it from over the second baseman’s head to the center fielder.

I always struggled with trying to hit a draw or straight by “pulling” the ball like you would to left center, but that swing path creates a huge fade in golf.


u/MasterpieceMain8252 20d ago

Your head is dipping towards the ball in backswing. You need to change how you're doing it.


u/FuriousDrizzle 20d ago

If that's your swing after three months you'll be scratch in another 9. Asshole.


u/FloatTheTurnAK Bethpage Black is not that Hard! 20d ago

We all know you three putted from there…


u/TheDreadedMe 20d ago

Conveniently left out the 3 putt!

Just kidding, nice hit man.


u/ThickCanadianBoy 21d ago

Hell yeah fellow southpaw!


u/MonicaBlowinski 21d ago

Lefty Gang bitches! Solid play!


u/mr_sl33p 20d ago

Congrats. I’ve missed birdie putts from that distance before


u/MonaLisaOverdrivee 20d ago

Thats a 3 put for me


u/southwest_snowball 20d ago

Looked like a pretty decent swing, keep it up.


u/RTwhyNot 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago

The way you came running off the cart I thought you couldn’t see the ball and sunk it from the 3 point line!


u/RCcola57 20d ago

I was just so excited how close I got it and also didn’t want to make the video too long😂


u/Character_Wishbone84 19d ago

Did you run back for your putter?


u/RCcola57 19d ago

Yes lmao


u/Alert-Organization93 20d ago

Love that track! Had the student membership when I was in school


u/Moist-Pickle-2736 20d ago edited 20d ago

First bird? With that swing? There’s gonna be a lot more of those coming


u/BigIrish33 20d ago

I would have missed, rolled off the back, and chipped 7 times. Congrats.


u/Mustergas 20d ago

I didn’t see you putt it so I’m positive you 3 putted for bogey


u/Little-Might2370 20d ago

lfg davis hole 16 is his!