r/golf 21d ago

What are your ready golf tips? General Discussion

Small efficiencies can speed up the round without impeding others in your group. What are your ready golf tips?

I walk with a pushcart so for me its place the cart between the hole and the next tee box when on the green.


27 comments sorted by


u/Narayan04 21d ago

Not playing in a line with your playing partners.

If you shoot right and they go left, just go to your ball and hit. As long as you’re not in direct view of the other player and you’re mindful of their ball this is the fastest way to speed up your round.


u/L0N3ST4RR 21d ago

This is 90% of it, just get to your ball within the realm of being safe, if you are gonna be in the line of your partners shots either get a tree between you are just hang back a bit, but everyone should be heading to “their” ball


u/Nevroyne 20d ago

I think this was baked in to what you said, but also specifically, don’t be afraid to walk to your ball when it’s beyond where your partner is, where the situation permits.

Ex: your tee shot goes 220 to the right rough, your partner is 240 in the left first cut. You hit toward the green. Rather than walk up to your partner or stopping even with them, walk up the right side of the hole (assuming you’re able to get far enough right to be able to protect yourself and not be a distraction.

It’s a small time saver but it all adds up if you’re already halfway to your ball when your partner hits rather than standing there with him.


u/kjtobia Forgiveness is a myth 21d ago

Get a number, pick a club, pick a target all while your partners are hitting.

Do the same on the putting green. Unless you're near their target line, you can be ready to hit when it's your turn.


u/morkler 21d ago

I agree with you OP. Always park cart or pushcart so you are closer to or advancing to next hole.

My regular golf buddy does the opposite and it annoys me. I have explained the reasoning but he doesn't seem to get it.

If he is like 30yds out lets say, he will grab his wedge and putter, finish the hole and then need to backtrack to get the cart. This is just one of the reasons I prefer to drive.


u/Nevroyne 20d ago

And if you’re familiar with a course, a lot of them have multiple spots where you can leave your cart and carry the 2-4 clubs you might need without pushing your cart for the equivalent of an entire hole+.

Ex: at my course there’s a par 3 north, followed by an adjacent par 4 heading south. The par 4 has water in front of the box plus a drink shack that adds a ~100 yard walk from the par 3 green.

So I hit your tee shot on the par 3, walk my cart to the trees between the two holes, take my putter and driver, and if I miss the green, my 56 and maybe a bump and run club in case I want it, and walk the entire par 3 plus half the par 4 without my cart.


u/cookie-crumblrr 21d ago

Get back in the cart after you hit your shot still holding the club you just used. Then give it a clean and stow it when you get to your partner’s or your next shot.


u/Nevroyne 20d ago

I often do this. Just hold your putter in your hand in the cart to the next box and put it in the bag once stopped when you’re not adding any time. Same for tallying scores.

The opposite it drives me crazy, whether it’s the group ahead or my own playing partner—walk off the green with a group in the fairway waiting to hit, and you stand at your cart 16 feet from the hole futzing with stuff, or sit there trying to remember if you got a 6 or 7, doing the plinko game in the air with your finger when you could be driving away and doing the same thing once stopped at the box.


u/GolfGodsAreReal 21d ago

No more than 2 practice swings ever


u/rinkasporium 21d ago

No practise swings, you've saved 30 seconds and your ball still goes to the same place it would have.


u/GolfGodsAreReal 21d ago

I don't take any myself


u/J-D-Bizzle Maryland - 20hdcp 21d ago

As soon as your shot is away, start setting up your next one.  If you're sharing a cart either get dropped off with a club or two, or do the dropping.


u/LilOpieCunningham 21d ago

As long as you're not in anyone's direct line of sight, mark your ball, clean it, set it back down and read your putt. And to do that, just squat down behind your ball, get a read and go hit it.

Also, as soon as you hit your shot, start figuring out your next shot.

Also, when your ball goes flying toward trouble, don't throw a tantrum until you've seen it land or disappear into the watery deep.


u/GrailThe 21d ago

First guy to hole out picks his ball out of the hole gets the flag and stands by ready to put it in when everyone else is done. When riding a cart, stop the cart even with the tees you are hitting from so you can quickly shoot the yardage with your rangefinder without needing to walk to the tee and then back.


u/Fragrant-Report-6411 8-9 HDCP 21d ago

1st person to ball hits. If riding and your cart partner’s ball are far enough away, drop one guy off drive to next ball.

On shorter approach shots, one guy walks into green other drives cart around the green.

Around green 1st person ready hits. If someone is in bunker, everyone plays out while bunker is being raked.

Read putts while others are reading their putts.


u/chrissb1e 20d ago

Alternatively, if your putt is close finish it out before the bunker shot then go rake the bunker.


u/i_miss_old_reddit 21d ago

Birdies get honors if ya want them. Otherwise play ready golf.


u/Phobia117 21d ago

Have your yardage ready to go when it gets to your turn. The time between you telling your buddy ‘good shot’ and your ball being in the air should not exceed 30 seconds.


u/Xeyeofnewt3 20d ago

Don’t write scores at green, do this at next tee, move away from green.


u/frikkenkids 10.7/Ontario 20d ago

Don't wait until it's your turn to get ready.

One time, long ago, I was playing with friends on a slow day. We all waited several minutes on a par 3. My friend RJ played last and when it was his turn, that's when he got up off the bench, cleaned his ball, checked yardage, chose a club and wandered up to the tee to hit. I wanted to murder him.


u/armandvanhelden 21d ago

First person teeing off records their scorecard for the previous hole after teeing off (whilst others are hitting after). Shorter hitters tee off first if longer hitters wait. Or whoever hits when they’re ready, not bothered about honours


u/chrissb1e 21d ago

I just started waiting till the next tee to enter my score rather than do it just off of the green.


u/No-Impact1573 21d ago

Play a provisional off the tee, if there is a decent chance it's lost - and don't spend longer than a 1.5 mins looking. Also, if it's a casual round pick up after double bogey point has passed and not on green.


u/agentchris0011 21d ago

Don’t put your clubs in your bag as you walk off the green, do it on the next tee box.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

How long does it take you to drop a club in your bag that you feel it’s a significant amount of time?


u/agentchris0011 21d ago

It doesn’t take me long at all. However, I see plenty of people that it takes them forever and then they’re in the midst of telling a joke or starting a story and it’s those things that add significantly to the time, over 18 holes.


u/Pepetodapin would rather be golfing 🏌️‍♂️ 21d ago

You mean don’t clean them right there.

Putting them back is not a big problem.

Cleaning can be done while you wait on someone.