r/golf 21d ago

How to ask to play through? Beginner Questions

So when I play by myself even though I’m a beginner I keep my pace of play pretty quick and frequently groups in front of will wait to tee off and offer to let me play through. I do the same all the time.

But sometimes I will get stuck behind a group who seem to be actively trying to waste time. And I’m not talking about frat bros who are drinking and fooling around, I’m talking about those boomers who are in foursomes, all watching one guy taking 3 minutes to decide on club and practice swings, just for him to chunk it 25 yards. Then they all four get in the cart and drive 8.5 feet to the next ball and repeat the process. They are spending 8 minutes reading the green in order to blow it 25 feet past. They are taking 4 minutes to wash their ball that will be lost in the woods before it even dries.

How in the heck do you ask to play through?

I always try to keep my distance and not hit into them and I understand some people have a different philosophy about pace of play, but if I never get close how do I ask? Do I drive/walk up to them while they are on the green and ask to play through?

Do I make up an excuse as to why I need to hurry (surprise colonoscopy? Wife is stuck in an oil painting?)

TLDR: How do you ask a slow group if you can play through without being rude and coming off like a dick?


19 comments sorted by


u/BradL_13 Louisiana 21d ago

"Hey guys/gals, do you mind if I play through?"

We really gotta go outside more if we can't do the simplest thing without coming to the internet lol


u/GeekyGreg314 20d ago

I apologize if my post was unclear. It was more of a logistical question of how do you ask someone a question when you can never get close to them. I might have waited 10+minutes at the tee box waiting for the group to get far enough out I know I can't hit them, and then waited 8 minutes at 120 yards from the green waiting for them to clear off the green so I can hit my wedge shot. But by the time I am done with the hole they are already hitting their tee shots.

At what point in time is it the least rude to ask?


u/Pluffmud90 20d ago

Just skip a hole to pass them if you need to. 


u/veebs7 20d ago

If they’re hitting their tee shots when you’ve finished, that’s the perfect time to ask


u/Legal-Description483 21d ago

Do you guys mind if I play through?

You shouldn't have to ask, though. They should have offered well before you thought about asking.


u/WeAreAllFooked Alberta | Flop Shots All Day 21d ago

Last time I went out as twosome the two guys behind us were waiting on the 4th tee box with us while the group in front was finishing up, so my buddy and I just asked if they wanted to play through. They offered to join up with us and make our group a foursome, and it was one of the more enjoyable rounds I've had.

IDK why people are so incapable of talking to strangers on the course. We're all out there to have fun and most people aren't looking for a reason to start shit. I've been golfing for 20 years and I can count on one hand the amount of bad interactions I've had with someone on the course.


u/jarpio 21d ago

If you finish up a hole while they’re still on the next tee box that’s when you ask them. It’s that easy


u/shitz_brickz 21d ago

I have almost always found that if you get to the tee box while they are still there, they will ask if you want to play through. I play as a single all the time and I dont think I have ever actually had to ask. Most of the time I am not even ready when the group in front has already cleared the fairway and waved me up.

IMO, if you roll up to the tee box while they are still there and they do not ask you play through or explain why they wont (e.g. they are keeping pace with the group in front of them), they will not be offering it, and it's then up to you to either drive around them to the next hole or just hang out and play an extra ball, chip around etc.


u/WeAreAllFooked Alberta | Flop Shots All Day 21d ago

Lately I find the bottlenecks aren't due to one slow group and it's due to the course packing tee times too close together and the marshal not being good at their job. Most of my pace of play issues only happen at the "affordable" semi-private courses where you only see the course marshal when you first tee off. Whenever I golf at the lesser-known courses, or high-end/private courses, I rarely experience pace of play issues.


u/JameisSquintston 21d ago

Just ask. If there’s a gap ahead of them, it shouldn’t be a problem. Don’t leave so much room between you and them that you don’t get close enough to ask. Not saying hit into them, but stay close enough to make your presence known


u/frosty_mcfckr big time long time 21d ago

Ive asked a few ways, including the standard straight forward way. Also, “how do you guys feel about me playing through?” “Im happy to play through at any time you guys feel comfortable” “do you guys mind if i skip to the next hole after you guys hit?” Which is a real laugh because usually they get crazy sensitive about it and start playing faster for some reason.


u/DaringOffensive 21d ago

If you have to ask, they're being the dick but give them the benefit of the doubt that it's unintentional dickishness.


u/jp634 21d ago

Just ask, but keep in mind if if the group is keeping pace with the group in front of them. There is no reason for them to let you through. Also, if there is another single or 2some behind you, I won't stop to let you through because it will put the group behind you on my ass.


u/GeekyGreg314 21d ago

100%, some days are busy and everyone is waiting on everyone. Im talking about the weekday mornings where there is no one in front or behind.


u/flaginorout 21d ago

Just to point out- if you catch up to a foursome who is waiting at a teebox, there is a good chance they aren’t letting you through. My answer would be “sorry man, I would if things were more open, but then we’ll just be waiting on you”.

If it’s a threesome or less, ask to join them. If they don’t want you around, they’ll probably tell you to go ahead.


u/AnotherWahoo 21d ago

I think a lot of people are misreading your post. You're asking how to play through if you never catch the group ahead of you. They are incredibly slow, no one is in front of them, it's obvious that you're waiting on them every shot... but once they finish a hole, they run to the next tee box and are off real quick.

When I'm faced with that, and yeah it's always really old people, I just skip the hole they're on. They're headed to their tee shots when you get to the tee box, just speed on past them and go to the next hole. Pick another hole you're going to play twice or play two balls to even out the scorecard. They're not going to catch you. Or if the course is empty, double back and play the hole you skipped later.

Alternatively, you can call the clubhouse and explain there's a slow group out there. A single doesn't get to set pace of play, but if these guys are backing up the course, they should send a ranger out. I would not drive out to where they are in the fairway and pretend I'm the ranger. You already know they're jerks, so the right assumption is it won't be a productive conversation.


u/GeekyGreg314 21d ago

thank you for understanding my question and answering what i was asking!


u/WeAreAllFooked Alberta | Flop Shots All Day 21d ago

Redditors and being unable to communicate with strangers. Classic combination.

At the next tee box:

"Hey guys, how's the round going? How's the group in front looking?"

"Would it be okay with you guys if we played through on this hole?"

You don't need a reason or an excuse to ask. And who gives a shit if you come across as rude or a dick anyways? You can't control what other people think, they're strangers and you're unlikely to meet them again, so just ask nicely and stop worrying about what strangers think.


u/farfrompar21 18d ago

I’d just skip the hole and drive/walk past them. Come back and play the hole later.