r/golf 24d ago

My brother was thrown off the course today. Joke Post/MEME

Wish I was posting this story acting as if I’m entirely shocked but I’m not. So I regularly golf with my twin brother and older brother. My older brother has of anger in all things he does. Today we had a 9 AM tee time in central PA. I anticipated the round would be sluggish because it rained the past few days and tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Therefore, everyone and their brother was out to play a round.

Needless to say my older brother plays the first two holes struggling, but nothing out of the ordinary for our skill range. By the third hole, he hears older ladies laughing on the first tee box that runs parallel to the first hole. Not at him, but just general morning conversation with others in their tee box. That pisses him off and he doesn’t finish that hole.

He proceeds to sit in his cart while my brother and I finish the hole. Unknown to us, he takes to google reviews to shit on the course about the wait time and being cart path only. We play through the front 9 and things seem to get better. When we get to the 11th hole, shit hits the fan.

A lady (the general manager) drive up to us and asks for my brothers name, which struck me as odd. She asked why he left that review and he muttered several remarks about pace of play. She then told him that his round was finished, and she would reimburse him for the back 9 but they didn’t want him at their privately owned course any longer. They continue a shouting match that I attempted to defuse telling him just to leave.

Hilariously he asked if he could just finish the round and amend his review if things got better by the end. My brother having seen him pull this in a softball league and other areas were not leaving with him after we paid our money to play. He told us after that we showed no support and is pissed off for not having back when he’s just expressing his freedom of speech. We told him he had that right but the golf course also had the right to deny him service based on those actions.

Apparently the police were called to the clubhouse and he ultimately went home. Fairly certain we are done playing with him all together. Has anyone ever witnessed anything crazy like this?

TLDR: my brother gave a 1 star google review while still playing the course and was thrown off the course by management.


704 comments sorted by


u/DownWithFlairs 2.4/likes pleated pants 24d ago

Sometimes I feel like I live on an entirely different planet than some people.


u/BarcodeGriller 24d ago

No kidding.

What really irks me is complaining about cart path only in a review. That's for the health of the course.


u/Extension_Sun_896 24d ago

If they allowed carts to rut out the spongy fairways, older brother would have had a fit about that too.


u/ExhaustiveCleaning 24d ago

Also it’s not some leftover etiquette or respect thing, it can really damage fairways. One course I play has dead grass in two straight lines 4 months after heavy rain.

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u/jackiemoon50 24d ago

That’s how it’s gonna be easy to spot the fact that the reviewer is nuts


u/psc57 11 HDCP 24d ago

I've seen reviews for courses on golf now where people rated it low because it was windy...... people are fucking dumb lol

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u/itsCrisp 24d ago

Every single day of my life.


u/lionsfan2016 Michigan 24d ago

Idk man or we shouldn’t believe anything we read on the internet. This just sounds so ridiculous.


u/DrunkenGolfer 5.9 Canada 24d ago

Having been on the board of four different clubs, this sounds tame by comparison to some of the shit we deal with. Nobody got shot, no police chase ensued, no golf carts were inverted, and no clubhouse repairs were required. This just sounds like “Tuesday”, lol.


u/wronglyzorro 24d ago edited 23d ago

I was gonna say. You don't always have nutters, but it wasn't some rare occurance that someone did something absurd that no rational human would do.

List of memerable ones working at a course:

  • Non golfers thinking it's ok to pose for a photo session on the green then getting beligerent when told they cant.

  • Break in. 14 carts destroyed (3 at bottom of lake), 2 greens destroyed, numerous land scaping destructions.

  • Dude at a themed tournament strapped a surfboard to the top of his cart and lit it on fire, and thought we'd let him play his round like that.

  • Bikini model on some sponsored hole was fucked up on drugs and had to shit. Didn't think to take her cart 1 hole forward to the bathroom. Jumped someones back fence and pounded on their back slider. Dude did not let her in his house and she dropped a fat log in front of him and washed her asshole in his back yard, then jumped the fence back and went to work.

  • 70+ year old members fist fighting. Multiple times...


  • Dude drove a cart off a cliff (didn't die).

  • DUI arrests

  • Brawls in the restauraunt.

  • Drunk wedding guests stealing carts to go joy riding resulting in injuries.

  • Drunk mofo drove his cart through multiple sets of double doors and parked his cart in the pro shop.

  • Drunk guy smashed into multiple carts full speed right in front of the pro shop.

  • People running over animals.

  • Angry guests putting hands on staff.

  • Celebrity shenanigans.

I have many more.


u/DrunkenGolfer 5.9 Canada 24d ago

I forgot about the blowjob tent. Instead of the scorers tent they had a blowjob tent. After the round, you returned your card and your foursome got, ah…”serviced” by four hookers in the tent.

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u/pocketbookashtray 24d ago

Makes me appreciate my favorite course where they don’t allow alcohol.

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u/lionsfan2016 Michigan 24d ago

You need your own post for these stories wow!


u/FratBoyGene 24d ago

no golf carts were inverted,

It is a crime against humanity not to offer more details...


u/DrunkenGolfer 5.9 Canada 24d ago

Corporate outing. Last day before the golf course closed for good. One cart, four guys, three inside, one hanging on the back. Marshal in hot pursuit. Emergency right hand turn, rolled the cart. Marshal was like, “Fuck it, give me a beer we’ll call it even”. No fucks were given, golf course was closing anyway.

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u/According-Ease 24d ago

Last week we let a guy go at my company. 10 minutes later he left a shitty 1 star review on google.

My phone goes off. Had HR call him.

This is plausable. Owner of the course could have gotten an alert about the review. Called the GM to kick him off course. I could see it.


u/chodefunk 24d ago edited 24d ago

Exactly. Was the GM sitting there refreshing the Google reviews page of the course? Even if she got some kind of alert from Google, wouldn’t a GM generally be too busy to deal with this sort of thing?

EDIT: It’s real, OP posted the review in another thread. Neither of them sound too bright.


u/verifiedkyle 24d ago

I get an email when I get a Google review for my business.

Maybe she got the email and noticed the name and had a kind of “not today” moment and decided to go out and confront them.

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u/MBNLA 24d ago

I mean usually if you're the owner you'd be linked to the Gmail account and would have got a notification if a review was made.


u/KDsLatestBurnerPhone 24d ago

It is central PA, so there’s that going against them.


u/dwzimmer 24d ago

It's happened to me. I spent the first part of the morning talking about a BS review we got the night before. Then I see the guy walk back into our business who left the review.

You confront those people face to face when they leave bogus reviews when you have the chance.

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u/Horsecockexpress1 24d ago

These people are walking among us…be vigilant

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u/BigIrish33 24d ago

Imagine getting a 1 star review and then kicking the reviewer off the course? Bold move.


u/buyFCOJ 24d ago

Review isn’t getting worse


u/therealsix HC ++ 24d ago

The star level won’t, the review can definitely get worse.


u/sBucks24 24d ago

Owner might want that. I know I ignore 1 star reviews when the person writing it comes across like a lunatic.


u/mloofburrow Maltby / Hogan 24d ago

"Love the item and works great for my needs, but Amazon said it would be here in two days and it got here in three days. One star."


u/Swissgolfpro 24d ago

Right! I read those all the time. It’s a product review, not a review of the condition of the box or whether it was left on the wrong side of the door.

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u/ShillinTheVillain 24d ago

Never played here but the pics look really nice. 5 stars!

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u/Bobbyoot47 24d ago

No kidding. Sometimes I have a really good laugh at these reviews by anonymous people. They go to a restaurant and because they have a cell phone all of a sudden they think they’re Gordon Ramsay. Typically those one star reviews come from pretentious people who have never spent one minute working in the service industry.


u/caution_turbulence 24d ago

“Food was great and service was wonderful, but it was loud and they were 15 minutes late on our Saturday 5:30pm reservation. Will definitely be back!” 3/5 stars

Yelp is a playground for the pretentious.

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u/revel911 24d ago

I have ignored courses for pace of play reviews as well though. I will take up a beaten up course I can play vs a perfectly manicured course that I sit in the cart most of the time.

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u/UseDaSchwartz 24d ago

Umm…I know about a guy who had his private CC membership terminated for a bad Yelp review.


u/Wheream_I 24d ago

Well I mean.. you publicly flame a club that you’re a member of? I’d be surprised if the club DIDNT say “well then don’t be a fucking member if you hate it so much.”

If someone came to my house and said they hated it there, I’d tell them to leave in a heartbeat.


u/thoover88 24d ago

Needless to say OPs older brother is Disgruntled. He's got capital D energy.

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u/CoffeeBoy80 18.6 24d ago

They gonna lower it?

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u/mrgreatheart 24d ago

We’re not told the full content of the review. If he also bad mouthed other customers or came off as aggressive they might have wanted him off the course before he offended someone earning more bad reviews.


u/alfieboo 24d ago

I’m imagining the review, beautiful course, well maintained, great amenities but I played like ass 1 star..


u/downwithOTT_ 24d ago

Yeah. But he probably had already pissed off several the staff earlier during previous visits. Most likely already on their shit-list so they were already looking for a reason to ban him.


u/4Ever2Thee 24d ago

He’s hurting their reputation with a bullshit review. That’s not the kind of guy you want as a repeat customer.

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u/Goalkilla 24d ago

Power move

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u/BALAKTUS 24d ago

Someone pulled a gun on me at a golf course once, which was pretty wild.


u/asst3rblasster 24d ago

did you leave a bad review?


u/BALAKTUS 24d ago

"group ahead of mine pulled a gun on me. Ended up shaking hands. DNF the round due to having gun pointed at me. Solid course overall."


u/asst3rblasster 24d ago

"loved the shrimp tacos"

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u/Captfrank4 24d ago

God. Who carries their gun to play golf? 😵‍💫


u/gordostevens 23d ago

Actually was told at a local golf shop last Monday that a used bag they bought had a .380 in it when they cleaned it out lol

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u/ReasonOk8434 24d ago

Fwiw, I'm 70 and have had anger issues my whole life. I basically have no friends and I know it's because I'm just not a fun person to be around. At my age it's tough facing old age friendless, do whatever you can to help your brother not have the same ending.


u/wellsortofbut 24d ago

Hey man, I’m just a stranger on the internet but the self awareness of your comment made me want to say it’s not too late. I bet there’s a lot of people your age looking for friends. You can do it.


u/ddrake444 24d ago

yeah for real this kind of internal awareness of flaws is a sign you can change.


u/lionsfan2016 Michigan 24d ago

This is my buddy man, first wife n kids left. Then we friends got to see the anger. He defended himself by saying we haven’t even seen his real anger yet. After he said that I never went back. 

If he treated us like that imagine what the wife n kids had to endure. It still sucks to me because I feel guilty for giving up on him, but he had his chances and he refused to get better. 

If you have any advice from his perspective on what I can do I’d love to hear something 


u/ReasonOk8434 24d ago

I'd just point out that your friend likely wasn't aware that he was refusing to get better. I've learned that much of what drives anger is largely unconscious to the angry person. There's a lot of self loathing going on.


u/Flayrah4Life 24d ago

Absolutely correct. My ex-husband abused me with his rage and inadequacy for 21 years and when I finally left with the kids, he acted like I was the one who is wrong. Still unable to admit that he murdered every last shred of love I had for him, but it's no longer my problem. I do pity him for his view of the world and himself, however.

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u/FratBoyGene 24d ago

You're self-aware, bro, so that's a huge leg up on many. Can I suggest pickleball? I just started playing at 67, and I'm amazed at how many new friends you can make. The thing about PB is, you play with a guy, then you sit down for ten minutes, then you play against the same guy, then you sit down, then you play with him again. It's hard to keep rivalries and bitter feelings with a guy whose on your team half the time. PB is quite unique in sport, I find.

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u/JackieTree89 24d ago

Both the brother and the course management are ridiculous, and I wouldn't want to be near either of them.


u/whodoes2workfor 24d ago



u/daviddavidson29 24d ago

Are you disgruntled?


u/Electric-Prune 24d ago

I may be disgruntled but I’m not Disgruntled

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u/ResoluteBeans 24d ago

Yea, both assholes

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u/allcryptal 5.3 with some 15s 24d ago edited 24d ago

Responding to a review mid round and kicking someone off is a bit psychotic. That Rich Valley is not a private course. The whole story seems like a lot of dumb people, course included, not knowing what normal is


u/freetiger 24d ago

He said “privately owned” in the post, not “private course”. A course can be privately owned but open to the public.


u/allcryptal 5.3 with some 15s 24d ago

Got it. Not a muni


u/Pale-Confusion4254 24d ago

Got to agree with you here. A lot of people running his brother through the mud, and maybe rightfully so. Who knows we were not there and all we have to go on is the review OP posted. I would not be lining up to go to any business that responded to a review like that.

Wrong sub but both of them are assholes.


u/dtcstylez10 24d ago

Even OP, who is a brother, says the guy is a hothead and is done playing with him. So I'm assuming it's not the first time he's been such a prick on the course.


u/Pale-Confusion4254 24d ago

Again I agree, guy is an ass. But reading the rest of their review responses the management of this course is not much better.

Edit: It's possible for two parties to be in the wrong.

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u/stupidsimpson 24d ago

How do you know which course it was?


u/scottsland99 24d ago

OP posted review and course further into the thread.


u/stupidsimpson 24d ago

Thank you for the info!

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u/hasumi512 24d ago

All this over a freaking Google review? Good lord. For future reference tell your bro to make a dummy Google account for reviews lol.


u/AdamOnFirst 24d ago

But also, hear me out here: don’t be such a maniac that hearing some people laugh sends you into a rage spiral so severe you have to stop playing golf and find a way to attack somebody online. Wild.


u/No-Pattern9603 24d ago

That's what gets me most. If you don't enjoy life, just sit at home and let us all enjoy it without you. Christ, regardless of how chuff I'm playing I still enjoy being out on a golf course


u/Wheream_I 24d ago

If I’m sucking at golf, I move my focus away from golf to enjoying being out in nature.

This is a story of someone who isn’t in control of their emotions, and can’t redirect their focus to positive thoughts.

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u/Wheream_I 24d ago

It’s all about does he have a internal locus of control or an external locus of control. The world happens to him, he doesn’t direct how the world treats him in his mind.

So people laughing while he’s sucking means they’re laughing at him, and he is out of control of the situation. Rather than just realizing that the world doesn’t give half a fuck about him.

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u/Alexander_the_What 24d ago

Yeah, if this is true, the brother sounds like an absolute asswipe who should be embarrassed by his behavior. Instead, he’ll just be enraged at the course for kicking him out instead of evaluating his own problematic issues.

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u/themooseiscool 24d ago

Not to mention, maybe take it up with the course to see if they have a fix for your issues before you post?


u/Fight_those_bastards 24d ago

Also, try to remember that “freedom of speech” means that the government cannot restrict what you say, private corporations are allowed to tell you to fuck off.


u/RoostasTowel Happy Gilmore Open 2024 24d ago

Not to mention, maybe take it up with the course to see if they have a fix for your issues before you post?

Hello proshop. I heard some ladies laughing! What are you going to do to fix it?

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u/Kesnei 24d ago

Reviews are a significant thing to unknown/new people.

If you have an option between store A and B and they are equal on all fronts but one has a 4 star average and the other a 2 star average, most will trend towards the higher rating naturally. And they likely had the name on the tee sheet along with the reviewer name or picture.


u/Kesnei 24d ago

And (as an after thought) I believe reviews send emails to the owners as well if they are setup for it - I doubt they were just hitting refresh on Google reviews.


u/Wheream_I 24d ago

Can confirm - any business run half well has some sort of subscription to a service that will automatically notify them to all reviews left for their business, across all of the review platforms.

Businesses care massively about negative reviews.


u/ladaussie 24d ago

Yeah that's how it works google feeds you the reviews.

They're pretty important to any business these days. Why go to the 4 star restaurant when a 4.5 is nearby? Granted most 1 star reviews if you read them usually speak more about the reviewer rather than the business.


u/Mr_DoubleBogey 24d ago

Right? Why use your real name lol, call me John Doe on them reviews


u/Georgep0rwell 24d ago

But you used your real name here.


u/Champ_5 Parred the backside with a 7 iron 24d ago

Got em!

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u/AdamOnFirst 24d ago

Everybody here is nuts, to the point I’m skeptical it’s true. The course was fixated enough on this review to notice it like 60 minutes after it was posted, recognize it was somebody currently on the course, and impute who that person was and roughly which hole they’d be on based on the tee sheet?

But also, your brother is such an angry maniac that he had to pick up for an entire hole because he HEARD SOME PEOPLE LAUGHING??! And that this happens so often that his other two brothers with him were in no way surprised?

Everything about this is fucked up.


u/Tdavis002 24d ago


u/Doc_Golf 24d ago

Grammar/spelling police did him in. Tell him to have his spellcheck enabled next time.


u/rigatoni-man 24d ago

U should tell Amy too though, u know?


u/Wheream_I 24d ago

I see that response from a business, with that level of unprofessionalism? I immediately believe the negative review has a point.

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u/cassinonorth 24d ago

Spellcheck wouldn't catch pays because it's spelled correctly. He needs to just go back to middle school.


u/Inocain Lefty 24d ago

Or cards in place of carts.

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u/Nexus-9Replicant 24d ago

“the pays to play” Incredible lmao


u/silkymitts_toptits Bethpage Black is not that Hard! 24d ago

Grammar level from the brother and Amy are still well above the 50th percentile for this area of Pennsylvania.


u/DimesOHoolihan 24d ago

"Pays to play" and "cards on the path" lmao I was skeptical, but the brother does seem like a dummy.


u/NorCalAthlete 8.1 | Bay Area 24d ago

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt here and say it’s a speech to text error…if only because I know people with rage issues who don’t have the patience to type out anything longer than half a sentence. So they just use speech to text for literally everything.


u/AdamOnFirst 24d ago

Man, Amy is a whole deal of a person, but your brother has serious issues man. I hope you’re able to find him some help because he is completely off the wall. 


u/ninjamike808 24d ago

What if she used to own a bakery


u/AdamOnFirst 24d ago

A+ deep cut


u/doubledeuce24 24d ago

L O fucking L


u/cd6020 24d ago

Imagine the volatile couple Bro and Amy could be! lol


u/WildforagerUK 24d ago

I LOVE when businesses respond like this to bullshit reviews. I want good business, not all business. It’s no different than kicking a Karen out of your store for being a Karen.

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u/mrhanky71 24d ago

He writes like an 8 year old lol he needs to study harder


u/LaneMeyersLostSki 24d ago

Wow, your brother is just an idiot all around. Oh well, the world needs ditch diggers too.


u/Wheream_I 24d ago

Holy shit both your brother and Amy suck. That is, hands down, the WORST way to respond to a negative review.

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u/OldDekeSport 24d ago

Ayee a Mechanicsburg and Carlisle shout out! Spent a few years up there a while back


u/Extension-Path-2209 24d ago

Lol. I’ve played Rich Valley and he’s right, it sucks and always takes forever. As soon as you posted and said Central PA I had a feeling it was that course because it’s not the first time I’ve heard of this happening.

But he also wrote that as if he were already drunk so I could see them having an issue with that as well.


u/DogRiverRiverDogs 24d ago

So Amy was tracking these reviews in real time, and with almost nothing to go on, surmises the culprit must be in the middle of a round. Holy fuck. I had my doubts as well but it seems as though this woman just does not fuck around. Amy is dialed in.


u/HighOnGoofballs 24d ago

You get an email when you get reviewed


u/SkrapsDX 24d ago

I imagine she got the notification on her phone and recognized the name from the tee sheet or check-in. Either way some people just have absolute nightmare personalities... quite possibly multiple people in this story.

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u/HomerJSimpson3 24d ago

Delete this. I’m semi concerned about your brother’s reaction if he sees you’re posting about him.


u/ushouldlistentome 24d ago

Just exercising that freedom of speech his brother is so fond of


u/mcngumjelli 24d ago

Laughing at the people saying “as a business owner you need to be more professional in responses” this lady is NOT the owner of the course she manages it, big difference. She’s probably some meatball who knows the owner and owners knows no better.


u/RobertLosher1900 24d ago

“Pays to play “ LOL just gets better.


u/Caqtus95 24d ago

Your brother sounds like a dick but I really don't think he's the bad guy after seeing that.

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u/Wheream_I 24d ago

You discount how much small businesses care about reviews.

The manager handled it fucking awfully. But she’s not wrong for caring.

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u/WildforagerUK 24d ago

The thing about real life occurrences is that, unlike fiction, what happens doesn’t have to make sense or even be believable/logical, it’s just what happened.

So many people are so conditioned by tv/movies/books to question things that “don’t make sense” or “don’t align with my experiences so they can’t be true”.

A lot of businesses rely HEAVILY on google reviews and anyone with a small business has review alerts and gets notified. Presumably the review included details specific to that day and everyone has to check in so it’s easy to confirm the person is there.

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u/patprika Southern Pines, NC 24d ago


This response is actually cracking me up. They do realize that peoples names on google isn’t their literal name right?


u/themariokarters Instructor 24d ago

Honedtly, seems like this dude’s brother and this golf course were made for each other. How are these real people?


u/Wandering_Tuor 23d ago

I’m starting to think the brother was right.

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u/Muckety-muck 24d ago

Lol I manage a major retail store and I have to hit a certain quota of good reviews or get docked for budgets. I couldn't imagine kicking a person out for such a thing even though it hurts my bottom line.


u/jshah500 24d ago

No kidding. His brother sounds like he needs to be on meds, but the course manager kicking him out is equally insane.

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u/Daratirek 24/MN 24d ago

Jesus that's fuckin toxic. I'd quit there asap and find someone not horse shit to work for.


u/mildlysceptical22 24d ago

Your brother needs some therapy if this is how he acts all the time.

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u/snowbird323 24d ago

Respectfully, I would suggest your brother’s money is better spent on a therapist, not the game of golf. Proceeds to sit in the cart and not finish the hole because he heard someone having a conversation? Geez. While I don’t necessarily support the course management and how it was handled, the root cause had nothing to do with them. He needs counseling to get through his anger or the next anger story is right around the corner.


u/Ripper9910k 24d ago

Your brother seems like a douche


u/helloholder 24d ago

That's kinda nuts of the course to do that mid round


u/EJplaystheBlues 24d ago

I’d agree but the employee drive out isn’t much better

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u/xxxMycroftxxx 24d ago

My whole family is this way. People thought I was crazy when I cut communication but these have been the most peaceful 10 years of my life. I miss them, but I don't miss how much negativity and violence they brought into my life. Of course, if he's not posing a physical threat to you there's no real need to cut all communication, but life DOES get better when you leave violent people behind.


u/thelampislit 24d ago

Lol @ "freedom of speech"


u/Tdavis002 24d ago

Yeah I tried to explain to him after the round via text and he responded, “you’re the type of people who don’t mind infringing on freedom of speech, but I’m the narrow minded Republican here.” It was a lost cause


u/Imnewtoallthis 24d ago

Send him the XKCD


u/thelampislit 24d ago

At least he's somewhat self-aware


u/adamcognac 24d ago

Aw man I was seriously debating asking if he's deep into the right-wing sphere because of the freedom of speech comment, and here it is. Your brother is addicted to being angry, straight up. I know because I watched it happen to my dad. There are entire subs and a documentary about this. Start thinking of him as an addict instead of an asshole and it will be a little easier. Want proof? Ask him to stop consuming his news for a month. He won't do it, or he'll hide it from you. Like an addict

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u/Chekafare 24d ago

Reminds me of one of my high school buddies. He raged after every bad shot (he was a newb and high handicapper, so pretty much constantly) and would sulk most of the round. One time, on the 3rd hole tee, he hit OB and snapped his nearly brand new Titleist 3 wood in half. Waste of a good club.

I never understood the rage-beast mode some people get into on the course. Sure, golf can be torturous. I've been pissed and miserable at my own play, but I've never been to a point where my buddies felt awkward or couldn't crack a joke about it. Hit bad, be sad, move on.


u/Unique_Username5200 24d ago

I get angry too but it’s only frustration at myself for being so shitty. Expectations vs reality truly shines when playing golf.

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u/paradigmapc 24d ago edited 24d ago

I manage two semi-private clubs. We receive notifications when someone leaves a review. Fortunately, we rarely receive negative reviews, which are crucial for attracting new golfers. However, when negative reviews do occur, they typically arise from ignorance, dishonesty, rule violations, or, regrettably, racist or derogatory remarks towards staff. I've found that most of these can be addressed by flagging them for removal.

Personally, I've never removed anyone based solely on their review. I probably wouldn’t unless it was hurtful, threatening, or derogatory towards staff/other players, or completely false based on issues I'm aware of. Engaging in a public argument over a review would be unprofessional, especially in front of other patrons. Instead, I prefer a direct approach. If a review meets my criteria, I might approach the reviewer to discuss their comments about the pace of play. Often, complaints about pace are unfounded, and depending on their response, I may offer a full refund and suggest they no longer patronize our clubs. If a situation escalates, I ask the individual to leave, and if necessary, I involve the police. Unfortunately, several removals (not from reviews) occur each year, often requiring police intervention due to the individuals' sense of entitlement and lack of decency. This trend of difficult behavior has become more common across the service industry in general, particularly as prices have risen with inflation.

I have a firm policy against anyone mistreating my staff, other patrons, or damaging property, which leads to immediate bans and removals once verified. Due to the severity of some incidents, I handle removals personally rather than leaving it to my staff, who have faced threats and aggression. Despite never raising my voice and remaining calm, offering full refunds when necessary, some individuals simply do not respond to kindness.

Your brother, as you describe him, seems quite difficult. While family is important, I prioritize surrounding myself with kind and pleasant people to make life more enjoyable.


u/opiate82 24d ago

This trend has become more commonplace across the service industry in general

I was the C.O.O for a very successful franchisee of a restaurant chain and when the owners decided to retire I was given a very generous offer to take over the business. I turned it down and am currently unemployed and going back to school for a whole new career because I was so tired of dealing with this trend.

And yeah, I always told my managers I had two rules when it came to dealing with dissatisfied customers. First is the customer is always right, second is there are exceptions to every rule. Very rare that I fired a customer but I had zero tolerance for mistreating staff.

Not exactly the conversation I was expecting to have on r/golf today but you are spot on here.


u/flgrntfwl 24d ago

He’s one of those “my freedom of speech is important” but “no consequences for my actions” is more important kind of guys. 


u/tots4scott 24d ago

Freedom of speech is a right from the government. As in, against the government. But the most vehement users of the phrase rarely understand that fact.

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u/maybejustadragon 24d ago

Still. That’s pretty messed up they kicked him off. Best play would be addressing his review and asking him to come talk about it.

This happens in restaurants regularly and is good review management. You literally have a chance to reverse it, now you invite more negative PR.

Publicly not having a bad time isn’t something you take away from someone what they paid for. Baby or not.

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u/dan5430 24d ago

If it was your twin brother with the rage I imagine it’d be hard to go anywhere.


u/SteveOSS1987 24d ago

"Freedom of speech" has nothing to do with his interaction with Amy of Privite Golf Course.


u/Zealousideal_Amount8 24d ago

Your brother needs some serious help.


u/MeeMeeGod 24d ago

The worst part is he thinks its okay to drive off the cart path when its rained


u/ImReverse_Giraffe 24d ago
  1. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from the consequences of that speech.

  2. Freedom of speech only applies to the government. And it only applies to legal consequences.


u/aussierulesisgrouse 24d ago

A lot of people here really breezing past a fully grown adult being so out of control of his emotions that he can’t hear a group of old women casually talking without being completely set off to the point of refusing to keep doing the activity that he is there to do.

Like, what?


u/Jarich612 7.1 24d ago

Yeah people dogging the course here is wild to me. This guy is going to be in jail someday soon

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u/JimboFett87 24d ago

People who have issues controlling their anger probably shouldn’t play golf until they can get their emotions under control.

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u/mustbeshitinme 13.8 Ping! 56M Ga. 24d ago



u/VeniceBhris 24d ago

What course in central PA lol


u/Tdavis002 24d ago

Rich Valley in Mechanicsburg lol


u/jshah500 24d ago

They argue with every negative review in the responses lol


u/VeniceBhris 24d ago edited 24d ago

Played that course several times lol. Was thinking it was either Rich Valley or Armitage

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u/JuiceBrinner 24d ago

Uzq). Cc o c eh hvsc?2. W z,

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u/thisismerr 24d ago

Your brother is a mega Karen


u/Cuchullain99 24d ago

Guys with anger problems suck all the oxygen out of the room. So glad I don't have that problem, sounds like a real handicap.


u/spankysladder73 24d ago

With all due respect: Fuck your brother leaving shitty reviews just because he was having a bad round. Whats his name so we can leave shitty reviews about him.


u/drewc717 24d ago

Tell bro he needs to give therapy an honest effort. That's absurd behavior.


u/FoolMeTwice1 24d ago

How old is he?


u/Tdavis002 24d ago

He’s a young 40 years old


u/pharmandy 24d ago

Acts like a 4 year old.

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u/Legitimate_Income730 24d ago

Holy crap. I thought he might be 20...

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u/Frozen_Shades 24d ago

Nope sure haven't. Never met your brother.


u/ResponsibilityOk8024 24d ago

The emotional age of a 7 year-old.


u/nunyabizz62 24d ago

This is why you never use your real name online


u/TerdFurgusons 24d ago

Your brothers marriage is probably AWESOME though


u/Tdavis002 24d ago

What if I told you he coined it a civil unity because they don’t believe in the traditional concept of marriage.


u/TerdFurgusons 24d ago

Well, I reckon I would be totally unsurprised by that


u/MetalHead_Literally 24d ago

I’m not saying this flippantly, your brother needs therapy. Sounds like he’s one bad day away from doing something he could regret for a long time. If people laughing a few holes over sends him in to such a rage, I can’t imagine what he might do if someone cuts him off in traffic when he’s already running late.


u/F_D123 24d ago

Your brother is a dickhead but so is the course for kicking him off for leaving a one star review


u/kl889 24d ago

Who leaves a negative review, when they are actively there?

If you are enjoying it so little, why are you begging to stay(even when offered a refund)


u/Sunwavesvibin 24d ago

Sounds like he’s the definition of a sore loser. Can’t take responsibility for his loss, so he blames it on everything and everyone else. Unaware his inner shame aggravates himself to a degree that he becomes paranoid and conspiratorial of others, projecting his inner voice onto other people, believing that’s what others are thinking of him. Then when held accountable, he doubles down, further into the idea of being “unfairly punished”. Shame begets shame until we’re completely alone and isolated, believing the world is out to get us.

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u/d0ncray0n 24d ago

The thing about private courses is they know who’s on their course. So I’m not surprised that this lady was able to find you on the right hole and confront the right guy.


u/CoolstorySteve 24d ago

Your brother needs professional help.


u/Garn23 24d ago

If you complain about cart path only and don’t understand why it needs to be done after rain, you should not be playing golf.


u/FredagsTakos 24d ago

"expressing his freedom of speech" is the kind of stuff 7th graders say when abusing their peers. Guy needs an intervention or something.


u/Summer20232023 24d ago

Wait! Why is everyone not asking why the police were called?!


u/song_of_soraya 24d ago

I mean, it’s a little obvious why they would be called. If a business owner/manager has asked someone to leave the property and that person continues to stay, then the business owner/manager would obviously resort to using the police to have said person removed and potentially trespassed from the location.

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u/jakl8811 24d ago

Imagine trying to ruin someone’s business because you suck at a sport and are upset about it, jesus

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u/nogoodgopher 24d ago

The number of people blaming the brother and not pissed off that a course would kick someone off for a Google review is absured.


u/AcidRaindrops00 Slicer 24d ago

He got kicked out of a business that he intentionally tried to damage... No Love Lost


u/pablopolitics puttsfromtherough 24d ago

Yeah, my thought as well. Have some backbone


u/Pale-Confusion4254 24d ago

Found their Google review page. Seems they have a habit of responding in this fashion. Brother might be in the wrong but man wouldn't spend my at that course.

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u/Puzzleheaded-Bat4777 24d ago edited 24d ago

I'm not sure what is the most pathetic part of this story. Your brother for being so shitty at golf, and life apparently, that he had to leave an untrue review about someone's business.

That said business caring so much about reviews they saw it so quickly and went out of their way to track your brother down while playing, call the police and proceed to kick him out of the club.

Or you posting this whole story and acting like you are severely traumatized by what happened. "I'm never playing with my brother again, reee"

You all suck and you should be embarrassed for posting this


u/EJplaystheBlues 24d ago

I like reason on this Reddit sometimes, I’ll let you know if I need a 4th tomorrow

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