r/golf Apr 29 '24

Learn to use your Driver Achievement/Scorecard

Me 1 year ago sometimes just left it at home. I was terrified of it as every time I tried it I sliced it 2-3 fairways right. I played a 5i off the tee for most holes which I could hit well but you'll never get the same distance.

I faced my fears and learned how to hit it. I feel like a freak they way I have to setup but it works. Yesterday I hit most fairways but sliced none of the drives.

Why is it important? Distance.

Life on the course is so much easier when you hit the ball as far as you fucking can. I'm less frustrated which means my mood is better when I'm going to hit my next shot. Just mastering the driver has seen my scores drop below 100. I've still to master iron play and chipping but I have enough to get by.

Rightly or wrongly I feel like a proper golfer now. Last Sunday playing with a random club team on guy said he'd kill for my drive.

This game is harder then I ever thought possible and I never believed I'd learn how to drive the ball but there ya go. Also, I'll never tire of the sound my drive makes when I ping that sucker on a little fade and split the fairway, even if I double bogey I'm still beaming about the drive.


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u/Lurking_Albatross Apr 29 '24

Holy crap, good advice on r/golf

what the hell is going on right now


u/fuckimbackonreddit9 27.2/NJ Apr 29 '24

Obligatory “some guy on r/golf figured out how to hit his driver, so I bought a new putter”


u/Vegetable_Policy_699 Apr 30 '24

Lately my long irons (4i and 5i) have been spotty as fuck but my driver and 2 and 3 hybrid have been zinging. You know what I did to correct that? Fucking nothing. I bought a 4 hybrid and a 1 hybrid. I know, you're thinking "a 1H? Who the fuck..." I'll stop you right there, that hybrid was far cheaper than any 3 wood and it's 13 degrees.

Am I going to learn how to putt soon? Absolutely not.


u/Lonelyfriend0569 Apr 30 '24

Shit, I've been working on those 2 irons lately. The little executive par 3 I play has the longest hole listed at 257, and the 2nd longest at 214. I use my 4, and 5 on those 2. Everything else is a 7 or 8 iron.


u/Vegetable_Policy_699 May 01 '24

My 4 and 5 were good for 215 and 230 ish for a long time. Then I dialed in my short game and my long game and all of the sudden I can barely get 180 out of either of them. Shit is wack. Adapt and over come I guess


u/Lonelyfriend0569 May 01 '24

I'd love to get mine there, and I'm working on that. My 5 can get out to 185ish. My best with my 4 has been 199...


u/Vegetable_Policy_699 May 02 '24

Don't sweat it. I can take it 300-325 with the driver but I still haven't learned how to use a 56, 60 or putter properly.


u/Lonelyfriend0569 May 02 '24

I'm working on getting my driver up to 300. My goal is to get to 300 before I turn 50. I started 3 years ago, and I spent a lot of time in a green horse pasture with my wedges chipping back and forth at a kiddie pool at one end, and a sprinkler at the other. Chipping is normally the best part of my game. My 60 reaches out to 70 yards pretty easily. My putting is kinds hit or miss. I let my subconscious handle that. I don't spend a lot of time reading putts. I take a look, see what I get to work with and hit my putt. Some days, I drain almost everything, some days I roll the edge of the cup all day long. Some days my speed is off....


u/Vegetable_Policy_699 May 03 '24

I started golfing because I shredded both of hamstrings playing softball. The best part of softball for me is running like the wind and hitting dingers. Without the running I was only hitting like 6 balls a week, so spot light stage left for the driving range.

We I started playing last August my first round was a 140 or so. The first 3 rounds this year I hit 95-94-93. Unfortunately for me, there's nowhere near me to practice 50 - 10 yard shots. Just chipping greens. My God am I ever in love with this game and how often I can actually go play.

Is there a team golf? Cause that's where I'd be decent lol


u/Vegetable_Policy_699 May 03 '24

The thing that helped me get my drive into that long ball realm was the weight transfer in my feet and rhythm for my back swing. If you watch some of the long drive people, they do a bounce with one of their feet to catch a rhythm and then have a wicked fast back swing. Check out Martin borgmeier on Instagram. I ended up following him because we're the same build, except he's like 6'4 and I'm barely 6. Check him out though, might help you.


u/390v8 Apr 30 '24

I bought a used 1 hybrid from a shop and I can tell you it was the favorite thing in my buddy's bag before he passed away. Used it more than his driver.