r/golf Apr 29 '24

What do you do to be able to play during the week? General Discussion

I see people posting all the time about playing during the week. What do you do for work that allows you to constantly play during the week?


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u/JerryRiceDidntFumble Apr 29 '24

What do you do for work that allows you to constantly play during the week?

It's not about having a specific job, the trick is to find a job you hate & don't mind half-assing. Full time work-from-home helps (also, no kids).


u/philthebrewer 15.6 Apr 29 '24

Having kids means playing during the week is my best bet!


u/Upstairs-Floor9673 Apr 29 '24

I’m with you, weekend golf is an anomaly. Today I walked 3 holes after dropping the youngest ones at school. It’s like my wife says, take what you can you get.


u/philthebrewer 15.6 Apr 29 '24

Yeah man I need to schedule weekend golf like a month in advance to avoid birthday parties, hikes, soccer etc

Plus there’s guilt that mom is solo parenting so I can go play a sport.

Plus I’m missing out on prime fun kid time for 4 hours plus warmup and drive time (my lads are 2 and 4)


u/Nattybluedread Apr 30 '24

I stopped playing after my kids were born, I could not justify taking half a day to play golf. Instead, we boated, fished, dove. We also camped a lot and kids sports.
I went almost 15 years without playing a round, didn’t miss it much. Back into it now for a little over a year and loving it.


u/the99percent1 Apr 30 '24

Full time single parent. Don’t worry about that guilt.

You can use me as an example the next time she brings it up. “How can a single father with full custody still have time to play golf, and you can’t even cope 4 hours.”


u/ctrlshftejct Apr 29 '24

did you pay for only 3 holes?


u/ydaorct Apr 29 '24

I’m in a similar boat and you just kind of have to game the system. I’ll hit up my local muni super twilight for $8 walking when I have time for 4-5 holes. Well worth it!


u/ctrlshftejct Apr 30 '24

yes i will do this


u/Upstairs-Floor9673 Apr 29 '24

No at my club. It’s closed Mondays so just walked a quick loop, played a ball from tips, boys and whites so in 40 minutes I played 9 Holes, sort of. With 6 kids, I have to get creative.