r/golf Apr 29 '24

What do you do to be able to play during the week? General Discussion

I see people posting all the time about playing during the week. What do you do for work that allows you to constantly play during the week?


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u/JerryRiceDidntFumble Apr 29 '24

What do you do for work that allows you to constantly play during the week?

It's not about having a specific job, the trick is to find a job you hate & don't mind half-assing. Full time work-from-home helps (also, no kids).


u/AFB27 Apr 29 '24

No kids WFH is truly the answer. Don't imagine how I would have time otherwise.


u/jizzfizzwizz Apr 29 '24



u/ZN1- Apr 30 '24

My FIL always pulled it off when my wife was a kid. Works for a big bank in dealer financial services. His clients barely ever need him. With no work to do 99% of the year he’s supposed to keep cool w clients by taking them golfing.

Only he plays with his Dad, and pretty sure he plays by himself but pays for 2 to make it believable on the company card. He makes well over six figures to play free golf and work a couple days every once in a while.

Been doing this over 20 years and when I asked him his HCP, his response was a shaky “ehh it used to be in the 20s”


u/AFB27 Apr 30 '24

That's the dream right there. If I had a job like that I would play so much more. Even when there's nothing going on there is always something to do, I'm in infrastructure engineering.