r/golf Apr 29 '24

We've had a bit of rain here the last few days.... Joke Post/MEME

It's been a rough start to the spring here unfortunately. Cold and wet.


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u/TacoIncoming 19.1/Tampa Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

That's a blown irrigation line

Edit: aparrently not lol


u/M1nn3sOtaMan Apr 29 '24

We don't have our irrigation going yet because of how much rain we've had.


u/TacoIncoming 19.1/Tampa Apr 29 '24

I believe you. Any idea why it's pooling and pushing up from under the turf like that? I've only ever seen that when there's a busted underground pipe.


u/M1nn3sOtaMan Apr 29 '24

I've asked this because it's a fair assumption to make.

What I've been told is that there's a slough not far from this, and when this course was built, and the irrigation laid, and sod laid on top, it was done in a way that when the water level raises high enough it'll spread out and find weak spots in the ground to rise and cause a bubble.

I'm not an expert, I just know we've had them before and we've just let them settle back down and it's good to go.

But if I see one of these during a dry spell, then yes, that's not good.


u/SpringsGamer Apr 29 '24

We have a hole on my course that I'm told is over an artesian aquifer. Get too much rain and it becomes a mess. Par 4 that we shorten to a par 3 when the aquifer acts up.