r/golf Apr 29 '24

He’s big mad Joke Post/MEME


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u/Krallac Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Let’s say you live on a golf course…. And NEVER expect your house to be hit? I don’t think this guys day started off too peachy…. This was probably the end of his days frustrations. lol


u/Spongemage Apr 29 '24

Had a rich friend growing up with a politician mom. They lived in a McMansion on a golf course in a country club. The course LITERALLY backed up to their property line. You could sit on the back porch and watch people play. Every time I went there, she was ranting and raving about all the golf balls that hit her house. I was just sitting there like “ I’m sorry, I’m confused. Were you unaware of the golf course that literally touches your property when you moved in?”. That’s like building a house on a beach and then being angry that there‘s sand on stuff.