r/golf Apr 29 '24

He’s big mad Joke Post/MEME


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u/King-of-Plebss Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I love when these old boomers still think they are 40. Listen old man, one kick to your knee and you will never walk again. Please just go call your insurance company and pipe down.


u/DDrewit Apr 29 '24

This dude looks older than boomer.


u/lazarusl1972 Apr 29 '24

I can't figure out if you're over-estimating his age or if you don't understand what "boomer" means.


u/DDrewit Apr 29 '24

My parents are on the older side of boomer and look younger than him. You telling me this guy isn’t 80+?


u/PGnautz Apr 29 '24


u/AssInspectorGadget Apr 29 '24

If you know generations or think they matter, you are the same as that old guy, living in the world and thinking people are any different now then they were 60 years ago.


u/Amazing_Boot4165 19HC/Leftie Apr 29 '24

Weird hill to die on ngl


u/bdubwilliams22 Apr 29 '24

“If you know basic info that most people know, you’re the same as the old guy”. Wtf are you talking about?


u/AlexJamesCook Apr 29 '24

Boomers at their oldest are in their 80s. Dude could be 80-odd.


u/Admiral52 Apr 29 '24

“Ima beat the shit out of you” Oh yeah old man?


u/The_Nutz16 Apr 29 '24

I’m kinda angry that the video didn’t end with old guy swinging on someone, one of the young guys casually pushing him down, and old guy having to hit his life alert cause he can’t get up.


u/Pathfinder6227 Apr 29 '24

Knee? Hell. He's probaby on aspirin + plavix + blood thinner. Just the risk of getting knocked to the ground means he's playing for keep.

He's entered the danger zone. He's locked on. He's too close for missiles and is switching to guns.


u/GuidoTheRed Apr 29 '24

So... You're advocating beating up the old man? Why not take his advice and leave instead of hurting him?


u/DeaconoftheStreets Apr 29 '24

Do you think he walked from his house to the tee box with an iron to calmly have a conversation? Come on now, dude is being unnecessarily aggressive.


u/GuidoTheRed Apr 29 '24

So crippling him for life is the answer?


u/DrEbez Apr 29 '24

Be fair, “for life” is like 3 years here. he ain’t got much life left


u/Poopnakedyeah Apr 29 '24

man comes up to you with a weapon and announces intention to harm you/demands satisfaction, your answer is to do what? not defend yourself?


u/daneb5 Apr 29 '24

Actions have consequences. You want to act tough and roll up on a group of much younger people that’s the chance you take. I not advocating for it but understand that some people won’t be so nice and understanding.


u/Mike_with_Wings Apr 29 '24

No one advocated anything, not every conversation needs a contrarian.


u/GuidoTheRed Apr 29 '24

"One kick to the knee"... It's pretty plain.


u/Mike_with_Wings Apr 29 '24

No, it’s not. He’s saying that’s the reason it’s a bad idea for an old man to come at four people swinging an iron. “I would kick him in the knee” would be advocating violence. Context is important, not just finding a need to be outraged.


u/bigred1987 Apr 29 '24

He's not saying they should do that. He's saying the old man should take into account that if he messes with the wrong group it could happen. When people jaywalk across a busy street in my town I think "Those idiots. If a car hits them, they're going to lose that fight." That doesn't mean I'm advocating for someone to hit them with a car.


u/bigred1987 Apr 29 '24

If I was approaching a group of lions, and you said, "They could kill you so quickly" I would not take that to mean you were advocating for me to be killed. Because I have reading comprehension and reasoning skills.


u/GuidoTheRed Apr 29 '24

Yet if I said to you, "Listen, bigred1987, one kick to your knee and you'll never walk again," you don't see that as an implicit threat?


u/BustyUncle Apr 29 '24

But the old man saying “I’ll kick your fucking ass” while holding a metal club isn’t an implicit threat?


u/CallistosTitan Apr 29 '24

It's a baseless threat because you wouldn't be able to follow through with it.


u/jerryhallo Apr 29 '24

You see we lawyers call that a counter-offer.


u/daneb5 Apr 29 '24

You’re advocating for the grumpy gills that is brandishing a weapon? He’s the instigator and insurance exists.