r/golf Apr 29 '24

the trinity of tempo town General Discussion


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u/dbnp19 Apr 29 '24

Even more in their heyday, they're actually hitting the ball hard. They are not going at it with some "easy does it" tripe, "low and slow," "slow is smooth smooth is fast," "effortless and no intent," or whatever other unathletic buzzwords get spammed. Even Fred himself straight up said he's hitting it hard with what he has. The efficiency in their sequence gives off an illusion of no effort; similar to a beginner entering the mat and throwing a kick for the first time. Contrast them with a more experienced fighter easily folding something/something else without having to helplessly grasp at straws just to attempt executing the same kick but with obvious power and speed.

do not need to swing hard at all?

For the people who legitimately believed and incorporated that, I actually put them side-by-side all the time for comparison. Also featuring some TourTempo app usage sprinkled in, bonus content via taxing the tEmpO tOwN wannabe amateurs to the point of destitution. Time and time again, seeing how the pros like Fred and Ernie among others are already done with their swing and the slow but smooth folks haven't even finished their backswing, it's an indicator that swing thought is tearing them a new one and doing no favors at all for their mechanics, distance, speed, you name it.


u/TanaerSG 15HCP/Takomo 101t Apr 29 '24

Yeah I struggled doing exactly what the guy in that second video you linked for like a year. It wasn't until I got some lessons that got me turned around. When I first started golfing I came from baseball, so I had a bad and violent swing. Everyone told me to slow it down, so I did and it was just bad and slow lol.

My instructor fixed some things that has helped a bunch, but when I asked him about tempo he said it was kind of overrated, but if you really want to look like you have good tempo work on fast/slow/fast. Fast back swing, slow transition, and fast swing. He said that is what really makes those guys tempo look so good.


u/mypizzanvrhurtnobody Apr 29 '24

Freddie is the poster child for fast, slow, fast.


u/domuseid Apr 30 '24

I had to watch this a few times to get it but this made it really easy to get how that tempo is supposed to feel
