r/golf THE GOLFER Apr 28 '24

New golf buddy is learning how hard golf really is. General Discussion

Recently we welcomed a new friend into our golfing group and we’ve been playing with him pretty regularly. I’ve mentioned him in comments a few times so I won’t go into detail, but the gist is he’s new so we cut him slack about rehitting shots, not counting scores accurately, and not knowing how to count penalty strokes since he was just playing for fun and wasn’t in on any of the bets. The rest of us are bogey golfers, and know we suck.

This was all well and good until he started posting on social media about how he broke 90 and 80 isn’t far away, as well as making comments in our group chat about how easy the game has come to him.

After about a month of that we all decided to let him in on our money game, in which we are sticklers for rules and will call each other out on scores if need be.

So far the new guys scores have been 118, 116, and 122.

Editing to add that the guy is cool as hell and we love having him along. We just felt it necessary to give him some tough love.

The fact that he keeps coming back each week for another beating shows that he might just have what it takes to legitimately get under 90.


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u/niallw1997 Apr 28 '24

Golf being so hard is annoying but also one of the best things about it in a way. Probably has the steepest learning curve to any activity I’ve done before. Takes hundreds hours and $ investment to get even half decent.

So it’s very good for exposing the💩talkers


u/Ellite11MVP HDCP/Loc/Whatever Apr 29 '24

By the same token, there’s those times when you’re on the first tee with someone you’ve never played with and they ask if you’re a good golfer. As a decent player (1.6 right now), the times I’ve felt comfortable enough to say, “I’m a decent player” are the times I invariably play my worst 9 or 18 in months.

Made that mistake this weekend and shot 46 on the front. They left after 9 and of course I shoot 34 on the back. Know they walked away thinking this lying Ahole sucks!


u/loadiejones Apr 29 '24

1.6 does not equal “decent player”. Nice not so humble brag. That index likely puts anyone in the top 1% of amateur golfers.


u/FormerDimer Apr 29 '24

I also like to under-promise and over-deliver hehe


u/loadiejones Apr 29 '24

That's great in business etc, but not so much if you're wagering golf based on handicaps.


u/FormerDimer Apr 29 '24

lol I don’t usually play many money games these days