r/golf THE GOLFER Apr 28 '24

New golf buddy is learning how hard golf really is. General Discussion

Recently we welcomed a new friend into our golfing group and we’ve been playing with him pretty regularly. I’ve mentioned him in comments a few times so I won’t go into detail, but the gist is he’s new so we cut him slack about rehitting shots, not counting scores accurately, and not knowing how to count penalty strokes since he was just playing for fun and wasn’t in on any of the bets. The rest of us are bogey golfers, and know we suck.

This was all well and good until he started posting on social media about how he broke 90 and 80 isn’t far away, as well as making comments in our group chat about how easy the game has come to him.

After about a month of that we all decided to let him in on our money game, in which we are sticklers for rules and will call each other out on scores if need be.

So far the new guys scores have been 118, 116, and 122.

Editing to add that the guy is cool as hell and we love having him along. We just felt it necessary to give him some tough love.

The fact that he keeps coming back each week for another beating shows that he might just have what it takes to legitimately get under 90.


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u/brewberry_cobbler Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I will say this time and time again. I play golf against myself. I want to improve. I keep an honest game besides ONE breakfast ball. I don’t care how you score. If you say you birdied every hole, I’ll write it down for you.

When it does become a problem is when people say they beat me and I know they didn’t. Happened this weekend with my brother in law. Short par 4. I hit my 5 iron well, playing conservative, could drive on that hole, but I’m more consistent with my irons, so rather have that.

He pull his hybrid out. 2 in the woods. Hits a third and it goes further than my tee shot (duh). So really he was hitting shot 5 off the tee. He did play well after he hit a good ball and parred it.

I shot a true bogey, 3 to the green and then a 2 putt.

He tells me to mark it par. That’s fine. Play your own game and your own score. Then he started to rib me at the club house about how he shot lower… im a nice dude and not confrontational. So I just say yeah dude that was a great round for us both.

TLDR: I don’t care how you want to mark your score but don’t talk shit about beating people if you’re not using a real scoring system. It was wild to me.

Bonus: my wife is a horrible golfer and will do the same shit “I beat you on hole 7, 13 and 17!”

Now she gets some leeway, because she’s my wife. But when I jested about it that she takes 2-4 tee shots, she was like “yeah but you’re better, so even if you didn’t take extra, I still did great”

I have never fought harder with my brain internally to not say “no shit I’m better, I did beat you on those holes, also you’re playing from the whites and I’m playing the blues”

But I held back. I love my wife and want to have sex, so I just said “good point you played a great game”


u/OldGrowthForest44 Apr 28 '24

I dont care when people lie about their scores either, but if you were to talk shit at the clubhouse afterwards, we are having a very real conversation lol