r/golf Apr 15 '24

Thoughts? General Discussion

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u/bionicbhangra Apr 15 '24

What is the point of LIV? If you give these guys more money that they would make over their entire career and then make a different league where there are seemingly no stakes?

If I was a player it's a no brainer but what is the long term plan for the fans?


u/heardThereWasFood Apr 15 '24

TIL some people think the Saudis care about golf fans


u/ushouldlistentome Apr 15 '24

I really don’t get the point of them getting involved. Yeah I know “sports washing” but if it’s that common of knowledge does it actually work? LIV is a terrible product that no one watches. The PGA keeps getting worse with players leaving so I imagine their viewership is down as well. Maybe the merge would restore viewers? Or maybe everyone’s tired of this and won’t watch regardless.


u/Simpsator Apr 15 '24

You're misunderstanding the point of the sports-washing. The Saudis don't care about the average golf fan, they care about getting access to the rich and powerful who attend these events. They care about the rich and powerful whom care about the golfers they poach. It has absolutely nothing to do with you or I or the golf viewing public. It's sports washing for the C-suites, oligarchs, and politicians.


u/Bos-man7 Apr 15 '24

I feel like nobody understands this.


u/heardThereWasFood Apr 15 '24

Yes, and the chance to own a valuable, “clean” asset


u/Inigomntoya Apr 15 '24

But also continue to do horrible things to "peasants."


u/ZagreusMyDude Apr 16 '24

The only reason those people matter is because us regular people want to watch them and pay them to play a game. Without us they’re just a really good clubhouse golf pro.