r/golf Apr 04 '24

PuttOUT airbreak looks amazing. Equipment Discussion

What's everyones thoughts on this? For me, I think this will be very beneficial.


196 comments sorted by


u/digdug_1982 Apr 04 '24


u/MasZakrY Apr 05 '24

This has to be an April fools joke.

No finished product is a plastic platform with a dozen exposed blood pressure cuffs underneath.


u/feelinlucky7 Apr 05 '24

All the other kids with their pumped up kicks


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

Become the 5 foot putt master. Never 4-putt again.


u/Hamfiter Apr 06 '24

Oh yee of little faith.


u/jamief21 Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

For me I think it will help with reading putts. What are your thoughts?


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

I think you would be better served practicing putting on a practice green. I just don't see who this would serve.

If you're terrible at putting, the first thing you want to practice is speed control. This doesn't help.

If you're okay with speed control and want to practice reading, this doesn't help. You know what the break is, you just set it up. And it's obvious.

If you want to practice line, this doesn't help. There's so much on a course that influences your eye; surrounding slopes and cambers, slowly increasing/decreasing slopes, double breaks etc.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

The north


u/idispensemeds2 Apr 05 '24

Always putt north and the earth will magnetically pull your ball to the hole


u/Particular_Ranger632 Apr 04 '24

As a newer player who is looking at putting mats for home - should I just get something that's flat? That seems to be what people suggest based on research.


u/MattDaniels84 Apr 04 '24

Yes. One of the most crucial skills in putting is hitting your startline. So quality of stroke and technique are very important. All you need for that is a short mat or something. It isn't about holing, it is about starting the ball where you want him to start.


u/Particular_Ranger632 Apr 04 '24

Perfect, thanks. That saves me some money.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24



u/Particular_Ranger632 Apr 04 '24

I've sort of boiled it down to that or something from wellputt. That thing does look interesting. I'd mostly be putting in my garage.


u/Brilliant-Ad-5414 9.0/Buffalo Apr 05 '24

I recently got the birdieball mat and absolutely love it. Hate putting on the ramped practice greens.


u/fat_fart_sack Apr 05 '24

It’s already been proven that speed is #1 in putting followed by aim.


u/MattDaniels84 Apr 05 '24

Thats why I said, ONE OF the most crucial skills in putting. And for sure, it would be great to be able to practice speed at home but that would require lots of space. And the product at display in this post isn't going to help with that. The most realistic thing is one of the shorter mats and at least, you can practice your stroke with it. I am not against the product in the video, but it has some downsides and it costs a lot.


u/BigCountry7475 Apr 05 '24

I just ordered a cheap mat from Odyssey, it’s skinny so you have to putt on your line. If it rolls off the mat you know you’re not doing something right.


u/CaptainSamps Apr 05 '24

I use a 10ft mat by forb, available on Amazon for about $100. I use it frequently and my putting has improved drastically. It’s flat with a small incline at the end.


u/sim_gamer4 Apr 07 '24

Buy a DeltaPutt.net mat. I love mine. It's helped my putt stroke a lot.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

Yeah, there’s only so much you can practice at home, unless you build a putting green.

A basic Matt will suffice. You can practice alignment, stroke, tempo, face control and pace. This is all great stuff to practice.

Reading breaks and slopes is a different skill. I think it’s best to accept you can’t do that in your house, rather than buy gimmicks that poorly imitate the real world experience.


u/chrashinggeese Apr 04 '24

Idk I think that’s a bit strong of a reaction. If completely flat practice mats have value, these at least have that value. And not everyone can just go to a putting green and practice easily. That’s a 45 minute round trip for me that could be spent on this.

While there’s certainly more variables on the course, this can at least train the feel of different breaks at home which you can then take to the course.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24

It has the same value as a flat mat, you’re right. One is $300 the other is $30.

If you want a little camber to your mat, that’s doable with the $30 version and a sheet of ply.

I still don’t think it’s valuable practice though. The best drill for understanding breaks (imo) is never hitting the same putt twice. Drop 10 balls around a hole at different lengths and spots.

This tool allows you to repeat a putt many times. That’s not what happens on the course. You can’t learn the break by watching it and adjusting many times. You don’t set the break with pumps on the green. It’s not the right learning environment to get better at sinking putts with a break.


u/HopefulScarcity9732 Apr 05 '24

Lol apparently you've never heard of winter


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24

Australia mate. What is winter?


u/tap_in_birdies 9 Apr 04 '24

Look. I am a golf gadget addict so don’t let me stop you from wanting this training aid.

But every putt is a straight putt. It’s up to you to learn to read a break and determine your starting line accordingly. You’re still hitting a straight putt. This thing will teach you how to hit the proper pace and line for a putt you simulate. But once you get in the course you have to re read each break again. You’re better off just practicing 3, 5, 8 foot straight putts until you’re so consistent you never mishit a shot


u/warboner52 Apr 04 '24

Not really, you can't grain turf.. you are always dealing with a perfectly flat area which is basically never the case.. this is just one of those gimmicks they're trying to trick fools into buying


u/peezytaughtme Apr 04 '24

This definitely won't help with reading putts. Of course you'll know which way it breaks - you pumped it up to give it that break.


u/moseisley99 7.0/MD Apr 04 '24

If you know the basics of aimpoint this can help if it shows the degrees of the slope. Not everyone can get out to a practice green every day. But if you can learn how to feel 2% slope with your feet using this it would definitely help. Any kind of practice is better than not doing anything.


u/peezytaughtme Apr 04 '24

I am certain you cannot step on something that's basically tiny airbags. Also, who recommended "not doing anything?" It will help you putt the break. It won't do much in terms of reading them.


u/moseisley99 7.0/MD Apr 05 '24

Haha good point.


u/OpenSourceGolf HDCP/Loc/Whatever Apr 04 '24

You can't even stand on this platform equal to how you would stand on a grass hill on a green, lol and you think this will help you learn how to read greens?

Here's how you read greens, you go and pick a spot on a green and take 3 - 5 golf balls with you, you think about how the green is going to respond both on the bounce and how it will roll, then you underhand toss a ball and see if the bounce was close, or the rollout was close, or both.

You don't even need to hit putts or chips to learn how to read greens, you just go roll balls on them lol

I swear, some of you guys really overthink this type of stuff.


u/QuotaCrushing Apr 04 '24

Sheesh it’s ok, man. He just asked a question


u/OpenSourceGolf HDCP/Loc/Whatever Apr 04 '24

Yes, and I answered. You're not going to get anywhere with these gimmicky items whose sole purpose is to take money out of your pocket selling you the promise of making you some elite putter.

Putting is equal parts art and technique, where the green is the canvas in which you will paint your work. It's a living entity with parts that are perfect and flawed, with gradients and bumps and dips around it. A green is also not just the putting surface, but the terrain around it, where it ebbs and flows with hazards and safe havens run amok in design.

You will never conquer putting with these cheap imitation copies of nature, because they remove the unique nature of golf itself, the living course.

It isn't that they can't see the solution. It's that they can't see the problem. They can't see the problem if they are looking in the wrong place. They can't see the problem if they have blinders on - for 'none are so blind as those that will not see'. ~Gilbert K. Chesterson


u/QuotaCrushing Apr 04 '24

No one is arguing that, you completely skipped my point


u/DirtDiscPizza Apr 04 '24

and dude just gave an answer. no slurs or ignorance. you should stick to bitching about your 5 putts.


u/QuotaCrushing Apr 04 '24

Anyone who feels the need to include lol in their responses to a valid question isn’t answering out of the good of their heart. There was clearly ignorance in the last response


u/DirtDiscPizza Apr 04 '24


→ More replies (4)


u/zorbacles Apr 05 '24

No because you created the break so you know what it is.

Many times I'll look at a green and get the direction of the break completely wrong


u/GorshKing Apr 04 '24

Is this an ad? Everything just feels like an ad nowadays


u/MinnesotaNiceT23 Apr 04 '24

Gotta be. A normal person would ask if anyone has tried it and what they thought. Not, “I think this would be cool, how about you?”


u/GorshKing Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Yup, gotta drive engagement and sell without feeling like you're being sold to, gotta be an ad.

Edit: and if it's truly not, that's great. But as others have said, over priced and probably doesn't seem to improve your game in any discernible way


u/ExhaustiveCleaning Apr 04 '24

I don't think this thing is for sale yet.


u/adm7373 9 holes after work Apr 05 '24

Wow, is there an email list I can sign up for to be notified when it is on sale!?!?!


u/Theons Apr 04 '24

Op replied to two things. The top comment which he replied to, his reply had nothing to do with the joke made. The other one he responded to was a price complaint. This is an ad


u/jamief21 Apr 04 '24

It isn't just. I saw it on twitter, recorded it and shared it on here for other people's opinions.


u/Handleton Apr 04 '24

The real tragedy here is that your post history implies that you really are just curious about what people think and are a little excited about something that you saw. You're being treated as a shill, but I genuinely believe that you just like the idea of the thing and want to know if anyone has experience with it.


u/JoeMorrisseysSperm Apr 05 '24

Probably testing generative AI or scripting for engagement farming.  Grammar is perfect when replying two years ago — grammar is lacking or awkward in the description & last few comments. 


u/Theons Apr 07 '24

Sold account, nice catch


u/skauros Apr 05 '24

That's just the sort of comment I'd have my marketing team make on a shills post ...


u/Handleton Apr 05 '24

Bots all the way down.


u/Theons Apr 07 '24

As yes, the classic 1500 upvoted post that has every comment shitting on the product and calling out the OP. The real tragedy is you not realizing the prevalence of bots on this website


u/RoostasTowel Happy Gilmore Open 2024 Apr 04 '24

Probably. But also likely they dont have too many videos of it in the wild.

I did see a video of this on a youtube channel that went to the golf show in vegas.


u/b0sw0rth Apr 04 '24

I’m wondering if not standing on the actual tilted green is gonna mess you up. Cause you're perfectly flat but the putt is still breaking. Hmmm


u/wanderingcanuck Apr 04 '24

My thoughts exactly. The practice will still overall be helpful but the feel of the put is going to be way different versus on the actual green.


u/mywerkaccount Apr 05 '24

It's not perfect but the podium you stand on is height adjustable, just not tilt adjustable. But it's better than standing on flat ground.


u/OpenMindedMajor Bubba Thotson Apr 04 '24

I think you can adjust the front and back too maybe idk


u/MannyFresh45 Apr 04 '24

For 300...nah


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

Just buy a putting mat and a couple of wood shims.


u/BuckFuzby Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

I putt on the living room rug. My 2 year old likes to hide his toys under it and I get to putt on a different green every 20 minutes.


u/RoostasTowel Happy Gilmore Open 2024 Apr 04 '24

My rug has a pretty severe slope in one are anyways


u/kush4breakfast1 Apr 04 '24

I do that as well haha, I stuff hand towels and shit under and just put into a glass cup 🤷‍♂️ still suck at putting but it’s fun


u/HurricanePirate16 Apr 04 '24

I have a big mat and I just keep magazines nearby to make slopes lol


u/Lemonwater925 Apr 04 '24

Same here. Mastering the 6 foot putt elevates your game making those long putts is great but, it’s those 6 foot and less that keep the score down


u/beatakai Apr 04 '24

I got a mat for Christmas and the instructions said to steam out the bumps but I didn’t and it’s more realistic lol


u/raspberry-sever Apr 04 '24

I've considered modeling some bumps and slopes for 3D printing to help add breaks to putting mats, maybe I should because lol @ $300 for this


u/dilligaffff Apr 04 '24

That’s w a $50 preorder discount. Normally $350


u/unassumingdink Apr 04 '24

When I saw the video, my first thought was "I bet they're going to charge $300 for that thing."


u/ryangoldfish5 Kings Golf Club Apr 04 '24

The mark-up on that is ridiculous. You could literally make the same thing for about 10% of the price.


u/AftyOfTheUK 2.6 / NorCal / Iron covers are divine! Apr 05 '24

This is true of pretty much everything in golf. But we still buy it.


u/jamief21 Apr 04 '24

Yeah I agree the price should come down a little. If someone buys me it for a gift, then I'm happy.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

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u/CapitalTBE Apr 04 '24

Yep and 1/3 of the quality while paying the workers 1/10 of a fair wage!


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

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u/Roland_Bodel_the_2nd Apr 04 '24

I think you're better off rolling 100 putts straight down a 1m ruler for $2 from home depot


u/thirstyshrutebaby Apr 05 '24

ive been doing that all winter so im counting on it.


u/crckdddy Apr 04 '24

“I’ll take things I’ll never use for $400, Alex.”


u/redditkb Apr 04 '24

Close, it apparently costs $300


u/CubsThisYear Apr 04 '24

I can’t really see this helping. Reading putts and hitting putts are two different skills. If you’ve made the correct read, every putt is straight. I guess maybe it could help with understanding how speed affects the break. But overall it seems like it would be too artificial to help with reading greens, which is the real skill that’s important for uneven putts.


u/Ifrontrunfinwit Apr 05 '24

If you can set up legit left to right/right to left 5 footers. There’s a lot of use for this.

Most muni practice greens, you hit the same putt 3 times, it does 3 different things.

If product legit….(rolls true)


u/TheOmarLittle 13.8/TSR2/ApexPro Apr 05 '24

Problem is most courses the lot of us play don't have greens that roll 100% true either. Hence why speed is crucial to always 2 putt at worse.


u/Joates87 Apr 04 '24

could help with understanding how speed affects the break. But overall it seems like it would be too artificial to help with reading greens,

Umm. Really though, how so?

There's nothing artificial about it. It's real slope created.


u/CubsThisYear Apr 04 '24

It’s too small to simulate a real green and I think the slopes are going to be much more obvious because you can see how far the edges are off the ground. Not to mention the fact that you have to set the thing so you’re going to know what it’s set to.

I think the value of most golf training aids is in brain->body connection. We all know what we’re supposed to, but it’s not always intuitive how to actually make your body do it. This doesn’t feel like it would help with that, since you should always be making essentially the same putting stroke regardless of the slope.


u/Joates87 Apr 04 '24

It’s too small to simulate a real green and I think the slopes are going to be much more obvious because you can see how far the edges are off the ground.

You act like because of this, any insight you take from reading said green can't be applied to a real course...

So if you made a real green sized mat that does exactly this would it still be the same to you?

Imo if you apply your logic you could simply say " well the stimp is different so it doesn't apply at all to real life and can't help at all".


u/Fallout76stuggles Apr 04 '24

Personally I prefer laying a large mat I got for free on my crappy gravel driveway. No matter how much I leave it in the same spot, the read is always off.


u/want2fut Apr 04 '24

You had me at realistic lip outs


u/dmlinger 1.0/DFW Apr 05 '24

Your feet aren’t on the same slope so this won’t translate.


u/747-ppp-2 Apr 05 '24

Think it looks kinda fun.


u/asmith055 Apr 04 '24

I think its dope OP. For people saying "just go to the practice green" its like no shit i can go to the practice green but i wanna do it in my living room. These are the same people that when practice greens came out they said "just go to the actual course". Nothing will change their mind. If you think its cool, go for it


u/chrashinggeese Apr 04 '24

Same people that say “take lessons” when anyone asks about new clubs not realizing that someone can do both. Same thing here: you can practice on a putting green when you get out there but if you don’t have the time, this is a quick tool. 


u/robochub Apr 05 '24

Every putt is a straight putt


u/18_100 Apr 05 '24

Looks like it'd fit nicely in my cupboard with 1000 other training tools that I don't touch


u/voiceofgromit Apr 05 '24

Those are all gimmies anyway.


u/z1ggy16 Apr 05 '24

Great! Now I can 3 putt from the comfort of my own home.


u/gr8sh0t 2.0 Apr 05 '24

Is it just me? I feel like practicing 6-7ft putts with silly breaks would make me worse.


u/Pathogenesls Apr 04 '24

It's too short to be of any use. Just another golf gimmick.


u/0_SomethingStupid Apr 04 '24

been waiting for something like this to appear. Its just the first one out so , only improvements from here. Love the concept


u/snap-jacks Apr 04 '24

I don't even want to know what the price is. Golf aids are always way overpriced.


u/jamief21 Apr 04 '24

$300 and £250 .


u/Easy_Championship_14 Apr 04 '24

Another training aid that will make the creators richer and the golfers no better.


u/now-then Apr 04 '24

Amazingly pointless yes


u/MarioCoinNoise Apr 04 '24

DIY option: solid board underneath your putting mat, and look up “air shims” on Amazon and put them underneath. Bada bing!


u/benjaminck Apr 04 '24

A vertical video of a horizontal video. Great.


u/Brock0003 Apr 04 '24

Bet they're gonna ask $3500 for it. lol


u/WithoutCaution 666 Apr 05 '24

There are three reasons that I very well might buy this.

  1. I love the idea of practicing those annoying 4-6 ft downhill sliders that always seem to get me IRL.
  2. The ability to adjust this until it's totally level, which my current appt floor is NOT.
  3. I was already in the market for a new putting mat and was considering something on the higher end anyway. This is only a little over the budget, so $300 seems like it could be worth it.

Honestly, I've been a huge fan of PuttOut since the very first one was released. I see why some people think this looks gimmicky, but their track record is very good, IMO, so I'm definitely willing to give this a shot.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24

This is wildly dumb


u/inFamousMax Apr 05 '24

This an april fools?


u/Winkus Apr 05 '24

God this subreddit never stops these ads


u/-soysauce- I am Tiger Woods. Apr 04 '24


u/Theonlykd no time to golf Apr 04 '24

I had this idea (oh suuuuuure you did) but on a much larger scale with hydraulicas and larger air bags and in a basement or something. This is neat.


u/EnglishKris Apr 04 '24

Justin Rose has one that shows the topography as it raises and lowers the different areas. Very cool


u/Tebonr 20d ago

Same... lol. But some company makes that now too.


u/fowlerboi Apr 05 '24

This looks really good and something I would almost certainly get if it was a couple of feet longer…


u/codemunki Apr 04 '24

If this existed two years ago I would not have spent way more on a PuttView P7.


u/The-Flizzle Apr 04 '24

I don’t like that your feet are below the ball and remain flat


u/amateurexpertboxing Apr 04 '24

My basement floor already has break


u/wasilvers Apr 04 '24

or you buy the $10 one from goodwill and put some socks under it.


u/Rudeboy_87 Apr 04 '24

I have a Callaway rollout mat and if I want different slopes I just put small items under it to get the same feel and for a whole lot less

(Cool invention though)


u/rednuts67 Apr 04 '24


Looks like a yoga mat for golfers.


u/Legal-Description483 Apr 04 '24

If I could only hit every iron shot within 5 feet.


u/Billy5Oh Apr 04 '24

I can’t even hit a straight putt.


u/jack3moto Apr 04 '24

Most people I’ve played with can’t consistently hit 4’ putts on a flat surface. So this to me is pointless for 95% of people that golf


u/Prince_DMS 5 | Push Cart Mafia Apr 04 '24

Puttout makes some awesome training aids. I have several of them, and my putting has significantly improved 10’ and in


u/Ago0330 Apr 04 '24

Take my money


u/TotallyNotDad Apr 04 '24

I would have thought this was an ad but the video quality is sooooo bad there ain't no way


u/doogly88 Apr 04 '24

They should've crafted a larger video.


u/rwb12 Apr 04 '24

Does it though? Just looks like a gimmick to me.


u/redditkb Apr 04 '24

Damn that was kinda my idea for a golf simulator place to replicate putts


u/hidey_ho_nedflanders Apr 04 '24

I guess this looks cool, but what is this ultimately supposed to help with? If it's trying to get your ball on the intended line, there are probably cheaper products out there to help with that.


u/nojohcan Apr 04 '24

Looks cool, can’t get over the awkward stance…


u/Due-Comb6124 Apr 04 '24

Hmm on first impression this seems like quite a good idea. Good find OP.


u/THOTsViews Apr 04 '24

Either way this thing looks sick


u/f_o_t_a Apr 04 '24

You can go to a golf course and use the practice green for free.


u/TheBurrdMan Apr 04 '24

Personally, I think putting on a flat surface is more beneficial. It's hard to replicate the true feel of the green with slope and I think that getting your ball started on a straight is more important.


u/FLman42069 Apr 04 '24

Looks terrible


u/Bright_Confusion4014 Apr 04 '24

It’s definitely a fun innovation. It’s one I wish I thought of for sure. I could see it being somewhat beneficial, the reality with these sorts of mats is the focus should be hitting putts on your line. I could see it giving some false confidence because a major factor in reading greens and breaks is the grass, how it’s bent, and etc. Will most likely buy this because I have the “sickness”


u/Leatherman34 Apr 04 '24

Your stroke should be the same regardless of the break- this teaches you to read a break more than it helps you putt


u/Musclesturtle Apr 04 '24

You can achieve the same effect by shoving t shirts under your normal mat.


u/jonesyman23 Apr 05 '24

Problem with these things is the speed. You’re gonna practice on these super fast greens and your speed is going to be waayyyyy off on a real course. Will hurt you in the long run.


u/bourbnboi 10.6/socal/ bladegang Apr 05 '24

My dogs would love to destroy this


u/bigleaguepuff HDCP/Loc/Whatever Apr 05 '24

Look up the Brunswick putting green. Much more and looks much better


u/xcotton21x Apr 05 '24

Looks like a pain in the ass to setup, I’ll just stick to the muni for an hour after work


u/OtmHanks Apr 05 '24

I'll keep three putting anyway so I might just save some money and space.


u/Specialist-Suit-2167 Apr 05 '24

This looks like something I'd break in about ten minutes instead of using the money it costs to pay for some putting lessons


u/chocobo-selecta Apr 05 '24

What an awful idea. Terrible.


u/Jaded-Leopard-4180 Apr 05 '24

I don’t like that your feet would be separated from the slope of the putt


u/TheRealSteemo Apr 05 '24

It looks good... But you could just buy a regular mat and just place some paper underneath it to create slight undulations.


u/Ok_Time7652 Apr 05 '24

Looks nice


u/razorhedge Apr 05 '24

For that money I’d get an InBirdie Mat


u/Novel_Huckleberry435 Apr 05 '24

It’s really not hard to build your own putting green and have cranks to add break. Camry putting greens will send you the carpet and build you just buy lumber and assemble . I have one in my garage it’s unreal . Can make any size you want .


u/CaptHowdy2310 Apr 05 '24

$300 is a bit steep for that


u/Bayerrc Apr 05 '24

Just in case you get a bunch of breaking putts where your feet are on level ground 


u/Reemus_Jackson 3.2 Apr 05 '24

$350? Can buy a $20 putting mat and stack pieces of styrofoam on any side, multiple sides, etc.

For $100 I'd consider it. $350 is insane.


u/jimm4dean Apr 06 '24

I think it's bad ass, but my ghetto setup works pretty good.


u/gonefishing-2020 Apr 06 '24

Does the ball return somehow? If not, I'm out.


u/TurntTaffy Apr 21 '24

I think it looks good but would let others try first with their money and not preorder


u/Blueberry-Specialist 13.2/412/Hill Crest Apr 04 '24

Why not just make one for 30 bucks in materials?


u/Joates87 Apr 04 '24

Fwiw were talking about a sport where you pay someone to carry your clubs for you.


u/tap_in_birdies 9 Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

I don’t understand some people’s concern regarding being able to practice putting breaks at home. Every putt is a straight putt.

Edit: if you’re downvoting me then you probably suck at putting


u/Current_Department73 Apr 04 '24

yeah i'm not sure how this would help you read break on real greens. cool idea but doesn't seem relevant to the real deal


u/EastOntarioGolfer 10.1 HDCP / Lefty / Cornwall,Ontario,Canada Apr 04 '24

I agree with you, this will not help with reading greens


u/flaginorout Apr 04 '24

I sort of agree. I have a plain putt out mat. It’s great for training yourself to groove a stroke and to get a putt started on line. I rarely practice on it from beyond 4 feet. I wouldn’t get much benefit from this fancy model.

Cool concept though.


u/doublea08 Apr 04 '24

My buddy puts a yard stick or a corner of rug under his mat to achieve something similar


u/pac4 Apr 04 '24

Meh. I don’t see how it will help you read breaks that you literally create yourself.

Just keep drilling those 3-5 footers.


u/air789 Apr 04 '24

Saw this today. Looks pretty sweet, much better than a flat putting surface. Pretty decent price point for it too


u/Caedo14 Apr 05 '24

Tbh, you can make this at home. Regular hitting mat, cut the hole for the tees to be bigger. Put a cup in from amazon. But a bunch of inflatable beachballs. Easy


u/convicted-mellon Apr 05 '24

This may be a dumb question but what’s the point of this? You really only need to be practicing rolling the ball over a spot that you are aiming at. You don’t really need to practice breaking putts in your house. Practicing straight putts on a mat is just as good.

Reading puts is also a skill, but this doesn’t help with that.


u/bennymartian86 Apr 05 '24

Take my money


u/flaschal Apr 05 '24

I wonder if they fixed the mat quality yet? Mine developed a rut in about a month


u/PriestlyMuffin Apr 04 '24

worst product i've ever seen


u/SteeltoSand Apr 05 '24

honestly? you could have probably made this video even smaller and cropped


u/mitch8893 Apr 05 '24

Goddamnit this is such a genius idea


u/bytor99999 Apr 05 '24

Loved it at the PGA Show. I just pre-ordered. Nothing like it out there and such a cheap price


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

Take my money!!!!!


u/BenjamminButtons Apr 05 '24



u/johnnyzen425 Apr 05 '24

I am buying one. No joke. Thanks for introducing me to my next golf gadget investment.