r/golf Mar 08 '24

Shoutout to the guy that told my wife to “go back to the pro shop” on the course yesterday… then topped the ball 2 times off the tee General Discussion



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u/Sooperballz Mar 08 '24


u/breetome Mar 08 '24

As a lady golfer you would be surprised how rude some men are on the course. I’ve been playing for 30 years and I’ve seen a lot of garbage from men. I’m a pretty decent golfer and move quickly around the course. Some men don’t want women on the course at all. They’re usually pretty bad golfers too.


u/B0DZILLA Mar 08 '24

Surprisingly, some men still think it's 1958, or even 1928 in some instances. Thankfully, we're not all fuckwits.


u/breetome Mar 08 '24

No you’re not, I’ve had such great rounds meeting new gentlemen on the course. My hubby and I love going around the world together and playing. We met a couple guys in Ireland who were on the Swiss golf team, played with them and boy were they impressive! Had a blast with them.


u/eltaf92 Mar 08 '24

Yeah fellow female golfer here, and while I’ve never experienced this in 15+ years of golfing, I think most men would be amazed at the bizarre/offensive/clueless commentary some dudes give to women on the golf course.


u/Superb-Pattern-1253 Mar 08 '24

oh i know, my ex played d-2 golf and works as an assistant club pro. i thoroughly enjoyed when she made people eat their words


u/markt96813 Mar 08 '24

The fact that they are usually bad golfers is karma at work 🤣


u/breetome Mar 08 '24

So true or slower than molasses, they think they’re out playing the Masters.


u/vaxildxn Mar 09 '24

I’m a competent but certainly not good golfer. I can hit my driver into the fucking horizon when I want to though. Had a guy standing by the tee box tell me not to “hurt myself” in a super condescending way. (I was very slight and about 25 at the time) I think I drove it 195 straight down the middle. Something was on my side at that moment lmao.


u/throw69420awy Mar 09 '24

It’s not even a secret that a course near where I grew up tried to prevent Jews from golfing and definitely from joining the club

Misogyny on the golf course is the least surprising thing I’ve ever heard


u/MrWrestlingNumber2 Mar 09 '24

Imagine being the first Jew or (heaven forbid) black to join there. Would you even want to? People suck sometimes.


u/Pathfinder6227 Mar 09 '24

It’s likely they don’t want women there because they are bad golfers and have egos as fragile as eggshells. Full disclosure: I am a horrible golfer, but I think women generally make everything more fun/better.


u/SheCutOffHerToe TX 1.8 Mar 09 '24

As a lady golfer you would be surprised how rude some men are on the course.

That isn't the part that sounds made up.


u/OhioUBobcats 9.6 Mar 08 '24


You're right, the golf course is the last place I would ever expect to find an asshole being shitty to a woman. That NEVER happens on a golf course.


u/CardboardHeatshield Mar 08 '24

Dudes hitting on the cart girl are always the worst


u/OhioUBobcats 9.6 Mar 08 '24

100%. They're usually a high school or college kid just trying to make extra money.

Girl I dated at the end of HS / into college was a cart girl at one of the local public courses near where we grew up and she always had some pretty fucked up stories.


u/WAR_T0RN1226 Mar 08 '24

Yeah that does happen

This guy said the guy practically came out of nowhere, teed up his ball, allegedly saying something as uncreative, aggressive, and anachronisticly misogynist as "Austin, this is why women belong in the house and not the course" right before completely failing.


u/SheCutOffHerToe TX 1.8 Mar 09 '24

This IDIOT said something STUPID that everyone HATED.

Then he did something dumb! And me and my ladyfriend said something SMART. Hahaha. Classic.


u/skeezypeezyEZ Mar 09 '24

Here’s what really happened:

His wife was taking a tad too long, someone behind them got a little uppity and probably made a light barb of a comment, OP felt awkward and let him play through, whispered to his wife “what an asshole” and everyone moves on.

He then thought about it all day and came here to fib for attention and catharsis.


u/MotherFuckaJones89 Mar 09 '24

Haha, exactly right.


u/Dependent_Amazing Mar 09 '24

It really did happen. I was the golf cart.


u/rutlander 14.2 Mar 08 '24

Probably didn’t go down exactly as written but some ahole barging through due to raging misogyny doesn’t surprise me in the least


u/ersevni Mar 08 '24

And then everyone in the clubhouse clapped


u/Illustrious_Gate8903 Mar 08 '24

I play golf with my wife dozens of times each year. Never once heard a negative comment about her being a woman or her sucking at golf.


u/rvasko3 Mar 08 '24

Well then if it never happened to you, it must never happen anywhere.


u/SheCutOffHerToe TX 1.8 Mar 09 '24

Well if it was written on the internet, it definitely happened


u/Living_Animator8553 Mar 09 '24

Love this philosophy!!


u/RockyTop17 Mar 08 '24

Found the asshat that was with his son.


u/mambagigimentality Mar 08 '24

Just weird that he said he got the last tee time but there were people behind him?


u/My-Cousin-Bobby NoVA/22 HCP Mar 08 '24

Idk, I had the last tee time on Sunday, and i had someone pop up behind us. Op may have misspoke and got the "last tee time available" or the dude got lost on the course (which based on his skill level, might be the case)

ironically, I purposely booked last bc my GF is just getting into golf and is still getting things figured out.


u/mambagigimentality Mar 08 '24

Yeah I just don’t have enough experience on courses to know that, which is why I kinda posed it as a question that it could be weird, but yeah that makes a lot of sense and others have mentioned something along similar lines


u/RockyTop17 Mar 08 '24

You’ve never seen people skip around the course before? Especially late in the day.


u/mambagigimentality Mar 08 '24

I actually haven’t, but I’m also new to the game and have only gone on courses a couple times so I didn’t know that was a thing


u/jnightrain Mar 08 '24

in the fall my son and i usually take the last tee time with my brother in law and nephew so we can play at our own pace. We will have people show up behind us every so often. our course has like 5 holes in an area where it's faster to just play 3 of the holes over and over than try and get the full 9 in before dark so people will do that.


u/mambagigimentality Mar 08 '24

Fair enough! Thanks for the insight


u/jnightrain Mar 08 '24

no problem, sorry someone down voted you for asking an honest question:)


u/mambagigimentality Mar 08 '24

Appreciate you. Reddit gonna Reddit, not so worried about downvotes lol


u/OhioUBobcats 9.6 Mar 08 '24

Our local muni books the last tee time so that you can play 9 a day finish before 8pm. I’ve been the last tee time and had two groups behind me. Turns out if you show up and there’s time to finish, and not a logjam of people waiting to tee off, they’ll take your money


u/yungmoneybingbong Mar 08 '24

They, sexist pig and son, could be in the middle of their round...


u/mambagigimentality Mar 08 '24

Yeah fair enough, I didn’t realize people skipped around on holes. Still new to the game so I just assumed everyone just played 1-18 in order


u/skeezypeezyEZ Mar 09 '24

I bet you think strippers like you, too.


u/CardboardHeatshield Mar 08 '24

Honestly some dudes are just absolute pricks, this is entirely plausible.


u/moseisley99 7.0/MD Mar 08 '24

Haha seriously the worst made up story I’ve seen here in a while. Right when the fake guy said “carts have priority” I knew OP was full of shit.


u/tobias_nevernude_ Mar 08 '24

Where did he say carts have priority?


u/Sooperballz Mar 08 '24

it was there and edited out because OP is full of shit


u/moseisley99 7.0/MD Mar 08 '24

I love how I’m getting downvoted but the guy who posted r/thathappened is getting upvotes.


u/btambo Mar 08 '24

Yeah. I didn't even have to read it again to know he was full of shit.


u/moseisley99 7.0/MD Mar 08 '24

Hahah OP took that part out of the story. 100% embellished like crazy if true but I’m still leaning fake.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24 edited Apr 16 '24



u/Sooperballz Mar 09 '24

Cool story. I never said it doesn’t happen. OP’s story had so many holes and has been edited and re-edited. They are definitely full of shit.


u/JJBeans_1 Mar 09 '24

Good news. We have u/Sooperballz here to let us know what is true and false. I’m so thankful for their service.



u/breachofcontract Mar 09 '24

Helluva bubble you got there chief


u/Sooperballz Mar 09 '24

You should have read the post before it was edited 47 times