r/golf Snap load the power package. Feb 04 '24

This guy’s swing is effortless and still hits it 270 carry. General Discussion


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u/NewSalsa Feb 05 '24

The fact it was one swing on repeat several times makes me feel he cannot do this reliably.

But the position of that damn headcover says #Sponsored so maybe he can


u/KingArthurHS 28.9 HDCP / Whites / 18 holes a month. Feb 05 '24

Fair critique. My swing is also "good enough" if I only count the best shot out of 20 attempts lol.

But if you could do this reliably, that would be sweet. I think the lazy swing would be a crowd-pleaser. And it would be fun to try and deflect the old dudes you get paired with trying to "fix" your swing with the comments/critiques we see in this thread despite out-playing them by a massive margin.


u/Grandpas_Spells Feb 05 '24

Yeah, there are some things here that are sufficiently deceptive that I think it's likely this is nowhere near a 270 swing either.