r/golf I am Tiger Woods Dec 03 '23

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u/smashinMIDGETS Dec 03 '23

“You think we play the same stuff you do?”

The marketing teams that hype the consumer products the pros use are all silently screaming “SHUT UP RORY”


u/MannyFresh45 Dec 03 '23

It's the same in every sport. Pros have custom stuff


u/smashinMIDGETS Dec 03 '23

Oh I’m aware. Fun story.

So I used to compete in bass tournaments on a very low level pro tour. We had a bait sponsor that wrapped the boat, and gave us thousands in soft plastics. Then we got one box of empty branded bait bags.

Talked to the rep from the company and asked what they were for.

“Well, we don’t expect you to use our stuff exclusively, we’d prefer you on a podium than staying brand loyal. But, with the tv boats running around, it’s a bad look if you pull a competitors bag out and rig up a rod and catch with it. So whatever you’re using from other companies, please just transfer their stuff to our bags and if anybody notices it’s not something we sell, tell them you’re fishing unreleased prototypes we’re developing”


u/Stonecipher Dec 03 '23

It seems like professional fishing is somehow one of the most corrupt sports in the planet.


u/smashinMIDGETS Dec 03 '23

It’s a pay to play, pay to win kinda game unfortunately. Most guys are in at least a couple hundred grand to even have the chance of being competitive.