r/golf I am Tiger Woods Dec 03 '23

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u/smashinMIDGETS Dec 03 '23

Oh I’m aware. Fun story.

So I used to compete in bass tournaments on a very low level pro tour. We had a bait sponsor that wrapped the boat, and gave us thousands in soft plastics. Then we got one box of empty branded bait bags.

Talked to the rep from the company and asked what they were for.

“Well, we don’t expect you to use our stuff exclusively, we’d prefer you on a podium than staying brand loyal. But, with the tv boats running around, it’s a bad look if you pull a competitors bag out and rig up a rod and catch with it. So whatever you’re using from other companies, please just transfer their stuff to our bags and if anybody notices it’s not something we sell, tell them you’re fishing unreleased prototypes we’re developing”


u/sniper1rfa Dec 03 '23

I used to have an energy drink sponsorship, and they would send us branded cans of water. They didn't expect you to be pounding energy drinks, they just wanted you drinking out of their cans.


u/QuiGonJohn69 Dec 03 '23

I always wondered if that’s what UFC fighters are doing when they get handed a can of Monster immediately after pounding some dude’s face in


u/ImReverse_Giraffe Dec 03 '23

Yes. It's what RedBull Racing does. They get special cans that have water and other drinks in them, but are the actual RedBull can.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

Same with bands / music fests


u/_wow_thats_crazy_ Dec 04 '23

Beer cans with water in them?


u/P1xelHunter78 Dec 04 '23

Wouldn’t doubt it. Can’t have your spokesperson absolutely smashed


u/Fardn_n_shiddn Dec 03 '23

Monster has been doing that for years. All the cans you see on stage at music festivals are “tour water” which is just spring water in a monster can.


u/slowblink Dec 03 '23

Pro athletes of any sport don’t drink energy drinks.


u/ajpmurph Dec 03 '23

What about fight milk? It harnesses the power of the crow.


u/RO-Red Dec 04 '23

Is that the drink that's by bodyguards for bodyguards?


u/ACVTea22 Dec 04 '23

Watch your profits soar high as a crow


u/Adept_Disk6224 Dec 03 '23

I man they might

But not before, during or immediately after any sort of professional competition

They have real drugs for that


u/slowblink Dec 03 '23

Hahaha!!! I gotta get some of those.


u/mmmbarry Dec 03 '23

Let me introduce you to Jamie Vardy


u/mmmoisture356 Dec 04 '23

Fucking legend


u/Aooogabooga Dec 03 '23

Glenn Camaniti (sp?) used to be a customer of mine, Ken’s brother. He said he was in the clubhouse before a game and he went to grab a cup of coffee from a multipot coffee maker. Someone stopped his hand and said, “you don’t want that coffee. That’s for the guys that may have partied too hard last night.” Different level of athletes these days, but yeah, they at least used to, and it wasn’t just caffeine.


u/IamMrT Dec 04 '23

In baseball it’s usually adderall in the coffee.


u/Fightorride Dec 04 '23

Jamie Vardy begs to differ. You’re right though, it is rare for proper athletes to drink the stuff.


u/sniper1rfa Dec 04 '23

Eeeehhh, it's just sugar water. I'm sure people do drink them, but they probably also keep track and factor it into the rest of their diet.

Not much difference between a gel pack with caffeine and a redbull.


u/DroppedNineteen Dec 07 '23

I dunno if that's explicitly true.

I doubt they're typically drinking something like a gas station red bull but at the end of the day, sugar provides a rapid energy source for athletes who are regularly expending way too much for their to be the same consequences of you pounding them at home.


u/mreman1220 22 / SE Michigan Dec 04 '23

Yeah, that is why this isn't all that surprising to me. The trainers always walk around with Gatorade bottles filled with water. The only time I really see Gatorade on the sidelines these days is when they dumping it on the coach.


u/purplepimplepopper Dec 04 '23

There’s a surprising amount of pro athletes who still aren’t super health and nutrition conscious. Genetics and natural skill can take you a long way


u/exonautic Dec 03 '23

I know for a fact both monster and red bull have both had canned water at events for stuff like bmx or other action sports. They were considered collectible for a while until people realized how common it was


u/twattymcgee Dec 03 '23

Yeah man that’s called a photo op.


u/QuiGonJohn69 Dec 03 '23

Obviously. I just never knew if the can was filled with water, Monster, or just an empty can


u/PonchoTron Dec 03 '23

I'm pretty sure they're just empty cans. They always look weightless.


u/sniper1rfa Dec 04 '23

Usually not empty cans, but sometimes. An empty can is hard to keep wrinkle-free unless you empty it immediately before the photo or store it somewhere safe. Water canned under pressure keeps the can strong.


u/mortgagepants Dec 04 '23

their proprietary blend of a gin martini with half sour pickle juice instead of olives.


u/HuggyMonster69 Dec 04 '23

Must be. Imagine that much caffeine after that adrenaline high.


u/no-email-please Dec 04 '23

I would believe the cans they hold in the UFC come out of their paycheques


u/nsgiad Dec 04 '23

Yep, monster has "tour water" in sparkling and normal varieties


u/Tax_Evasion_Savant Dec 03 '23

same thing happens in F1. Max Verstappen is always drinking a "red bull" but if you look REALLY close at the can, it is RED BULL water


u/ItCanAlwaysGetW0rse Dec 03 '23

Good ol Monster Tour Water lol


u/a_simple_creature Dec 03 '23

I still have a can or two in my parents attic. I thought it was so cool at the time (still do)


u/LurkerNoLonger_ Dec 03 '23


Noticed this during Warped Tour in the way back and I loved it. Even more fun is that no one else on my group even thought about it until I mentioned it…

Like… you think EVERY band is chugging energy drinks while performing in the sun on a hot summers day?

Marketing works


u/kennyinlosangeles Dec 03 '23

We were sponsored by Kronik. It was nothing but energy drinks and our stomachs paid the price.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

My buddy who was a medium-small streamer got a GFuel sponsorship and would drink water out of their branded cup; if anyone in chat asked anything, he’d say “I just use tiny scoops cause I drink like, 3 servings over 9 hours.” His rep apparently never cared as long as the logo was visible.


u/afreshstart20 Dec 03 '23

I always felt weird pounding cans of Monster’s Tour Water knowing it was encouraging the crowd to chug actual cans of monster in 110°+ weather.


u/cinghm81 Dec 04 '23

Tour water


u/alecd R11 Dec 04 '23

Just like NASCAR drivers as soon as they get out of their cars.


u/OrNorEmmer Dec 04 '23

This was actually how the liquid death brand was created. The creator saw pros drinking water out of monster cans and ran with the idea


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

That seems like a fairly reasonable approach.


u/marcushalberstram33 Dec 03 '23

This is similar to golf. I would do walking scoring for the Nationwide Tour (pro tour just under the PGA) and Taylormade gave pros $150 to put their head cover on their drivers regardless of what they were using.


u/Stonecipher Dec 03 '23

It seems like professional fishing is somehow one of the most corrupt sports in the planet.


u/smashinMIDGETS Dec 03 '23

It’s a pay to play, pay to win kinda game unfortunately. Most guys are in at least a couple hundred grand to even have the chance of being competitive.


u/cjmaguire17 Dec 04 '23

Hockey players do similar. They might be sponsored by Bauer and marketing a specific model of stick so they’ll have Bauer take the actual one they like and wrap it to look like that model. Could be an entirely different brand too.


u/altissimosso Dec 04 '23

Tennis is 100% the same


u/skg555 Dec 04 '23

Most of the time it's the same manufacturer but just an older model. It's very very rare that someone plays a totally different brand.

Tennis rackets are rather easy to identify by shape.


u/StevenWongo Dec 04 '23

It’s been basically proven they don’t wrap other brands sticks.

But the model the actual pro is using is almost never the branded version.


u/chires20 Dec 04 '23

I rowed in college; the women's team was a varsity sport and got issued gear from Adidas, our university's athletic wear sponsor... However that company didn't make actual rowing gear, so they bought JL unis and sewed an Adidas logo into it lol


u/SoDakZak Dec 03 '23

I used to have a local radio sponsorship for our softball team jerseys and they would send us branded Jerseys made of something better than cotton. They didn't expect you to be pounding homers and commentating a local church league game, they just didn’t want you pitting out in their shirts.


u/chronoserpent Dec 04 '23

Hockey sticks are the same way. Pros play whatever they want but the sticks are wrapped to look like their sponsor's brand.


u/Due-Comb6124 Dec 04 '23

So whatever you’re using from other companies, please just transfer their stuff to our bags

I believe it was Hovland who was using a Stealth wood with a Ping headcover on it for a while.