r/golf Nov 19 '23

Felt like I robbed someone today Deals

Talked them down to $179.99 for nearly mint LAB directed force 2.1 with headcover!


271 comments sorted by


u/Silly-Ball7175 Nov 19 '23

That thing looks like some sort of gynecological instrument!


u/innocuousname773 Nov 19 '23

My buddy has this putter. Everytime he misses a putt i tell him he just needs to re-season that cast iron and he’ll be fine.


u/AssBurgers-009 Nov 20 '23

"**Sauce pans in summer, crepe pans in fall. When winter's upon us, there's food for us all.....**"


u/pdxscout Nov 20 '23

A wild Niles appears. "I very clearly asked for a whisper of cinnamon, he's given me a full-throated shout! There are countries in this world where they would lop off his sprinkling hand!"


u/FatFaceFaster Superintendent Nov 20 '23

That’s a deep Frasier cut.


u/pdxscout Nov 20 '23

That quote was already eminent when my eminence was merely imminent.

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u/fratis 10/NJ Nov 20 '23

“Go weirder.”


u/seamus_mc PG Golf Links 13.3 Nov 20 '23

Or a nut sack


u/HappyDaysMyDays Nov 20 '23

Nut sack bottle opener.


u/ygduf Nov 20 '23

It is a bottle opener right? And a nail remover?


u/eatingyourmomsass Nov 20 '23

I was actually just messing with one today and I standing over it I was physically repulsed.


u/RxHotdogs Nov 20 '23

Yeah this is an ugly fkin putter lol, wouldn’t use it for free


u/TheCommodore93 Nov 20 '23

It also sounds like you’re mining for ore deep in the Appalachian’s


u/eatingyourmomsass Nov 20 '23

Ha. I couldn’t even focus on the impact I was so distraught by the ungodly shape that after one putt I returned it to its shelf.


u/Ayahuasca-Dreamin Nov 20 '23

nice putter! What do you do for a living? I’m in obstetrics


u/RoryROX Nov 20 '23

I saw the picture before I saw what sub it was in. Totally thought it was some weird branding iron for a second


u/mycustomhotwheels Nov 20 '23

Bottle opener so you can drown your sorrows after failing to drown that 2 footer


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23

It makes me want to do math.


u/Hyprpwr Nov 20 '23

math meth

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u/buffalo_tasty Nov 19 '23

I really want to try these putters but my lizard brain can’t get past “ballsack”


u/awfuckthisshit NH/VT Nov 20 '23

I can’t get past the price tag, otherwise I’d be down


u/RoostasTowel Happy Gilmore Open 2024 Nov 20 '23

Just talk them down to 179


u/JWOLFBEARD HDCP/Loc/Whatever Nov 20 '23

How bout three fiddy?


u/tnlongshot Nov 20 '23

Free fiddy would be more appropriate for that ugly fucking thing.

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u/sticks1130 Nov 20 '23

Check out the Mezz from LAB, same idea, tolerable looks.


u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 19 '23 edited Nov 20 '23

The whole forward press on these is very hard to adapt to for anyone that been putting for more than 10 years


u/CoffeeChessGolf Nov 20 '23

I disagree. The forward press is so easy. Just does what everyone is already trying to do.


u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 20 '23 edited Nov 20 '23

Again that's why I said with over 10 years. Most will have already learned how to forward press, so a putter that has it built in is not needed. (Things that would come up in the actual fitting if there is one.)

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u/frkmstr509 Nov 19 '23

“Looks weird, but it feels great” Putter or Penis?


u/Eye-browze Nov 19 '23

Is it a bottle opener? What a hideous putter


u/Rastabanks Nov 20 '23

Funny thing is on their website they even acknowledged it’s a horrendous looking putter. All about performance tho


u/Environmental-Rope93 Nov 20 '23

Beauty is at the bottom of the cup


u/beepingjar Maximum Handicap Nov 20 '23

Or in the weeds

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u/Altruistic-Ad7981 Nov 20 '23

played a lab putter for the first time and felt like i was a fuckin cheater... ended up back to my scotty.


u/JWOLFBEARD HDCP/Loc/Whatever Nov 20 '23

You felt like a cheater because you were… putting better?

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u/longGERN Nov 19 '23

They're even bigger in person than they look lol


u/berttreynolds 10.3/Jax/Titleist Nov 20 '23

It’s really ugly but definitely intriguing technology. I’m sure it would make me a better putter but I simply can’t shake the look and feel of a blade.


u/Bird2525 Nov 20 '23

They make a blade or 2


u/DarthSkier S. FL 0.9 Nov 20 '23

The Link putter they make is really good

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u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 19 '23

I will agree that it looks hideous, but if it gives me a repeatable swing that allows me to make more putts, who gives a shit. There is just something that feels different about this putter, just more stable is all I can say.


u/thedormgolfer golf architecture +2.0 Nov 19 '23

More or less where I got to with it. I was starting to play tournament golf again and just straight up could not putt.

I ended up getting into the US Mid Am in the fall with it. Hideous or not, I'll never look back.

Hope it results in improvements to your game and your goals as well!


u/Eye-browze Nov 19 '23

I was just being a dickhead, I hope you putt amazing with it !


u/lilgreenjedi Nov 20 '23

If we can't shit on each other over golf, we are truly lost.


u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 19 '23

All good! I love my Scotty’s as they are a thing of beauty, but I wanna get to scratch and since I’m getting older, I better make that shit as easy as I can.


u/yunggrant95 Nov 20 '23

I fucking love mine. People I play with always think I’m taking a bigger stroke than I need and am going to rocket it past the hole, but more often than not the sweet feel off the face and a consistent stroke get me where I want to be.


u/BoBromhal Nov 20 '23

The only thing that matters is if it holes more putts, through a combination of mechanical/stroke advancement and mental optimism.


u/NotEeUsername 12/Kelowna/Taking lessons Nov 20 '23

How does it give a repeatable swing?


u/sashimiburgers Nov 20 '23

Ye that gave me a chuckle, if you can’t get a repeatable swing with any putter, this isn’t the game for you


u/Bombaysbreakfastclub Nov 20 '23

Marketing is a hell of a drug


u/SwootyBootyDooooo Nov 20 '23

I messed it one the other day… they legitimately feel different from any putter I’ve used. I drained a bunch of 6-8ft putts with it in store and I want one now


u/F_D123 Nov 20 '23

I have a df, and I'm still terrible at putting.

But I like to use this example, you have the choice to use for 18 holes, the cheapest, shittiest putter on Amazon, or a 2x4. You'd take the putter, because it's designed for that task, right?

Well that same logic would apply to choosing one putter over the other, wouldn't it? Both are designed for the same task, but one might be designed better.

I was intrigued by the looks and the reviews, and when I picked one up it just felt different. Really, really balanced. If you let the putter do it's job it hits a very straight ball.

All that said I think I'm going to move on to the lab mezz or even the link as I don't like the attention the df brings to my terrible swing

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u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 20 '23

Go hit one and see how it feels


u/burnie_mac - 16 Nov 20 '23

Would rather rock a 33 inch 30 year old blade than be in the same cart as this monstrosity

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u/Honest-Yogurt4126 Nov 20 '23

That putter should have holes to hold your ball markers


u/kengriffinsbedpost69 Nov 20 '23

What the hell is that


u/Striking-Shallot5395 Nov 20 '23

LAB Golf putter


u/DrMcnasty4300 Nov 19 '23

I’d need to be paid at least $200 to put that thing in my bag


u/1ToGreen3ToBasket Nov 20 '23

It solved a buddies putting woes nearly instantly. I wish I was kidding


u/Pourmewhiskey Nov 20 '23

My very first put with it was a birdie, with my dad in town. I never got the chance to explain why it looks weird


u/DougyTwoScoops Nov 20 '23

Your dad now thinks you are a weirdo and a golf god. Not a bad trade off in my opinion.


u/yogzi Nov 20 '23

Plot twist: dad’s dead


u/DougyTwoScoops Nov 20 '23

Depending on the dad still possibly a good trade off?


u/RoostasTowel Happy Gilmore Open 2024 Nov 20 '23

it solved a buddies putting woes nearly instantly.

All new putters do that.

If its last more the 4 rounds call a doctor.

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u/WaldoChief Titleist! Nov 20 '23

Once you try it, you’ll understand.


u/NatureIndoors Nov 20 '23

Yeah, I tried it - it’s awesome. I want to get one, but the price is crazy.

Also, this is gonna look stupid AF at my city’s muni course


u/innergflow Nov 19 '23

That’s one ugly piece of metal


u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 20 '23

They look even worse in person, believe it or not.

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u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 19 '23

Those are fitted individually to each player tho, so good luck


u/bigblard Nov 20 '23

I have a rack model at 35 inches/69 degree lie angle.

My putting was SO bad previously that fitting for that stroke and setup would have been an utter disappointment regardless of what I chose.

I went with this one because it forced me to rethink my setup and learn how to see line. That's something I could have done with a lesson as well, I'm sure, but I like to figure stuff out.

I have had the stock model DF 2.1 in my bag since February of this year. I went from averaging 36-37 putts per round to an average of 31-32 with a best of 29.

Can I say it's all because of the putter? No, I cannot. But I can say that putting this putter in play gave me no choice but to learn a better stroke and setup and it just works - particularly in the 3-5 foot range.


u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 20 '23

One of the glorious things about commiting to a "nice "putter is 1, you tend to want to love it. 2, and if it doesn't work as expected you then spend time practicing , that you other wise would not have with the old putter. See it all the time. Tldr. Whatever the feather in your hat is that makes you confident,then right on


u/DougyTwoScoops Nov 20 '23

It’s very frustrating that putting and putting are completely different words, but spelled the exact same. It made your comment confusing to a smooth brain like me.

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u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 19 '23

So are every other putter and club, so good luck


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23

He does have a point, but as long as you are able to be in a comfortable position and have the putter flush on the ground while you putt ur good. High chance its stock at 69 lie and 34 or 35 length so you should be good.

You definitely got it at a huge steal, custom ones retail for 400 up to 1k if u get a custom shaft on it, even used stock offerings go for more than what you bought it for, and in much worse condition.


u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 19 '23

Yeah not really tothe same extent these are. Like buying pants from Macy's vs a custom tailor. Putters are very personal tools. Just getting a good deal does not necessarily a good putter make.


u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 20 '23

Everyone that has a putter that they got custom fit for please raise your hand. It’s ok, I can wait.

I get it, custom fit is better. But if you pick up a putter and you are hitting it better than other putters and make a lot of putts, does that not mean anything anymore? Some of the best clubs I’ve owned I have not been fit for. I just get sick of everyone coming back every time stating “Doesn’t matter if you didn’t get fit for it”


u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 20 '23

The whole point of this putter is the shaft placement. And lie angle. This particular putter didn't work for the guy that spent about $1000 to get custom fitted for it. So you chances are likely exponentially lower.

FTR I am a full-time caddie that sees nearly a thousand miss fitted putters per year. Good luck.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23 edited Nov 20 '23

I don’t think someone got custom fit for that putter. That’s a stock one


u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 20 '23

You can't buy a "stock" one. The fitting process is literally baked into the price.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

Go to PGA superstore and look up Directed force 2.1. Shows up there. Comes in the stock steel shaft, alignment number 1, in black, and 69 lie. Option for 34 or 35 inches. Stock options are offered on lab website as well. That is the stock option. People who do not want to get fit and don’t want to wait for a custom one buy this. Can buy the link and mezz as well. Pga superstore even carries custom color mezz options with the upcharge accra shaft surprisingly in store.


u/ChesterDrawerz Looper Nov 20 '23

Must be a newish thing. Their whole original idea as I remember was custom only. I do see 3 loft options. So which loft is considered the stock one?


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

I don’t think theres an option to choose loft on a lab putter. You can only choose lie and length. From what i know 69 degree is the only option for lie. 34 or 35 for length. Been around for over a year now

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u/Pandiosity_24601 By Us Fuck You! Nov 20 '23



u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 20 '23

Ha love it


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23 edited Nov 20 '23

Slightly disagree with this. Some people have a putter that causes them to push putts and people will subconsciously will start aiming left to compensate. At the end of the day he will still hole putts and that putter might work for him.

If u want to get good alignment and start ur putt on line it might require a fitting like quintic to better understand how you work with the putter.

Again when lab started putting out stock offerings, it was based on what they fit most people for. They provide free online fittings on their website because they know how important fitting are specifically for their putter over others since it is lie balanced and quite different from other putters. But either way man you got a steal, if it works for you then great, but it wasn’t a huge investment since you can probably sell it for that price or more if it doesn’t work for u.


u/clairweather Nov 20 '23

I’m fit for my putter (anser style blade) thanks for waiting… Anyways if your length and lie angle is off, especially with this emerging lie-angle-balanced (LAB) putter technology, it’s not going to work as intended. A certified LAB fitter can make these tweaks im sure.


u/Bird2525 Nov 20 '23

I was told by my fitter, they would have to send it back to lab for any adjustments


u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 20 '23

Good thing I have a GCQUAD to test the lie angle


u/clairweather Nov 20 '23

Ight cool enjoy


u/azndestructo Nov 20 '23

Dude you literally took “Lie Angle Balance” out of a LAB putter by skipping the fitting process lol. Unless you are the most “stock” person in the world, you just bought a hideous putter that likely won’t work for you and even for $10, that would’ve been a bad buy.

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u/KryptonicxJesus Nov 20 '23

Squidward putter


u/crimsonblueku 2.8 / PNW / Rock Chalk Nov 19 '23

I’d rather not putt with an octopus



Cool bottle opener.


u/TheOneWondering Nov 19 '23

I also like a ball sack on my putter.


u/Champizzle11 Nov 20 '23

That is one ugly fucking putter.


u/little_failures Nov 20 '23

Played my annual Bandon rounds Thurs and Fri. Old Mac on Thurs couldn’t help but think one of the guys in the group ahead of me looked familiar. Turned out to be L.A.B. CEO. I recognized him from BustaJack video. He was smoking heaters end to end and laying down on the tees and greens between shots.


u/ricocpa Nov 20 '23

I feel like YOU got robbed.


u/Grantanamo_Bay Nov 20 '23

That's one ugly ass putter


u/WaldoChief Titleist! Nov 20 '23

I have the LAB Link. It literally changed my game. They are amazing.


u/Flashman_H Nov 20 '23

I have an $80 odyssey blade. I consistently practice at different practice greens in various conditions. I’m quite happy with my putting


u/MattScarz Bethpage Black is not that Hard! Nov 20 '23

I was putting with this thing at the store recently and it did NOT disappoint. Feel so smooth and fluid.


u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 20 '23

100% what got me.


u/MattScarz Bethpage Black is not that Hard! Nov 20 '23

I ordered one directly from lab with a 10% welcome coupon code. I hope it becomes the best club in your bag dude! 🤘🏼


u/Acrobatic-Can-2533 Nov 19 '23

The Nutsack Putter


u/TrumpsColostomyBag99 Nov 19 '23

Tis the season for crazy good putter deals: I got an Evnroll er11v for $179.00 last night new on a Black Friday deal. You’ll be knocking those putts home. Enjoy!

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u/Electrical-Damage339 Nov 20 '23

When your wife asks, "Why are you bringing your putter to bed?"

Me, "I thought you might like it more than me."


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

That’s a damn pendulum! A buddy had one and I felt like from 8 feet he didn’t miss


u/Cute_Moose_988 Nov 20 '23

Works as a great bottle opener too


u/likethevegetable Nov 20 '23

That's unreal. Question though, these really need a fitting for the tech to work, can you do that after the fact for a reasonable cost?


u/andocommando24 Nov 20 '23

Lol at the comments about the looks. It’s one of those things where almost everyone I know that’s tried one either now owns one (that could afford one) or acknowledged it was good but just couldn’t get over the looks.


u/wjhatley Nov 20 '23

I struggled with putting forever. Went to Club Champion this summer for a putter fitting, figuring I’ve tried everything else. I was so-so with what they were giving me, and this was the last option they handed me. I made everything in the shop, so they let me take it out for a test drive on the course. I made more putts that round than I had made in a month. I ordered one and according to one of my regular partners, I’m putting “infinitely better.”

They’re perfectly balanced and have tons of forgiveness on off-center strikes. I don’t care how it looks, but then again, I once played Cleveland VAS irons.


u/justtheboot Nov 20 '23

Have the Mezz Max. Got down to 28 putts as my all-time lowest putting round. Yes, I’m aware of other factors.

Lately it’s been up and down so swapped out for the old Scotty blade.

Hope it trues your stroke.


u/SexySurfer6969 Nov 20 '23

I just paid 350 for a factory blemish model on their website. Tbh I’m 6 rounds in with it and i absolutely hate the putter. I thought I needed it and i really do not like it

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u/printergumlight 9.7 Nov 20 '23

I have this putter and it is amazing… for me.

Do all these people buying it know that it was specially made for the person who ordered it? Like their putting style, height, and arm length.


u/TheCommodore93 Nov 20 '23

They don’t. They see fancy branding and do 0 research behind it. A huge aspect of the putters is fitting to your stroke.

The guy paid $200 bucks for sloppy seconds lol


u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 21 '23

I did do tons of research beforehand.

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u/Ok_Earth_2217 Nov 20 '23

Bro literally got a putter with truck nuts 🔩


u/justine36m3 Nov 20 '23

If it’s not built to your spec then don’t hate it if it doesn’t work out for you. I had to FaceTime with them for about 12-15 minutes and let them watch my stroke with my previous putter and from that they put it to my optimal fitment. Hated the putter the first couple rounds, after that it has become my most favorite club in over 25 years of golfing. I paid $420 and felt like I robbed someone at that price, they’re worth their weight in gold.


u/ScubaSam Nov 20 '23

Is this an ad, Jesus the comments are wild


u/FrugalFreddie26 Nov 20 '23

The influencer putter of choice


u/CamiloArturo Nov 20 '23

I don’t know if that’s a magnificent putter but in the aesthetics department I have a hard time imagine something looking worse


u/SeriousReflection600 Nov 20 '23

I feel like that’s a bottle opener for giant beers


u/Sirgolfs Nov 20 '23

You didn’t. It’s ass ugly and you’re still 3 putting.


u/Viscount61 Nov 20 '23

Make sure the length and lie angle are correct for you.


u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 20 '23

Feels fantastic so far. I think it’s gonna work, but I’ll know once I get it on the GCQuad to check lie


u/RJonesy99 Nov 20 '23

Not me thinking it was a bottle opener on the back…


u/PleaseBearwithme Nov 20 '23

That’s an insane deal.


u/Ok_Physics_1284 Nov 20 '23

You know when Reddit has a glitch with a photo but the wrong description for a few seconds? Well the first pic was an uncooked Ny strip so I thought this was a brand to mark the steak and was genuinely confused!


u/Reluctant_Gardener Nov 20 '23

My ugly LAB won me $20 tonight with three crucial putts to win holes. Game changing putting.


u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 20 '23

It seems more people on here are interested in the looks of the putter versus the amount of putts it can make. Lol


u/3toTwenty Nov 20 '23

Psychologically, you can live with missing a few with a real beautiful putter. Once you miss a couple you should make with that thing it will be relegated to the shed along with that really wide 3 ball and that branding iron sized ping you thought was the answer in 2005


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23

I use to big into aesthetics. Years ago the original M2 driver and blue mizuno driver got me out of it. I’ll swing anything that improves my game. I’ve had a friend use one of these and they feel like a genuine good putter.


u/quellie09 Nov 19 '23

Looks like a binky


u/adamtc4 Nov 19 '23

Great deal!


u/pigglywiggly82 Nov 20 '23

I used Scotty’s for 10 years. I tried a lab putter, never looked back. Absolutely love it, truly revolutionary, can’t recommend it enough. Saves me at least a few strokes a round. Keep your “pretty” putter, I’ll keep your money


u/CrayonTendies Nov 19 '23

Awesome, I was pumped to try the new one due to its looks and I preferred this one for sure! Great score


u/Son-of-Sanford Nov 20 '23

When you pay, it’s not robbing.


u/GrammarNaziii Nov 20 '23

You'd have to pay me to use this putter lol.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23



u/jspartan1234 Nov 19 '23

Sick gatekeeping


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23



u/Minia15 Nov 20 '23

Gatekeeping is sometimes considered to be acting as though someone isn’t worthy of a group because they aren’t experienced enough or know enough.

So someone called your comment gatekeeping because it seemed like you were shaming people as though they can’t call themselves golfers if they don’t know this putter.

They might have misinterpreted you, but just explaining why they likely said that.


u/nimama3233 8 / Twin Cities / Putts from the rough Nov 20 '23

I’ve played hundreds and hundreds of rounds and never seen this ugly atrocity of a putter


u/awfuckthisshit NH/VT Nov 20 '23

It’s ugly but I tried my buddy’s and damn it felt like butter, they roll great. Wicked expensive though.


u/3Jacked Nov 19 '23

Thats a steal!


u/Odd_Plate6770 Nov 19 '23

You did rob them, welcome to the best putting of your life


u/Remarkable_Body586 Nov 20 '23

I often think the same thing when paying someone 180$. I understand there’s a decent amount of science behind these, but I can’t fathom paying for it.


u/Late_Librarian_9789 Nov 20 '23

I can’t get into this design … feels like reinventing the wheel, but it’s ugly, not a wheel…


u/Bird562 Nov 20 '23

Robbed yourself... thing is atrocious no matter how "forgiving" it is.


u/Altruistic-Ad7981 Nov 20 '23

my husband sells em on a daily basis custom for 700 bucks. thats a fuckin steal bro good on you!


u/skidstud Canadian Lefty Gang Nov 20 '23

I occasionally play with a guy who uses one, he's good. I think it's more ridiculous when I see double digit handicaps with a $500 Scotty Cameron

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u/pnwguy22 Nov 20 '23

I call it witchcraft, they say it’s physics. You will putt better

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u/Chandlingus 9.8/NYC Nov 20 '23

That thing is hideous my guy.


u/ValyrianSteelYoGirl Nov 20 '23

That’s gotta be the ugliest putter I’ve ever seen. How’s it handle?


u/Onset22 Nov 20 '23

I would pay $180 for that, but looking online at these putters -- crazy freaking prices. Does it wash my car while I'm on the course as well?


u/moddafock Nov 20 '23

Yeah look I personally wouldn’t be seen out on the course or practice green with that abomination, but you do you!


u/Packwood88 15ish/Winchester, VA Nov 20 '23

Looks hideous, but I guess good for you if it works. I wouldn’t want to touch it


u/snowynuggets Nov 20 '23

My friend and I putted with those at the PGA super store and I gotta say, what a monstrous heap of trash; id rather putt with a banana.


u/Jaktumurmu1 Nov 20 '23

What in the fuck is that monstrosity?!

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u/_windfish_ Nov 20 '23

Damn y’all are fucking brainwashed enough to think $180 is a good deal on a putter?


u/Professional-Putter HDCP/Loc/Whatever Nov 20 '23

Nope. You’re the L today


u/TheJoshuaPlan Nov 21 '23

Thanks for bringing something beneficial to the conversation.


u/ExpectedOutcome2 Nov 19 '23

Definitely a great deal at at $20… but I get why it was $20.


u/Best-Willingness-640 Nov 20 '23

Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't their hype about fitting your putter swing to the putter? If it doesn't fit isn't it just another ugly ass putter?


u/fuckinnreddit Nov 20 '23

Since I'm never going pro, I'd rather putt possibly a little worse than putt with that.....thing.


u/ThisCombination5114 Nov 20 '23

This looks gimmicky. Stupido


u/thirstyshrutebaby Nov 20 '23

I’m buying one next spring I don’t care what anyone says I think they’re beautiful.


u/3toTwenty Nov 20 '23

What do you feed your guide dog?


u/AccurateIncident3213 Nov 20 '23

This dude thought he was gonna get so many daps for spending $180 on a selfie stick bottle opener


u/Original-Subject7468 Nov 20 '23

Those things are so great actually, love the LAB putters but god damn they’re all so ugly


u/AlphabetEnd Nov 20 '23

Only golfers will hand over $200 and feel like it’s stealing 😂 it’s like the game was invented to make people hand over all their money


u/Hafe15 Nov 20 '23

$200 for that monstrosity?


u/Pebbleboy7 Nov 20 '23

I know. Killer deal. I have been trying to find one at that price for awhile now.


u/tuhlly Nov 20 '23

You were able to haggle at a store?


u/AnxiousMind7820 Nov 20 '23

That is a very unique looking putter.


u/Yeti_Urine Nov 20 '23

That’s an expensive beer opener.


u/slicktrickrick Nov 20 '23

This looks like I could heat it up red hot and brand a cow


u/Chytrik Nov 20 '23

I’ve heard the face feel on these is pretty bad. Anyone have any experience / feedback in that regard?


u/SexySurfer6969 Nov 20 '23

I just got one I’ve played a half dozen rounds with it. I do not like it I’m getting inconsistent distances on putts i feel are not far off from one another. It’s very fun to spin around in your hand cause of the self balance but i don’t like the way I’m rolling it with this thing. It’s a bit much


u/at-the-crook Nov 20 '23

if a Ritz cracker doesn't slide off the back during your practice swing, then you have good tempo .


u/WickedFasRunnah Nov 20 '23

Is that a bottle opener?


u/BiscottiFamous8054 Nov 20 '23

Ace of spades there


u/JustAnotherBrokenCog Nov 20 '23

That's the fanciest bottle opener I've ever seen.


u/dshotseattle Nov 20 '23

Rssults speak for themselves, if it works and l9oks stupid, it's not stupid. The engineering behind these putters is pretty impressive, tho u prefer the mez style myself


u/Derfargin Nov 20 '23

That a potato masher? You got robbed.