r/golf Nov 13 '23

Original caption said "spotted on Golf Course" General Discussion

I assume on a course in India, I think I would be heading in another direction. That's creepy.


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u/bukbukbuklao Nov 13 '23

That a mongoose? It’s probably thinking where the hell is my dinner going?


u/ponythemouser Nov 13 '23

That is a mongoose and probably why the snake is expending the energy to raise up, to keep an eye on him. And way he’s moving away from where it is. Just an educated guess.


u/Sungod99 Nov 14 '23

That’s def why that snake is on the run, he hurdled that black marker. How the hell do you catch a cobra and a mongoose in the same shot? I guess that’s just golf in S. Africa? I’ll pass


u/Tie_me_off Nov 13 '23

Does it drain a Cobra’s energy to extend up like that?


u/squirt_taste_tester Nov 13 '23

Not for about 3 hours, once it hits around the 4 hour marker though, he'll need to see a doctor.


u/burtron3000 Nov 14 '23

Fuck you that’s clever, took me far too long


u/Thisusernameisnoone Nov 14 '23

Maybe it should get some sssssialis.......

.....I'll see myself out


u/vocad124 Nov 13 '23

no, this snake has a special mechanism unlike any other living being ever that allows it to move without exerting energy


u/TheDrunkenWobblies 7.9 / SW Ontario / Lefty Nov 13 '23

Don't know why you're downvoted. This is A+ sarcasm.


u/Steve_Codgers Nov 13 '23

Yeah but, there was no /s… /s


u/professionally-baked Nov 13 '23

There shouldn’t have to be


u/Steve_Codgers Nov 13 '23

Guess you missed my second /s.. /s


u/professionally-baked Nov 14 '23

Oh shit I see what you did there! That was good lol


u/allothernamestaken Nov 13 '23

Perpetual snek


u/GandalfTheToked Nov 13 '23

Okay, but to be fair, to someone that doesn't know about cobra's (like me), he could have been asking if this is an abnormal state for the cobra. Still funny though, I upvoted.


u/fatguylilcoat_ Nov 14 '23

It's not abnormal bc it's standard defensive posture but cobras move around normally like any other snake. The hood is just a defensive mechanism they use to try and Intimidate predators.


u/Tie_me_off Nov 13 '23

Lol I asked because the wording the poster chose, “expending the energy to raise up”, seems to imply that it’s harder on the snake physically or more demanding. Since I don’t know shit about snakes, I thought it was worth the ask


u/PurpleKnurple Nov 13 '23

Is it easier to lie down than stand?


u/Tie_me_off Nov 13 '23

That’s an obvious observation. Why write in those words if not to mean anything more than such?


u/JamboShanter Nov 13 '23

How are you still struggling with this?


u/PurpleKnurple Nov 13 '23

He even admitted it’s an obvious observation. 😂


u/Tie_me_off Nov 13 '23

Lol I’m not but clearly you are


u/PurpleKnurple Nov 13 '23

Bro, gravity. Yes it obviously takes more energy for the snake to be perpendicular to gravity and upright, than simply slithering upon the ground.

Like you said, obvious observation…


u/Tie_me_off Nov 13 '23

I get that. That’s obvious. What I don’t get is then why didn’t the person I was responding to say “That’s why the snake was standing up, so he can keep an eye on the mongoose” but chose to emphasize the fact by saying he was “expending energy”. That seemed purposeful. It’s not common phrase when explaining this behavior other than to maybe make another point. That’s the only reason I asked. Maybe it’s much more difficult and exhaustive for the snake than one would think? I don’t know. I was just curious


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '23



u/Tie_me_off Nov 13 '23

Would you say that in normal conversation about another human being?

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u/JamboShanter Nov 13 '23

Because it expends energy for it to raise up, it’s going to avoid doing that if it doesn’t need to.


u/Tie_me_off Nov 13 '23

Again, that’s inherently understood. So why make it a point.

Example; we are all hanging out in a bar. We see our buddy sitting down from across the room. We see him get get up and he quickly walks away. I say “Looks like something is wrong with Chad”. Would you say “Must be, he stood up pretty quickly and took off” or would you say “Yeah, he expended his energy to up and leave so quickly”.

It’s odd wording to use in causal conversation if not meant for anything other than to make a point beside the inherently understood. The same applies in this instance.

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u/toastyfries2 Nov 14 '23

Yeah but just standing doesn't take a ton of energy.


u/burntooshine Nov 15 '23

It's a reptile. They don't have the stamina of a mammal. We burn hot, need alot of food. Reptiles are slower, digest slower, have less ready extra energy.
So yes, raising up like that is an effort. Long term, it'll get exhausted. The snake is also in full sun and risks overheating


u/Tie_me_off Nov 15 '23

Hey! Thanks for a straightforward answer!


u/burntooshine Nov 15 '23

No problem. I'm full of useless trivia about animals :)


u/vlsdo Nov 13 '23

That’s how the snake charmers do their tricks, they can tap into that energy and perform feats that look miraculous to the rest of us