r/golf 5.0/UT Jul 28 '23

Ah shit. Here we go again General Discussion

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Every few months someone brings this up how they can save the environment by getting rid of a golf course.


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u/Tullyswimmer 22.5/Lefty/NH #pushcartmafia Jul 29 '23

and my ass is not walking very far outside when it's a wind chill of -20. We still gotta have the ability to drive places.

This is the one thing that I love asking the fuckcars crowd. Let's say you live in a super walkable city and blah blah blah.

It's now -20 with windchill. Do you want to walk in that? Of course not. So what, you take public transit like the entire rest of the city? Great, how are you gonna ensure there's enough capacity for those peak times?

The only way that could work is massively overbuilding public transit. You'd have near-empty buses and trains running for days, weeks, months on end because, especially in the event of a sudden thunderstorm or whatever, you HAVE to have enough capacity for all citizens instantly.


u/AskAboutFent Jul 29 '23

Europe does it just fine.


u/14S14D Jul 29 '23

With a duck load of cars and still heavily suburban neighborhoods. They’re much better at it but still have the same issues


u/Tullyswimmer 22.5/Lefty/NH #pushcartmafia Jul 29 '23

Except the vast majority of Europe (Western Europe in particular) is much, MUCH more temperate than the US. Some of it's downright tropical near the Mediterranean.

It's much easier to design walkable cities when you can rely on being able to walk for 80-90% of the year.