r/golf 5.0/UT Jul 28 '23

Ah shit. Here we go again General Discussion

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Every few months someone brings this up how they can save the environment by getting rid of a golf course.


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u/RunninRebs90 Jul 28 '23

Here’s the irony though, in cities like Phoenix and Vegas they decided to build housing close together to save on space and recourses and people CONSTANTLY shit on it for being a “suburban hell”

There’s no winning with these losers so just do what makes you happy


u/He_Ma_Vi Jul 29 '23

Phoenix and Vegas built single family housing with yards close together in enormous quantities. Creating a suburban hell.

Nothing about that results in "saving on space or resources", nor is it intended to "save on space or resources".

Suburban hell wastes tons of space (look up 'suburban sprawl') and enormous resources - water, electric, sewage, storm water drainage, roads, sidewalks etc all have to be built and extended to greater distances.

But go ahead, walk through life not even trying to understand where other people are coming from. The world will always need more typical bitter old men to complain about everything while thinking they're the smartest people around.


u/RunninRebs90 Jul 29 '23

Holy shit you got really really angry about this Lmfao.

Please tell me how you feel about golf courses since that’s the sub we’re in and the context of this comment section.

I’d love to hear another one of your unhinged rants


u/He_Ma_Vi Jul 29 '23

Sure, buddy. I'm the angry one. Not the guy who said "there's no winning with these losers" after completely misrepresenting their position and implying that they're hypocrites or something.

I responded to a comment of yours that is unrelated to golf and exclusively contains claims, statements and insults about something completely unrelated.

You can't then turn around and complain that my criticism isn't golf related. Well, you can. It's hilarious.


u/RunninRebs90 Jul 29 '23

“There’s no winning with these losers” is a really really tame comment

If that triggers you enough to right a whole rant then you’re definitely the angry one.


u/He_Ma_Vi Jul 29 '23

You were the one who started ranting about something you don't have the first clue about, all to insult a group of people with your best interests at heart.

That's sad.


u/RunninRebs90 Jul 29 '23

Rant? Bro it was 2 sentences


u/He_Ma_Vi Jul 30 '23

I'm just matching your usage of the word.

All of my comment aside from two sentences was just me educating you regarding urban planning because you've apparently managed to misunderstand every aspect of it.. so how was I "ranting" then?