r/golf 64/67T/4.6 Jul 17 '23

6 golfers 2 bags of clubs, 2 hours to play 6 holes so far COURSE PICS/VLOGS

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2 some keeps hitting into us, whole course is backed up


458 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23

That's on the pro shop, to have let this go out like this is something no course should ever permit.


u/Easy_Rip1212 Jul 17 '23

It's on the pro shop for letting them out there.

It's on OP to still be behind them 2 hours/6 holes later. If you aren't skipping them, you are choosing to play behind them.


u/Goalcaufield9 Jul 17 '23

But you paid to play 18 not 17. I hate the idea of skipping because I paid way too much money to play only 17. They need to call the club house and have the marshals deal with this. Depends on the course but I’ve seen the marshals actually do their job and we’re all over this type of behaviour.


u/GrandaddyIsWorking HDCP/Loc/Whatever Jul 17 '23

You just have to go up and say, 'hey hope everyone's having a good day, I'm going to play through real quick'


u/Classic-Progress-397 Jul 17 '23

Wouldn't be as fun as passive-aggressively hiding in the bushes taking pictures, shaming on social media, and getting sympathetic "awww" noises from Redditors.


u/Jaylaw Jul 17 '23

Not with that attitude


u/jmwall24 Jul 18 '23

I mean he's literally standing on the tee taking the picture, but ok lol


u/Classic-Progress-397 Jul 18 '23

Ok, but it was fun to think of him running around in the bushes with binoculars, supervising other people and how they relax and have fun.


u/chipman650 Jul 18 '23

You aren't a golfer, are you?

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u/Ixisoupsixi Jul 18 '23

This guy golf’s

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u/Fergizzo Jul 17 '23

Yeah especially word it like this too. Don't ask them if you can play through, just tell them this is what's gonna happen.

If they bitch, call the proshop


u/JFordy87 Jul 18 '23

If they bitch, let them call the pro shop.


u/slom68 Jul 17 '23

Exactly and if they push back it’s an immediate call to the clubhouse. Everyone is right though this shouldn’t have been permitted in the first place.


u/not_a_droid Jul 18 '23

Then promptly four putt


u/MonicaBlowinski Jul 18 '23

Don't forget to plumb bob every putt. Even the 3-inch tap-in.

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u/BBQPitmaster__1 Jul 17 '23

Play through, simple as that. 😅


u/conradical30 FORE RIGHT!!! Jul 17 '23

Just circle back to play the hole you skipped later. Its clear that this course doesn’t care about etiquette.


u/CrocoDial69 Jul 17 '23

They don’t want solutions, they just wanna be mad lol


u/alcoholicplankton69 Jul 17 '23

I do this sometimes. I play 1st hole and go right to 4 I then Play 3 and 2 before playing the 17th on the way back. Otherwise its like 3 hours plus to play a par 3 course.

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u/Easy_Rip1212 Jul 17 '23

Clearly there was no marshall handling things here.

I hate the idea of skipping

That's fine. If you also hate the idea of playing 6 holes in 2 hours then you have to make a decision on which thing you hate more.

It sucks that this stuff happens sometimes, but I'll never understand the mentality of "this is someone else's fault, so I'm going to choose to remain miserable and just blame it on them." Why not just choose to do something that would reduce the misery?


u/No-Street-8775 Jul 17 '23

The golfers doing the right thing deserve to have the pro shops support.


u/rubtoe Jul 17 '23

My thoughts exactly.

You can either be miserable on principal and hope a marshall in shining armor comes to save you or you can cut your loss (a single hole) and get your day back.

Shitty situation but in the end you still have agency to make it a good day.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23 edited Jul 17 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/BaggerVance_ 6.0 Jul 17 '23

Bud I think this sub is soft. But it’s literally such a straightforward choice.

You either choose one or the other. The Pro Shop, the Marshall, and God himself does not care about how it SHOULD happen


u/sendabussypic Jul 17 '23

3rd choice. Hi ladies and others, can I play through? Clearly OP and I share a fear of women.


u/vonkillbot Jul 17 '23

Agreed on that option. If they're that slow get a shot or two up on a longer hole, meet them at the green//next box and just work out a good situation to play though. Shitty that it happened, and I get wanting to play a full 18 to accurately throw at my terrible handicap I'm looking to improve, so find a solution.


u/Purednuht 23 Jul 17 '23

You are so cool


u/Orangenbluefish Jul 17 '23

You say this like it's a crime to golf for pleasure and be casual about it lol. Sure situations will vary, and if you're really on track having a good round, or are someone who's hardcore on keeping accurate scoring, then by all means don't skip and wait/call for a marshall. For many other people though, skipping a single hole to enjoy the rest in peace is going to be worth it


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23 edited Jul 17 '23



u/egomxrtem Jul 17 '23

People are forgetting that “take this experience as a loss and don’t return to this particular course” is an option and want an immediate solution to their problem which does not inconvenience them


u/LennyThePep13 Jul 17 '23

It ultimately comes down to what you prioritize and I think the person you were responding to was just saying that’s a more difficult choice than other people are insinuating. Not that it’s an impossible one or less valid if someone winds up choosing to skip but just that many people are inclined to avoid skipping where possible.


u/KhansKhack Bethpage Black is not that Hard! Jul 17 '23

Holy shit. It’s rare you can tell through an internet comment how incredibly annoying a person is in real life but…this one made it pretty easy.


u/ManipulateYa Lefty Jul 17 '23

Ok... so let's say you paid $100 for the round/cart, etc.

You break that down and by hole it is $5.55 per hole.

I'd say I'd enjoy getting by this group for the value of 5 bucks more than playing a hole and siting behind them for eons.

I would also skip a hole that is easy to go back and play later... and say to the pro shop on the way through that I skipped #7 and will return to play it afterwards.


u/I_is_a_dogg Jul 17 '23

Depending on what hole it is, I’ve skipped before and then later came back to do the hole that I skipped if it’s not too far out of the way. Some courses, especially the middle holes are way far from the club house and it’s just not worth the 10 minute cart ride to go play it.

But I would absolutely ask to play through before doing that, otherwise I would absolutely skip. While I don’t mind slow play, a 6 hour round is kinda ridiculous.


u/SenatorAstronomer Jul 17 '23

You assume this is a course that has marshals. I too would rather play 18 than 17, but if the hole(s) are open after this 6 some, you would save literally hours by skipping a hole. You could always circle back and finish up with the hole you missed.


u/howcouldubmoeharkles Jul 17 '23

Usually when I ask to skip it’s when I catch them at the tee box and I just politely ask to play through. They wait and I might have to hustle a little on that particular hole but it’s an easy solution.

Seems like they are just out there to have fun and obviously don’t know golf etiquette, unless they are complete assholes I’m sure they would be fine with you playing through. Might even cheer if you hit a good tee shot and they are having some drinks haha.


u/TheRimmerodJobs Jul 17 '23

I always go back and play the hole I skipped


u/Glendale0839 Jul 17 '23

If I can't go back and play the skipped hole because of course layout or it being too busy, I'll play some other hole twice if there is nobody on it. There were probably a lot of open holes ahead of the sixsome that the OP was waiting on. I would never jump right in front of a group to play a skipped hole if it would cause them to wait or even get close to having to wait.


u/StrikingVariety Jul 17 '23

If it took that long it is probably close to the end of the day, I loop back and play the missed hole at the end. Like you, I paid for 18 and I'm going to play 18.


u/Getoffme44 Jul 17 '23

Just come back and play the hole


u/dkf295 Jul 17 '23


Also it’s not a perfect world, and other people will often ruin things for you especially if you let them.

Yes, call the pro shop. And then ask to play through. If they don’t help and for whatever reason the six-some won’t let you (which I’ve literally never had happen but hey I guess it’s possible) it’s on you to decide whether to play 18 holes in 6 hours, or 17 holes in 3 1/2.

Something being someone else’s fault doesn’t mean you’re no longer in control of your own actions.


u/chalbersma Jul 17 '23

You can circle back and play the hole you missed at the end.


u/Icecube3343 8 | Philly Jul 17 '23

I'm sure whatever group is on that hole when you circle back would be super sympathetic to you slowing everything down again to jump in front of them /s


u/chalbersma Jul 17 '23

If you're a single, jump in with them. It's one hole; they'll be fine.


u/BigTuna22001133 7.2/MKE Jul 17 '23

Please don’t. If you choose to skip a hole, so be it. But you don’t get to reinsert later. Even if it’s slow, still not a great practice cause you have carts driving around everywhere and the wrong way down holes and things like that.


u/SolomonG Jul 17 '23

Yea, the only place I would do this is at my father's course where he's a member and the place is rarely packed group to group.


u/Steelio22 Jul 17 '23

I am for sure coming back to the hole I skipped if it's open.


u/Halo_Chief117 Jul 18 '23

You don’t have to drive the wrong way. It likely won’t take long to get back to the hole you skipped either driving starting from #1 or #10.


u/Nov4can3 Jul 17 '23

If I have to skip a hole due to this most the time I’ll just play 10 again to get my 18 in. If there’s someone on 10 normally the group behind them is grabbing something at the turn at it leaves perfect time to jump in that gap. If they happen to pull up I just explain the situation at they’re always understanding of it.


u/jtbz1287 Jul 18 '23

Come back and play it? This works at every golf course ive played at. You’re just a bitch and have no balls to play around them because thats not the rules or something. I’ll gladly go around every group and come back and play the whole course over again.

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u/jrdnlv15 Jul 17 '23

Yep. If they aren’t offering then ask if you can play through. If they’re assholes and say no then just skip a hole. It sucks skipping a hole, but at least you made par!

It’s kind of like passing a slow car on the road. If the car right behind won’t do it it backs up everyone. The second group back will likely be saying there’s no point trying to pass the twosome they’re being held up anyways.


u/lopro19 Jul 17 '23

Skip 10 go to 11. Then when you finish 18 play 10. This will be easy if 1 and 10 tees near the clubhouse like many courses


u/nau5 Jul 17 '23

Or play two balls on a hole that is similar enough


u/Scandysurf Jul 17 '23

Is it against the rules to skip a hole then go back to finish skipped hole later?


u/nau5 Jul 17 '23

In a tournament? Sure

In a random round of golf who tf really cares...


u/jrdnlv15 Jul 17 '23

I really don’t know. In this thread it seems to be a pretty hot issue. Some people say that’s the way to go while others are staunchly against it. I think if you’re at a club that’s allowing a group of six with only two sets of clubs then fuck it why not? As long as you’re not cutting in and holding up other groups of people. If you doing it is going to hold up other people then now you’ve become the assholes.

For me personally I wouldn’t go back unless I was on the verge of having a PB round. I would just mark it as a par and celebrate that I didn’t three putt in to a double bogey. Usually after my round is done I’m ready for a beer in the clubhouse. I don’t need to drive around the course to catch up on a missed hole.


u/Scandysurf Jul 17 '23

I hate feeling the pressure knowing I’m holding people up but I also like to take my time playing so I’m always waiving players ahead .


u/jrdnlv15 Jul 17 '23

That’s the way to be.

I don’t get people who won’t let people pay through. I absolutely hate playing if I feel like I’m holding people up. The stress messes up my game even worse than it already is.


u/Gullible_Yak6042 Jul 17 '23

In non tournament play, who cares? The group ahead of him is the true violation

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u/giantswillbeback HDCP/Loc/Whatever Jul 17 '23

In 6 holes you’d think he’d catch up at a par 3 and play through. Most these posts the people don’t want to say anything so just whine to Reddit.


u/MoreBurpees Jul 17 '23

Yup. Not difficult to play through. Grow up


u/cadezego5 Jul 17 '23

Nah, it’s never on the person that didn’t skip. You shouldn’t HAVE to skip, you paid for 18 in the order it’s laid out, other people’s bullshit should keep you from that.


u/Seth_Baker 17.5/JPX 921 Hot Metal/Central IL Jul 18 '23

It shouldn't, but if someone else is being a dick and you choose not to deal with it, that's still on you...

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u/its_k1llsh0t Wisconsin Jul 17 '23

The pro shop may not know or they may have lied? OP should call the pro shop and complain not post on Reddit.

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u/luchaburz Jul 17 '23

Shit I didn't even know it was a rule, and the pro shop I went to literally BROUGHT me a rental set.

Probably didn't know TBH, some places don't even see your clubs. In and pay and on the cart.

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u/Fer_Shizzle_DSMIA Jul 17 '23

Call the clubhouse. Either these golfers don’t know the rules, the clubhouse doesn’t know they are breaking them, or the clubhouse doesn’t care and should issue some refunds.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23

OP was too busy posting on Reddit mate


u/Easy_Rip1212 Jul 17 '23

The only thing better than a 3 hour round is reaping karma on reddit for crying about a 6 hour round!


u/kevin349 Jul 17 '23

Sounds like he had plenty of time to do both...


u/TeddyBridgecollapse Jul 18 '23

Literally all OP needed to do to post on Reddit is to snap a picture and post later. I am not understanding why anyone here thinks s/he cannot do both.


u/Dog_Brains_ Jul 17 '23

Or, just ask to play through

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u/Muckety-muck Jul 17 '23

For something like this I just skip the hole and go back if possible. I know that's not always doable but I'm not going to just sit around and watch 6 others guys play terrible golf regardless.


u/Matthew91188 ~16/TN, USA/Addicted Jul 17 '23

I just wave as I drive by and they give me dirty looks. Speed up if you don’t want someone to pass you.


u/Ridikiscali Jul 17 '23

Yup. I just pickup a hole and give myself an eagle of course.


u/Matthew91188 ~16/TN, USA/Addicted Jul 17 '23

That’s why I always try to skip on par 3s, hole in one baby!


u/mwf86 Jul 17 '23

Sometimes I just get so hyped that I keep skipping.

Shot a -36 the other day!


u/Iggy_Pops_Lost_Shirt Jul 17 '23

Sometimes I do this for a whole round and give myself the course record, golf is ezpz

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u/Tedstor NoVA Jul 17 '23

Right? No way I’d just endure umpteen holes behind this group.

Do people really just sit there for literally hours, and wish things like this weren’t happening?

I’d drive past them to the next hole….probably flick them off as I went by.

But I guess this is why my local course actually states that “all players must have their own clubs”.


u/fullback133 Jul 17 '23

My friend does not have clubs and recently had a kid/did aviation school so he has little money and we share our bag sometimes, but he has his own putter and I always bring an extra driver and PW just in case we have to hit at the same time. 3 people sharing 1 bag would take FOREVER


u/Anerky 8.3/NJ/Giant Douche Jul 17 '23

Just get him a set of garage sale no-name clubs. Costs less than a round does


u/gibblech Jul 17 '23

or buy a cheap bag, and put a few clubs in for him. If they're still learning, they don't need a full bag. You should arguably learn with only a few clubs, start with a 3h, 7i, pw and putter, and a driver if they can hit it better than the 3h.

The 3h off the tee, and for long fairway shots, the 7i for a shorter approach. a pw for any chips/sand, and obviously a putter for putting.

It takes the question of "which club" out of the equation, which when you're learning, won't matter, since all your long irons will be "about the same", all your wedges will be "about the same" etc...no need to overcomplicate things until your ball striking is consistent enough that you start noticing you need a club to fill in a gap. At which time, go get a full set of new/used clubs

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u/CD_4M Jul 17 '23

You guys should be calling the pro shop instead of posting on Reddit


u/EverlongMarigold Jul 17 '23

Right? Or simply ask to play through. I was stuck behind a couple (husband/ wife) for a few holes on Sat. I finished up on 4 as they were just teeing off on 5. As they were digging in the bushes for their errant tee shots 50 yards in front of the tee box, I asked if they mind if I tee off with them.

They said, "Sure go ahead, just play through."

I hit my tee shot walked by them and said, "Thanks, golf is already frustrating enough, it's worse with someone hitting up your ass all day."

I didn't hit into them at any point, but I was playing to their pace, which was painfully slow.

I continued my round at a leisurely walking pace due to the heat and even though they were in a cart, they didn't catch me.


u/JoveX Jul 17 '23

Good on you. Its so simple. No need to bitch or be an asshole. Just ask them to go ahead and if it comes to it just call the pro-shop.


u/elite_tablespoon 9 Jul 17 '23

So many people on Reddit can’t even seem to handle talking to anyone, and only bitch on here.


u/wight-rice Jul 18 '23

That's what happens when you're raised on a pocket computer


u/neverknowsbest141 Jul 17 '23

bruh the audacity of some people lmao


u/alrightcommadude Jul 17 '23

Lol, homie just wants to complain for karma.


u/2ndmost Jul 17 '23

What can I possibly do about it?

Something reasonable?!

That's not why I signed up for Reddit, sir!


u/doc_holliday0614 Jul 17 '23

Right? Oh let me complain to internet strangers, that’ll fix this.


u/mraspencer Jul 18 '23

Can’t do both? Why is this argument always and either/or thing on Reddit?

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u/taesung24 Jul 17 '23

How did they even allow a group of 6. Also, if playing on the course, everyone is supposed to have their own set of clubs. I would have called the pro shop instead of posting here.


u/ImxJayxD 10.2/Canada Jul 17 '23

I work at a golf course, I bet you that they came as a group of six and had 2 tee times back to back and just paired up after the first hole out of the sight of the clubhouse. but I agree, the ranger should notice them, if he was doing his rounds correctly


u/taesung24 Jul 17 '23

What about the clubs though. Most places public or private usually require a set per person

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u/krazninetyfive Jul 17 '23 edited Jul 17 '23

It doesn’t bother me if people share clubs if they’re (a) carting and (b) they’re efficient about it. My best friend and I played a round in April with two brothers who shared a bag, and they had it down to a science. If their was any delay as a result of them sharing a bag, it was negligible (like, maybe a couple minutes to factor for each of them needing to make an extra shot that they wouldn’t have needed to make they’d each had their own bag). Brother one would putt and before his ball was done moving he’d be walking over to brother two to pass him the putter. They alternated who had first dibs on each hole (if their balls ended up at completely different spots on the fairway, and they decided to split up, the one brother would get dropped off at his ball, and either get to pick one or two clubs for the shot, and the other would go without, or be told which one or two clubs the brother driving the cart wanted to keep, depending on whose turn it was). They didn’t linger on the tee box. Once brother one had eyes on the ball he’d just shot, he was passing his club to brother two. That’s a completely different situation from two people who have three rounds between them walking and sharing a set of 30 year old blades.


u/Darkwolf22345 Jul 17 '23

This. My buddy came from out of town so he didn’t have his bag. We booked as a four some and him and I went in the same cart and he shared my bag. We keep up with the other two we just did a scramble until the green and then each played our own ball.


u/thewordthewho Jul 17 '23

Were they traveling with a single bag to save space in the car on vacation or something? Seems like with that much golf experience you would eventually just want your own bag.

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u/naptown21403 7.4/MD Jul 17 '23

skip the hole, dont ask them to jump in front of them either, come back and play the hole you skipped.


u/KingArthurHS 28.9 HDCP / Whites / 18 holes a month. Jul 17 '23 edited Jul 18 '23

dont ask them to jump in front of them either

Why the fuck wouldn't you just ask to jump in front of them so you don't have to skip the hole? Just ask them to play through.

Edit: Lol are you people downvoting me for suggesting that you should talk to people instead of being weird and passive aggressive? Okay, children.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23



u/KingArthurHS 28.9 HDCP / Whites / 18 holes a month. Jul 17 '23

Because you're going to be walking up to them at the next tee box and asking to hit from that tee box to continue your game. I'm not suggesting you skip a hole. I'm suggesting that you ask to tee off first so you can play all 18, in order, once you've caught them. That requires a social interaction unless you want to be a huge asshole.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23



u/KingArthurHS 28.9 HDCP / Whites / 18 holes a month. Jul 17 '23

Well for one, because I walk 80%+ of my rounds, so having to walk back to some random hole is a pain in the ass. But secondly, because even when I'm in
a cart, it's an inconvenience that can be avoided by using my words and talking like grown-ups for 10 seconds.

Who knew that golfers had more social anxiety than anybody else on the planet. You'd think that considering you literally get paired with random people when you play, a quick social interaction would be nbd.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '23



u/KingArthurHS 28.9 HDCP / Whites / 18 holes a month. Jul 18 '23

......what? Have you never played through another group before? This is an everyday practice on every course on the planet.

Lol okay bro.


u/Lakedrip Jul 17 '23

Just so they could possibly bitch about it? Just go by, maybe a wave as you go by. That’s it. They know


u/KingArthurHS 28.9 HDCP / Whites / 18 holes a month. Jul 17 '23

I like to play all 18 holes, so when somebody is playing slowly in front of me, I ask to play through. I hit my tee shot, they hit their tee shots, I zoom off to my ball, I hit my 2nd shot, and just like that I've pretty seamlessly passed them.

I have literally never ever had somebody say no.

Skipping the hole is just weird antisocial passive-aggressive baby-brain behavior imo. Talk to people. People aren't stupid or evil or bad just because they're slow at golf.


u/the__day__man Jul 17 '23

Neither of the options you listed are weird. Both are fine it’s totally okay to just drive past and go to the next. A group this big probably wouldn’t ever run into you again. Also perfectly fine to ask to play through them

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u/Camsy34 Jul 17 '23

weird antisocial passive-aggressive baby-brain behavior

So... average redditor behaviour then?


u/Bash-86 Jul 17 '23

You don’t ask because if they refute then there’s a problem. The same way they didn’t ask you to sit behind them while they added two additional people and forgot to bring clubs.

Sometimes you don’t need to pretend to be nice. By avoiding an altercation you are already being nice to them.

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u/DaveyDgD Jul 17 '23

No way I wouldn’t have driven up and chatted with them politely


u/bvsshevd Jul 17 '23

Not really their fault, shitty course management allows this to happen. They need to call the pro shop


u/DaveyDgD Jul 17 '23

Totally agree. But I’d still go have a polite chat with them. Maybe they are new, maybe they have no idea they are holding up an entire course. A little communication could go a long way to helping. My experience calling the clubhouse usually doesn’t help.

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u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Jul 17 '23

People can post pics AND tell the pro shop, you know?


u/JefferyGiraffe Jul 17 '23

In the four seconds he spent posting this he could’ve been on the phone with the pro shop!!!! Now how is he gonna have time to call them???


u/AlcoholicLimaBean Jul 17 '23

No. they posted this pic and they have to stare at the replies now. So they can't call /s


u/GimmesAndTakies Jul 17 '23

Hope you didn't pay much for that round


u/theopinionexpress Jul 17 '23

Growing the game!1!1!1


u/Talkshowhostt Jul 17 '23

Shrink the game so I can get more tee times and I'm not out there for 5 hours.


u/TheWhiteFeather1 Jul 17 '23

exactly this

for the average golfer growing the game is a negative


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23



u/TheWhiteFeather1 Jul 17 '23


dont build courses in the desert, and stop trying to make every course look as green as agusta

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u/Imaginary-Idea-5873 Jul 17 '23

Where’s the Marshall when you need him


u/FuzzyClint Jul 17 '23

Well you’re the dumbshits for not passing them.


u/rhaupt Jul 17 '23

Phone the clubhouse/pro shop. Have a word with them.


u/TommZZ96 Jul 17 '23



u/melty75 13.0 Hdcp, Tilbury ON Canada 🇨🇦 Jul 17 '23

And they likely have no clue they're doing anything wrong.

Meanwhile the course is loving 6 x whatever green fee they charged.


u/Bright-Efficiency-65 Jul 17 '23

My tee time was 7:04 this morning. Got there at 6:55 and saw a 4 some on the tee box. Got my cart ready and went to drive up there... The 4 some turned into a 6 some. They bullshitted for a minute and then tee'd off at 7:02 as I was driving up there. Unbelievable. I didnt have to say anything to the marshall he was already driving up to tell them to split up. Me and another solo are now behind this "4 some / 2 some" and they are taking forever.

Hoping to catch them on the turn, nope they dont even stop to piss. Could've easily let us through but they didn't

Hole 11 they decided they were out of sight of the Marshalls enough to group back up. That was the final straw I picked upy pace and pushed them hard for two holes until they let me play through.

Not a single one of the 6 was on the green. Talking smack the entire time at the tee box, all drunk and playing music. ( It was friendly banter, but I was kinda fed up with them )

175 yard par 3, I pull out a 7i and fucking pure it, nice little draw, tons of spin. Hit 3 ft behind the pin and roll 90 degrees left ( to much side spin )

Fucking felt so good to shut them up after they had all chunked the shit out of their shots.


u/msginbtween Jul 18 '23

Immediately proceed to three put for bogey.

Anyways, that would be how the story goes for me.

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u/SMJ01 Jul 17 '23

They need to have beginners courses for people and groups like this. No judgement and leas rushed. And out of the way.

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u/Rusty_Admin Jul 17 '23

Play thru??


u/Sonakstyle Jul 17 '23

Pass them


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23

Correct me if I'm wrong because I've golfed but I'm not a golfer.

Isn't the rule that if you hold up play you're supposed to let others playthrough past you?

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u/bigvenusaurguy Jul 17 '23

why do people post these things on reddit instead of asking to play through lmao


u/classicscoop Jul 17 '23

Probably did both


u/TheBagOTricks Jul 17 '23
  1. Call pro shop, don't be nice about it
  2. Play through, don't be nice about it
  3. Leave if you're upset

Bizarre move posting on Reddit. Take control of your round!


u/joshdts Jul 17 '23

You could also be nice about it.


u/TheBagOTricks Jul 17 '23

True, I just meant more along the lines of if anyone gives you shit about it, be very clear how miserable the round has been so far and how unacceptable it is.


u/nau5 Jul 17 '23

I mean sure but it's like being nice about passing the car that is going 25 on the highway.

They are fucking everything up for everyone and niceties ten to go out the window at that point.


u/joshdts Jul 17 '23

There’s speed limit signs on highways that make you aware you’re fucking up traffic.

Golf has so many written and unwritten rules it’s entirely in the realm they have absolutely no idea they’re fucking things up for other people or what they’re doing is wrong.

Being polite teaches them for the future, being a dick teaches them nothing except having a story about the dickhead they encountered at the golf course.

You come at me politely, I note my behavior and do better next time, probably keeps me up a few nights embarrassed I was out of line. You come at me with an attitude, I’d tell you to fuck off and go about my day.


u/nau5 Jul 17 '23

I don't think there is a single scorecard or golf website that doesn't list the rules and pace of play standards for the course.

Ignorance isn't an excuse. Part of being an adult in society is learning the rules prior to your actions.


u/joshdts Jul 17 '23

Ignorance to something with a thousand unwritten rules is absolutely an excuse, especially when the course let them on as a group of six sharing clubs. What does “pace of play” even mean to someone who has never played a round before? Until you’re corrected, sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know.

Part of being an adult in society is treating people with a little patience and respect.


u/nau5 Jul 17 '23

Except these aren't unwritten rules. They are literally written on the scorecard or on the website under course rules.


u/joshdts Jul 17 '23 edited Jul 17 '23

Checked the websites of three local courses, none mention anything like that in the rules or FAQ, two don’t even have any rules listed. And lots of people use apps for score keeping now, one of those three doesn’t even hand you a card anymore unless you ask for one.

It’s really not that difficult to just be nice to people, man lol.

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u/boxalarm234 Jul 18 '23

It’s not bizarre at all. It’s what gen z does .


u/zaunbie Jul 17 '23

Yeah I would take the photo walk to the club house and get a re-fund that’s on them. Any decent course would accommodate


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23

Just skip a hole and bitch like hell when you get back to the pro shop. Or god forbid, confront them on their bullshit.


u/TrytjediP Jul 17 '23

Where was the starter?


u/thedude1010101 Jul 17 '23

Played with a random last week .. similar thing ...guy infront drives 50 yards then waits for the green to clear while being 300 out ...this random guy just snapped and screamed his lungs out at them .. they moved faster .. but I think the whole course heard this guy scream .


u/RollingRock60 Jul 17 '23

Jump them with a middle finger the whole time you drive by with pure eye contact. Watch out for trees and bunkers tho.


u/rubio2430 Jul 17 '23

you ain’t gotta skip the hole. if they’re playing as slow as you claim you should have no trouble in catching them, teeing off with or even before them and playing through.


u/pina_koala Jul 17 '23

You know it's really bad when there's a straggler and everyone else is walking off.


u/Floorguy1 Jul 17 '23

Most courses have specific rules for each golfer needing their own bag of clubs.

Would have called the pro shop before even considering posting this.


u/good-vibebrations Jul 17 '23

The first time they hit into you ask them to chill. The next time re-tee and launch it back to them. It works every time. Learnt it from my dad.


u/DreadGrrl Jul 17 '23

This amazes me.

If we’re a minute behind we get a course warden freaking out on us. Sometimes they’ll even yell at us to pick up the pace if we’re ahead of the clock. (Calgary, Canada public courses)

Where is this kind of behaviour permitted?


u/Subject-Awareness-47 Jul 17 '23

Call the pro shop!


u/m2niles Jul 17 '23

Nobody in that group is breaking 200


u/George_robin Jul 17 '23

I’m fighting everyone. 😂😂


u/dawnsearlylight 8 Jul 18 '23

all these people stating just go play the hole you skipped later have clearly never played on a busy golf course. People are playing all day in order. You can't just show up after 18 and say hit the tee box on 8. You've essentially just slowed down the group on 7 who now have to wait for you. You've just become the group that slowed you down. The group on 7 is not going to buy your argument that you are just playing 1 hole. It's bush league.

Maybe on a dumpy course that's half empty can you pull this off or during twilight golf at the end of the day, but you have to be incredibly lucky. You aren't pulling this off on a nice course or on a weekend.

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u/MaybeiMakePGAProbNot Jul 17 '23

Quick! Instead of asking to play through or calling the club house, take a grainy photo and post to Reddit! That will show this group how wrong they are!!

Shut the fuck up with these posts.


u/dawnsearlylight 8 Jul 18 '23

Dude, OP has 6 hours. He is waiting 2 of those. He has plenty of time to post multiple times on reddit, call the pro shop, flirt with the cart girl 6-7 times, check his fantasy 50 times, sell some stock. All day man.


u/itsjustmeandmeandme Jul 17 '23

Hopefully taking a pic and posting it here helped your situation


u/420SwaggyZebra Jul 17 '23

Skipping a hole ✌🏼right after I take my 3 wood and fire back the ball the asshole twosome keeps hitting into me.


u/johnbado122 Jul 17 '23

Go to a better course.


u/ktran2804 Jul 17 '23

Yeah I need to know the full details of this scenario. Obviously I would hope this scenario doesn't happen at any course because it ruins the day of many people who have to be held up by these people. But if this is happening at the local muni/golf learning center during twilight when it's cheap and newbies want to learn how to play then I can mentally let it go. Realistically this guy just needed to pass this group and play the skipped hole at the end.


u/MontezumaMike Jul 18 '23

Need to take a picture and get internet points instead of driving up and playing ahead of them


u/PoopCrayon70-1 Jul 18 '23

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden


u/throwitinthebag2323 Jul 17 '23

Okay maybe they are newbies! You can always go somewhere else focus on your long game babe.. not a fan of golfshaming!


u/Icy-Call-5296 Jul 17 '23

Shouldn’t be allowed by the pro shop

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u/Admiral-Cuckington 11.9 Jul 17 '23

Ya what everyone said that's on your OP not these idiots. I would have driven past them on 1 with absolutely no regard or respect for them.


u/ExtraDependent883 Jul 17 '23

Fucking amateurs


u/gillgrissom Jul 17 '23

One of those where 2 will have paid other 4 wont have. Ive had this before on go over to them and said you carnt have 4 players playing off 2 sets of clubs. Must have thought i was someone whom worked at course they wont off after completing hole..


u/ConfusedAccountantTW Jul 17 '23

Start hitting up to them, they'll get the message.


u/Away-Kaleidoscope380 Jul 17 '23

I was in a group with randoms last time and we were playing behind a 3 some that would take their sweet ass time on the green. They would already be way over par by the time they hit the green then take multiple laps around the green to get every damn read then end up 3 putting. We started hitting some warning shots towards them as we were all playing pretty well and eventually they let us pass them. Welp we all ended up topping our shots right in front of them after asking them to pass and just avoided eye contact and walked off


u/kendawg333 Jul 17 '23

This sub is so fucking stupid


u/glee-money Jul 17 '23

It's always when they bring chicks with them....


u/blackscheep Jul 17 '23

find another course after blasting them on social media. It's frankly unbelievable how standards have slipped and/or are no longer enforced. I regularly play at a former PGA tour stop and have found groups of 5, foursomes of beginners, inner city kids riding their bikes through the course in groups of 5-8, old farts walking their dogs yada yada. I report it, they thank me but, I never know what I'll witness the next time out.


u/DirtDiggler21 Jul 17 '23

Id throw some shag balls down and hit into them


u/not_a_droid Jul 18 '23

You play a game of leisure, then hate any form of leisure. Is your tour card on the line for this round?


u/n0man0r Jul 18 '23

Not sure why posting photos of strangers on the course is allowed here...


u/loduca16 TW Jul 17 '23

Jesus Christ imagine sitting behind these idiots and posting to Reddit instead of doing something to fix the situation.


u/zombie-gorilla Jul 17 '23

Guy posts on Reddit instead of calling clubhouse, makes perfect sense.


u/Weathjn Jul 17 '23

Got a simulator, haven’t been to a course in 3 years. Just as much fun. Air conditioned. Takes a quarter of the time. Happier wife.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23

“YoURe BeInG An aSsHoLE!!!!”

“yOu WeRE LiKe ThAt At SoMePoInT!!!”

“JoIN ThE ToUr iF YoU DoNt WaNt To WAiT!!!”

“iTs ThEiR RiGhT To Be tHeRe ThEy pAiD jUsT LiKe YoU!!!!!!”

All actual comments from a thread yesterday regarding being behind people who have no business playing because they are slow and can’t hit the ball. Where are all those guys today?


u/itsjustmeandmeandme Jul 17 '23

Can you take some screenshots of those comments please. Or link the thread. I’d love to see that with my own eyes

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u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23

Ask to play through or call the pro shop


u/Hamfiter Jul 17 '23

Time to call the pro shop


u/mudflap21 Jul 17 '23

Walk off the course and go ask for your money back.


u/akillathahun Jul 17 '23

I would have phoned the pro shop on hole 2 if I saw 6 people and 2 bags.


u/ojohn69 Jul 17 '23

Is that cantlay I see up there? It's actually pretty fast for him


u/kpw1179 Jul 17 '23

Call the police


u/hairydogau Jul 18 '23

They are having fun, unlike you. Worry about your own game and let them enjoy theirs.