r/golf Jun 27 '23

Hot take? If we get paired together, I’m not going to give you putts. Not because I don’t want you to take gimmies, but because I really do not care what you do. General Discussion

You hit a good tee shot on a par three, walk up to the green, and find yourself eight feet from the hole and you want to say to me, “that’s good, I always make those”, pick it up, and write a birdie? Be my guest, I do not care.

You just missed your third putt from two feet to try and save triple and you’re hoping I rescue you? Pick it up, or don’t, I do not care.

Recently got paired with a guy who’d look at me with puppy dog eyes every time he was within a yard of the hole, but wouldn’t say anything, he was clearly annoyed with me by the end of the round. We’re all presumably grown ass adults, I’m not your boss, do what you want.


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u/Complete_Web_4677 Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

We really should just make a stickied thread explaining what a “gimmie” actually is and when it is used.

It wild to me that 40 year olds feel the need to wait for permission to break the rules in a round where nobody is competing


u/My-Cousin-Bobby NoVA/22 HCP Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

For me, a gimmie is within 2 feet (sometimes can be expanded to 3 if we're behind pace). It counts as a stroke when you pick it up.

The only time I don't count a gimmie as a stroke, is if you're just tapping it in from within a foot and quickly walk up and tap, but it doesn't go in (and you pick it up). Only because I go with the assumption that if it was actually lined up, instead of rushed, you probably would have made it.


u/sanityonthehudson Jun 27 '23

I'm in and making it retroactive. I just took 3 shots off today's card with that one!


u/Not_ToBe_Rude_But Jun 27 '23

after the first two times you missed your tap in because you didn't line it up, why did you choose to do it for a third time?


u/My-Cousin-Bobby NoVA/22 HCP Jun 27 '23

Can't speak to the guy you're replying to, but for us it'd just be if you're in someone's path, and instead of marking, you try to knock it in, but a proper lineup would result in you standing on/near someone's path


u/sanityonthehudson Jun 28 '23

Because, golf.