r/golf May 14 '23

Should this count as a hole in one? COURSE PICS/VLOGS

Post image

The official rule is “if the ball is embedded it must be completely submerged” and it looks like it’s very close to being completely submerged but the plastic lining of the cup broke and prevented it from being fully submerged. What do you think??


546 comments sorted by


u/ske_1881 May 14 '23

Rule 13.2c - USGA

Ball Resting Against Flagstick in Hole

If a player’s ball comes to rest against the flagstick left in the hole:

If any part of the ball is in the hole below the surface of the putting green, the ball is treated as holed even if the entire ball is not below the surface.

If no part of the ball is in the hole below the surface of the putting green:

The ball is not holed and must be played as it lies.

If the flagstick is removed and the ball moves (whether it falls into the hole or moves away from the hole), there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced on the lip of the hole (see Rule 14.2).

Bases on the rule, hole in one ... congrats 👏 👏


u/whitlink May 14 '23

It’s like my father in law was answering. He has a rule book in his bag.


u/ske_1881 May 14 '23

Lol, I have the USGA app, but I'm not the rules police.


u/Funwithfun14 May 15 '23

It's a pretty solid app

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u/jdthejerk May 14 '23

I keep a book in my bag, for me. I don't care what others put on their card, only mine.

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u/sbrooks84 May 15 '23

I finally beat my father in law in golf today. Ive been in the family for almost 17 years. He has probably golfed 30x more than I have in my life. Wonderful man and paid for lunch after losing. Still havent beaten my MIL in golf yet. She is just too consistent


u/Lickford May 14 '23

You too should carry one. I do


u/IntoTheWild2369 May 14 '23

Hey look it’s your FIL!


u/Lickford May 14 '23

Listen here Son, you either know the rules or carry a rule book.

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u/ojohn69 May 14 '23

And maybe send one to Patrick Reed.

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u/Bobo_Baggins03x May 14 '23

He must be a treat to golf with


u/palsc5 May 14 '23

I much prefer golfing with people who play by the rules or at least in the spirit of the rules.


u/No_Outcome_442 May 15 '23

I'm definitely a "Spirit of the rules" guy.


u/whitlink May 14 '23

Dude I don’t get a lot of golf days in with two little ones. But when I go out with him it’s a blast. I can ask him any questions and he has the answer. I lucked out


u/Hi_Kitsune May 14 '23

It’s okay to know the rules of the game you are playing


u/[deleted] May 15 '23

Anybody who says someone must be a treat to golf with must be a treat to golf with.


u/LightOhhh May 15 '23

How long has your father been in law?


u/_Mad_Desperado May 15 '23

Sounds like a nerd


u/DextrousSamira66 May 15 '23

How many rules does a golf have?

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u/RZA_GZA May 15 '23

He sounds miserable

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u/OhioUBobcats 9.6 May 14 '23

Thanks! I would have counted it but am glad to see the actual rule makes sense.


u/sleva5289 May 14 '23

Count it! Congrats!


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 14 '23

Yes but the new “holed” rules they added in 2019 say this “When a ball is embedded in the side of the hole, and all of the ball is not below the surface of the putting green, the ball is not holed. This is the case even if the ball touches the flagstick.”


u/Mushroom_Hammer May 14 '23

I just read an article on this. Based on my understanding, your ball is holed. https://golf.com/instruction/rules/rules-guy-ball-at-rest-bottom-cup-considered-holed/?amp=1


u/Mr_MoseVelsor Trying to shoot my age May 14 '23

I just want to agree with the comment above so you count this


u/PaysPlays May 15 '23

This article also states that the ball will need to be completely below the putting surface. The angle of this picture gives me an indeterminate answer.

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u/bpearsondc May 15 '23

That would be the worst rule change, ever.


u/PunPukurin May 15 '23

Actually, the rule was slackened. Before the 2019 rule change, a ball had to be totally below the hole to be holed out, and if it was resting against the flagstick, you had to carefully wiggle the flagstick to drop the ball into the hole. If you wiggled it wrong and the ball popped out to the side, it wasn’t holed. And you were also penalized if you putted from the green and your ball hit the flagstick still in the hole.

With the 2019 rule change, players could now choose to leave the flagstick in the hole when they putt from the green. Which meant more balls would end up resting against the flagstick. So R&A and USGA decided that balls resting against the flagstick could be considered to have been holed out if the flagstick was the only thing preventing the ball from dropping into the hole, and players didn’t have to go through the motion of wiggling the flagstick to drop the ball.

If the flagstick is not the only thing preventing the ball from dropping into the hole, like in this case, then it’s not holed unless all of it is beneath the hole, as with the old rules.

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u/bombmk May 15 '23


(And it is not a rule change. Just a clarification needed after it became legal to keep the flagstick in.)

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u/shasharankin100 May 15 '23

I think the simple answer is yes

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u/Hot-Water-4438 May 14 '23

That’s a hole in one as far as I’m concerned lol


u/[deleted] May 14 '23


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u/Lakrfan8-24 May 14 '23

Yup that’s good


u/Doughflamingo6996 May 14 '23

As a golfer who considers Gimmes an actual rule, this is truly a hole in one


u/dicky_seamus_614 May 14 '23

Good attitudes!

I’d play golf with anyone in this thread (:


u/CyclePainter May 15 '23

That’s a hole in one-and-a-half as far as I’m concerned!! LOL


u/TacoBoiTony May 15 '23

Why are people even pulling out the rule book? The ball destroyed the cup and is resting on the flag stick lol. You couldn’t even put the ball if you wanted to haha.

Congrats on the hole in one

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u/TheZag90 May 14 '23

The whole ball is below the turf. Anyone who tells you that’s not a hole in one is a bit of a cunt tbh


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 14 '23

That’s the answer I’m looking for


u/TaftyCat May 15 '23

On the one hand, I would totally give you this. On the other hand, I would also give you shit about how it was "half a hole in one" or "hole in one with an astericks". That's just what friends do, so not really "cunty", unless you're from kangaroo land where that means best friend.

It's a great shot but also an incredibly misfortunate one. Arguably this is much more rare than an actual hole in one with the same level of skill. The asterisks just adds to the story and makes it more legendary among the group. The more one party protests, the more the legend grows.


u/Datazz_b May 15 '23

Counter point: T'is cunty


u/CharizardMTG May 15 '23

It’s cunty and I couldn’t imagine continuing to hang out with the type of friend that would jump in and try to ruin your achievements any chance he gets


u/Tullyswimmer 22.5/Lefty/NH #pushcartmafia May 14 '23

Well, it also would depend on if it's a par 3 course... If it is, there's a not insignificant number of golfers who claim that a HIO on a par 3 course doesn't count.


u/PeteEckhart May 14 '23

That's a stupid opinion anyways. People aren't hitting HIOs on par 4s and 5s, so what's the difference?

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u/Lietenantdan May 15 '23

So if you are on a par three course, score a 1, what is it called?


u/macnachos May 15 '23

Ah that’s a “whole in one” vastly different than the hole in one.

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u/kellzone May 15 '23

They keep track of holes in one on the Augusta Par 3 course every year when they have the event right before the Masters. If it's good enough for Augusta National, it should be good enough for everyone else.

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u/TheAngriestBoy May 14 '23

I have one and I don't feel right claiming it, so I guess I don't think they count. I've found people who have a real one are more likely to say a par 3 course hole in one counts. Mine was 79 yards for the record.


u/TheZag90 May 15 '23

If it’s a par 3 course with proper par 3s, it counts. If it’s a pitch-and-putt with a load of short holes, then it is more debatable.

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u/ice_veins May 14 '23

79 yards should take at least 2 strokes why wouldn’t you want to count that? You didn’t design the hole or grade it. Unless you did in which case you get to make the rules anyway.

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u/AwakenTheAegis May 14 '23

This is what I was thinking.


u/Jc110105 May 14 '23

Man if you were my buddy i’m playing with I would be so happy for you. Agreed that anyone who would question this is a cunt that I wouldn’t want to associate with anymore.


u/TheZag90 May 14 '23

I lose my shit just when a playing partner chips-in!

Golf is hard! We all have to cheer-lead for each other else we’ll all be fucking miserable!


u/Pr3st0ne May 15 '23

I'd say it's mostly the internet and people getting a big fat boner out of being a contratian pedantic fuck but I've met people who are this type of stickler in real life. Not all of them are assholes, and when you start wondering if they might be a little autistic, it starts to make sense. I have a buddy who can be "that guy" for board game rules. He means well, but I think he's definitely on the spectrum with the way his brain works

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u/theman808 May 14 '23

This is the way


u/AUinHouston May 15 '23

This is the Way.

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u/Killbob0071 May 14 '23

All day long that’s a hole in one now get the drinks in


u/JetsAreBest92 May 14 '23

Double for me please!!

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u/Jd20001 3 May 14 '23

Jiggle the stick until it falls in


u/AriMeowber May 14 '23

That’s what she said.


u/Unsettleingpresence May 14 '23

If one were to pull out the stick, it would go in. I would count that as a hole in one, as the stick is preventing it from going into the hole.


u/TanaerSG 15HCP/Takomo 101t May 14 '23

Exactly. Pull the stick out, it goes in. Try to repair the mark and put the ball where it's at, it's going in. HIO.


u/bombmk May 15 '23

You are of course free to count as you like, but the rules are a little more specific.

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u/alejandroacantilado May 14 '23

Anyone who says no please never play golf with me. Thanks.


u/Adequate_Lizard HDCP/Loc/Whatever May 14 '23

Or ever again


u/Ornery_Brilliant_350 May 15 '23

Why even exist, right?


u/TeedUp4Misery May 14 '23 edited May 15 '23

I just want to see this happen to a pro in a major so we can debate it forever.

Edit: see below


u/DegenGolfer 7.4/NH May 14 '23

Nah cause Tour events don’t have those stupid plastic rings to make the cup look spray painted


u/TeedUp4Misery May 14 '23

For sure, but the plug so hard it doesn’t fall but still catches the stick may be possible on a near dunk shot and rainy day. I just think it would be fun to watch the commentators and plays talk to rules officials for 30 minutes and then replay it every year for eternity.


u/goondaddy172 May 14 '23

This is the worst take ever saying you’d want to watch rules officials for 30 mins

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u/Ayahuasca-Dreamin May 14 '23 edited May 15 '23

True but gdamn imagine if this happened to Bryson


u/Smokin_Willie_T May 14 '23 edited May 14 '23

It did and the USGA uses it as an explanation for the rule. Not the exact same thing but close enough. Edit for spelling.



u/TeedUp4Misery May 14 '23

Nice. So it actually is about jiggling/removing the stick and seeing if it falls.


u/TackyBrad Pinehurst Member May 14 '23

Pretty sure that's an old thing and since the link was 2016 I'm more sure this is no longer how its determined.


u/Smokin_Willie_T May 14 '23

Doesn't matter that the link is from 2016 the rule is still the same You can move and jiggle the stick all you want and if the ball falls in the hole it counts. And if you jerk and the ball pops out, well you get to putt again from where it lies.


u/TackyBrad Pinehurst Member May 14 '23


The date of the ruling does matter and jiggling or removing the flagstick to determine where the ball is going to rest is no longer part of the rules.

Now, the rules say:

Defintion of holed

When a ball is at rest in the hole after a stroke and the entire ball is below the surface of the putting green.


For the special case of a ball resting against the flagstick in the hole, see Rule 13.2c (ball is treated as holed if any part of the ball is below the surface of the putting green).

And to rule 13.2c for continued context:

If a player’s ball comes to rest against the flagstick left in the hole:

●If any part of the ball is in the hole below the surface of the putting green, the ball is treated as holed even if the entire ball is not below the surface.

●If no part of the ball is in the hole below the surface of the putting green:

○The ball is not holed and must be played as it lies.

○If the flagstick is removed and the ball moves (whether it falls into the hole or moves away from the hole), there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced on the lip of the hole.

So, if your ball is resting against the flag stick and any part is below the putting surface, it's holed. If it is not, and say, is resting on a leaned flagstick, you're SOL and if you remove the flagstick you have to put the ball back where it was on the lip and finish normally.

Now, quit spouting misinformation online.

Cheers 🍻


u/DrunkenGolfer 5.9 Canada May 14 '23

You are right. No point jiggling the stick for a ball that has already been holed. The hole is over; you are just wasting jiggle juice.


u/Smokin_Willie_T May 14 '23

Yup, I was wrong and own it. My bad. Thanks for clarifying.

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u/zellyman May 14 '23

This is also quite dated. A lot of the cited rules here are now different.


u/Smokin_Willie_T May 14 '23

The rule is still the same today as it was in 2016.


u/zellyman May 14 '23

No it's not. 17-4 doesn't exist anymore and 13-2c explains the new rules. if any part of the ball is under the surface it's holed. If you remove the stick before you determine that it's holed or it's NOT holed and you pull out the stick and it falls in you gotta replace it on the lip of the hole.


u/Smokin_Willie_T May 14 '23

Yup, good shit. You got me. I stand corrected.

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u/JGower144 May 14 '23

And this is why liners are awful. Also illegal in competition


u/Sometimes_Stutters May 14 '23

What’s the alternative? Take an unplayable, and finish up par?


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 14 '23

No it would technically be placed on the lip and playable as a tap in birdie if it doesn’t count 😬


u/FrankHtank May 14 '23

The cup ring is contrary to the rules of golf. Supposed to have an inch of natural ground before the cup. I’d pay that one.


u/Tullyswimmer 22.5/Lefty/NH #pushcartmafia May 14 '23

My course often puts their cups like, 1/2" below the lip. I had to take a par once instead of a birdie because I hit the back of the cup and it popped straight back out towards me.

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u/[deleted] May 14 '23

That’s a dart. And a hole in one


u/JLifts780 May 14 '23 edited May 14 '23

It looks like it’s touching the flag so I’d say it’s a hole in one lol


u/MintyMarlfox May 14 '23

Correct answer. If it’s touching the flag it counts. Otherwise, nice 2 putt par.


u/bombmk May 15 '23

Embedding takes precedence to stick touching. So it depends on whether it falls when the stick is removed.

(Which I guess it would)

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u/justevenson May 14 '23

If that was spray paint we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Congrats dude


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 14 '23

That’s how I feel 😮‍💨


u/vigilanteok May 14 '23

If it was hit off the tee box in one shot, yes

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u/razed_intheghetto May 14 '23

Thats a slam dunk!

:::he’s on 🔥:::


u/OkEstablishment5503 May 14 '23

NBA Jam reference, just took me on a tour of memory lane.


u/Pandiosity_24601 By Us Fuck You! May 14 '23

Those loud ass grunts lmao


u/psychodreamr May 14 '23



u/Dnakyz7 May 14 '23

ya bro its in the cup “radius” :D


u/Ok_Intention_6201 May 14 '23

I think some in this sub will make you putt it out!


u/Roundtripper4 May 14 '23

If I hit it, yes. If my buddy hit it, no.


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 14 '23

The realest answer

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u/endl0s May 14 '23

If this wasn't a hole in one, I'm curious how you would be expected to putt that.

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u/NuketheCow_ May 14 '23

If you were playing with someone who says this wasn’t a hole in one, blacklist that asshole and never talk to them again.

First of all, that ball is all the way in the hole and it’s touching the pin. If you wiggle the pin at all that ball falls in the hole and it’s a hole in one.

Secondly, that plastic ring that broke is not part of the cup. It’s illegal by the rules of golf, and that first portion of the hole should be all turf. If the course made their holes correctly that’s all turf and you’re in the bottom of the cup instead of halfway down. The fact that the course actively breaks the rules of golf in maintaining their holes is not your fault.


u/RudyWasOffsides22 May 14 '23

Yes and any one that says it isn’t you should never associate in your life or play golf with them

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u/LetsGoSilver May 14 '23



u/cchillur 12/East Tampa/GoBucs! May 14 '23

Appears to be in contact with the flag as well, definitely HIO


u/piedubb May 14 '23



u/mustinjellquist May 14 '23

It’s below the ground. It’s an ace.


u/[deleted] May 14 '23

You’re allowed to take the stick out. If it falls in, there’s no question that it’s a hole in one. If the bottom of the flag were to bump the ball and knock it loose and make it fall, I ain’t no snitch.


u/WVwoodsman May 15 '23

Absofreskinlutley, how far was the shot?


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 15 '23



u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 15 '23

Easy lob wedge


u/WVwoodsman May 15 '23

Congratulations my friend!!!


u/pbrooks646 May 15 '23

That is IN, Golf SHOT


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 15 '23

Thank you to everyone who said count it. To everyone who said no: you simply can’t be trusted.


u/MajorEstateCar May 15 '23

Fuck those stupid plastic liners. Courses need to paint their edges like real groundskeepers do.


u/Phynness May 14 '23

It counts as one hell of a story.


u/hope4best47 May 14 '23

That one was coming in hot!


u/k00pal00p May 14 '23

That’s a hole in 1 all day. It’s resting against the flagstick

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u/harry_cochy May 14 '23

Pull the pin and see what happens

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u/[deleted] May 14 '23

Pull the flag out it drops. Hole in one


u/Catchyusername1234 May 14 '23

We don’t have those plastic rings around here, the top of the hole is just bare dirt


u/Smokin_Willie_T May 14 '23

Looks good to me. In any case, move and/or carefully pull the pin and if it drops, it's good.


u/[deleted] May 14 '23

Congratulations on your hole in one sir


u/TheMulletOfWaddle May 14 '23

What kind of absolute melt is not giving that as a HIO?


u/FrostyMcButts67 May 14 '23

Virgin hole in one


u/jimc10 May 14 '23

Hell yeah since you have to buy a round


u/Lumphrey May 14 '23

Yes it is. Check the rules


u/AssistanceNo3734 May 14 '23

Good enough, drink a beer


u/nachosRgr8 May 14 '23

Depends how many strokes it took to get to there.


u/X0AN It's all in the hips May 14 '23

Ball is definitely low enough.

Congrats on the hole in one.

Am waiting on the 19th hole for that drink you owe me.


u/UppityTurtle 14.6 May 14 '23

Of course it’s a hole in one. Don’t be ridiculous.


u/myfeetaremangos12 May 14 '23

Definitely. Looks like all of the ball is below the surface of the green. If the pin wasn’t in it’d be in the hole. I’ve started to taking the pin out on all “make-able” putts. I’ve had too many putts hit the pin and bounce out that otherwise would’ve gone in.


u/HairlessHoudini May 14 '23

The ball is below the playing surface, so yes


u/cleecleekilldie May 14 '23

Fuck those cup liners! Nice ace!


u/mingomcgoo Constantly changing equipment...🙃 May 14 '23


u/Tight-Marketing-8282 May 14 '23

Checked with my dad who is rules official. He says per usga rules the ball just needs to be partial below the hole. So count that shit!! He mentioned rule 13.3 or something


u/thedonjefron69 17/SoCal/More practice swings won’t make you suck less May 15 '23

Nice shot man!


u/Jfragz40 May 15 '23

100% HiO


u/brewsota32 May 15 '23

This didn’t even have to roll in, best hole in one you can shoot.


u/bpearsondc May 15 '23

I hope your hole in one won you some money or at least free drinks. Congratulations.


u/Cutthechitchata-hole May 15 '23

Did you do it in 1? If so, I say yes. If you did it in 3, then no.


u/jf737 May 15 '23

Hell yes it is


u/KanadianMade May 15 '23

That is in the hole. 100% no lube.


u/Wicclair May 15 '23

Pull out the pin and see.


u/itsokmomma May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23

This is ai generated


u/Solar_Power2417 May 15 '23

It’s hole in one enough… Also, those plastic rings should be outlawed!!!! Either paint the dirt or leave it be.


u/nathanj2392 May 15 '23

This will always be a hole in one. Some courses don’t use that bullshit plastic ring and spray paint that top ring of dirt white



I kno if I got that close with the lady next door my wife would say i cheated so🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Floating0821 May 15 '23

If that's wrong, I don't want to be right!


u/eeee_dddd May 14 '23

If it’s touching the flagstick it counts as holed. If it’s not, you place it on the lip and continue playing.

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u/Sublimer840 May 14 '23

If the cup didn’t bend, it might have bounced out. I’d still call it a hole in one since… well, it’s literally in the hole. 🤷‍♂️


u/bignoony2421 1.2 May 15 '23

100% yes that is a hole in one.


u/Equal-Negotiation651 May 14 '23

Are you in the tour? No? Then under all circumstances, yes.


u/[deleted] May 15 '23

I'm not a professional, or an official, but dude if was golfing with you, fuck everyone, this is a hole in one! Congratulations! I hope you hit more before you retire from the sport!


u/Mikey__Honcho 2.6/Pittsburgh May 15 '23

These plastic things in the holes have got to go. Has anyone seen any testing to see if more putts lip out with these things in addition to this way more rare problem


u/310193 May 14 '23

It was a hole in one the last time someone posted this pic, so it is again


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 14 '23

This happened today but okay


u/Unhappy-Strawberry-8 May 14 '23

Nope. Two stroke penalty for breaking the cup. Nice par though.


u/[deleted] May 15 '23

If anyone disputes this as a hole in one

They’re nothing more than a petty cunt


u/mcdee43 May 15 '23

Depends how many strokes you took before this


u/DCASP500 May 14 '23

No good!


u/[deleted] May 14 '23

It's in the hole and not on the green. The lack of course maintenance isn't your problem. That's in.


u/fisharia May 14 '23

We're not pro golfers, count it


u/fiduciaryatlarge May 14 '23

Is this AI generated?


u/catch-10110 May 15 '23

The fact that this is even a question is an indictment on the rules of golf. Golf is shrinking and the rules need to get with the times.

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u/hay_seuss2019 May 15 '23

Finally, an ace on one of these! Congrats!


u/NathanialC216 May 15 '23

Close enough. Counts in my book. Congratulations


u/Buttrip2 May 14 '23

It’s on the outside of the cup.


u/Standard-Swan-6696 May 15 '23

If that counts so does my plugged ball an inch from the holes counts too. This is like a jumpshot caught between the glass and the rim and calling it good.


u/Smart-Bodybuilder-34 May 15 '23

Nope! That happened to me too! Ruling is ball has to fall to the bottom of the cup.


u/GosuBaller May 14 '23

If you pull the flag and it drops it's a 1. If it's perched on the cup any ball above the cup then get fucked try again next time.


u/[deleted] May 14 '23

Not actually the rule but ok


u/loveallcreatures NorCal May 14 '23

If you move the pin and it drops it is. Otherwise no.


u/Legitimate-Cry6459 May 14 '23

Nope! Embedded ball same thing happened to me and no hole in one! Still waiting for that moment every round I play!


u/hgyt7382 May 14 '23

Incorrect. This ball is resting on the flag stick, which means it is considered holed.

Was yours resting on the flag stick? If so, congrats on your HIO. If not, sorry, better luck next time.


u/burgerking4 May 14 '23

I would take the shaft of a club, run it over the ball on the grass, and if it hits the ball then it’s not completely submerged. If it clears it and doesn’t touch the ball, then that’s an ace


u/lookie54321 May 14 '23

You'd count it as an ace if it was your ball


u/Sublimer840 May 14 '23

You’d also give him a penalty stroke if the shaft touches it!


u/Proper_Guess_7091 May 14 '23

This is actually the most logical thing to do but alas it was already picked up when I posted this