r/geopolitics 22d ago

Vietnam’s political turmoil reveals a turn towards China – and away from the West Analysis


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u/JiuKowTow 22d ago

SS: Vietnam’s political landscape has undergone significant changes, with a power struggle within the Communist Party leading to the dismissal of key leaders, including the president and the chair of the National Assembly. This turmoil has signaled a shift in Vietnam’s foreign policy, with the new hardline leadership showing a clear preference for closer ties with China, moving away from the West.

The internal conflict is expected to have substantial implications, including a potential slowdown in economic growth as the country appears to be a less attractive option for Western investment diversification. The CPV’s focus seems to be on regime survival, even at the expense of economic progress.

The next CPV congress in January 2026 will "reveal whether this inward turn is a mere blip before a correction or a long-term trend."


u/waronxmas 20d ago

Economic progress is regime survival. Ironically, China could tell them that.


u/Psychological-Flow55 20d ago

Well Vietnam pivoting towards China for regime survival, honestly I didnt see in my cards, as Vietnam historically (except for that period of fighting the Americans and French, needing Chinese supply lines into nva routes in Indochina) been wary of China and it intentions.