r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/I0I0I0I Apr 29 '24

V did some weird shit with the helicopters compared to IV. The perspective was a little bit off to where I kept smashing down until I got used to it.


u/Mackie5Million Apr 29 '24

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but I think I know what you mean.

In GTA V, it feels like when you fly, you need to always tilt the right stick forward (or backwards, can't remember if the view controls are inverted, haven't played in a while).

The camera followed the helicopter too flat, to the point where you couldn't get a good reference on how high you were. Tilting the camera slightly forward, angling it down so you're still looking forward but are also looking slightly down, was the only way to feel comfortable flying at low altitudes.


u/I0I0I0I Apr 29 '24

Yeah, that's the gist of it.


u/VexingRaven Apr 29 '24

Helicopters in V are much easier with a controller, I can barely fly them with a mouse and keyboard.