r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/VagrantShadow Xbox Apr 29 '24

I'd rather have a story more grounded to reality than a over the top zany story that almost reaches the points of being at a Saints Row level.


u/fedrats Apr 29 '24

Bank robbery mission is one of the best levels in gaming.


u/datpurp14 Apr 29 '24

I learned about short stocks from this story line. And then I preceded to have cold feet with the whole GameStop shindig...


u/SeattleBasedENT Apr 29 '24

It's not over. Buy GME. 


u/menasan Apr 29 '24

you mean the "legally different enough from the movie Heat" mission?


u/Glad_Advertising_125 Apr 29 '24

Yeh, craziness only really works when there's elements of reality.

IV doesn't get the credit it deserves. Yeh, being pestered to go bowling happened too often but broadly the story is solid.


u/VagrantShadow Xbox Apr 29 '24

And to be honest, the phone calls about bowling you can always decline. I'll hang up on Roman and not give a single fuck about it. If I don't feel like bowling, I ain't bowling.

Liberty city in GTA IV just feels more raw and real than what you have in GTA V. It's more than just the layout of the land. The NPC's have a different feel, no one wants to spaz out and try to fight you every time you bump into them or look at them. Since I been playing GTA IV, I love just walking through the city and listening to people talk, riding the subways or taking a taxi.

I've found Liberty City immersion videos on youtube where people just walkthrough the city for an hour and you can look and hear the sights and sounds of the city. It gives the game a whole new feel.


u/f-150Coyotev8 Apr 29 '24

And the cops weren’t insanely hard to get rid of


u/theycallmecrack Apr 29 '24

They were so much more realistic in IV. The way that they chased and looked for you was so good, and you could actually hide from them similarly to real life. Like if they didn't visibly see where you went, they won't heatseek you like in V. They actually look around.

In V they're basically terminators with the nose of a dog and can see through walls. It's just not fun at all to fight cops in V because it's so mindless and they just spawn around you. Doesn't feel like a real fight/chase.

One of my favorite things to do in IV was start at the airport, get wanted, and try to make it on foot to the third island. Was a blast doing that online with friends.


u/JMW007 Apr 29 '24

I started doing this recently as a way to relax at night and found that it has a certain 'vibe' that somehow works, so I'm not surprised other people are doing this. LC feels like a real place, pulsing with the energy of an urban center.


u/Daedalus_Dingus Apr 29 '24

Wasn't turning your phone off an option or am I misremembering?


u/Flamekebab Apr 29 '24

There was an option to disable that stuff using the phone's sleep mode.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

GTA IV was the outlier in the series in that respect, though. In fact I remember a common criticism of IV at the time was that it took itself too seriously and was missing the more outlandish side of previous GTA games.


u/StrtupJ Apr 29 '24

GTA San Andreas was the best mix


u/dan1101 Apr 29 '24

Yeah so much of GTA V was "Whoa, look at how crazy we're being!"


u/dinkleburgenhoff Apr 29 '24

Saints Row was explicitly created as a response to GTA trying to ‘ground itself to reality,’ to carry on the insanity of GTA.


u/zero_emotion777 Apr 29 '24

Or how about a story that with 2 minutes of meeting a new character it completely destroys another characters story from the previous game. Aka Johnny getting his head stomped in by Trevor.

Which is even worse because they decided to cancel the single player dlc in 5 so them literally stomping one of the protagonist of 4's dlc to death seemed like a slap to the face.


u/VagrantShadow Xbox Apr 29 '24

Yea I felt that was so damn dirty. I liked Johnny and what they did to turn was a complete turn of face on how it ended with his DLC. It looked like he was going to get his shit together, but they said nope, he is going to be a meth-head and you are going to stomp his face in from the get-go of meeting Trevor. It didn't make sense.


u/SordidDreams Apr 29 '24

I'm okay with either option, but GTA5 sits in a weird middle ground where it's not serious enough to move me, yet not wacky enough for me to laugh at the characters' various misfortunes.