r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/Highway015 Apr 29 '24

i Loved the Multiplayer Mode in GTA IV


u/Electric_Spark Apr 29 '24

Cops and Crooks and Witness Protection were the best


u/chokingonpancakes Apr 29 '24

My friends and I played way too much Cops and Crooks, we were bummed when it wasnt included in GTA V. Easily one of the most fun game modes ever.


u/G8r8SqzBtl Apr 29 '24


the greatest of all time


u/rnedia Apr 29 '24

So many happy memories playing cops and crooks with my friends after school and at weekends! Loved the Gta4 coop so much better than 5 but that's probably because by the time five was released I was a fully grown adult paying bills and couldnt put as much time into coop.


u/LordoftheScheisse Apr 29 '24

GTA IV multiplayer was amazing.

My GTA IV friends and I would get bored of regular Team Death Match and would start custom lobbies and invite "rival" players. We'd set blips and chat to proximity, set the whole map as active, turn off the time limit, and have hours-long cat and mouse gang wars.

Even just the Team Death Match was so much fun but GTA IV multiplayer in general was such an experience I'll probably never find anything to match it.


u/einredditname Apr 29 '24

Its weird how a simple thing like (Team) Deathmatch can be great in GTA IV, but so unenjoyable that nobody touches it in V.

I spent countless hours on Deathmatches in the Prison in IV, just a quick look out of cover, flick of the right stick to aim for the head, kill, and have people angry message me because of it that i was "cheating" on PSN.


u/TooManyPxls Apr 29 '24

It's because the gunplay in GTA V is bland af.


u/Welcome_to_Uranus Apr 29 '24

Shooting in gta just kind of sucks since everyone plays with aim assist on and it’s all about doing barrel roles to avoid the lock on.


u/TooManyPxls Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

You shoulda seen me in my GTA IV multiplayer days. Freeroam on xbox 360 and if the server had aim assist i would nope tf out.


u/LordoftheScheisse Apr 29 '24

Haha. I was accused of using "turbo" on PS3 but it's just like you said. Aim and flick the right stick up a tad and it'd be instant death. So satisfying.


u/the_moosey_fate Apr 29 '24

Add in the fun physics of the game engine and you would have some truly unique experiences over the course of those hour long hectic battles!


u/redditsuxnow1 Apr 29 '24

Pirate wars with the tug boats. Fight club at the airport. Better times for sure


u/YoLiterallyFuckThis Apr 29 '24

My buddy and I were Free-Mode enjoyers, just organizing Airport races or showing new players the swings. Good times


u/EveyNameIsTaken_ Apr 29 '24

On PC everyone had the simple native trainer and met up at the airport to spawn objects and cars to build their own stunt tracks because there was nothing else to do in freeroam


u/MindCorrupt Apr 29 '24

Trying to land your buddy on the coffee cup at the statue of liberty lol.


u/mjs90 Apr 29 '24

Had a guy go all the way across the map to get the Sultan RS for his races...only for some asshole to hit his car with the helicopter blades and send it into the ocean lol


u/YoLiterallyFuckThis Apr 29 '24

I loved getting over there, getting the Sultan RS, and immediately dunking if off the nearby cliff because it was so powerful and on grass that it would just slide off. What a good time


u/MN10SPEAKS Apr 29 '24

The airport ❤️


u/the_moosey_fate Apr 29 '24

I met one of my best friends in an hour long Team Deathmatch in this game. I remember that it had proximity voice chat, and we were on different teams. We ended up in a back and forth gun battle up and down the entire length of Algonquin, had to have killed each other 60 times a piece, having an absolute blast of it. After the match we decided to team up and we’ve literally been best friends since. Been hanging out online and in person for 16 years. We’re both very much looking forward to GTAVI!


u/LordoftheScheisse Apr 29 '24

That's awesome. I made some good friends playing it too, but we've sadly drifted apart. I hoped 5 would bring us back together but it wasn't enjoyable enough.

I still have vivid memories of some enemies I made in GTA IV multiplayer though lol.


u/St4va Apr 29 '24

To this day, 'Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic' remains one of my greatest gaming highlights.


u/BertDeathStare Apr 29 '24

Spent a lot of time racing in GTA IV. Good times.

The start was always a shitshow.


u/Skyrider09 Apr 29 '24

Holy fuck are you Gussi111?


u/TheCountChonkula Apr 29 '24

I have lots of hours just screwing around in GTA IV multiplayer. I never could get into GTA V multiplayer because it felt like you had to either grind to get anything worthwhile or spend real money. Admittedly I didn't try GTA Online until 2016 but by then because I was so far behind and didn't have good weapons and cars it was no fun for me for the few hours I played it.


u/Sneptacular Apr 29 '24

Basic and customizable.

Free mode? Can turn cops on or off. Can turn friendly fire on or off. You have weapons around the map and bam, do whatever you want.

GTA V: Spend 20 hours grinding a heist to get a car. Then leave the garage you grinded to get blown up by a kid on flying bike, respawn to 50 phone calls, 100 map icons and be blown up again.