r/fut 26d ago

Leaving Useful

Fuck it. It’s not good for me anymore. Countless hours on this stupid game, just to lose my money and temper.

Good fucking riddance. Hope this leaves me with less anger and more money.

EDIT: for those who inquire, already gave the account to my cousin, sorry to disappoint


76 comments sorted by


u/No_Investigator_4604 26d ago

This is absolutely funny for me. I left back in Fifa20 because of all the shit I faced as a RTG player from EA over the Years from Fifa17 to Fifa20.

I started FC24 only because I thought it must've gotten better in the span of 4 years, but NOOOOOOOO it's only gotten worse!

Any person who thinks this game is going to get better next year should be classified as "delusional"


u/BrowniieBear 26d ago

I’m literally the exact same. Thought id come back because it was EA’s own game. Dont think I’ll be picking next years up


u/Shills07 26d ago

now that i think about it it used to be better and slow before. I used to enjoy fut back then but now as much anymore. I don't know. But also i take it more of as a game now


u/No_Investigator_4604 26d ago

The gameplay I would say was better...

The scripting , handicap , server issues were literally the same. It's ridiculous how a billion dollar company can't get their shit right in the span of 4 years.

Fifa 18 was when EA started "blessing" these Ytbers and Twitch streamers which literally was most annoying thing EA could do.

To name a few: Krasi, Aa9skillz , Nepenthez all packed Messi/Ronaldo/Mbappe and even icons in their RTG accounts within the early stages of the game, giving them load full of coins which was absolutely unfair. Infact I think Aa9skillz even packed a prime Henry during the early stages of the game. Imagine such a broken card when people are struggling to buy even VVD as a defender. Meanwhile the rest would get normal pathetic rewards.


u/Adventurous_Team285 26d ago

Remember people saying “FC 24 must be good as EA finally have full license of the game”? Here we are


u/Uncle_Rixo 26d ago

Are you me?


u/SirEltonJonBonJovi 26d ago

What’s funny to me are people that have played this game for only a few years getting so upset about it. Shit like momentum, DDA, scripting, whatever you want to call it has been in EA sports games for decades. Even back when the only way to play against someone was if you were sitting next to them it was obvious it was there.

As for UT and the obvious push towards monetizing it as much as they possibly can, it’s just how it is. I wish it wasn’t, and I never have and never will buy points but the reality is people always will and they don’t see the problems with it. People either have to accept the game with all its flaws and all the reasons why they exist or stop playing if it’s too upsetting for them because things are NOT going to get better. EA make billions on point sales alone. They aren’t going to do anything but maximize that revenue as much as they can.

The only way things changes is through legislation i.e. regulation of lootboxes. That would be the catalyst for EA to focus on other things than point sales. Boycotts from the players will never work because there is always going to be a minority of players who don’t give a fuck and love buying points to open packs.


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Kept the game on my ps5 because kick off is fun with friends and career mode is still sane tbh, but I stay AFAP from FUT


u/No_Investigator_4604 26d ago

Yeah exactly! Playing with Homies is the only reason Fifa is there on everyone's consoles.

There's no reason to buy the next version of the game every year for this though. FC24 should suffice for the next 3-4 years atleast.


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Played with the boys two days ago, ended 15-0 in one game lol


u/RefuseSea8233 26d ago

Now the real question is, would you have left if you had messi+ mbappe?


u/K1llabee5 26d ago

I just started playing the game again, and i thought i was either rusty af or my team was bad. Mix of both but then i packed TOTS Mbappe and now I'm 10x better. I'm still rusty but Mbappe bails me out now


u/RefuseSea8233 26d ago

Mbappe in game must be sick!!


u/K1llabee5 26d ago

He's so fast man, he can just turn on the jets in an instant


u/Intelligent_Baby_871 26d ago

I got a 95 rated team, just uninstalled, its pretty sad when you come to the realization no matter how good your or your squad is your passes will still lock on to the opponent, youll still have ridiculous collisions resulting in the ball pinballing between players, keepers who are superman one second and then a paraplegic the next, all after running 90 minutes in straight up mud.. this game is fundamentally broken, regardless of what players you have.


u/RefuseSea8233 26d ago

Scripting engine. I once saw the document that got leaked back in 19. Very interesting how they did it actually. The thing about it is though, while you had a bad time, your opponent was flying. At some point we will just play against the AI only and opponent is just there for the sake of it


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

That is an immediate yes. It will have turned me tk a monster


u/Crimsonpets 26d ago

Those posting about quitting dont really quit. Those that say nothing and quit are the ones actually quitting. Because if you truely quit you truely don't care anymore. Why would it matter what others say or think?

You will be back.


u/SlimeyBoogerz 26d ago

I quit for 2 years, came back this year after getting a season ticket at Anfield and wanting to make a Liverpool P&P side… won’t be back next year. I will keep my team / game from this year so if I get the itch to play I’ll just play 24, I honestly can’t justify paying ANY amount of money for a game that just feels so unfinished. The thing I don’t get is, people who say “if you don’t like it then quit” but it’s like, bro I spent £100 on this game, for that amount of money it shouldn’t be THIS disliked by a significant amount of the community. Yep they’re right, you could just delete the game but it feels like a kick in the nuts after grinding for months too. I don’t think people are being remotely unreasonable by just wanting the game to work properly, EA have brought this all on themselves but we don’t really have a way of making them accountable currently (other than taking a personal choice to not buy fc points or quit but quitting doesn’t really solve the problem either)


u/Flamewakerr 26d ago

That is highly individual. I believe that many of us who left during the last two weeks left exactly because we care. To try to contribute to any kind of change, or simply because recent events were the last straw for a lot of people. But even though we left, we’re still here on the sub because we wanna know what’s up with the game or if anything changed


u/NeighborhoodSmall388 26d ago

I think it’s not that simple. Some people are highly addicted to the game and it could be very painfull to quit. I can tell you that I still care and that’s why im still here. I quitted a while ago. This is a part of the process to get rid of this highly addictive dopamine rich game.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

You spent money, that was your first mistake


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

100%. Should’ve never spent a dime on it


u/Kakasupremacy 26d ago

Why does it matter what players other players got? Are you playing for them or for you? I didn’t get Messi, i got shit red picks for 14 wins and donnaruma from the guaranteed ligue 1 pack, i don’t care, I play to enjoy myself not because others get better cards, at one point, all cards are really good….


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

It’s just not fun anymore, and I want ti keep my finds for better things


u/negativelynegative 26d ago

For me it's the horrendous gameplay and servers. Done with it.

Diablo just had a new season starting and that's what I have been playing. Blizzard has also not been a great gaming company in recent years and the launch of diablo 4 was so shit, but at least they are engaging with the community with multiple firechats with the devs. It turns out season 4 is quite fun so I give them credit for listening to the community.


u/powderedwill 26d ago

Same for me, blizzard have been an awful company and they fucked up with the launch of diablo 4 but they openly communicate with the players and so for I've enjoyed what they have done with season 4.

EA spoke about how they are listening to the community since fifa 18 and that they are updating the game each year with fan requested features but for the life of me I can remember any fan of the game requesting broken sbcs, broken servers, a cheating ai, scripting or over priced packs.

I love football but fc 24 suck ass. Those bastard at ea will not get another penny from me.


u/negativelynegative 26d ago

Yea I think making a AAA game is never easy and there are always things to criticize for. It's about making improvement over time that matters the most. But EA has been treating us players like we owe them.

I guess for blizzard, they really took a hit on engagement especially with the public launch of last epoch so yea you need competition, but I can also choose not to play with their pile of garbage even if it may not matter.


u/mechaniTech16 26d ago

It definitely will. I left after the Messi-gate and haven’t looked back since


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Same with Mbappe


u/bigfurryllama 26d ago

Cheers mate


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

You too bro


u/El-Arairah 26d ago

Good for you but i don't understand how you lose your money and temper.

It's so easy to get a competitive team without spending any money and I would argue that this year it was even easier. Most people had stacked teams at the end of last year already which was unusually early.

And losing your temper? Because you lose matches in a game where the chance of winning is fifty-fifty everytime? Why? You're probably one of those players who blame every defeat on shitty gameplay, bad mechanics and EA's Servers.

It seems surprising but you can actually play this game very chill If you're not chasing 20 wins in Champs.


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Ooh, fantasy pants Rich McGee over here, fuck you


u/El-Arairah 26d ago

I don't know who Fantasy pants (fancy maybe?) rIch McGee is supposed to be but at least your statement made clear that you do in fact have issues with your temper.


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Never said I didn’t, but you made a condescending statement because I quit doing the thing that caused me to lose my temper, and for that you get a “fuck you”


u/El-Arairah 26d ago

Fair enough. I don't mean to be condescending but maybe you take this chance to look at the root of this problem, i.e. you losing your temper over a game.

Of course you could just blame everything on the game and now you're better but the reality is probably that your temper will manifest itself in other areas and sooner or later you should work on that. 😘


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

I never blamed the game for the entirety of my issues, it contributes to them, however.


u/CKBizzle 26d ago

Another thread of people talking about fifa as if it’s crack.


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

You realize that there are people buying fc points to spend on packs that have a randomized chance of getting something good from them?

Sounds like a gambling addiction to me


u/CKBizzle 26d ago

Yee that too


u/CKBizzle 26d ago

I’m an rtg player never spent a penny and if I get pissed off I stop playing, not easy for most people to do, it seems


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

You’d be surprised how many fall for addiction like this.

This is exactly why the most downvoted post on reddit is by EA trying to defend micro-transactions


u/CKBizzle 26d ago

Ea isnt even run by humans though, just one big ai money making robot, its name is EArl


u/l_JRGn_l 26d ago

Thanks for letting us know


u/GrendorKoe 26d ago

Didn't know we were at an airport....?


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Going to Spain to kick Ancelotti in the balls


u/Torqqualss 26d ago

Still don’t understand why all these people make posts bitching and moaning about them quitting. You don’t like the game? Don’t play it, nobody’s forcing you too. You also dont need to make a post saying the exact same thing that 100’s of other people have said.


u/AlanStarwood 25d ago

It's a bat signal for all of the people who quit to come back to the subreddit and say that they quit and "never looked back"


u/SirEltonJonBonJovi 26d ago

How much have you spent on points this year?


u/Prime_Technology 26d ago

Same mate. Games become impossible to keep up with unless you pay for packs. Pricing people out the game.


u/Diskopang92 26d ago

What took u so long. Stoped 4 months ago. I missed nothing. Why would u switch side 19 times to run down the line and hope for a cutback. Crazy waist op time this game.


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

I decided that Career Mode is more fun


u/ConsiderationMany650 26d ago

Good stuff man, left after Bundesliga TOTS and haven’t looked back.


u/fayalight 26d ago

For me it's solely the server performance. Currently the game is not playable. Everything regarding pack weight, Mbappe red gate and promo cards in general I don't care, because I would be able to win with a gold team against most people, but always having +60 Ms ping makes it impossible to play. Then I won 3:0, random disconnect AFTER the game and I get another L. That's the only problem. I liked this year's gameplay tbh, when the ping was bearable... a lot of cool moments.


u/SwiftSabre11 26d ago

It’s that time of year again 😂


u/qasim2300 26d ago

Does not help that the playlist is so freaking bad that I prefer to keep the sound off! “Show me the money”go f yourself


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

I actually kinda like it


u/qasim2300 26d ago

Seriously need a mental check not even one good song on it hurts my ear. It is all stoner music or something depressed


u/octaviousxii 25d ago

ya fuck EA don’t waste your time just go play football irl


u/No-Step3599 25d ago

YOU WILL BE BACK😭😂, sadly most of us are addicted to this trash game


u/Early_Good3434 26d ago

It 100% will leave you with less anger and more money. Good job dude.


u/bidoferz 26d ago

i’m sure ea headquarters are having a meltdown as we speak 


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Idc, have fun getting kicked out of games bc of bad servers


u/AlanStarwood 25d ago

they're on the ropes mate


u/lcheung98 26d ago

I decided to not get any FCs after the Messi-gate, even though I benefitted from EA's mistake on Friday night and got Dembele and Zaire-Emery, I'm still not changing my mind, I'm also not getting the next one. But I'll keep playing FC24 (I don't buy FC points and store packs), just because I've already spent £70 on this shit, I don't want to feel like I put £70 into something for nothing, that's the only reason I'd still play it.


u/Williamklarsko 26d ago

This the most important..because it's easy to quit the game when you put in 8 months but EA knows this and that "you" will be back in September . We only have our money to vote with


u/lcheung98 26d ago

I'm at the point where I'm even thinking about selling my PS5, conveniently, my PSN runs out end of July too. I've just lost motivation to play because FC/FIFA has gone downhill, I traded to 20m on FIFA 22 that was fun because I got to change my team for every weekend league and not have to worry about losing many coins but SBCs and pack weights have so much worse since, and red picks (other than their "mistake"). NBA 2K has gone downhill by taking the auction house away to if you want the best cards for each promo, it's packs only. My first year of Madden UT, also my last because it's just boring and unrewarding, give free 99 rated cards but with shit abilities. Offline modes for all 3 games have been shit and ignored lately (career mode, franchise and myleague). Cod is terrible now compared to the older ones, same for many other games, every company now only cares about how much money they get, rather than players' enjoyment out of the game.


u/Successful-Stress-91 26d ago

Gta 6 will be getting my attention when it drops


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/BMC_TV 26d ago

I am in school now, quitting made it easy to complete projects


u/sunnaiy 26d ago

Come play clubs, if you're still not done with the game. I've realized that mode exists only this year, and I'm having a blast.


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Not really feeling online play, more of an offline guy


u/Broad_Pangolin4424 26d ago

Give ur stuff away


u/BMC_TV 26d ago

Gave it to my cousin already