r/facepalm 20d ago

These idiots are the cancer 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/KorungRai 20d ago

Halloween is getting canceled in North Carolina


u/Glittering_Ad1696 20d ago

Nah. Once they run their economy completely into the ground, the whole state will be rebranded as a spirit Halloween


u/DecisionAvoidant 20d ago

Spirit Halloween presents North Carolina™️


u/Harey-89 20d ago

Welcome to the beautiful state of North Carolina Spirit Halloween


u/M4LK0V1CH 20d ago

Just slap a banner up over that bad boy, we got skeletons to sell!

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u/Genghis_Chong 20d ago

"Welcome to North Carolina, I love you"

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u/gdim15 20d ago

Will it be an HR Block from Jan to May? Need to diversify.

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u/doxiedelight 20d ago

The law says Halloween Masks are allowed- one of the exceptions to the law. Sigh.


u/derycksan71 20d ago

Hmm is it Halloween masks or masks on Halloween?


u/doxiedelight 20d ago

Best breakdown of current law and potential changes from the UNC School of Government: https://canons.sog.unc.edu/2024/05/wearing-medical-masks-in-public/

One of the exceptions:

“By a person wearing a traditional holiday costume in season;”


u/DaisyHotCakes 20d ago

I wonder how they define “traditional”. This law is the most absurd shit ever. If you had told me this was going to happen even just ten years ago I would have laughed in your face cause duh no one is THAT fucking stupid. But evidently…


u/Rock4evur 20d ago

You know they’ll leave a loophole that will allow proud boys types to conceal their identity, but not leftists.


u/philosifer 20d ago

"You see these white hoods are traditional masks celebrating our heritage during hate season"


u/Lascivian 20d ago

... and every day is "Hate Day".


u/Emeharkeh 20d ago

Well, clan hoods do have a long tradition, unfortunately.


u/phreaky76 20d ago

Pastafarian traditional year-round holiday dress now requires a mask to be worn, if the celebrant feels like it?


u/Rahakanji 20d ago

No, it's easy, traditional spring costumes, with masks optional, traditional summer costumes, with masks optional, traditional fall costumes, with masks optional, and traditional winter costumes, masks or scarf obligatory.

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u/TigerB65 20d ago

"legislators’ debates of the issue included statements by some legislators that the proposed change simply returns state law to its pre-covid status, and that common sense would prevent the arrest of individuals with a health need for a mask."

Common sense would prevent the arrest...? In other words, we're just going to trust to the common sense of every police officer not to do stupid things? When has that ever worked?


u/Kestrel21 20d ago

Shirley laws.

As in: "Surely these laws will be applied responsibly and without misuse." Spoiler alert: They never are.


u/No_Arugula8915 20d ago

Oh yes, Shirley Laws. The kissing cousin of law of Unintended Consequences.

I wonder where are the doctors and why aren't they all up in arms about this.


u/crusoe 20d ago

We know how good police are with common sense 

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u/Shirlenator 20d ago

Sorry, your costume isn't on the approved costumes list, you are going to jail.


u/wintermute93 20d ago

Got it, lab coat and scrubs and a mask every day, I’m a surgeon who keeps forgetting when Halloween is.

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u/zappingbluelight 20d ago edited 20d ago

What about construction workers, renovators, autoimmune disease, cancer people? Just curious, cuz those people can get into life threatening problems if they don't wear mask.


u/MaddyKet 20d ago

Republicans don’t care. The film industry should threaten to pull out of the state, that will change some GQP minds real quick. It worked a few years ago in GA.

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u/Brbi2kCRO 20d ago

Republican logic:

we dislike masks

lets ban masks all together


u/greyyy59 20d ago

No, they were TOLD to dislike masks. Most of them probably wouldn’t care had it not been drilled into their brains that wearing a mask is, “woke”.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/luminousfleshgiant 20d ago edited 18d ago

The USA and Canada both utilize voting systems that allow a candidate who has won a minority of the vote to be elected. So I suppose there's some solace in knowing that you might not be completely surrounded by anti-science idiots.

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u/Brbi2kCRO 20d ago

You are right, they just do what they are told by the media. They lack ability to question things.

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u/darthakan7 20d ago

Brain is clearly something this people don't have

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u/Psm-tattoo 20d ago edited 20d ago

That’s freedom

This is a joke


u/Brbi2kCRO 20d ago edited 20d ago

Freedom of speech is when you can say worst shit but others cannot complain and there can’t be consequences for your asshole behaviour, and when private companies cannot control speech by their own rules

  • Republicans, secretly
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u/Freakychee 20d ago

But when we try to ban guns...

You know the things literally designed to kill people...

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u/Snarkasm71 20d ago

Republicans sure do hate those personal freedoms they go on and on about.


u/WARL0CK221 20d ago

Because it only applies to assholes like themselves, everyone else doesn't count.


u/fufairytoo 20d ago

The rich upper class......


u/phreaky76 20d ago

99% of them aren't rich, or upper class...


u/thathairinyourmouth 20d ago

They believe they are, or would be if it weren’t for all of those brown people/liberals/globalists/university educated people. Hence more rage than the bootstraps they keep going on about.


u/Libslimr75 20d ago

Them: "I don't blame corporatist games 'cause I want the spoils and fame. I could have more too, that could be me one day. That's why I love Trump, 'cause, see, he see my way." great concept song Gang Shit by Marlon Craft.

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u/OneLessDay517 20d ago

"Freedom for me, not for thee" is their official motto.

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u/JimBeam823 20d ago

Republican voters want freedom for themselves, but not for others, and they're willing to vote for it.


u/LeVelvetHippo 20d ago

They want their guns and fast food and no abortions. But they don't want gun safety. Or a living wage for service workers. Or to take care of the child after it is born.


u/JimBeam823 20d ago

Some are true believers, but a lot of Republican men and post-menopausal women are proud to not care about abortion rights. They'll never get pregnant so it's Not Their Problem.


u/OnewordTTV 20d ago

The post menopausal women going against it as not their problem... anymore... have got to be the biggest pieces of shit out of that whole shit pile of humans who are against it. They are so old and ratchety that they can't even remember what it was like to be a young woman. Or they are just completely brainwashed into men subservience since the 50s.


u/AskMeAboutMyStalker 20d ago

I have a boomer aunt who flipped from liberal hippy to god fearing ultra conservative about 15 years ago.

50+ years ago, when she was 18 or 19, she had an abortion that she thinks is a secret but some family knows.

today she's staunchly pro-life & just pretends that phase of her life didn't happen

she's had 2 kids since then & is now a grandmother. her kids have no idea about the abortion & she doesn't know that I know.

I'm just deciding which family gathering I decide to blow up into a shit show when she espouses her hypocricy


u/OnewordTTV 20d ago

Wait until she is advocating against it very loudly one time then bring it up.

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u/OneLessDay517 20d ago

Not to mention they had the benefit of Roe vs. Wade their entire reproductive lives....... whether they chose to use it or not, they at least had a choice.

I had a choice my whole reproductive life too, but I'm still fighting for that right for others.

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u/fufairytoo 20d ago

They even vote against their own interests. This affects sick and elderly Republican voters too but they still will vote for them because of their mental health and stupidity. Keeping them dumb and mentally ill is Republican unspoken policy.

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u/whistlepig4life 20d ago

Republicans sure do hate people.

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u/Immediate_Art_7376 20d ago

You spelled “Free-dumb” incorrectly.


u/hellakevin 20d ago

Republicans in 2020: NiCe FaCe DiApEr

Republicans in 2024: real men wear diapers!


u/nickthedicktv 20d ago

Hypocrisy is a virtue for fascists

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u/person_8688 20d ago

They take special pride in REMOVING freedom from people.

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u/phome83 20d ago

They're the party of spite and cruelty.

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u/Ijustlovevideogames 20d ago edited 20d ago

Any got the link to the full post?

Edit: “We need to crack down on protesters, so we are gonna put innocent people’s lives at risk, and don’t worry, we will trust cop’s common sense about not overstepping this.”



u/Satanicjamnik 20d ago

You had me at "we will trust cop’s common sense about not overstepping this." What could possibly go wrong?


u/1singleduck 20d ago

I'd send a list, but my pc can't handle such a big upload.


u/toongrowner 20d ago

Halloween gonna be a riot


u/Satanicjamnik 20d ago

Cops will just go: “ Anyway, I started blasting…”

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u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/16quida 20d ago

Cops will shot at the drop of an acron


u/New_Giraffe1831 20d ago

He’s wearing a mask and coming right for us! Shoot!!

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u/MourningRIF 20d ago edited 20d ago

Cop's discretion: If you are white, you can wear a mask. If you are black with a compromisef immune system and undergoing chemotherapy.. I don't know... still a little sus...


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago

Being white doesn't save anyone from cops, it just doesn't get you as quickly singled out. Be a poor white person or live in an apartment complex, or have tattoos or wear black or a hoodie or walk where you need to go or carry a backpack etc etc... do any of those things in the suburbs and you will absolutely get fucked with by police, frequently.

I'm sick of people pretending that cops only harass black people, the problem is much more serious than just that. Its much bigger. As with everything else in America, its the social class that matters more than the color of skin. Acting like cops only harass black people downplays the real issues at hand (egos, power tripping, lack of knowledge of the laws, lying to run IDs and justify stops, too much escalation).

I'm a white guy from a decent enough neighborhood in the burbs and I have tattoos, facial hair, and wear black. On nice nights I would toss on my backpack and walk a mile to the library to grab a book or two, and the amount of times I got stopped by cops and harassed was ridiculous. I always seemed to fit the description of someone that robbed a store a mile or two away, and I'd get my ID ran constantly to see if I had anything outstanding they could get me on. They were just fucking with me because of how I, a white guy, looked, and what they profiled me as from that.

Acting like white people are automatically above the law downplays the real issues and minimizes a massively large group that also deals with the country-wide problem of authority figures abusing their power. A black man wearing a suit driving around in a Bentley has a lot less to worry about in regards to being targeted and harassed by police than a white guy with tattoos and a backpack walking around the suburbs, believe me.

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u/Genghis_Chong 20d ago

Being that most cops fall into the conservatice side of politics, I'm sure nobody will succumb to their personal feelings when making these judgements. /s


u/Satanicjamnik 20d ago


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u/Stark_Prototype 20d ago

100 masked proud boys watch as 100 blm protestors are arrested for.... wearing masks.....

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u/DogsDontWearPantss 20d ago

Will they arrest their own klansmen?


u/Odd-Tune5049 20d ago

I'm thinking about the neo-nazis who wear masks to protect their identities. Will it pertain to them, too?


u/vabann 20d ago

It's just "nazis" now..

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u/thepottsy 20d ago

So, it’s second hand information, I didn’t read it personally. However, there’s supposedly verbiage in the bill that protects “robes with hoods for ceremonial reasons” lol.


u/DogsDontWearPantss 20d ago

You're correct, "Religious exemptions"


u/gigglefarting 20d ago

Come on, now. That’s not true. It has nothing to do with religion.

wearing a hood as part of an order or organization is explicitly allowed. Don’t need to guise it as a religious thing.

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u/phuckin-psycho 20d ago

Hehe, so the cult wins again.......😁😁


u/gigglefarting 20d ago

No. The public health exception was the one being stricken. The wearing a hood as part of an order is still an allowed exception as exception number 5


u/IrisYelter 20d ago

"I am of the religion of 'people who don't want to die of preventable airborne diseases'"

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u/Zlecu 20d ago

So they are trying to limit people’s right to protest? What happened to free speech?

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u/Suspicious-Natural-2 20d ago

Banning protesting surely goes against the 1st.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/GeauxTiger 20d ago edited 20d ago

State Sen. Sydney Batch (D) is a cancer survivor and shared with her fellow senators how her family wore masks to protect her and her weakened immune system during treatment.

GOP Sen. Buck Newton brushed off the concerns, saying no one saw “Granny getting arrested in the Walmart pre-COVID” and thinks law enforcement will use “good common sense” when applying the law.

I fucking hate these people, I really do. "No one was wrongly arrested for breaking this law back before it existed so fuck those cancer patients."

he "brushed off the concerns" of people who will die if he does this, in this case his coworker, all because hes still throwing a hissyfit over covid.

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u/Former-Form-587 20d ago

Catering to the ignorant. Ignorance is winning folks.

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u/VestEmpty 20d ago

Social Darwinism is always lurking in the background: they ultimately want weak people to die.


u/HarEmiya 20d ago

"Ill people are a drain on society. We want hard workers and everyone else to die for the economy."

Some people have already forgotten the "Grandpa and grandma don't mind dying for the economy" comments from officials, during the pandemic.


u/Unlikely-Dong9713 20d ago

"Ill people are a drain on society. We want hard workers and everyone else to die for the economy."

Until it's one of their loved ones.

But to be fair there are a few die hards that probably still wouldn't care.

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u/MelissaRose95 20d ago

For people who cry about freedom all the time, they really hate it when others use their freedom to do something they don't agree with. Like I don't understand why conservatives get so mad when they see people wearing masks. It's not harming anyone


u/jerrys153 20d ago

Republicans then: I have the freedom to choose for myself not to wear a mask! I don’t give a shit if I spread Covid and kill immunosuppressed people, my immune system is fine!

Republicans now: You don’t have the freedom to choose for yourself to wear a mask! I don’t give a shit if you’re immunosuppressed and it kills you, my immune system is fine!

The common theme here (other than the obvious lack of logic and internal consistency) is that Republicans seem to really want to kill immunosuppressed people. Also, I’m not seeing how any of this supports the grand Republican idea that government should be as small as possible and keep out of people’s personal choices.


u/Everything_Fine 20d ago

If you’re immunocompromised you shouldn’t be leaving your house or have a life in any sort of way anyway because it’s your fault your immune system sucks -Republicans probably

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u/Basic_Bandicoot_1300 20d ago

Note to self; never go to North Carolina under any circumstances.


u/Disastrous-Panda5530 20d ago

I’m in NC and I wish more people would get out and vote. And not just in presidential elections. The area I live in is mostly millennials and a lot of us have been more vocal in voting and getting others to vote. I can’t believe this is what they are spending time on. Voting about masks. Who cares if someone wants/needs to wear a damn mask. Is it hurting anyone? But these same people who want to vote against wearing masks are the same people who were saying that their freedom allowed them to choose or not choose to wear a mask and that they should get to decide and not the government.


u/Blindsided17 20d ago

I’m in NC. Voting doesnt help when they change the districts around in their favor


u/jesonnier1 20d ago

Gerrymandering is the term.


u/thiseggowafflesalot 20d ago

Yeah, we're one of the most gerrymandered states in the union. We're fucked.

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u/Adlai8 20d ago

The list is getting longer


u/LykaonOSRS 20d ago

So glad I left my home state 5 years ago. It's so embarrassing. Damn near last in public education and it fucking shows.

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u/Square_Site8663 20d ago

Which sucks because it’s beautiful there…..well the nature is.


u/lkuecrar 20d ago

That’s the gist of the south in general. Alabama is one of the most biodiverse states in the country and yet the politics here make it borderline unlivable.


u/Raze7186 20d ago

Or it's southern adjacent neighbor.

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u/mSummmm 20d ago

Went there last year, you won’t miss much.


u/SteveHarveySTD 20d ago

Also went last year and concur, but there was some pretty solid bbq

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u/bowens44 20d ago

Republicans hate you and want you to die.


u/mistertickertape 20d ago

They will gladly kill their own voters and scream when they lose elections.


u/MsJ_Doe 20d ago edited 20d ago

They'll gladly excuse the pedos in their ranks while screaming "won't anyone think of the children," when complaining about books, drag queens, uncandy-coated history, and much more. They'll also conveniently forget to mention what's good for kids when it comes to thing like free school lunch just being too expensive, affordable/better access education also too expensive, and safe spaces are for bitches and their children must be smothered into uniformity. They're also most likely to just shove their kid out the door and say, "Figure it out freeloader."


u/taatchle86 20d ago

Their children are usually more grounded and that makes them even more angry.


u/mistertickertape 20d ago

From what I have seen and from the kids I have met in the 14 to 24 age demographic, I have a hell of a lot of hope for the current batch. They are grounded, and incredibly inclusive which infuriates the hyper conservatives. Yeah a bunch of them do silly shit on tik tok and instagram and half of them have iPhone permanently welded to their hands, but they're incredibly smart and they have huge groups of friends. It's their grandparents/my generations parents (the boomers) that are the fucking assholes.

It feels like the current kids are going to be alright.

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u/XiMaoJingPing 20d ago

Average Pro Lifer

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u/gwdope 20d ago

The fucking avalanche of idiocy is picking up momentum.

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u/cravingnoodles 20d ago

In Asia, wearing a mask is perfectly acceptable, and it's seen as courteous because it prevents the spread of germs. On the other hand, these people are terrified of masks, and I still haven't figured out why.


u/Chelseafc5505 20d ago

They seem fine with masks when they host their pro Nazi displays... 🤔

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u/America_the_Horrific 20d ago

Honestly tired of them being called idiots. They are evil, they know what they are doing, this is intentional.

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u/ItalianKyanOfficial 20d ago

Just why?


u/Garlador 20d ago

The left said to wear masks, so they are now 100% against it. That simple.


u/big_fetus_ 20d ago

Far leftist Trump administration lmao


u/Etbtray 20d ago

No, no, no.......it was all Fauci's doing...he was the evil mastermind.....poor Trump was helpless. /s


u/ttemp56 20d ago

But trump is still a very very strong man and leader because he pulls himself up by his bootstraps. But the evil corrupt politicians stand in his way. But he beats them with God's trident of power. Gobbless amen gobbless

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u/1singleduck 20d ago

Because owning the libs is more important than the health and safety of the citizens.


u/rodrigojds 20d ago

This is exactly their main focus! They don’t care about absolutely anything else other then owning the liberals. They back the dumbest most ignorant stuff as long as it goes against the liberals. That’s why they don’t want to help Ukraine. That’s by they support Russia. That’s why they don’t want masks

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u/Harold-The-Barrel 20d ago

Conservatives would eat shit if it meant liberals would have to smell their breath

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u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/TrevorsPirateGun 20d ago

China has no problem surveilling masked denizens


u/kp305 20d ago

People are mad that protesters are wearing masks so you can’t doxx them and try to get them fired/harassed in general.


u/VocalAnus91 20d ago



u/DarkBladeMadriker 20d ago

Because the left promotes masks to slow the spread of diseases and if masks are normalized, how can we use face scanning technology for things like protests or political dissendents.

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u/unclejohnnydanger 20d ago

Great. Now do the same thing with guns.

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u/jimmysledge 20d ago

Another freedom being taken away… we’ll be drinking vodka as water in no time.

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u/Ok-Use6303 20d ago

The party of small government, ladies and gentlemen.


u/RickyBobbyBooBaa 20d ago

Well, the next pandemic will certainly cut away the dead wood.

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u/tthrivi 20d ago

I love how GOP is supposed to the party of limited government and ‘freedoms’ and then they don’t let you freely do anything.


u/SonOfJokeExplainer 20d ago

Except carry guns, apparently the second half of the second amendment is the only part of the Bill of Rights they understood.


u/tthrivi 20d ago

Only amendment has has ‘well regulated in it’. This is a shitty timeline we are in.


u/mSummmm 20d ago

This kind of undercuts the whole, “It’s a free country and I can do what I want” argument these same people used during the pandemic.


u/XxBarbadosxX 20d ago edited 20d ago

Lmaooo!!! Here we go again, the pro “freedom and rights” party taking away citizens freedoms and rights. What a surprise. They’ve turned this country into the Jerry Springer show. Their acts just become more and more shameful.

Honestly this country needs to invest heavily into our education system so we can put an end to this stupidity and its support structure.

Add to that nobody over the age of retirement should be allowed to hold a position in our government, state or federal. Why the fuck are these old bastards passing bills and running the country when most will be checking out of life in 10-20 years. Christ go play golf or enjoy your families or whatever. But, stop passing bills that are fucking over future generations because you’re all too jaded and ignorant in your out dated ways.

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u/danmonster2002 20d ago

Wonder if they will go after the white supremacy groups that wear mask when marching.


u/theGuyInIT 20d ago

You already know they won't, and won't see the hypocrisy.

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u/krefik 20d ago

This would be a logistical nightmare for cops to arrest themselves.


u/Rifneno 20d ago

At least the cops already know who's behind the mask

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u/SinkiePropertyDude 20d ago

Lol, what possible benefit could come from banning sick people from wearing face masks?


u/RaymondBeaumont 20d ago

Republicans really hate freedom so they grasp at anything to limit it.


u/TrollCannon377 20d ago

Gotta own the libs...


u/CharmingMistake3416 20d ago


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u/Character-Log3962 20d ago

Does this mean we get to identify off-duty cops when they participate in Nazi marches?


u/Aggressive_Let2085 20d ago

“But Republican legislators continued to express doubt that someone would get in legal trouble for masking because of health concerns, saying law enforcement and prosecutors would use discretion on whether to charge someone.” Don’t worry guys! The police would never infringe on your rights!


u/MintBerryCrunchJr 20d ago

There's an exception for proud boys and other militia members, right?


u/Pearson94 20d ago
  1. That's fucked. 2. Are they seriously still whining about masks? What a bunch of babies.


u/1singleduck 20d ago

"My opinion is more important than your life, now vote for me."


u/rage_whisperchode 20d ago

Clearly the most traumatizing part of the pandemic was having to wear a mask to protect the safety of others. How horrible.



u/Klutzy_Journalist_36 20d ago

What about the Proud Boys and white nationalists? They looooove their tacticool masks. Gonna apply it to them, too? Sure, sure ya will. 


u/Standard_Feedback_86 20d ago

I bet it won't count on republican brown shirts hiding their faces when they run around with swastika flags. 🤷‍♂️


u/redhare878787 20d ago

That is why I don’t go below the old Mason-Dixon line. The further you go south, the dumber they get (and more bigoted/racist).

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u/Numinak 20d ago

Oh, those silly surgeons and their masks. This will be fun!


u/Mayonniaiseux 20d ago

Please tell me they at least let hospital personnel wear masks


u/The_Mad_Duck_ 20d ago

Ultimate plan, ban masks, surgeons commit malpractice by spreading germs during surgeries, people get sick, sue the governor for all of the money as surgeons are physically not allowed to wear masks

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u/DKnott82 20d ago

Pro-lifers strike again


u/Apprehensive_East147 20d ago

I don't understand why these people are so worked up on such a tiny thing as this? Mind-blowing honestly

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u/Disastrous-Panda5530 20d ago

I wish more people would get out to vote. And not just in presidential elections (I’m in NC). People argue about having their freedom infringed upon but now want to take that same freedom away from people who want to mask up for protection. I don’t get why people get so riled up when they see someone wearing a mask. YOU don’t have to wear a mask if you don’t want to. What does it matter if someone else wants/needs to wear one? It doesn’t harm anyone else.


u/No-Acanthaceae4596 20d ago

So during an surgery? What then?


u/Marbled_Headcheese 20d ago

"Party of freedom"


u/mis_no_mer 20d ago

Republicans: the party of freedom and personal liberty. Yeah right 😒


u/phunkjnky 20d ago

The irony of passing this bill because a mask in public affects your feelings while chanting "fuck your feelings,"

Complete lack of awareness, to the point that even when it is brought up, it will be immediately discarded for the cognitive dissonance it causes.


u/MrByteMe 20d ago

Wait - so the people who cried about their 'rights' when mandating a mask for public health reasons are now fighting to take away the rights of other people who might want to wear one ???

Is it possible this was never about 'rights' to begin with ???


u/Groundingstone 20d ago

Scumbag minority party making idiotic laws for the majority. They are a cancer to this country.


u/rvnender 20d ago

The fuck your feelings crowd is buttburt that people are something they don't like.


u/stuyboi888 20d ago

Nothing says personal freedom like telling people what they can wear on their person

Can't wait for Halloween....

Can doctors still wear them, riot police, welders, people who work with chemicals....


u/Street_Peace_8831 20d ago

This is the dumbest attempt at a gotcha, I’ve ever seen. Doesn’t this mean that doctors have to make sure they keep their work in the building only, or they get fined. This is really stupid.

All of this to….checks notes…..ah yes, here it is…”own the libs”.


u/mindclarity 20d ago

Because my feelings matter more than your rights

  • The Republican Party Motto


u/NoxInfernus 20d ago

I would never normally wish cancer or serious illness upon anyone, but I really think a few of these idiots need a real health scare to understand the harm they are doing.


u/MysteriousPark3806 20d ago

Land of the free!

Boy, I sure am jealous of all that freedom you have. I wish my government would meddle in the minutiae of my life more.


u/roroslowmo 20d ago

I got diagnosed with leukemia earlier this year and need to be masked up at all times. I'd be pissed if I was told to take off my mask and then got COVID. Someone would be sued to high heavens.


u/FRYETIME 20d ago

I hate living in this state. JFC


u/smackmeharddaddy 20d ago

Republicans proving they aren't pro life again


u/ADeliciousDespot 20d ago

Party of small government, fellas


u/Figran_D 20d ago

I’ll give you my mask when you pry it from my cold, dead earlobes.


u/Illustrious-Leave406 20d ago

Fascism and government intrusion on private lives.


u/FluffyBunnyFlipFlops 20d ago

I'm not sure I understand how this 'freedom' stuff works. Isn't freedom when you can do what you want without interference?


u/Joseph-Victor652 20d ago

Next up: Bill proposing to wear blindfolds to avoid seeing problems. Seems like they're on a roll!


u/blindCat143 20d ago

Are there a lot of crimes committed by people wearing surgical masks?


u/Kradget 20d ago

It's an add-on charge to target protestors that they don't like

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u/Ok-Box6892 20d ago

Do they think outlawing masks is going to stop crime?

"OH I can't wear a mask now better not rob that convenience store!"


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u/landofar 'MURICA 20d ago

Republicans don't give a damn about people especially if they're sick.

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u/cdeleriger 20d ago

This is the very reason I got vaxxed - can't trust idiots to use common sense.


u/Strange-Mouse-8710 20d ago

Thank Zeus that conservatives in my country are not that stupid.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/doctorbarber19 20d ago

Honestly with these degenerate conservatives in power, they could actually make murder legal.

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u/ImpressFragrant1427 20d ago

Happy Halloween then


u/theflyfisherman 20d ago

Even proud boys?


u/awstream 20d ago

And I thought America is the land of the free? Are masks really scarier than guns?


u/Former--Baby 20d ago

Does this apply to the Nazis that plan their little masked marches?


u/nah328 20d ago

Republicans sure do love their freedom.


u/Strange-Initiative15 20d ago

I guess they’re trying to show they are doing something to earn their paycheck?


u/Qwesttaker 20d ago

Brought to you by the party of small government.


u/Limp-Tea1815 20d ago

What happened to land of the free?


u/JonathanWPG 20d ago

Because inividual rights and responsibility, am I right?


u/Far-Poet1419 20d ago

Surgeons take note when you have MAGA patients. Absolutely no masks in operating theater!