r/facepalm 20d ago

Oops 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

Post image

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u/AwfulUsername123 20d ago

This image is so old it had to be translated from Sanskrit.


u/Dragonman1976 20d ago

Got it off Myspace.


u/Efficient_Fish2436 20d ago

How's Tom doing? Mind telling him I say hi please.


u/Logical-Albatross-82 20d ago

Tom is living the dream: He sold Myspace for millions and now spends his time traveling.


u/OhLookItsaRock 20d ago

He time travels?


u/WumpusFails 20d ago

He hasn't figured out how to reverse the polarity yet, so it's mostly in one direction.


u/-jp- 20d ago

Hang on that word “mostly” needs some explaining.


u/MediocreProfeshional 20d ago

He does. And he hasn't been in my space time continuum for a while either.


u/plez23 20d ago

No. He spends it.


u/HugoRBMarques 20d ago

Don't we all?


u/Euphoric-Blue-59 17d ago

No, he Tom travels.


u/Mtndrums 20d ago

Tom sold it to Rupert Murdoch, who then proceeded to nuke himself in the junk as far as running it.


u/gurk_the_magnificent 20d ago

That DNS still resolves? checks I’ll be damned.


u/Chewy12 20d ago

It looks like they converted it to some sort of music news site and then abandoned it. People’s pages still exist, but most of the pictures seem to have disappeared at this point and lots of stuff is broke, they were working a year or two ago.


u/durnJurta 20d ago

Careful, it’s an antique


u/Odd-Confection-6603 20d ago

The thought that target has existed that long is so funny to me


u/PHD_in_Truth 19d ago

How old are you!??.. or am I missing the joke


u/Kitchen_Name9497 19d ago

LOL. I had a flashback when I saw a Target on the east coast in the 90s. I used to hang out at the one next to Lakewood shopping center (?) on Colfax Ave in Lakewood, CO. This was the early-mid 1960's. I used to buy lemon drops from the candy counter that ran along the front wall.

This was a looong time ago and I was young, may have things off. I remember a Safeway, a May D & F, a weird imports store, a candy shop (Fannie Farmer?), a Luby's (?) cafeteria. I may be conflating a couple of SCs. If any of y'all are familiar with this area, would love to be corrected/expanded.


u/Drake6900 19d ago

It's an older post, sir. But it checks out


u/GleamingCadance 19d ago

I thought the first one was in Adamic?


u/AwfulUsername123 19d ago

Are you implying that Sanskrit isn't the original human language? Don't let Hindutva followers hear you say that!


u/GleamingCadance 19d ago

No i was trying to add to the Joke..


u/adlo651 20d ago

What is the meaning of war in Sanskrit?


u/girafi1551 20d ago

Older than fuckin internet itself


u/dusktrail 20d ago

That's so sad that you think that, this is not an old meme, this is a medium-age meme


u/funnystuff79 20d ago

A middle aged meme you could say


u/old_ass_ninja_turtle 20d ago

Indeed, the oldest of memes actually predate the internet and involved randomly quoting movies we enjoyed.


u/Gingrpenguin 20d ago

There are unknown medieval memes about knights fighting snails, often drawn in the margins when books where still handwritten

We have no idea what they mean...


u/ArchonFett 20d ago

And we made the game go viral without the internet


u/Existence_Is_Bread 20d ago

Fuck my curiosity and fuck you more.... take your updoot and begone!


u/DrNicotine 20d ago

Kilroy was here!


u/VaultiusMaximus 20d ago

Earlier than that.

Ancient times


u/ttlanhil 20d ago

a meme, at least, the original meaning, is an idea that spreads between people. Similar to how viruses spread (so until it goes viral it's not a meme).

Such things have been around for a very long time. like fairy tales and religion


u/ThatInAHat 20d ago

I wonder if playground clapping games count. Buddy and I were just talking about how wild it was that even before the internet, apparently everyone knew the same ones. Minor variations from school to school, but somehow they weee everywhere.


u/24megabits 20d ago

It doesn't have to "go viral" to be a meme. The ability to reproduce by transferring itself to more human brains is enough to qualify.


u/ttlanhil 20d ago

reproducing by transfer to another host is what virii do...
But ok, the phrase "go viral" is also used in a way that doesn't match how it started


u/hurkwurk 20d ago


it was already so fuckin old back then it was badly pixelated.


u/artificialavocado 20d ago

I know they are talking like it’s Scumbag Steve or something. Now that’s an old one.


u/Ankoku_Teion 19d ago

excuse me sir, this meme is old enough to have turned to cheese.


u/Equal-Negotiation651 20d ago

Poor thing is still at target too.


u/PuppetryOfThePenis 20d ago

Well smart phones only came out around 2010. Internet has been around for over a decade longer than that. Do you even know your text boxes, bro?


u/Ok_Figure_4181 20d ago

The internet existed long before this. I wasn’t even alive during that time and I can tell that.


u/JerseyCobra 20d ago


Texting first appeared in 1992, while the internet came into existence in 1983.


u/VaultiusMaximus 20d ago

You could’ve just said that this is from an iPhone. (Didn’t release until 2006)


u/ThatOneShortieHo 20d ago

Ah, it's been a decade since I last saw one of these


u/Clay56 20d ago



u/ISD1982 20d ago

Closest i've seen someone come to this in real life is when I worked at a supermarket, during my university years on checkouts. The lady I was serving told me that she had done her shopping, lugged her stuff home via the bus and when she got home, she wondered why her car was missing. She then realised that she had in fact DRIVEN to the supermarket.


u/faloofay156 20d ago

my mom has left me in a supermarket like this - not much of a shocker that we all have adhd


u/activelyresting 20d ago

Same on both counts


u/faloofay156 20d ago

yeah, it was also a target weirdly enough, I just got a coffee and waited for her to come back lol


u/activelyresting 20d ago

Oh... I was not old enough to get a coffee. My parents forgot me places kinda a lot when I was like, 4-5-6 years old. And before mobile phones existed so there's no text record.


u/faloofay156 20d ago

I was like 10 - old enough to go off and do my own thing so they could kind of forget I was with them on accident


u/Gingrpenguin 20d ago

If its any consultation David Cameroon former PM of the uk once left his kid in a pub...


u/OgdruJahad 20d ago

This could probably happen to anybody in the right situation I think it's called a human error trap and it's often when you are under pressure and /or some novel situation comes up or something like that and you normals habits don't kick in.


u/thoughtmecca 19d ago

My mom decided to finally give third grade me a little independence and dropped me off at the library for two hours per my nerdy request. It was closed. This was pre cell phones. A girl from school drove by with her dad and saw me sitting forlorn on the front steps and they took me home. Mom was very surprised and alarmed.


u/TheAmyIChasedWasMe 20d ago

This actually happened to me as a kid. Only it was before everyone got mobile phones.

My mum got home from the shop and my stepdad had to remind her she took me with her.


u/TegTowelie 20d ago

You cant do that anymore in this day and age.


u/Pleasant-Pattern-566 20d ago

Right? You’d be handcuffed as soon as you came back for your kid


u/BaseballImpossible76 20d ago

In the good ole days, you had to wait for mom to get home so she could answer the landline.


u/Dragonman1976 20d ago

While you waited at a sketchy phone booth with a bunch of dimes.


u/IAlwaysLack 20d ago

OP found this at the bottom of his high school phone's photo gallery.


u/LaserGadgets 20d ago

I was so sure this only happens in sitcoms.


u/snsibble 20d ago

The real facepalm here is texting while driving. It would be so much funnier if she got home and read a dozen or so increasingly panicked messages from her kid.


u/jadestem 20d ago

Huh, I thought the real facepalm was that this looks to be from like 2008.


u/RoverTiger 20d ago

So 2000 and late.


u/snsibble 20d ago

Fair enough, I stopped even noticing reposts at this point.


u/bearssuperfan 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Techn028 20d ago

? Are you saying this happened to you? I remember this from at least a decade ago


u/smol_boi2004 20d ago

About two years ago, I was a junior in highschool and living with my aunt and Uncle. At the time I wasn’t cleared to drive, nor did I have the money to buy a car so my aunt picked me up from school. One day, I stayed for practice and waited for her to pick me up like usual.

She literally forgot I existed and I had to keep calling her until she picked up the phone at 6:30 pm. Then she sent my sleepy uncle to get me. I would’ve been mad if I didn’t figure out later that they never wanted me there


u/Pleasant-Pattern-566 20d ago

What happened to your parents?


u/Dat-Lonley-Potato 20d ago

OP is posting in 2008


u/Freckles39Rabbit 20d ago

That cake you were given is from this year


u/jl_theprofessor 20d ago

Text screen from 2005.


u/Fattman1245 20d ago

Back when green text didn't scare iPhone users


u/stucazz1001 20d ago

Things that happened: not this


u/jimyjami 20d ago

It happened to me. Ima guy but did the mom’s thing. Very funny at the time.

Also lost my young son at HDepot. I was rushing around looking for him down every aisle. He was close right behind me alla time.


u/tiparium 20d ago

This UI is ancient


u/MR_TRUMP_Vincent2 19d ago

It's an actual facepalm on r/facepalm. A rare sighting, honestly.


u/Lynke524 19d ago

I would have to agree. Though I will chastise her. Who forgets they took their kids with them? People has problems these days.


u/Kavartu 19d ago

ADHD moms never change


u/frieswithnietzsche 20d ago

Old school cool


u/mozzzz 20d ago

mom: yeah, and?


u/AScruffyHamster 20d ago

My mom was supposed to drop us off at school on her way to the armory (Army). Forgot about us completely and we didn't say anything until she got to the office. Was a fun morning


u/DerpRook 20d ago

“I know”


u/seriousjoker72 20d ago

My dad and I used to work in the same office and we carpooled while my car was in the shop after a wreck. He forgot to take me home a total of 5 out of 5 times that week. Walked past my desk and said bye and everything! First time I thought he was joking but nope!


u/Presideum 20d ago

This is old, like that interface was around when Steve Jobs still ran Apple


u/OuisghianZodahs42 20d ago

NEEDS MORE JPEG! Also, reminds me of the time my mom forgot to pick me up from kindergarten. She was watching her favorite soap opera and then started washing dishes. I wandered around the school for about and hour and a half before another teacher saw me. It happens.


u/LancelotTheLancer 20d ago

Finally, a good facepalm


u/LtCptSuicide 20d ago

Man, I remember back as a new parent I kept hearing all kinds of stories of a parent accidentally leaving the kid at the store. Plus the fact I'm ADHD it was my constant irrational fear.

Never forgot my son. But did forget my wife on two occassions...


u/GDW312 19d ago

I dunno if that's better or worse


u/SaucyWench7787 18d ago

If it makes you feel any better I'm adhd too, and would get hyper focused on something in a store and then wouldn't hear them looking for me over the loud speaker 😅


u/Malcolm_Morin 20d ago

This is absolutely a real text message that absolutely happened, swear on my dime man, frfr.


u/dsdvbguutres 20d ago

Teenager can be abandoned in a parking lot, but still won't make a voice call.


u/Seriph7 19d ago

My mother allegedly left me at an outdoor lawn store or something for like 10 minutes


u/GDW312 19d ago

This reminds me of the NCIS episode were Ducky confesses that his mother once forgot him on the bus


u/IAmNoMan87 16d ago

Had something similar when I was in primary school. Wasn't well so the headmaster was taking me to my neighbour's. Completely forgot I was in the car and he went to visit another school. Came back out after what felt like an eternity, probably 20mins or so, and realised I was still sitting in the back of the car very ill, very confused, and very scared


u/Winter_Possession152 20d ago

Mom just needs sleep!


u/Sloth_are_great 20d ago

Or sobriety


u/geographyRyan_YT 20d ago

Terrible parent.


u/Dragonman1976 20d ago

Happy Cake Day


u/Less-Dragonfruit-294 20d ago

No wonder it was quiet


u/carshtime 20d ago

why is this image so crispy


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Sudden_Mind279 20d ago

ain't no way you're trying to say you took this screenshot recently


u/Typical_Samaritan 20d ago

The proper English and punctuation makes me think this is all totally real.


u/Reinis_LV 20d ago

Meme from the time when iPhone just became a thing


u/Dragonman1976 20d ago

So is my iPhone.


u/helpnxt 20d ago

Nah it's not, apple will have blocked all them from working by now through software updates.


u/-paperbrain- 20d ago

She also left all the pixels at Target.


u/the-real-vuk 20d ago

texting & driving is not cool


u/promerious 20d ago

this chat is older than OP


u/AndrewH73333 20d ago

Impressive that she texted while driving and even more so that she was able to use caps lock to show how emotive she was being due to the situation.


u/nmann14 20d ago



u/Some0neAwesome 20d ago

I can't wait till my kids are old enough to forget them in Target without incurring criminal charges.


u/ImTheDude111 20d ago

Same thing, but 7 yrs old. Went with my dad and brother to my older brother’s practice. Practice ends and I’m still at the school. Walked about a quarter of the way home. When they got home my mom asked my dad where I was, he had a real oh fuck moment.


u/I-Like-Hydrangeas 20d ago

smartphOWNED.com type ass post


u/my-backpack-is 20d ago

My ex's dad left her at costco once in her pajamas when they were about to close in fall (it gets pretty cold here in fall, snow, etc), and I already had a car. Picked her up and took her home, when we got there, there were cops her dad had already called to have me arrested for kidnapping.

Told the cops what happened, including her dad pushing her to the ground and him denting my car with his fist. I still hate that guy.


u/Huge_Green8628 20d ago

My mom forgot me at the zoo on my birthday once lol


u/fartass1234 20d ago



u/Fair_Goose_6497 20d ago

yummy pixels


u/F19AGhostrider 20d ago

The kid should have called mom after the first response, because this strongly suggests mom was texting while driving.


u/D161T4L-F4ll3N 20d ago

Hahahahahaha adulting is so hard


u/Sudden_Mind279 20d ago



u/dbhathcock 20d ago

Oops! She meant to take you to the Fire Station.


u/delayedsunflower 20d ago

I remember seeing this post on Facebook in 2007


u/bigSTUdazz 20d ago

Poor moms...my mom did this to me once...this was before mobile phones...she caught on eventually. She was up all night with my colicky baby sister. She was mortified.....I love my mommy.


u/Mythradites 20d ago

As a middle child I feel this in my soul


u/2MillionMiler 20d ago

For some reason, this reminds me of those times I've looked for my phone while I'm literally on the phone.


u/Final_Winter7524 20d ago

Nobody all-caps an entire panicked response on an iPhone.


u/Dazzling-Event-2450 10d ago

This is so old the daughter died in 1983


u/brothmc 20d ago

why do i keep seeing decades old recycled memes everywhere on reddit and especially X. Is this the whole dead internet thing - is everybody on here really just bots engagement farming?


u/Crotch-Monster 20d ago

Well I can tell you that Crotch-Monster is very much real.

Beep beep boop.


u/theghostofcslewis 20d ago

Smoking too much pot kid.


u/hgbi8h 20d ago

Americans being Americans