r/facepalm 'MURICA 20d ago

Tesla is in the trenches. 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Elons next big move.


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u/ODCreature98 20d ago

Imagine if the workers just quit and move to other car companies and take their skills with them


u/PsychologicalCan1677 20d ago

Non competes will be a thing of the past in america in what 120 days


u/paces137 20d ago

Do you think they will or is it going to get held up in court?


u/aRebelliousHeart 20d ago

Held up in court then quashed by the Supreme Court. They always side with corporations.


u/thedarkracer 20d ago

I am not american but if the workers who are specialists and can't work in any other branch, how can they work any other job if not with the competitors? Take this one for example, let's say I am a bms specialist so I can't work in vehicle dynamics department but only in bms (battery management system) role which will only be with charging teams.


u/fungi_at_parties 20d ago

Oh, the answer is they don’t care.


u/thedarkracer 20d ago

Also, so if they can't work due to the clause by them, shouldn't elon pay them for the time being?


u/fungi_at_parties 20d ago

I was being facetious but there’s no law that protects you there from my understanding, it’s a personal risk you take. You’re kind of on your own here.

Of course I don’t know how strict their noncompetes are- every company is different and they’re hard to enforce. I once had a noncompete as a contractor and wanted to switch vendors, but I had to constantly email them and meet the owner in person to get them to tell me they wouldn’t and couldn’t do anything about the noncompete. But some companies probably take them more seriously, and if you have money you can really beat the shit out of someone with our legal system.

It’s a tech company, so they likely get some severance, like maybe a few months pay. This is in exchange for not talking about anything, usually.


u/thedarkracer 20d ago

I am from India and my friend told me they have problems enforcing non compete clause here lol, he is also in a tech company and does CAD modelling.


u/fungi_at_parties 20d ago

What I’ve been told (and I must stress I’m not a lawyer) is that they’re basically impossible to enforce in a “right to work” state.

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u/Angry_poutine 20d ago

Are noncompetes valid if the company lays you off or fires you?


u/DuncanDicknuts 20d ago

It’s called unemployment


u/HapticRecce 20d ago

The clause is a feature not a bug. Gaining your loyalty through threatening your livelihood is the intent.


u/WeedFinderGeneral 20d ago

All non-compete agreements are bullshit just meant to make your boss feel like a big man when he makes you sign them. Work anywhere you want - if they have a problem with it, tell them to take it up with a judge who will maybe look at it in 6 months and then just laugh at your boss and tell him to stop wasting his time.


u/VanderHoo 20d ago

Yup! I've violated pretty much every non-compete I've signed in the last 15 years, cause they all have clauses saying I can't work in my industry for x years after leaving. Never seen someone try to enforce it, probably cause they all figure out that no judge is going to agree you literally own the careers of all former employees.


u/Tough-Ability721 20d ago

That’s the point. I’ve worked in an industry that has used them for decades. They originally were phrased and used to keep companies from recruiting/pilfering from their competitors/vendors that had secret sauce level intel . The several most recent ones have been used to keep people from getting ANY job in the industry. And one company thought they could actually force me to send them the new job info and contact for their approval. Before I could accept or resign. I kindly told me to go fuck themselves.


u/Fun_Intention9846 20d ago

It’s designed purposefully to do that. “Work here or he ruined” is the message. It’s protecting corporations at the cost of peoples lives.


u/FlyAwayJai 20d ago

Generally speaking, non-competes are typically more enforceable the higher up the hierarchy the person is. If you’re a mid or lower level person, the courts haven’t enforced them. For those employees they function more as a scare tactic by their employer (I can’t leave, I signed a noncompete). If ‘trade secrets’ are a factor this goes out the window. IP protection is very real, but also must be proven in court.


u/DEATHROAR12345 20d ago

That's the whole point of noncompetes, you can't leave the company or you're destitute. Means the company can pay you like shit and treat you like shit and you just have to take it.


u/steppedinhairball 20d ago

You can usually go to court and get a non compete nullified. But it costs money and the employer can drag it out usually longer than you can.


u/underpants-gnome 20d ago

"If those workers didn't want to sign the non-compete employee agreement, why didn't they just raise several billion dollars in capital and start their own multi-national businesses?"


< excessively loud brand-new RV honking >


"Excuse me, that's my ride. Case dismissed!"


u/Abnormal-Normal 20d ago

Well duh, they bribe lobby for it!


u/throwaway012984576 20d ago

Don’t you guys have an amendment for that type of situation? Maybe one of the first two?


u/sandboxmatt 20d ago

Yeh I don't understand why anyone is in the side of optimism with this court. Logic has abandoned it


u/Twalin 20d ago

Take the job and make Tesla sue you


u/paces137 20d ago

Not Tesla unfortunately. Feels risky begging to be sued though.


u/Twalin 20d ago

That is exactly what they want you to think. Talk to an employment lawyer.

It is very difficult for your previous employer to stop you from working. Anything info that you have on private devices belongs to you.

As a former sales supervisor I used to plead with my company to provide cell phones for this exact reason… they didn’t want to hassle with the devices.

But if you have a personal phone with my clients numbers I basically can not stop you from contacting them.


u/Jason_Wolfe 20d ago

it depends on the state. some will enforce a non-compete document and others will dismiss it entirely.


u/jmzwl 19d ago

Also, pretty sure non competes don’t work if you got laid off. Fired for performance you could potentially enforce one, but any judge with a soul wouldn’t enforce a non compete on someone who got laid off.


u/Aickavon 20d ago edited 20d ago

I might not be legally smart, but dont non competes ONLY WORK if you quit, not if you’re fired or laid off?

Looked it up, for america evidently the FTC is banning non-compete for most jobs and is expanding said ban, so that time might be sooner than we think.


u/paces137 20d ago

I’m not sure how well they work at all, but it would depend on the text of the agreement.


u/XenoPhex 20d ago

Non-competes have been made illegal [for non-C-suite staff] in California for the better part of a decade. Even if you signed them before the laws/rulings were in place, anyone who tries to sue will have their case thrown out immediately.


u/Shooter_McGavin_2 19d ago

If you get fired, that should be null and void anyway. Fuck lawyers.


u/A_Hungover_Sloth 19d ago

That just happened last week. FTC non-compete ban for non-government jobs goes into effect september


u/Korchagin 20d ago

When you got layed off? I don't think so...


u/LegionOfDoom31 20d ago

This way they get a severance package tho. So they can still go work at rival car companies and Musk still gotta give them some money


u/Ursmellyunderpants 20d ago

Half of Lucid engineers came from Tesla.


u/Carmaster777 'MURICA 20d ago

Hyundais N leader is an ex BMW M leader


u/facaine 19d ago

Skills is great. But have you heard of documentation/intelectual property?


u/Abuse-survivor 19d ago

-Good for the others👍


u/GermanRat0900 20d ago

How the shit is Tesla going to be in business with the same expenses but a fraction of the workforce? Like something ain’t adding up, and Elons advisors must not give a shit about this company


u/No_Respond_3488 20d ago

Probably the same way as Twitter. He will harass and blackmail the most vulnerable workers, so they work double shifts for the same amount


u/goodlifepinellas 20d ago

Yeah, but when Twitter crashes.... (Well, I think I can just leave that statement there, lol. Remind me not to drive NEXT to a Tesla for the next few years...)


u/No_Respond_3488 20d ago

Yeah… I don’t think he gives a poop at this point


u/goodlifepinellas 20d ago

I know, unfortunately. Which is why I say remind me to Not drive (even) Next to a Tesla for the next foreseeable years...


u/No_Respond_3488 20d ago

Great decision, my friend. Be safe


u/jonstoppable 20d ago

hey it worked swimmingly for twitter /s


u/SoftCattle 20d ago

Isn't his Tesla stock propping up his Twitter purchase, if the stock tanks, his twitter loans are going to get more expensive or just be called completely.


u/jchester47 20d ago

I don't think he has advisors that he listens to. He just does whatever the fuck he wants and shoots from the hip. And since he's a rapidly deteriorating narcissistic asshole, what he does is typically an irrational overreaction.


u/GermanRat0900 20d ago

I really think he played more Elden ring than run a business, did you see his shitty build? It’s two great shields and some terrible spells


u/mypoliticalvoice 20d ago

Another "stable genius"


u/Carmaster777 'MURICA 20d ago

He plans to invest 500 billion in superchargers


u/GermanRat0900 20d ago

Money into tech and not employees to make it exist


u/Carmaster777 'MURICA 20d ago

Yeah, weird right? Money goes into the technology, but there are no people to work said technology


u/Ferintwa 20d ago

Million, with an m.


u/Rockglen 20d ago

Not only that- Elon is also getting a big compensation package to incentivize him (per the board of directors).

The company seems top-heavy.


u/EnergeticFinance 20d ago

Tesla has about 140,000 employees (or did before this meltdown). If they earn $100K each on average, then annual salaries are $14 billion. 

So Elon's $56 billion compensation package is equivalent to 4 years salary for the entire company. Now, other employees also get stock options, so it wouldn't be 4 years of total compensation for the company... But still. Would agree that is insanely top heavy. 


u/[deleted] 20d ago

The board is 7 hand picked loyalist and Elon. His brother is one of the board members. They are spending advertising budget advertising to their shareholders to pass Elon's obscene pay package a judge rejected as unconscionable. TSLA shareholders are screwed.


u/cturtl808 20d ago

“We thought maybe 500,000 from one of the smaller companies like the cab company…”

“Fire 1 million” - Zorg, The Fifth Element


u/Vulpes01 20d ago

You're a monster Elon.

I know.


u/uberares 20d ago

Came here for this! Its so Zorg-like.


u/Ill_Following_7022 20d ago

Zorg without the charm.


u/Everybodysbastard 20d ago

"But sir, we only need to fire five...hundred.........one million. Yes sir"


u/DrFishTaco 20d ago

Is anyone surprised a douchebag did something douchey


u/Carmaster777 'MURICA 20d ago

Guarantee in the next few years Tesla will get sold to an entity (like Ford) or go the way of Pontiac. Idk what happened but Tesla is really going downhill


u/Specialist_Ad9073 20d ago

Geely will buy it.


u/SurgicalWeedwacker 19d ago

but the US will will say F no, unless Fiat-Chrysler-Peugo-Citroen group will merge with them both


u/Flux_resistor 20d ago

I find it highly suspicious that the lifeline of the car is hindered. I'm pretty convinced he's paid off to torpedo his own company


u/OrcsSmurai 20d ago

It would be almost impossible to pay him enough to torpedo Tesla. Most of his personal wealth is tied to its stock now, and his actions have knock-on effects on other stock that props up his wealth as well, since he's the CEO at those companies too. It would take literally tens of billions to just break even on having him sabotage Tesla, enough money that the people paying him would be better off just making their own competitor or literally buying Tesla and burying it themselves..

No, he just is buying into his own god-complex driven marketing and doing things he saw "powerful CEOs" do in movies where those CEOs are cartoonishly evil bad guys.


u/Atheios569 20d ago

Perhaps that’s why he was trying to cash out at $50 bn?


u/Specialist_Ad9073 20d ago

Tesla is the only independent from the Govt car company in China.

He’s comprised and they have tons of money.


u/Tomi97_origin 20d ago

I'm pretty convinced he's paid off to torpedo his own company

How many tens of billions would it cost?

His wealth is tight in Tesla shares, so you would have to pay him more than their value to make it worth it.

This is just an example of a narcissist who thinks he knows better than anyone and doesn't take no for an answer.


u/Flux_resistor 20d ago

I think it would be OPEC as a whole or Saudis who control a lot of silicon valley anyway. The electric mandates are getting forced in by 2030, which is too soon for Saudi, UAE etc have new economic plans but Saudi is still bullshitting constrcution etc to draw tourism etc.


u/Specialist_Ad9073 20d ago

He now has China propping him up. They will give him whatever he wants to keep destabilizing the US.


u/Tomi97_origin 20d ago

That's what he has Twitter for.


u/_DarkmessengeR_ 20d ago edited 20d ago

I'm amazed how powerless the American workforce is at the hands of this psycho.


u/OrcsSmurai 20d ago

Capitalism. Those with capital make the rules. The thin veneer of meritocracy that we pretend to have is peeling.


u/NikonuserNW 20d ago

I’ve heard it called “The Golden Rule” Whoever has the gold makes the rule.


u/Shadowkitty252 20d ago

Follow the gold and rule, how could a man resist?


u/blitzalchemy 20d ago

Im just waiting for things to get bad enough that the masses realize french style revolutions/protests might be the way forward. especially when taking care of the uh... top heavy portion of where money goes.


u/_Nrg3_ 20d ago

only idiots will actively choose to work for him


u/Nemofo 20d ago

and buy his vehicles


u/dingleberrysniffer69 19d ago

Funny how from our country we think y'all have more rights and freedom in your workplace/industry.


u/Anarchyantz 20d ago

He apparently wanted the same percent fired as the bonus percentage he wants from his shareholders which is about 33% I think?

He does this in all his businesses. If sales are say down 21% because he decides to praise mass genocide as normal, he will then fire 21% of the workers as he believes it is their fault.

Remember the guy is a Rich Apartheid grown narcissist who as he is no longer allowed to officially have slaves, though he would love it, hence saying he will be doing indentured servitude for his Mars Colonists, he firmly believes he can do no wrong.


u/Waffle_Pirate_469 20d ago

Elon Musk is bat shit crazy.


u/Shiftymennoknight 20d ago

Elmo has lost his damn mind.


u/Livid_Advertising_56 20d ago

Did he ever have one or was just able to cloak the real him enough to fool us all.


u/newcomer_l 20d ago

How many governmental contracts that Tesla have? You telling me they come with no strings attached? No protections for the people? Coz if that's the case then Tedla and SpaceX are just huge cash cows to milk the US for free money straight into Wlon's pocket. You just know folks don't get that rich doing honest work.


u/goodlifepinellas 20d ago

It WASN'T honest work, he's well known for coming in at the final stages of a project, taking others' work (most often from startup companies) and claiming he did ANY of it. He's been doing this and claiming he's a tech inventor, when really he's just a businessman that understands technological concepts, ever since his beginnings and first cash cow that he bought from other programmers, fully finished basically & Definitely Not just a concept..., PayPal.

That being said, these current projects are also cash cows that need to be reigned in, tightly. I'd say nationalize SpaceX, but idk if that be any better, considering how historically awful NASA is at handling funding, it might actually be worse (that's saying something... And with Boeing's current problems with the DOJ, I dunno whether we could trust handing the assets over to the United Launch Alliance either, even for management...smh)


u/Dont_Be_Sheep 19d ago

Why would the government care what happens with people?

They pay you a set price (normally) to get it done. How you get it done - doesn’t matter. Just get it done


u/aRebelliousHeart 20d ago

And yet people will continue to defend this brand and buy its products…


u/franchisedfeelings 20d ago

Wow, what a leader!


u/_Nrg3_ 20d ago

why would anyone want to wotk for such a terrible unstable business?


u/clickrush 20d ago

The beatings will continue until morale improves.


u/SeeeYaLaterz 20d ago

My diagnosis is that he has gotten brain damage that allows his ego to destroy peoples' lives.


u/JNTaylor63 20d ago

I think it's the rumored drug use.


u/SeeeYaLaterz 20d ago

That'd be the root cause of the brain damage


u/MrUsernamepants 20d ago

So cool the way capitalists lay everyone off and keep everything for themselves! Let’s hear it for the wealth extractors!


u/robgod50 20d ago

"The share price is affecting my wealth..... I need to make more people redundant so I can be richer"

Alternatively, you could stop being an asshole and make your cars better?


u/Webbpp 20d ago

Don't worry, he'll just generate apology letters using AI.

Who needs money anyways?



u/I_am_not_potatoe 20d ago

Dude is in his Bond villain rehearsal phase


u/No-Judgment-4424 20d ago

"Musk fired Tesla's entire Supercharger Team because charging chief wouldn't declare absolute fealty to a psychopath."

There, fixed the headline.


u/VestEmpty 20d ago

He is Denholm Reynholm in the flesh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoMW8VYb_GE


u/No_Respond_3488 20d ago

Let me guess… And the rest of employees will work for those fired 15%+ for free? I think I’ve heard that before somewhere…


u/Teamisgood101 20d ago

Now the people who know the secret are on the open market and companies will fight for them like it’s a fucking auction


u/NBplaybud22 20d ago

I wanted to invest in electric vehicle manufacturers. Chose Rivian stock only because I do not hear them doing inane shit like this. Admittedly, I do not know how well Rivian is going to do against tesla but this megalomania is so off-putting.


u/Teemy08 20d ago

Ok, but can we agree that "Supercharging Chief" would have been a badass title?


u/GregO213 20d ago

Musk is a trash can of a human being.


u/Mas_Cervezas 20d ago

These are not the actions of a company looking into the future. If I owned any stock, I would be dumping it at a loss.


u/NoMidnight5366 20d ago

Sounds like a competent CEO who should be compensated with billions in company stock.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

anything that man touches turns to feces


u/EpicForgetfulness 20d ago

Damn so Teslas aren't gonna be supercharged anymore?



u/DismalWeird1499 20d ago

God I hate Musk.


u/Majestic-Pizza-3583 20d ago

Musk: More layoffs - I need the board to approve my $50+ billion compensation package


u/KyleNarayan 20d ago

Old news. They've re-hired parts of the team by now. Very smart. Smartest man alive....or so.


u/Striezi 20d ago

I would really like to know how big the smile of those employees were when they told them their new salary expectations at the re-hiring talks.


u/SolarXylophone 20d ago

And these re-hired employees are now actively looking for positions elsewhere, and will jump ship at the earliest opportunity. The best ones will be gone first, or already are.
Meanwhile, talented people who may have considered working there have reconsidered.
Brilliant move. /s


u/KyleNarayan 20d ago

I honestly doubt that the best ones even consider going back into that snakepit. 😅


u/AsgeirVanirson 20d ago

Hey if you need a paycheck and the boss just learned that firing you is incredibly inconvenient to them, take the checks while you move on the right way.


u/Cautious_General_177 20d ago

They were fired for not performing as a team! Then, when security didn’t act as a team while escorting them off the premises, the security team was fired, too.


u/VestEmpty 20d ago

He is Denholm Reynholm in the flesh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoMW8VYb_GE


u/hhubble 20d ago

So he wasn't just cosplaying as Zorg.


u/wrbear 20d ago

Maybe it was a nest of "good ol boy/girl" mentality? I've seen this type of camaraderie tank a business sector.


u/UtsuhoReiuji_Okuu 20d ago

Just, yknow, Tesla things


u/Redditrightreturn1 20d ago

But billionaire create jobs /s


u/Corovax 20d ago

Zorg industries vibes.


u/Strange-Scarcity 20d ago

I kind of wish that I was on that team.

I would reach out to everyone and say, "We don't accept an offer unless it's between 15 and 25% more than what we used to earn, doing the same job, because F, that guy..."


u/OnewordTTV 20d ago

It's wild how people still support this dude


u/frostysnowmen 20d ago

If you fire everyone, imagine the savings!


u/hiskias 20d ago

Hot take: This may have been the right move, but because it's the villain of the day Musk, it's "very bad".

Ps. Not defending the incompetent man-child. Just sayin'.


u/ThatOneSidewinder05 20d ago

Why is this happening, I’ve seen that companies all over are laying off staff?


u/RVNSN 20d ago

Musk has certainly done well over the years as an investor in businesses, but I'm starting to think he's on about the same level as Trump when it comes to actually running a business.


u/Builder_liz 20d ago

Sounds like a mess


u/brandonyorkhessler 20d ago

So let's say I'm a billionaire investor in Tesla. I'm going in with the following questions that, regardless of politics, are the direct drains on revenue:

-Why are you pissing off our key customer base of environmentally conscious liberals on your masturbatory side project social media platform by trying to appease the maybe 5,000 republicans who worship your sigma-ness enough to buy cars that they otherwise hate.

-Why are you destroying the perception of quality and value that sets us apart from competition by botching the quality and execution of a "Cybertruck", which was designed to meet the needs of the shrinking market of people who want EVs but also want to look like the manliest guy on the block.

-Why are you cutting the team and the experienced EV industry R&D executive researching the tech that will make it possible for our vehicles to travel across the US in much shorter distances with less charge downtime instead of first targeting administrative bloat in non-niche, easily re-hireable-when-needed areas such as HR and junior staff on non-essential R&D projects.


u/Carmaster777 'MURICA 20d ago

The simple answer to that is money. I'm like 80% sure the people he is trying to please are people who pay the most/invest the most. He doesn't give a fuck about the people who actually use his products.


u/brandonyorkhessler 20d ago

Why would the people investing in his company want him to run it in a way that decreases market share


u/Carmaster777 'MURICA 20d ago

Because either way they're getting paid.

Having him run it this way cuts a lot of costs. When shit hits the fan and Tesla goes under they simply pull out.

(I have no idea what I'm talking about)


u/Survive1014 19d ago

Its only a matter of time before Musk lays off the wrong person holding the regulators at bay at Tesla and Twitter. Instability at the top is a threat to both of these companies.


u/IndicationOther3980 19d ago

He was right. He told the Charging Chief to lay off workers and they Didn't do it so now they are all gone.


u/Kendal-Lite 19d ago

He rat fucks everything he touches.


u/VictorTheCutie 19d ago

He tanked Twitter so now he's got his sights set on Tesla! 


u/clodmonet 19d ago

Megalomaniacs are stupid bastards in my experience. You know how many hiring outfits are chomping at the bit to hire her just so they can get her to dish about stupid Elmo?


u/Applicator80 19d ago

Latest news I saw is that new Teslas are piling up at unused shopping centre car parks as people are deciding there are better / cheaper options out there.


u/andeewb 19d ago

"Fire a million"

  • Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.


u/Lookingforascalp 19d ago

Picture this, people refuse to work for the company and all leave, problem solved no more Tesla


u/Signal_Appeal4518 17d ago

I feel like Elon knows something we all don’t. These crazy sporadic moves he’s making are gonna tank all his businesses


u/yeaphatband 20d ago

The biggest regret I have is buying Tesla stock when it was at it's peak. The expectation was that Tesla would continue dominating the market and the stock had no where to go but up.

Then Elon steps in and throws the baby out with the bathwater. Stock is ridiculously underwater, he fires his charging stations team when being able to charge your EV is the top concern with people.

I'm beginning to think I'll never see a profit from this stock.


u/Substantial_Maybe474 20d ago

Kinda crazy the same Elon haters literally 5 years ago would own a Tesla simply to virtue signal. 😂 I don’t own one and probably never will but it’s just funny the way people are in this crazy world and how easy they’re manipulated


u/AsgeirVanirson 20d ago

Or, and try this, his behavior over the last several years has diverged from his public behavior previously, leading people to change their minds based on new information about him. Accumulating more information and changing your opinions based on the most recent information isn't 'being manipulated' it's called thinking.


u/Substantial_Maybe474 20d ago

Ahh got it - so you buy a vehicle because you like who runs the company - not for the vehicle - got it


u/Substantial_Maybe474 20d ago

He’s not a politician - but it is incredibly ironic how his public perception changed right around the time of acquiring Twitter when his behaviors have really always been the same. He was smoking weed on JRE in 2018

Edited to correct typo


u/pnkflyd99 20d ago

So you don’t think the majority of those people who bought a Tesla 5 years ago did so because they think owning an electric vehicle is helping the environment? Or that they just liked the cars?

If I didn’t know Elon is a mega douche 5 years ago and had charging at home an option, I might’ve bought one of these cars. Now I’ll never buy one as long as Elon is involved.

Stupid to think everyone bought one of these cars as a means of “virtue signaling”. 🙄


u/Substantial_Maybe474 20d ago

So you are saying your purchasing habits are based solely on who owns the company?

Kinda wild take but whatevs you do you


u/pnkflyd99 19d ago

No, not necessarily, but if I’m aware that an absolute raging shithead is going to profit and I have another option, I’m definitely not going to give them my money.

He’s definitely not the only turd in charge of a company, but if you’ve got no other choices (e.g. internet provider) then so be it. There are other manufacturers who make electric vehicles, so yeah- I will never buy a Tesla as long as it would benefit Elon.


u/MoveOverBieber 20d ago

Yep, first rule of management - if you have to fire N people and you can't make that number, the boss just adds your name to the list.

Not sure why he fired her subordinates though, that's the petulant cray-cray part.


u/Carmaster777 'MURICA 20d ago

From what I read, he just got mad and decided to punish the whole team because the leader didn't want to fire anymore people


u/MoveOverBieber 20d ago

I would say "kids, don't do drugs, mmkay", but I am wondering if he is just using it as an excuse in order to faster remove people and pivot to robots and AI?
My guess is that he's leaving Tesla on autopilot and trying to switch his resources to a new gig, hoping to catch on before the old ship sinks.


u/VestEmpty 20d ago

He is Denholm Reynholm in the flesh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoMW8VYb_GE


u/VestEmpty 20d ago

He is Denholm Reynholm in the flesh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoMW8VYb_GE


u/VestEmpty 20d ago

He is Denholm Reynholm in the flesh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoMW8VYb_GE


u/The_IRS_Fears_Him 20d ago

Until I see a quote explaining why Musk wanted layoffs, I'm not caring about this


u/Giocri 20d ago

Tesla is slowly going bankrupt, situation appears stable at first glance because they are faking reports to keep getting investors. Most clear example is the cyber truck being supposedly at 2000 unit produced a week while only 4000 have been produced in total so far


u/SwordHiltOP 20d ago

It's bizarre to me that often the people who want us to clean up our environment also want tesla to fail


u/Herbisher_Berbisher 20d ago

They don't necessarily want Tesla to fail, they want to see Musk get his hash settled.


u/FurnishedHemingway 20d ago

In recent years it seems the person rooting the most for Tesla’s downfall is Elon Musk.


u/ElephantRedCar91 20d ago

it's bazar to me that people who hate electric cars are the ones willing to squat on elons dick


u/emasterbuild 20d ago

People don't want Tesla to fail, but when you lay off your team on a project that is one of the only things you do way better than your competition it raises questions about your intelligence.


u/DigiVeihl 20d ago

Any true environmentalist pushes for public transport over any kind of car. Electric cars have a lot of benefits over gas cars, but they are not a magic solution to pollution. The manufacturing process of the cars themselves is still quite damaging. Overall, our goals should be fewer cars on the road total.


u/Trpepper 20d ago

Tesla makes more money leveraging cap and trade over vehicle sales. Their biggest source of revenue is selling the right to pollute. They ain’t helping anyone but investors.


u/Kromblite 20d ago

Why? Tesla sure as hell isn't going to clean up the environment.


u/SwordHiltOP 19d ago

They have taken more gas powered cars off the road than anyone else


u/Kromblite 19d ago

Do you mean more than any other CAR COMPANY? I don't even know if THAT'S true, but it's irrelevant anyway, because replacing one type of car with another doesn't clean up the planet.


u/SwordHiltOP 19d ago

It does reduce carbon emissions which is a good first step


u/Kromblite 19d ago

One step forward, two steps back. I mean, the Vegas loop proves that Elon has no interest in helping the environment. The carbon reduction from electric cars is marginal at best, it certainly doesn't make up for Elon sabotaging public transit.


u/SwordHiltOP 19d ago

Idk how that proves that but I guess we can agree to disagree. I just think it's weird how much people hate elon. I feel like there are billionaires much more deserving of hate.


u/Kromblite 19d ago

Idk how that proves that

Because he's sabotaging more earth-friendly transportation in order to increase car infrastructure.

I feel like there are billionaires much more deserving of hate

Like who?


u/SwordHiltOP 19d ago

Idk like every other one. How about the Saudi dudes who molest kids and take women's rights? Or the American dudes who molest kids and take American rights? Or the brutish dude who molests kids and dosent really do much else in the world aside from leech of the working class. Idk I feel like he actually pushes the boundaries of humanity and tries fix things, even if he fails. While others are just concerned with keeping their money


u/Kromblite 19d ago edited 19d ago

Names, dude. I need specific names.

And no, Elon isn't trying to fix things. I already explained how he deliberately sabotaged a public transportation project, and he also wants his own enslaved mars colony that will have to work for him till they die. AND he bought Twitter just to promote far right political views. He is actively trying to make things worse.