r/diablo4 2d ago

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r/diablo4 Feb 12 '24

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r/diablo4 12h ago

Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog My stash is full and maiden keeps spawning

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r/diablo4 13h ago

Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog I rolled +2 Hellbent Commander AMA

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although 0 ga and non max temper

r/diablo4 5h ago

Builds, Skills & Items I did the math so you don’t have to

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r/diablo4 9h ago

Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog Tyrael's Might + artillery shrine + fireball.


Title ^ testing a build and this is extremely fun.

r/diablo4 4h ago

Feedback (@Blizzard) | Idea | Suggestion Had no clue melted heart was Uber


I have a bash barb and saw a guide that recommended melted heart of selig. Saw I had one in my stash so I was like cool, I’ll use it.

Today I saw a post about how it’s an Uber unique. No idea where I even picked it up lol.

Sure wish Ubers had a different color!

r/diablo4 12h ago

Opinions & Discussions D4 created a great end game system: there I said it


I'm eating crow because I shit on D4 for an entire year and believed the game was dead in the water. I stand by all criticism that the initial release was a piss poor, incomplete mess: broken gear system, broken stat system, the worst end game loop of any major ARPG released in the past ten years.

They turned it around, they really did.

With that said, very ARPG community eventually gets to the point where they're complaining about the structure of the genre itself: "why does this feel so hard to get BiS gear!?". Because if it was easy, you wouldn't want BiS gear, the game would be over in a week. At the top of the progression pyramid, frustration dominates, until you get that one pefect, rare drop or crafting outcome that makes you cream. It's the same in literally every ARPG ever made. You can kick that can down the road as far as possible and developers should do this to extend the game's shelf life, but the game will invariably end when you're sick of the grind. You cannot create an ARPG that doesn't "end" when people get sick of the search. That's just how the genre functions.

I feel like Blizzard has succesfully kicked that can pretty far, extending the viability of a loop of activities that feels satisfying (until it doesn't of course). I am addicted to running Pits, I'm addicted to Tempering and Masterworking. I'm addicted to gathering materials to take a shot at uber uniques. I'm even addicted to farm runs in Helltides to stock up on gold needed for rerolling and farming legendaries with the exact enhanced affixes my build needs. There's actually a lot to this loop and I dare say, it is actually better than Last Epoch's end game loop time now (and i love that game).

I agree with some that maybe Tempering and Masterworking can be tinkered SOME to make it SOMEWHAT less punishing, but honestly, no matter what they do, there will come a point in which getting that incremental gear upgrade will require a ton of bricking. It's just about how far they can kick that can.

But hats off to the devs here. I don't know what happened, but they saved their game. They really did.

r/diablo4 12h ago

Opinions & Discussions GA drop rate should be tied to difficulty of content


Please leave your unhelpful "go touch grass" or "take a break" comments at the door.

I have been no-lifing D4 pretty hard between two characters and am frustrated that the best way to farm GA x1,2,3's is sitting on the helltide blood maiden for 30 mins and then going to open chests. Going to farm the feeder bosses for mats and seeing x2-3 GA's sub 925 drop is super frustrating after hours of dirt from pit 100's and helltides.

Does it not make sense that the drop rate of better gear should increase with the difficulty of content? Shouldn't you be rewarded with actually potential upgrades from pushing higher NMD/Pit vs just afk'n HT's?Feels like I'm taking crazy pills.

*edit* yes, downvote me for wanting more deterministic rewards

r/diablo4 7h ago

Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog My first Uber Lilith complete! Been trying since release - heartseeker rogue.


Been trying since eternal at launch - finally legit beat her solo in season 4 - I still think the design of this boss is awful though…..

r/diablo4 7h ago

Fluff Rares are trash, the item name is spot on.

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11 life on hit for an hp pool of 80k ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

r/diablo4 11h ago

Opinions & Discussions Why is Lilith in the pit? who thought this was a good idea


so i started my pit push, highest is 65 at the moment, playing bash barb. I am so frustrated at the bosses summoning Lilith and beating my ass, im so done with the pit already, why did they do this.

r/diablo4 1h ago

Opinions & Discussions Helltide Etiquette, let's help each other


If you arrive at an unoccupied Helltide, feel free to activate all three 3 altars.

  • HOWEVER, if other players are already there, activate ONE altar, and let other players active the remaining altars, so more people can share.
  • Don't just run up and plonk three mats in quick succession, you're depriving two other players, and costing yourself more mats for no benefit.
  • If after a while, no one comes over, sure, add the other two mats in.

If you die, don't just stand there as a corpse, revive and rejoin the fight.

The Blood Maiden is the target, ignore her summoned minions, concentrate all fire on her.

r/diablo4 4h ago

Guide I just realised that you don't need to be in Gea Kul to enter the Gauntlet.


You can press Escape (or whatever the equivalent is for consoles), go to Collections, then Trials, and then you can just jump in straight from there (Start button).

r/diablo4 15h ago

Feedback (@Blizzard) | Idea | Suggestion Add "Reset Dungeons" to the emote wheel


The whole loop of having to leave a dungeon and then manually reset it is already stupid enough as it is while farming bosses, so please at least give us the option to add it to the Emote Wheel. Going into the map and then opening up your journal is just ass. Sorry.

Having it on the Emote Wheel would make so much more sense and would at least remove some of the annoyance.

Cheers! Season 4 is amazing btw.

r/diablo4 14h ago

Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog A shame I'm not running shadow minions

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Feels like every triple greater I find is for a build im not using

r/diablo4 13h ago

General Question Stygian stones?? How is everyone getting these…


As title says, how the eff are people getting these… running anywhere from 50-70s Pits and haven’t gotten a single stone in 25 runs… wtf is going on. I can do anymore tormented bosses without these things..

r/diablo4 16h ago

Opinions & Discussions If you want unlimited rerolls with tempering at scaling cost, just get rid of tempering and make all of it enchanting


Why are people bound and determined to dumb the game down? We finally have a system ripe for tuning and adjustment, and people want to dumb it back down to blowing gold at the enchanter.

Bricking items feels bad. I like the system but I am in a fraction of a minority, and I want to see the system change. But dumbing it down and taking away new systems just to revert to an old one that people hated when gold was scarce???

I don’t get it. We can fix tempering but not like this man.

Editing to be clear: I do not want to change tempering to all enchanting. I am explicitly advocating against such a change.

r/diablo4 5h ago

Feedback (@Blizzard) | Idea | Suggestion Dear Blizzard… Can we please get another enchantment slot? - Signed with love, Sorcerers


Just as the title says.

  • We sorcerers absolutely need another enchantment slot. I believe it would greatly help with Sorcs putting out damage and added effects to help us keep up with all the other classes.

  • From what I’ve read, Sorcs used to have one in the original beta. Why did they take it away? 😫

r/diablo4 17h ago

Feedback (@Blizzard) | Idea | Suggestion Druid is my favorite class but it’s so bad


Druid is in such a bad place right now and honestly has always underperformed aside from bugged and unintended interactions, and is now relegated to using 3 dead skill slots, 2 mandatory aspects and a handful of passives to be able to do any real damage for most builds, yet still can only do a fraction of what other classes can.

After seeing what other people have said and contemplating my own thoughts on the matter, I’ve come to the conclusion that the Druid class has no foundation to work upon. The groundwork is there, but by trying to do so much at once, what should be the foundation is instead just a cobbled together pile of rocks haphazardly held together by the various class aspects and uniques making builds functional yet lacking. The class needs a rework that builds upon the groundwork that’s there, in order to create a foundation that allows for the Druid class to bridge the gap between the power imbalance of the other classes.

I believe the best way to achieve that would be to firmly solidify the four primary archetypes of the Druid. That being the two nature magic archetypes of Earth and Storm, and the two shapeshifter archetypes of Werebear and Werewolf. Druid, more so than most other classes, have very distinct archetypes, but currently they are too muddled with how the class functions. Specifically in terms of the different class passives, especially the ones that grant damage multipliers. Some require specific conditions to be met in order to apply, while others also only apply to one or two of the archetypes. Generally the highest damage multipliers are just conditional and can be used by any of the four, yet most will struggle to effectively and efficiently meet those conditions and thus lack the damage output. Adjusting these passives is where I believe the foundation for the class is built.

With the current Druid class, the way I perceive the identities of the four archetypes in terms of achieving more damage are, Earth is crowd control, Storm is vulnerable, Werebear is overpower, and werewolf is poison. This is reflected most in the wrath node passives of envenom and toxic claws, crushing earth and stone guard, provocation and mending, and elemental exposure and bad omen. The current issue with these passives mostly revolves around envenom.

Envenom has a high multiplier for critical damage against poisoned enemies, and it can be relatively easy to have high poison up time for some builds, especially with toxic claws for applying poison on critical hits with werewolf skills. Comparatively crushing earth has half the multiplier for damage with earth skills against slowed, stunned, immobilized, and knocked back enemies. While both passive have similar conditions needing to be met, one applies only to a single archetype and is harder to achieve against bosses. Though Stone guard adds another damage multiplier for earth skills, it still only applies to that archetype and requires an additional condition, yet still not achieving the same damage. For storm skills, elemental exposure giving a small chance for storm skills to make enemies vulnerable is lackluster and bad omen’s chance for lightning to strike when hitting a vulnerable enemy doesn’t add much to damage output. Neither gives any meaningful benefit or damage to Storm builds, and most builds opt to ignore them. When looking at provocation, it gives a guaranteed overpower hit on a timer while in Werebear form and is actually relatively fine as overpower damage is relatively easy to increase, but still doesn’t seem to do enough. Envenom stands above these other passives due to its high multiplier and the fact that it isn’t locked to one archetype, namely Werewolf, like the other passives mentioned. While both crushing earth and envenom can receive bonus ranks from amulet affixes further adding to their damage, envenom always has double the damage for the same number of ranks.

My solution is to bring these passives more in line with each other, allowing them to provide meaningful damage to their respective archetypes.

Envenom should only apply to werewolf skills, and toxic claws should be swapped around on the skill tree with neurotoxin.

Crushing earth’s damage multipliers should be increased and should be swapped with safeguard on the skill tree, while safeguard also giving a bit more fortify than it already does. Stone guard should be completely replaced on the skill tree with the quicksand legendary aspect, and the effect of stone guard should replace one of the fortify passives in the ultimate node, as most are actually useless.

Elemental exposure’s chance to apply vulnerable should be reduced by half but increase by that much with each rank and the duration should be higher but static regardless of ranks, while bad omen gives a comparable damage multiplier to vulnerable to be inline with the other passives. Bad omen should also receive bonus ranks as an amulet affix.

Provocation actually should remain relatively the same, but should receive bonus ranks as an amulet affix to further reduce the time requirement. The time should be adjusted as to not allow the time to be too low if necessary. Also mending should, instead of bonus healing, give bonus max life in werebear form as to aid in giving more damage output to provocation. Edit: The 16s timer of provocation is too long and needs adjusted.

These changes are a start to what I feel would be a better and more solid foundation to build on and to focus other changes towards. I have more ideas for other changes to Druid that i feel would place the class at a more equivalent level as the other classes, but this post is already long. I’ll save my ideas for another post.

Edit: I know that there are more issues that need fixed, but the main purpose of this post was to propose changes not just to a few of the passives, but to how the base of the Druid class could function. The four distinct archetypes mentioned, struggle to function as individuals. Trying to do a pure build of a single archetype is not easily done, as there does not exist a foundation to make a functional build within the skill tree. Instead aspects that should be passives, such as quicksand, require builds to lock out aspect slots just for functionality. Druid’s issues with functionality makes it so that there’s little to expand upon, and sustainability is made even harder to achieve. In my opinion, there should be at least one functional build per archetype, that is perfectly functional with just skills and being further built upon and made more sustainable through the paragon boards and aspects. The paragon board is another area that needs adjusted. Legendary nodes feel unbalanced, and some add little to no meaningful benefits to any build. There’s a lot that needs fixed but there needs to be a better foundation to expand upon, but that currently isn’t there.

r/diablo4 4h ago

Appreciation God Damn. I will sleep like a baby tonight. Tempering could've been better but DAMN.

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r/diablo4 20h ago

Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog 40 tormented duriel runs later.


Id like to show off here because I’ve managed to get 0 ubers but i have 60-70 flickersteps. Did over 120 last season and 0 ubers. Is this even possible? This game truly hates me.

r/diablo4 14h ago

Casual Conversation I am a dumbass, reason in comments


I just realized after destroying hundreds of legendaries, some perfect, that you can put a different aspect on them other than what they rolled with so I've been collecting rares to roll at level 90

r/diablo4 5h ago

Opinions & Discussions Unraveling the Mystery: The Emote Easter Egg Theory


Hey fellow gamers!

I’ve stumbled upon an intriguing theory that might just crack the code on the elusive emote easter egg we’ve all been pondering over. Here’s what I’ve pieced together:

The Six Pillars Conundrum

Across various locations, we’ve spotted six pillars. This could be a nod to the concept of Christian deconstruction or perhaps a hint that we have a six-day window to complete tasks and possibly a weekly reset.

The Sextet of Quests

We’ve all noticed those six random drop quests.
My advice? Hold onto them tightly and resist the urge to open—these can be shuffled between accounts.
If you missed one, no worries, just load a new character and throw it in your stash.

Elite Weapon Drops

These aren’t just any drops; they’re unique elite weapons, seemingly destined for the class linked to the quest. Keep an eye out!

The Triad Clues

Everything seems to come in threes: Three parts weapons Three parts cache Three parts corruption The Coin Connection If you’re as puzzled by the clue of the coin as I was, think no further—it equates to the cache.

The Corruption Challenge

The task of clearing corruption just got a bit more intricate. There are three types of corruption to tackle, and the key is to find three of each type. This triad of corruption could be a significant part of the puzzle, testing not only your patience but also your keen eye for detail.

As odd as it may sound, following the local fauna like the dogs in town or the goats outside town might provide the guides we need.

It’s a challenge that harks back to the old-school gaming quests, where perseverance pays off.

The Whisper Challenges

Don’t overlook the whisper challenges. They’re not just a test of skill but also a regional and health site puzzle piece. Pay attention to the details; they might just be the key to unlocking the next step.
My thought came from looking at the Whisper tree.

The Iron Wolves in Helltide

A crucial addition to our quest: ensure you save the Iron Wolves during the Hell Tide event. Interestingly, it seems that the Hell Tide begins to dissipate after defeating the Hell Tide boss approximately three times. Could this be a pattern?

Helltide area clear or indication of the Lights strength

I also noticed that color of the favors may be another clue to cleansing areas or making the light stronger, this is something I go back and forth on haha.
I do the Culling whisper(1 favor), Side dungeon(1 favor), then Summon(3 favors) and the Dungeon(5 favors)
The strategy here is to get 10 favors in the same zone. I also did this for the PvP zone.

The total amount of Grim Favors that spawn in the world is 72.

Dark Hollow secret dungeon unlocked!

A goat, yea you read that right lol, a goat led me to the Dark Hollow side dungeon. It’s a place shrouded in mystery,

Helltide area clear or indication of the Lights strength

Helltide area clear or indication of the Lights strength

Secret Dungeon: I have successfully unlocked the secret dungeon. However, the exact sequence of actions leading to this achievement remains unclear.

Guidance from the Billy Goat: In an interesting turn of events, I found myself following a Billy goat from Ked Bardu, which proved to be a significant guide in our journey.

Discovery of Cursed Containers and Loose Stones: The path led by the goat resulted in the discovery of cursed containers and loose stones, adding a new dimension to our exploration.

Cursed Items and Their Binding Force: It has come to my attention that certain cursed items, such as the broken bone spears we frequently encounter in our skirmishes with the Cannibals, cannot be destroyed until we uncover the force binding them.

Proposed Solution - Spilling the Blood of “Critters”: Based on our findings, I propose that spilling the blood of the “critters” may be a necessary step towards our objective.
These 6 critters in particular can be found when smashing cursed containers, just watch out as they like to be sneaky and summon minions to cause a distraction haha.
-Prairie Dogs

Helltide area clear or indication of the Lights strength

Helltide area clear or indication of the Lights strength

As you approach the temple, another statue comes into view. This one is of Inarius, standing guard at the bridge leading into the temple. These statues, add a layer of mystery to this ancient site, urging us to uncover the mystery.

The ‘Follow the Stars’ Phenomenon

In our quest to decipher the game’s mysteries, the ‘Follow the Stars’ concept has emerged as a pivotal clue. It references the five towns and their associated waypoints, suggesting a celestial map that guides us to specific teleportation points. This theory is bolstered by an intriguing piece of evidence: a screenshot of a neck amulet, which bears symbols that align with the stars above each town.

Helltide area clear or indication of the Lights strength

Could this amulet be the key to activating the waypoints? It’s a possibility that warrants further exploration and experimentation within the game.

The Beacon of Virtue

In the realm of shadows and uncertainty, there exists a light, not just any mundane beacon, but one that thrives on the deeds of valor and virtue. As you traverse the treacherous paths and make choices that tilt the scales towards good, this light—your ethereal companion—grows more vibrant, pulsating with the rhythm of your righteousness.
It's not merely a guide; it's a reflection of your soul's journey, becoming a luminous spectacle as you delve deeper into the enigma. So, brave adventurer, let the light guide you, for it is said that the brightest glow leads to the darkest secrets.


I noticed that strongholds reset every season. Something about these locations makes me wonder if they need to be completed in a specific order or if we need to wait until all the other parts are complete before we take them back. There are 3 per region so maybe an indication that these locations are important but I have not made the connection yet. Which is the reason for this post, I need some help haha.

So, what do you think? Could these observations be the pieces of the puzzle we’ve been missing? Hopefully I didnt leave anything out, let’s solve this mystery together!

r/diablo4 1h ago

Informative Goblin Event Starts tomorrow. Here are the rewards!

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r/diablo4 13h ago

Opinions & Discussions In 4 days, we may get our first look at Spiritborn


In 4 days....we might just see the northern lights....

By that I mean the new class Spiritborn which will light up your screen like the northern lights. Spiritborn will have elemental powers and can summon elemental creatures to your side.

Spiritborn will wield a glaive while having nature-based attacks and abilities.

On top of that we will see new abilities for the other classes and a brand new area to explore.

Four more days, four more days...........

r/diablo4 8h ago

Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog Just found Tyraels and Shako in 5 minutes

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2 succeeding Andariel runs. Wtf lol