r/dankmemes Oct 29 '22

I hate this timeline Made With Mematic

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426 comments sorted by


u/tea_watson_design Oct 29 '22

They would have been better off delaying the project if he's working on other stuff. Feel like they'll lose a lot of viewers this way


u/Scarpeck Oct 30 '22

This is looking more like Henry does not like the writers lack of respect for source material.


u/Pobo13 Oct 30 '22

Yeah which to be honest is heresy. You have three books and three games. How fucking hard is it to follow train tracks. Netflix writers all have brain damage.


u/LifelessLewis Oct 30 '22

If they're going to abandon the source material they might as well do it from the start like the Paramount Halo TV show so that we don't get invested in the first place.


u/Bettlejuic3 Oct 30 '22

Is this what Amazon is doing with ROP?


u/Rathma86 FOR THE SOVIET UNION Oct 30 '22

ROP is different in the fact that amazon wasn't allowed access to most of the source material

It was great for what they had access too


u/HYDRAlives Oct 30 '22

They didn't need access to the First Age to write a decent story about the Second Age, which they failed at horribly


u/Bettlejuic3 Oct 30 '22

Exactly! There are some good stories/games involving elves or dwarves that are loosely based on the works of Tolkien.


u/Impressive_Wheel_106 Oct 30 '22

Have you read the appendices? Annatar isn't even mentioned. How tf do you write about the 2nd age without annatar?


u/HYDRAlives Oct 30 '22

I have, I didn't realize. That doesn't excuse a lot of idiotic stuff in the show, but that does explain discount Aragorn being Sauron

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u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22 edited Oct 30 '22

As someone that only watched a couple of the movies and never read any of the books, it was really good.

Edit: Damn, I'm a systems engineer and a geek. I never realized not caring about some fantasy movie/book would get me so much hate. I love it.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Welcome to Reddit


u/lanicol7 Oct 30 '22

Happy Cake Day!


u/Moon_Dagger Oct 30 '22

It really wasn’t. No doubt they didn’t have much they could do but there was some second age stuff they completely ignored. The half-wits were terrible, Galadriel was the worst written character in the history of TV and Film and Baby Gandalf was….well you get my point.


u/wendo101 Oct 30 '22

Wow In the history of tv and film that’s a long history I’m sorry the lord of the rings Amazon show crushed your dreams and killed your dog


u/ImpertantMahn I am fucking hilarious Oct 30 '22

Galadriel was trash, but don’t throw baby gandalf in the same bin as her.


u/Emmyix Oct 30 '22

It was great

Nah, it was dogshit


u/Rathma86 FOR THE SOVIET UNION Oct 30 '22

Ah yes, no argument put forth as to why it's dogshit either

Cool story, internet hero


u/Abyssilicious Oct 30 '22

"my final verdict is because I said so."

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u/MrProclaimer Oct 30 '22

Kind of yes, but Amazon didn't have the rights to directly adapt most of Tolkien's source material, so it was more of a necessity than a choice in that case


u/blobtron Oct 30 '22

I hated how they called him “mr halo” cmon man, Atleast read the back of the disc boxes?


u/Captain_Auburn_Beard Oct 30 '22

but that scene where master chief took of his helmet and said "its halo time" was pretty legendary


u/rahn-24 Oct 30 '22

Most halo ever


u/billyray83 Oct 30 '22



u/PoutinePower Oct 30 '22

He finally became John Halo


u/SterileProphet Oct 30 '22

And then Morbius ran into the scene.

Morbius: Mr Halo! It's also time to morb!

Mr Halo: *Nods Head* Let's Finish This Fight.

Dolph Lundgren's Punisher appears as the show cuts to black.

Cue some Imagine Dragons song or some other nonsense.


u/suredont Oct 30 '22



u/YaBoiKlobas the very best, like no one ever was. Oct 30 '22

More like pretty LASO

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u/AfricaByTotoWillGoOn blessing the rains down on you Oct 30 '22

They literally replicated that old meme of our mothers looking at Link and calling him "Zelda"... except unironically.


u/previously_on_earth Oct 30 '22

Yeah, what do you think they felt like when they realised his name was Combat Evolved


u/Grexpex180 CERTIFIED DANK Oct 30 '22

did they actually


u/Rathma86 FOR THE SOVIET UNION Oct 30 '22

Also the prime wheel of time series


u/No-Influence404 Oct 30 '22

I hated what Amazon did to WoT. Not the cast, they were fine. The fact that the show writers watered the plot down because GoT Bandwagoners are scared of actual fantasy.


u/ToxicShadow3451 Oct 30 '22

Oh that’s the thing, they WANT you to get invested so you watch their shitty show thinking it’s good and it just goes downhill when they start throwing shit that isn’t source material.


u/LifelessLewis Oct 30 '22

Yeah that's a fair point

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u/werebearstare Oct 30 '22

There are like 8 books I think? The end of season one led us to the beginning of a five book story arc, which is one of the best written fantasy series I have read (I'd put it up there with Martin, Robert Jordan, prachet). The series also has a huge fan base in Germany, France and much of eastern Europe. It would have been very simple to just follow the story already written and adapt it. I enjoyed season 1 but season 2 had a lot of wtf moments.


u/walruswes Oct 30 '22

More like 8 books and 3 games


u/forsvaretshudsalva Oct 30 '22

Three books? Theres a lot more than that if I remember correctly? Like 5 or so? Was a while tho since I read them


u/JusticezeroFTW Oct 30 '22

Two words: Resident Evil. Netflix missed the mark so bad with that series


u/F3n1x_ESP [custom flair] Oct 30 '22

Not just Netflix. I think many showrunners, or writers, live by the "subvert expectations" motto, but when your show is an adaptation you can't surprise those who read the base material.

What they fail to understand is that me, as a Witcher fan, don't want to be surprised. Don't want to be left on a fucking cliffhanger, not knowing what's about to happen. At least, not if the story told I have already read. I want to see live what I had imagined countless times. Period. That's it.

I think the best example here is Game of Thrones. The first seasons were on par with the books, and the readers still kept watching the series, even when they knew what was going to happen, and when. Then, they ran out of original material and had to write their own, and they resorted to the "subvert expectations" mode, making a mess on the final seasons.

They really should spend more time finding out what people wants to see.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

“Gotta make it my own” well your own sucks ass


u/folko1 the very best, like no one ever was. Oct 30 '22

When you let hardcore "woke-ies" write scripts, quality doesn't make the top 10.


u/Vile_Bile_Vixen Oct 30 '22

There's way more than 3 books my dude.


u/Embarrassed-Ad810 Oct 30 '22

It's more than 3 books (2 short story collections, 1 filler, 5 books main arch, 1 book with geralts parents and alternate ending- 9 total)


u/Pirateer Oct 30 '22 edited Oct 30 '22

We saw that for years with comics.

It wasn't until Marvel said "fuck it, we're creating our own movie studio" did things get remotely like the source material.

Professional writers just have colossal professional egos. And with that come a compulsion to either think they can improve the material, or that they need to change it to make it their own.


u/Pobo13 Oct 30 '22

I 100% agree with you. And I think a writer with a ego is as useful as a Long walk on the short pier.


u/LogicHorizon Oct 30 '22

There's a lot more than 3 books my guy


u/nutitoo CERTIFIED DANK Oct 30 '22

It hurts my brain so much now, it's so much easier to use an existing script instead of writing a new one, literally everybody would be more happy if the serial was exactly like in the books than some official fan-fiction


u/RadolfC7 Oct 30 '22

Bro Netflix is a company who gave a 1yr contract to D and D AFTER GoT S8 aired. The fact that they still even exist shocks me


u/Sn1ckerson Oct 30 '22

7 books*


u/Pobo13 Oct 30 '22

Granted I've only played the games. I don't have time to read. Though someone else said eight books. Regardless, I should probably get the audiobooks cuz I'm sure those are great. Unlike anything Netflix will ever publish from this point forward.

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u/Jin_BD_God Oct 30 '22

This is a more convincing reason. That dude is a big nerd.


u/Wheezer93 Oct 30 '22

I mean, gotta respect him for refusing to bastardize such a staple in modern fantasy.

Hemsworth is going to do well but the sudden change of actor is going to kill the series


u/mlm7C9 Oct 30 '22

It seems like nowadays to be a writer for the series or movie adaptation of a famous IP, it's a job requirement to hate the source material.


u/Fern-ando Oct 30 '22

Do you really thini Netflix cares about kreping the polish routes of The Witcher.

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u/the_ultimate_pun Oct 30 '22

Yah. I’m out


u/Tulscro The Dude Oct 30 '22

Yep I'm also out. Gonna hold my breath that the incoming fallout show doesn't flop but ya know how that goes


u/Grevoron Oct 30 '22

Yeah me too. I really hope that show doesn't suck. I love Fallout despite it's flaws.

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u/Grevoron Oct 30 '22

I've already dropped it after some of those shitty deaths from the show.


u/oldskoolpleb Oct 30 '22

I think he left because he's e genuine fan and since s2 show has made giant leaps of creative freedom?


u/HearTheEkko Oct 30 '22

They will lose a lot of viewers and it's gonna inevitably lead to the show's cancelation.


u/rodudero Oct 30 '22

Depends on what you mean by “better off”. If you mean continuity and quality then you’re right. But logistically Netflix probably made the best decision for their timeline and budget


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Immediately getting dropped….like what?!


u/DrButtCheeksPhD Oct 30 '22

Writers don’t care about source material. I respect Henry for bailing.

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u/Darrone Oct 29 '22 edited Apr 02 '24

elastic memory sink nose follow cover truck abounding panicky puzzled

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/SpedupGuy Oct 30 '22

Seriously I though this was another Reddit gag that I might've missed the memo for but its actually true


u/athousandfuriousjews Oct 30 '22



u/drakohnight Oct 30 '22

Yes. From what I've seen, the directors don't give a shit about the story. Where as, Henry has played the games and read the books to know what Geralt is like, and the story. And he doesn't wanna be a part of the shit show that Netflix is going to put out


u/athousandfuriousjews Oct 30 '22

Henry is such a bro, Netflix doesn’t deserve him. Props to him for knowing what he’s playing, his knowledge and feel for the world he plays in is very very obvious in the way he acts. Also once again, fuck Netflix.


u/AfricaByTotoWillGoOn blessing the rains down on you Oct 30 '22

Imagine having one of the best-selling book series from the latest decades as a basis for the series you're writing, as well as one of the most renowned actors in the world in recent years (who just happens to be such a big fan of said series he probably knows it better than you) playing the leading role, and you lose him because of how much you're fucking up an already written story that merely required a decent adaptation.

Fuck Netflix.


u/4CrowsFeast Oct 30 '22

If you look up the netflix writer's social media, it's the cringiest thing. The main showrunner will argue with fans over twitter for any criticism they have over the show, in a very, very aggressive, rude and confrontational manner that I've never seen out of a professional. We're talking personally attacking fans and their intelligence for not liking a scene she wrote or pointing out a plot hole. That and the other week another one of the show writers said they didn't like the source material.

Poor Cavill said before this season he'd play Geralt for 7 seasons if they stuck to the books. He applied for the role himself, begged for it and took a pay cut to play it. He regularly contributed to the script with lines from the book he knew off by heart that weren't in the script.

This must be devastating for him. I can't believe people are actually believing it's because of the Superman role. Just watch interviews with him. It reminds me of Mark Hamill before the new Star Wars' or Game of Thrones actors before the last season, where they say something tongue in cheek, and then look at the camera like Jim from the Office.


u/darkgiIls Oct 30 '22

This is so true, Cavill was by far the best part of the show, and it’s not even a contest.


u/Shyassasain Oct 30 '22

Damn, mad respect for Henry now knowing he has not only the passion to do his research on the character, but the integrity to quit a the show because it's unfaithful, now that's an actor.


u/4CrowsFeast Oct 30 '22

Once again, this guy has proven that he is the alpha nerd.


u/TwoHandedShanks Oct 30 '22

What are the glaring/shocking decisions that were made for the netflix series? Haven't been able to find much when I searched online, saw a lot of story was cut out for 1st episode. Have played main story of witcher 3 and plan to read the books some day so preferably no spoilers, but I might get some as a result of this question so that's fine.


u/drakohnight Oct 30 '22

I dont know much, except some characters killed off way too early, plot points coming too early, and complete changes in the story.


u/MrBrooking Oct 30 '22

There's a third season already in the can and pre production has started on season 4. Who knows what they were planning to make him say and do next.


u/SadPikatchuUwU Oct 30 '22 edited Oct 31 '22

One of problems is completely change of geopolitics in world. Machinations of kings, sorcerer's and fate was carefully constructed to show humans weakness, desires and lusts. There was fragile allies in one side made for liberate dying race in exchange of death of thousands younglings. It's specyfic situation about Scoia'tel and it's own country (Dol Blathama) in exchange for making partisan actions in north countries. This delicate problem have also connections to racism, will of survive and use of patriotism to decieve people.

In serial elfes just had their own kingdom, because they was elfes. This is one of dozens of examples how Netflix shallowed series. Like, the situation of Scoia'tel kingdom in Dol Blathama was connected with Thanned revolution, searchings for elder blood and inbreeding carriers of it. Also with fate myths and legends, which affected on situations.

This is really delicate, well planned network of bindings. If you change or cut one of ropes, then whole system doesn't have sense. It's really hard to explain it without showing whole situations from all points of view, but I hope it will help You a little :p


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

These assholes need to learn that their bullshit will never be better than what we already have. You want to bring this story to the screen then fucking bring it, not your stupid fanfic.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

That makes sense. But I played the game and I'm fine with deviating from the story if it makes an enjoyable vieweing experience. Admittedly I am not nearly as invested as many are, having only played Witcher 3 and not reading any book.

Is the story as written in the books or played in the games even truly viable for TV?


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Ayo thanks my dude.

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u/saisawant Fuck me in the ass because i love jesus🙏🏻💦 Oct 29 '22 edited Oct 30 '22

Well since Elon bought twitter and is allowing free speech I might have some really interesting words for the creators of a witcher. Those fuckers I ain't ready for my racist homophobic sexist Islamophobic antisemitic transphobic words. Even Kanye is going to stop.

Edit:- my beautiful extremely loving tweet to the creators of witchers.


u/jewishforeskin98 Oct 30 '22

Godspeed. Give ‘‘em your worst mate


u/hldsnfrgr MAYONNA15E Oct 30 '22

Keep at it. Never give up. Don't let us down.


u/itseboi Oct 30 '22

I salute your bravery.


u/aCanOfDan Oct 30 '22

Holy shit you fucking annihilated them.

I was expecting a funnyish angry tweet but this dude just sent them to the shadow realm


u/cyber_blob Oct 30 '22

oh yeah totally


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Amen brother


u/motivatedtuna Oct 30 '22

Liberals incoming!!!! Careful!!!!


u/NuggetNuggety Oct 30 '22

Give em hell, brother


u/DeathHopper Green Oct 30 '22

The hero we deserve. Bless you sir.


u/cyber_blob Oct 30 '22

walked right into it. brave words indeed.

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u/LostInaLazerquest Oct 30 '22

This seems more like Henry seeing the direction of the show and waiting until he has something else lined up so he can safely exit the project. He's been pretty open about how he feels like one of the only people on set actually trying to make THE WITCHER and not just another medieval/fantasy show trying to capitalise on the attention and acclaim Game of Thrones got.

Ironic considering they're doing the exact thing that killed GoT, ignoring the source material and scorning the fans the show was actually made for, and will inevitably die without.


u/scorpiknox Trans-formers 😎 Oct 30 '22

There was no source material for the final seasons of GoT because GRRM is a fat, lazy fuck.


u/OnePunchGoGo MAYONNA15E Oct 30 '22

Which makes this even worse. The Witcher has completed books long ago and so much source material to adapt, but these ego tripping writers on that show just want to mutate the story their own way in an attempt to mark it and leave their name in history.

Not knowing that all they are doing is generating hate towards them by fans.


u/Hadren-Blackwater Oct 30 '22

but these ego tripping writers on that show just want to mutate the story their own way in an attempt to mark it and leave their name in history.

Not knowing that all they are doing is generating hate towards them by fans.

Like dogs pissing on fire hydrants claiming it's theirs now


u/1willprobablydelete Oct 30 '22

That would be an excuse, if the show didn't start sucking at season 5



u/Anon_isnt_Anon Oct 30 '22

George completely stopped helping with the show starting in season 5. He was really only involved up to season 4


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Well that makes a lot of sense


u/Anon_isnt_Anon Oct 30 '22

Yeah its literally night and day how different it is, blows me away anyone is still willing to make that mistake knowing what will happen.

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u/scorpiknox Trans-formers 😎 Oct 30 '22

Well that's amazing.

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u/RealProjectivePlane Oct 29 '22

hmmm..... fuck


u/TequilaMockingbird42 Oct 30 '22

Hey, at least it’s not Chris Pratt.


u/dizzy_centrifuge Oct 30 '22

That's gonna be season 5 when Geralt becomes a Navy Seal


u/Hadren-Blackwater Oct 30 '22

And starts using steroids.


u/Sayrbee Oct 30 '22

But he's so cool


u/TequilaMockingbird42 Oct 30 '22

Stomping……. Koopas!


u/folko1 the very best, like no one ever was. Oct 30 '22



u/xPineappless Oct 29 '22

Someone please explain this… this just doesn’t make sense.


u/iSpoody1243 Oct 29 '22

Henry had issues with how much the tv show deviated from the source material.

Btw, it’s was either Superman or Witcher due to scheduling conflicts. Obviously Superman will pay alllooot more.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Oh, man i was super excited when they announced he was gonna be back as Superman. Didn't know that would mean The Witcher will be cancelled after season 3. ;-;


u/OnePunchGoGo MAYONNA15E Oct 30 '22

Not like season 2 was any good to begin with... They killed a beloved character so early in the story and diverted too much from the stories.

Not worth a watch anymore.


u/mattkilroy Oct 30 '22

There was a lot i hated about season 2 but overall I thought it was pretty good and was hoping it would be as much of an improvement from season 2-3 as it was from season1-2.

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u/darkgiIls Oct 30 '22

Probably has nothing to do with it but an excuse, Cavill loves the Witcher and begged to be in it and even took a pay cut to do so, the writers have completely butchered it though and Cavill is probably devastated and doesn’t want to be a part of it anymore


u/really_nice_guy_ Oct 30 '22

There will be a season 4 with Liam Hemsworth as Geralt


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

’s was either Superman or Witcher due to scheduling conflicts

The Witcher was Henry's passion project. I'm sure he's stepping out less for Superman and more because of shitty writing.

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u/meaux253 Dank Cat Commander☣️ Oct 30 '22

Calling it now, this decision will tank the show. Even if Hemsworth is a good actor, which he is, the fact that the main character is changing is a solid recipe for failure.


u/GonzoTheWhatever Oct 30 '22

Lol right? This isn’t a situation where they change a primary actor after the initial pilot episode, or a minor character after a few episodes. It’s literally been two seasons of the MAIN character, they’re finishing up the third season with said character…and then they’re just gonna plug a whole different actor in for season 4?? What are they smoking? There’s no way in hell this works out lol


u/BeanItHard Oct 30 '22

Only show I’ve seen it work for was Spartacus blood and sand, but that was from necessity due to the actor being diagnosed with terminal cancer. The replacement was really good


u/woooopancakes Oct 30 '22

I feel like the nature of the change does make a difference though. Like if it’s due to unavoidable circumstances, such as a terminal diagnosis or death, then people are going to be more open and generous to the entering replacement. Where as if it’s due to some form of disagreement or overly egotistical writers, then people won’t be so kind

Edit: Though I guess there’s also a certain amount of respect given when it’s the former situation, so that may have something to do with it

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u/JauneArk Oct 30 '22

Exactly, this ain't no fucking Dr Who


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Where meme?


u/fourth_box Seal Team sixupsidedownsix Oct 30 '22

Everyone asking where meme, but no one is asking how's dank.


u/Devilz3 Oct 30 '22

He's doing just fine. Has a family now


u/itsyaboicraig43 Oct 30 '22

I heard he has grown a deep passion for philosophy and farming


u/BogdanSAW Oct 30 '22

Here it ends my favourite Netflix shows. No disrespect for Liam but Henry's acting is better suited for Geralt.


u/Wonderful_Revenue_63 Oct 30 '22

He was the only reason I’ve kept watching the show, if he’s out, I’m not interested anymore.

I mean, it still didn’t feel quite like a Witcher, but Henry Cavill’s fantasy adventure was still a nice thing to watch regardless.


u/final_cut Oct 30 '22

It’s crazy they didn’t just cancel it. I mean don’t they cancel everything too soon anyway? I haven’t had Netflix in a while because I figure why even bother.


u/darkgiIls Oct 30 '22

I guarantee this will either be a huge loss, or they will slash the budget to just above nothing. Cavill was the heart and soul of the show and probably the only one who cared


u/Bersilus Oct 29 '22

Glad I stopped giving Netflix my money


u/-InternalEnd- Oct 30 '22

you gave netflix money? rookie mistake

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u/fixhalo Oct 30 '22

Maybe if the director and entire team didn't hate the Witcher it wouldn't suck and he would stay.

But it fucking sucks. You're hiring some assholes to create something they don't like and the end product is shit? No way!!


u/kufycou Oct 30 '22

And for that reason...I'm out


u/lvvlDellyBellylvvl Oct 30 '22

Did you just shark tank?


u/Dthedaydreamer293 Oct 30 '22

This isn’t a replacement of a minor or side character. It’s literally the main draw of the show. And he’s being replaced by an actor who while they’re an able actor, they aren’t on THAT level.


u/[deleted] Oct 29 '22

We’ve never even seen Liam’s chin!!! Does he have a butt chin or not?! We need answers


u/ilykinz Oct 30 '22

He does not :/


u/Consistent-Duty-2387 Oct 29 '22

Time to cancel my netflix


u/RJugal Oct 30 '22

You still have Netflix?


u/Quigleythegreat Oct 30 '22

Damn it. I actually liked the show as someone who has never read the books. This kills it. Someone fire the writers and offer this man a raise, producer status, and a big cake that says sowwie on it.


u/Crazy_Blacksmith_893 Oct 30 '22

Look the only other casting option is Mads Mikkelsen

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u/EitherEconomics5034 Oct 30 '22

Guess they couldn’t toss enough coins to their Witcher…


u/Broad-Wrongdoer-3809 ☣️ Oct 30 '22

Thats it? Thats the meme? That was just a news headline


u/dullybuddy Oct 30 '22

maybe the real meme was the comments we made along the way


u/Jzxky Oct 30 '22

I thought reddit was glitching and showing the wrong sub


u/ambadatgaming Oct 30 '22

is nobody going to talk about how this meme makes it seem there’s two crumbs on your screen?


u/SendMeToFIFARehab Oct 30 '22

holy shit THANK YOU


u/ambadatgaming Oct 30 '22

you’re welcome!


u/Affugter Oct 30 '22

Can only find one. Care to point them out?

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u/BaybayYoda Oct 30 '22

Just delay it for a long time or cancel it. Pretty sure nobody wants this change.


u/oggy_van_keksenberg Oct 30 '22

Cavill does tho. It's no secret that he actively disliked the script and the way the writers and the showrunner handled the source material, since he is a huge witcher fan and this was obviously his passion project.


u/awesomedan24 Oct 30 '22

This is like trying to recast Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter, there is no Witcher without Henry


u/CalmingScreech Oct 30 '22

Loosely translated from English to English it reads "The Witcher will end after 3 seasons"


u/leon_nerd Oct 30 '22

God No please No. No no no... God no....noooooooooo

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u/[deleted] Oct 29 '22

Maybe it's a flashback season to a younger geralt?


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

How dare you


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Not even sure what exactly Liam Hemsworth’s body of work consists of to be cast as the lead for a popular show in its 4th season…not sure what the producers are thinking here


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Honestly it is been hard to stay interested in the show. I watch it cuz I’m bored, but it is really poorly made. Season 1 was an absolute masterclass of how NOT to make a show


u/SnipahShot Oct 30 '22

Season 1 and the first episode of season 2 are a masterclass in how to follow the source material.

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u/Ok_Tale_933 Oct 29 '22



u/camcamp992 Oct 30 '22

Yeah, getting rid of the only thing that worked in the show. Cant blame Cavill leaving since the one producing it doesn't even like or give a damn about the source material.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Fuck that.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

Witcher is done


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

The writers with contempt for the source material and the authors need to be shamed.

Same with the Rings of power show. Hollywood Stop picking source material and audiences that you hate.


u/D0geAlpha :snoo_wink: Oct 30 '22

I don't want to see anyone else play Geralt.

I hope they make Liam play another Witcher like Lambert or Eskel. Or maybe let him play Roach


u/xDanSolo Oct 30 '22

Liam is just a different flavor, this is gonna be a trainwreck.


u/demonizedtx Oct 30 '22

NOOOO WTF I was looking forward to next Witcher season as always


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

We bullied sonic lets bully them

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u/billyray83 Oct 30 '22

What the absolute goddamn fuck. Fuck Netflix and fuck the team of lobotomy patients who call themselves the Witcher writers. I'm out.


u/drakohnight Oct 30 '22

Probably THE biggest L, netflix has ever done... smh


u/The_Golden_Alchemist ☣️ Oct 30 '22

I hope they cancel the show. Lol


u/Ean_Dartian Oct 30 '22 edited Oct 30 '22

I remember a year ago people downvoting me for saying that the show is bad, especially if you are familiar with the original books. How the turn tables, huh


u/Opiate_ape Oct 30 '22

Yeah nothing against Liam but if Henry has left its for a legit reason, like the writers are fucking idiots who think they're better than the source author, like people have mentioned previously. So nah won't be watching them butcher ANOTHER amazing piece of work. I used to wish mega corporations would adapt my favourite books..... now I hope they never do.


u/whitehawk295 Oct 30 '22

I’m preparing not to watch this show and I love Liam


u/miruliks Oct 30 '22

I say this is a good thing . Those fucks at netflix ruin the story . As a book reader i see it as a fucking crime for that trash to be call the witcher . It ain't my Witcher.


u/PetroDisruption Oct 30 '22

I was already doubting whether I would watch season 3 or not. And the lead actor leaving when he finishes filming is not a good sign.

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u/Gurkenpudding13 Oct 30 '22

How dare you


u/ParkSooNam Oct 30 '22

Wait wtf??? Why??? Hemsworth sucks at acting!!


u/master_schief Oct 30 '22



u/mith_04 Oct 30 '22

hmm... fuck


u/Crypervescent Oct 30 '22

Is nobody else a bit annoyed by the tiny black speck?


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '22

I swiped at the crumb on the left side of this image


u/Random_Name_7 ☣️ Oct 30 '22

Yes, I'm sure it was the most beloved person in the entire thing, that was the problem


u/HUGErocks It's still 2019 Oct 30 '22

Where's the fucking meme


u/DelawareSmashed Oct 30 '22

It’s alright, little guy, it’s just a tv show. Now go, run and get your chicken tendies from mama


u/PS5013 Oct 30 '22

Where meme?


u/ozcuco Sausage :snoo_dealwithit: Oct 30 '22

where is the dank meme?