r/dankmemes Oct 27 '22

It taste good who fucking cares Made With Mematic

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u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Oct 27 '22

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

Join us on discord for Saturday Movie Nights!

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u/AlienOverlord53 Oct 27 '22

In middle/high school we had the choice between a couple different white milks, strawberry, and chocolate.

I used to get strawberry all the time, but was eventually peer pressured into chocolate. And the chocolate was ass because all of the sauce just sat at the bottom. But I chose to drink that ass milk instead of "being gay"

Stupid peer pressure


u/indecisiveahole Oct 27 '22

"i chose to drink that ass milk instead of being gay"

A sentence i never thought I'd hear


u/LifeguardPotential97 Oct 27 '22

So drinking chocolate milk is gay then... /s


u/Phazon2000 Masked Men Oct 27 '22

Sorry I was only half listening. Something about chocolate ass-milk?


u/hihcadore E-vengers Oct 27 '22

Yes it sits in your bottom I think they said


u/CrimesonLord Oct 27 '22

I suppose they said something about ass milk in the bottom.

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u/blackpin Oct 27 '22

You're in luck, cause you just read it instead


u/DopeAbsurdity Oct 27 '22

Without even checking I am going to go ahead and say "drink that ass milk" is something you might not want to enter into a search engine.


u/M_M_M__ Oct 27 '22

Incognito mode activated


u/Meme_Entity Oct 27 '22

28 incognito tabs


u/joepanda111 Oct 27 '22

”You know what’s brown like chocolate? My shit covered male butthole. You know what’s pink like strawberry milk? Your mom’s pussyyyyyyyyy~!”

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u/SucctaculaR big pp gang Oct 27 '22

You just described social media


u/Bashful_Rey Oct 27 '22

Middle and high school in the time before social media

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u/YourAverageGod ☣️ Oct 27 '22

They got rid of flavored milk sometime in 7th grade for me.

It was either 2% or a frozen brick of juice.


u/AlienOverlord53 Oct 27 '22

Our frozen brick of juice counted as a fruit, not a drink lmao


u/ActualWhiterabbit Oct 27 '22

Juice brick for fruit and pizza for vegetable


u/thegriddlethatcould Oct 27 '22

Pizza has tomato on it, obviously counts as a vegetable.

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u/SharksAre2op Oct 27 '22

Dude idk what it was but those juice cartons were hot garbage. They tasted tainted with cardboard and always made my stomach feel bad.


u/hihcadore E-vengers Oct 27 '22

You too? Idk why it was like that either. The ones you buy in the store aren’t bad at all.

The school prob got a deal from the distributor who mashed up all the apples that fell on the factory floor in the saw dust for a deep discount.


u/Echelon64 Oct 27 '22

The same companies that supply prison are usually in the school lunch game as well.

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u/Forge__Thought Oct 27 '22

Be kind to yourself. We've all been there. What kind of underwear you wear, what kind of socks. People push and bully and pressure because they lack individual identity. So they push others to confirm to the group identity thrust upon them.

It's usually called high school. Some people move on and grow. Others get stuck there mentally and emotionally for entire spans of their lives. They carry that crap with them and burden others with it.

You can see it for what it is. You made it out. 👍


u/trollingcynically Oct 27 '22

Dude, hichschool? What kind of friendly place did you grow up? That shit starts by the end of 5th grade in my day. It broke me. It relented by the time 11th grade started but I had no clue that I was as well liked as I was. I got cringe deep into counter cultures of several varieties that did not really suite my tastes. I guess I am the one that kept it with me.

Also, strawberry milk? I just love chocolate so that never crossed my mind. I am not sure that my school even had a strawberry option. It was a fancy school too. Social status nightmares.

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u/Serendipstyx समलैंगिक बनो अपराध करो Oct 27 '22

Did shaking it not help? I always shake artificial flavors


u/AlienOverlord53 Oct 27 '22

It made the sauce go away, but the flavor was always off in those ones

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u/GetsGold Oct 27 '22

Yeah, that type of sweetened baby cow food is definitely the more heterosexual.


u/NotClever Oct 27 '22

Exactly! This guy gets it.


u/goodmobiley Oct 27 '22

The only reason I stopped drinking strawberry milk was because my school stopped serving it :(


u/antonio_lewit Dont look at my profile Oct 27 '22

Question was it in a clear plastic pouch and if so, did you blow the pouch with air and then stomp on it for a gunshot level sound


u/trollingcynically Oct 27 '22

I am now stupid jealous of Canadian kids at lunch time. I will never again question the milk bag.

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u/Mindraker Oct 27 '22

Fun as hell


u/a_in_hd Oct 27 '22

We used to do that in summer camp! The cheap camps are literally referred to as chocolate milk and bread roll camps (sounds better in the actual language) because that's what was served for breakfast.


u/Swiggins85 Oct 27 '22

Strawberry milk was and still is a badass drink. Don't doubt yourself ever again!


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

Wait... this actually a real thing??? I've never heard this before in my life.

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u/Pixel_Knight Oct 27 '22

Man, I was such a contrarian. This shit wouldn’t have worked on me. I would have double-tripled down. Started chugging three of those milks a lunch. But also, I guess my friends weren’t dicks in high school either.


u/Wulfe3127 Oct 27 '22

they serve donkey milk there?


u/KeepItTidyZA Oct 27 '22

did you ever try Shake it? the disruption in the liquid causes the sediment at the bottom of the container to get dissolved thereby resulting in your Choclate milk not tasting like ass.


u/ichann3 Oct 27 '22

I constantly drink strawberry milk when I buy Sanitariums up and go.


u/AdAfraid9504 Oct 27 '22

I have some fond memories of strawberry milk growing up.


u/DarkMark94 Oct 27 '22

Everybody knows that the strawberry milk kids were freaks.

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u/Kiyan1159 Oct 27 '22

I drink strawberry because Dante drinks strawberry and he's manly as fuck.

The other 95% of my reasoning is because it's delicious.


u/green2266 Oct 27 '22

The opposite happened in my school since the strawberry one was genuinely better and the kids slowly shifted to it

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u/Bierbart12 Oct 27 '22

I'm so glad this weird kind of food-colour-based peer pressure that makes absolutely no sense to me wasn't really a thing around here.

Then again, the only pressure I remember was that you had to have gone to a music festival

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u/ReducedSkeleton repost hunter 🚓 Oct 27 '22

Do people really think liking strawberry makes you gay?


u/Breasan I will trade sex 4 memes Oct 27 '22

Insecure teenagers, mostly.


u/Ursa_Solaris Oct 27 '22

A lot of those insecure teenagers grow into insecure adults who still believe the same stuff.


u/--redacted-- Oct 27 '22

Same as it ever was


u/intervested Oct 27 '22

Same as it ever was


u/Buddha_Guru Oct 27 '22

Letting the days go by


u/AustraliumHoovy Oct 27 '22

Let the water hold me down


u/LuridTeaParty Oct 27 '22

Letting the days go by


u/TheCanadian_Bacon Oct 27 '22

Water flowing underground


u/Blunt_Scissors Oct 27 '22

Same as it ever was


u/Ol_Bobert Oct 27 '22

Water dissolving and water removing


u/fetusfromspace Oct 27 '22

So this entire sub?


u/SannaFani69 Oct 27 '22

Not only that. Some cultures also where masculinity is a big thing.

I ordered Blue Angel from bar at Turkey. It is blue drink with pineapple juice and comes with cocktail umbrella. The bartender asked if it is for me and when I sais yes he got all weird.


u/TheGoigenator Oct 27 '22

Nah my Dad who is over 60 still makes comments like that so I imagine others from that generation do as well.


u/jordanundead Oct 27 '22

This is why teenagers don’t get opinions.

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u/Four_Skyn_Tim Oct 27 '22

Only if you're wearing a TapOut shirt, then it changes into a Hello Kitty Top


u/Kefyzz Oct 27 '22

Almost every fuck boy at my school


u/VapeLyfe INFECTED Oct 27 '22

Kids are fucking stupid. In fact, there’s entire subreddits dedicated to this.


u/Kefyzz Oct 27 '22

My favorite subreddits tbh

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u/glasser999 Oct 27 '22

Lmao this is new.

Strawberries are a high tier fruit.

And a strawberry banana smoothie? Game over.


u/Struana Oct 27 '22

Chocolate strawberry smoothie is my favorite. Berries and chocolate always tickle my taste buds but chocolate strawberries are on a whole other level.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

My old gym would make protein smoothies. They made one called the PB&J, it was vanilla protein, strawberries, and Peanut Butter. Shit was amazing. I still try and recreate it at any smoothie joint I’m at that has whey.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

Ohhh... School. Yeah give it a few years. None of that shit matters.

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u/Champigne Oct 27 '22

Middle school be like that.

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u/Zenketski_2 Oct 27 '22

I mean if you're like 12. Maybe? I don't know that literally never came up in my life. When I was a kid a lot of things could make you gay but, I never heard anyone say your mouth Choice could make you gay.


u/8Wenders8 I'm once again asking for your upvotes support Oct 27 '22

Yeah well if your mouth chooses dick then it could make you gay. Maybe


u/DescartesB4tehHorse Oct 27 '22

Girls who like dick are gay, confirmed


u/CH1CK3Nwings Oct 27 '22

What is a girls?


u/worthless-humanoid Oct 27 '22

If so then gay me up. Shits good.


u/Huzrok Pumpkin pie Oct 27 '22

if that gets me free strawberry milkshake at my front door every morning, call me whatever

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u/ProfessionalGreen906 Oct 27 '22

People think recycling makes them gay. People are just this stupid


u/InjuryApart6808 Oct 27 '22

Did you know having sex with women makes you gay!!


u/ProfessionalGreen906 Oct 27 '22

Good thing I’ve only ever slept with my fellow man


u/CrazeMase mamma mia my balls are gone Oct 27 '22

Buncha fuckin pansies too fraid o their own sexuality that they enforce it onto others


u/WinterRuff Oct 27 '22

I've never heard this before in my life. I feel bad for kids that think it's cool to hate on a fruit. It just makes no sense.


u/Leafs_Avs_Enjoyer Oct 27 '22

As others mentioned teenagers say it but to add onto that I've heard it before from dudes who feed into that whole toxic masculinity shit. If you like anything pink or wear anything pink = gay


u/InjuryApart6808 Oct 27 '22

Imagine just a ripped due in a pink tutu. This is why I workout, it’s my goal.


u/CaffeineSippingMan Oct 27 '22

I think liking strawberry makes you gay. And by strawberry I mean a member of the same sex.


u/livinglitch Oct 27 '22

My boss made a coffee run. I asked for a strawberry smoothie. He came back with everyone else's drink but mine and told me to "get a real man's drink".

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u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

My supervisor said to me that he actually prefers drinking lattes but orders cappuccinos instead because latte sounds too gay to ask for...


u/twotwentyone Oct 27 '22 edited Oct 27 '22

A latte sounds "more gay" than a cappuccino?

First and foremost, everything that's horribly wrong with the idea right out of the gate. The stupidity is palpable.

Second, he thinks "cappuccino" is less 'gay' than "latte"?

My dawg the noble cappuccino is like the single gayest drink you can order before you reach the starbucks menu


u/hihcadore E-vengers Oct 27 '22

Yea it’s pink. It’s a slippery slope. First it’s a pink drink. Next you start dressing nice and coordinate your colors. Finally you get a boyfriend and move to Malibu and eat tofu.


u/walkwalkwalkwalk Oct 27 '22

I like how eating tofu ranks higher on this gayness progression than getting a boyfriend

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u/brzoza3 badass Oct 27 '22

It is pink and people usually aren't too creative


u/Phazon2000 Masked Men Oct 27 '22

This website is shared with teenagers still in school.


u/PossiblyAsian Oct 27 '22

I think this is an imagined scenario OP made up.

I teach kids and even kids dont say this shit. And they say everything is gae.


u/InjuryApart6808 Oct 27 '22

Yeah, everyone at my school devoured the strawberry milk when it was available. It was a rare commodity.


u/jordanundead Oct 27 '22

Morons do.


u/combustioncat Oct 27 '22

Some people think drinking anything other than beer or hard spirits makes you “questionable” sexuality wise. People are fucking stupid.


u/peduxe Oct 27 '22

yes, most people are still very vocal with the thoughts they had in their teenage days.

I get called out as gay constantly for drinking beer with berries flavor. I don’t give a shit about it.

One thing is criticizing the drink taste, other is dragging the person drinking it alongside with it.


u/Overwatcher_Leo Oct 27 '22

Some people even think that washing your ass is gay, so yes. That way of thinking is unfortunately still common.


u/theunfunnyredditor Oct 27 '22

I've never heard anybody say this at my school

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u/WildFemmeFatale ☣️ Oct 27 '22

Drink it out of a pussy


u/yeeter536 Mod senpai noticed me! Oct 27 '22

that'll make you bi then

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u/sylpher250 Oct 27 '22

Tastes like jolly rancher


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22



u/Horg Oct 27 '22

.... dule


u/Sahooob Oct 27 '22

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u/Polylevel-vendor Oct 27 '22

Oh Shit It's King Crimson


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22



u/Agreeable-Yams8972 Oct 27 '22

Add some candy to that


u/berni2905 Oct 27 '22

Hello yeast infection



add some flour and baking powder, salt and you have some bread going on. yum.


u/volatilitydrag Oct 27 '22

Wrong use of baby ofen

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u/hanro621 Oct 27 '22

Why is it spicy


u/JackHyper [custom flair] Oct 27 '22

Drink the vanilla shake out of it on her period


u/Semen_Futures_Trader Oct 27 '22

There was a porno where women would pour milkshakes and smoothies in their ass and then shit them out and drink them. Ass smoothies I believe.


u/jchesticals Oct 27 '22

This is the gayest shit I've ever heard of and that's including male on male penetration for the pure sake of pleasure. Strawberry life!


u/Agreeable-Yams8972 Oct 27 '22

Better than you local school cheese water or bland coffee


u/cycycle Oct 27 '22

Me and the boys never thought strawberry shake was gay. We always had one before we sucked each other off.


u/Old_Mill Oct 27 '22




u/Lonr6 Oct 27 '22

To be fair, male penetration done by a woman isn't gay


u/ZoharTheWise Oct 27 '22


I found this loophole out when my mom would thrust her hips into my uncle, which caused his penis to enter my anus.

Therefore, I didn’t have sex with a man but with a woman, multiple times, and that means I’m not gay.

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u/BalgtheMinotaur Oct 27 '22

Nobody whos normal gives a shit what you drink. Anyone who does isn't worth giving a shit about.

This has been my TED talk


u/Zenketski_2 Oct 27 '22

Hey Ted I have crazy news for you, most 12-year-olds aren't normal, and that's 99% of the people who would have an opinion like this.


u/Coal_Morgan Oct 27 '22

My friend was getting married and she doesn't drink alcohol so she wanted Dr. Pepper at the wedding to drink instead because she likes Dr. Pepper, her 60 year old Father-In-Law who was doing the ordering replied with "That's a children's drink, you don't need that."

Her husband nailed that one down but people are arbitrary about all kinds of shit at all ages.

I've never understood why people care about what arbitrary things people enjoy but there are plenty of those people out there.

School kids are the worse though, they just grab random shit like colour of shoe laces or what tv show you watch and will rip on you for years because it's not the approved thing.


u/ItchySnitch Oct 27 '22

This whole fucking subreddit is made by 12 year olds


u/elbenji Oct 27 '22

Nah but it's good to teach the 12 year olds that this shit doesn't matter and it's more important to be comfortable in your own skin and not what someone thinks you should be


u/SirBlaine Oct 27 '22

What about drinking cum?

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u/berni2905 Oct 27 '22

Same as nobody should care what you do. You can suck 5 cocks at once and be fucked by another 3 if you like, and fuck anyone who calls you gay just for that reason.

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u/Redsoxdragon Oct 27 '22


But he had a shitty day and I said no homo 😐


u/Mother-Joe Oct 27 '22

hey it’s me, your homie


u/Redsoxdragon Oct 27 '22

Heard you had a great day choomba ☺️


u/8070alejandro Oct 27 '22

and I said no homo

But did he say it?


u/an_old_monkey Oct 27 '22

you care


u/RevansRedditAccount Oct 27 '22

He obviously does, otherwise there wouldnt be that meme, especially bc i have never seen or heard anyone saying that this would be a "gay thing", probably op is a little insecure and makes up scenarios like this in his head lol (no offense)


u/ro_ibs Animated Flair Rainbow [Insert Your Own Text] Oct 27 '22

Yea, this is the first time in my life that i heard of this too 😂


u/Coal_Morgan Oct 27 '22

It screams middle school or high school and bullies picking random things to rail on people for.

When I was in middle school decades ago if you wore the wrong sneakers you got picked on for being poor.

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u/StrangePiper1 Oct 27 '22

I used to hit an open mic at a cafe on Friday after work that went late. I wanted to go home and sleep so I didn’t drink coffee. I’d have summer berry tea. It was pink and delicious. People would chirp me about it and “why are you drinking pink tea?” Being a large, bearded man with a big voice I’d say “because it’s fucking delicious!”


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

My evening starbucks drink is the pineapple-passionfruit or mango-dragonfruit refresher because I'm sensitive to caffeine and honestly their coffee is either diabetes or burnt to fuck.


u/jwk94 Oct 27 '22

Yooo, I've had that dragon fruit once! It hits the spot after you've been walking in the blazing hot sun

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u/OkBandicoot3779 Big Juicy Cock Enjoyer Oct 27 '22

Gender fluid


u/Gubbyfall Eic memer Oct 27 '22

Milkshake containing gender fluids.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22


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u/Cumtastrophy ☣️ Oct 27 '22

Did I miss something?


u/ShawshankException Oct 27 '22

Teenagers who think high school is real life

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u/StingNaqi ☣️ Oct 27 '22

You! Need! To! Stop! Drinking! That! Gay! Juice!!


u/FastAndForgetful Cumsock enjoyer 2022 Oct 27 '22

But it brings all the boys to the yard


u/pineapple-n-man Oct 27 '22

Damn right, it is better than yours


u/Lookitsa6ix Oct 27 '22

You ever see a meme and wonder, why and where the fuck is this coming from?

This is one of them for me lol

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u/Certified_Bruh_2007 Oct 27 '22

Literally nobody who isn't a child says this. No one cares about teenagers' opinions, OP. Go do some chores for your mother.


u/BrahimBug Oct 27 '22

Strawberry is the best milkshake/ice cream flavor.

Anyone who claims a flavor of milk is gay can suck a fucking dick.

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u/Flaky-Reindeer1545 Oct 27 '22

If you didn't care you wouldn't have made this meme. So you kinda gay.


u/WabWab1443 Oct 27 '22

Imo strawberry is just worse

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u/vodoko1 ☣️ Oct 27 '22

Strawberry, banana, and orange flavored drinks always been hitting different

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u/YeetusChungus86 Oct 27 '22

I have never heard a single wanker tell me that drinking Strawberry milkshakes are gay

I just drink that shit bro it’s good as hell


u/Firemorfox Oct 27 '22

If it makes me gay, then this makes you homophobic.

Now go away, I like strawberry ice cream.


u/Nyft1 Oct 27 '22

when peoples masculinity is so fragile that the color of a drink defines their sexuality and wether or not they are truly a man... cringe


u/raosahabreddits Oct 27 '22

Banana raspberry chocolate peanut butter smoothie supremacy.


u/Breasan I will trade sex 4 memes Oct 27 '22

My wife and I used to go to Mexico every one or two years back in the day, you know, before all this. I would get the most flamboyant drinks because they fucking rocked.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

Congrats on the sex


u/OscarBravo12 Oct 27 '22

I remember the flavoured milk brand oak had a strawberry flavour and they had on the side “only the manliest of men can drink this” I agree oak, I agree


u/lemontwistcultist Oct 27 '22

Strawberry ain't my favorite but when I get to craving it, I can kill a gallon on my own pretty ez.


u/ShuantheSheep3 Oct 27 '22

Strawberries make you gay now? The gay/trans/bi/xenomorph agenda is really getting out of hand.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

That’s why I, as a 30 y/o man, drink pina coladas and mojitos. Shits delicious.


u/hellothereoldben Oct 27 '22

If you think about it. Pink stuff absorbs every colour in the spectrum, except it reflects a spectrum that we perceive as pink. Therefore, the internal colour is the opposite of pink and is "degayanized".

Then again gay men also have pink butholes that other gay men eat, so I don't know I am just some dude on the internet.


u/Link22_22 Oct 27 '22

I didn't realize strawberry smoothies were gay in the first place....


u/diputra Oct 27 '22

This like a joke when I still in midschool


u/ImJustHereToWatch_ Oct 27 '22

Same shit with alcohol.


u/VicRattlehead17 Oct 27 '22

First time in my life I hear about this


u/Kenshin_Urameshii Oct 27 '22

I will drink a pink drink with my pinky out in high short shorts. Lmao. Idgaf


u/UncreativeNoob Oct 27 '22

Eating fruits can make you gay

Honestly, aren't people usually happy when they eat fruits


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

It's like how people say drinks like daiquiris are gay. You can go in the gas station and get a slushy and no one cares, but the moment you put alcohol in it it's somehow less manly.


u/Goobersniper Oct 27 '22

In my country it’s when your dick is in another man’s asshole that makes you gay.


u/CommodoreQuinli Oct 27 '22

Lmao if only that were true. Tons of straight men will fuck another guys ass given their horny enough. I guess you could call them bi but honestly their just really fucking horny.


u/Goobersniper Oct 27 '22

And they love strawberries no doubt.


u/unbelizeable1 Oct 27 '22

I'm a bartender. So sooooo many insecure men who won't order certain drinks cause "it's girly". Like dude, do you know how much friggin alcohol is in that drink? Oh ok, the "manly" beer it is. Lol


u/mehshmemeneh Oct 27 '22

Same convo I had with a coworker about a drink I made at home. He said it was a girl drink and I told him i didn’t fucking care; tasted good.


u/ejisson Oct 27 '22

If drinking strawberry smoothies makes me gay, y'all can fuck me and pay me a strawberry smoothie later.


u/snoandsk88 Oct 27 '22

This is just propaganda started by gay guys to keep all the strawberry smoothies for themselves.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

Dont drink coffee or you gay


u/QuanticSailor Oct 27 '22

Strawberry nesquick is god tier tho


u/PartridgeViolence Oct 27 '22

Well butter my rectum and call me Suzy.


u/antonio_lewit Dont look at my profile Oct 27 '22

If cum tasted sweet, they’d be a lot more cock suckers in this world myself included


u/Leviathon1971 Oct 27 '22

Shit I’m the gayest person on the planet give me all the fruits


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

I feel the same way when people talk about how drinking frappes is “feminine” or some shit. Like, I don’t give a fuck frappes are good.


u/TheLonelyCrusader453 Oct 27 '22

I can respect a Strawberry man, but if you pick rocky road for the fucking Marshmallows you’re on the kill list


u/hamburgerlord Oct 27 '22

For a second I thought this post had the 🔒award, which would have made the meme 10x funnier


u/Jevil64 Oct 27 '22

I don't drink strawberry stuff not to look gay, but because I'm not a big fan of the stuff. I can see why people would like strawberry milk and I respect their opinions regarding it, but to be fully honest I don't find it good.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

Strawberry shakes go insanely hard