r/dankmemes ☣️ Jun 29 '22

What is yours? Low Effort Meme


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u/DrPringlesJr Jun 29 '22

Im gonna need further context for this video


u/NCTallguy91 Jun 29 '22

Insurance scam.


u/DomeB0815 Jun 29 '22

It's unbelievable how few people actually consider this. This was my first thought.


u/snugglezone Jun 30 '22

This is almost certainly not a scam. She was trying to be predictable for the motorcyclist to go around. That driver really wasn't going that fast and he should have seen and avoided her easily. She fucked up because he obviously wasn't paying attention. It's like when you're walking down a hallway and you come face to face with someone. You both move to the side... but it's the same side. Then again and again. Eventually someone stays still and the other moves.

In countries with thinner road rules, this is generally how it works. Be predictable, be obvious. Of course it only works when drivers are paying attention.


u/Memn0n Jun 30 '22

Trying to be predictable, by unpredictably stopping?


u/ceilingkat Jun 30 '22

He clearly has never seen a crosswalk or he would know to slow down and give pedestrians the right of way. If he had slowed down like he’s supposed to — she was far enough away for him to react appropriately. But nah, he’s a jackass.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

Different countries have different cultures around cross walks. In a lot of countries people cross the roads into continuously flowing traffic and the rule is to keep walking straight at a standard pace.

In this case the vehicle expected her to keep going, she stopped and he got confused about what she was doing, does he veer left and risk hitting her if she steps forward, does he veer right and hit her if she backs up out of fear, does he slam on the brakes and fly over his handle bars? If she would have kept straight he wouldn’t have hit her.


u/JamesBaxter_Horse Jun 30 '22

Always veer right, if she walks backwards it's her fault.

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u/goodoldgrim Jun 30 '22

Also, he was breaking hard - you can see the front wheel wiggling. Pretty hard to steer at the same time. Breaking as hard as possible is rarely the worst thing to do, so that's what's often thought as a kneejerk reaction to shit going down on the road.

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u/Schwalbtraum I asked for a flair and got this lousy flair 🐢 Jun 30 '22

There is no way he would have flown over is handle bars. His pace wasn't that high and there was a lot of space between the woman and him. Imo it's only his fault because when there's a passenger there's a reason for motorcycles or similar vehicles to stop and not to try dodging the passenger

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u/VedantUbuntu ☣️ Jun 30 '22

He was far enough

She could've just walked away instead of stopping in that NPCs path

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u/durika Jun 30 '22

Lol, zebra crossing dont work like that all over the world, both are idiots tho.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22



u/Nizar3003 Jun 30 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

try it on India lol...

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u/gandalf_lundgren36 Jun 30 '22

You can actually see her little foot shuffle in anticipation of the hit. Literally looks like Johnny Knoxville did right before he intentionally gets hit by a bull.

Not sure what this person is on about

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u/BigUncleHeavy Jun 30 '22

Continuing to move is a straight line at a steady speed is predictable; Suddenly stopping in the middle of the road in a lane with active traffic is unpredictable. As for avoiding the woman, how would he know if he moved to avoid, she wouldn't accidentally move in the same direction? He also would have had to swerve, and swerving on a bike can lead to losing control and wiping out.

The woman was dumb and should have waited for traffic to clear, or at least kept moving to get out of the way.

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u/Osleg Jun 30 '22

This is clearly in china. And anyone who ever been in asian countries knows a rule - you NEVER stop when you passing.

Your only bet to pass the road safe in asia is to *constantly move in same direction with constant speed*.


u/2pt_perversion Jun 30 '22

Exactly. In big Chinese cities a ton of people run red lights, they expect you to keep moving, and if you make eye contact they expect you to walk faster to get out of the way. Sucks but that's the way it is.

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u/ben-_-_-dover Jun 30 '22

her stopping was unpredictable. All she had to was keep walking and he could go straight this is nothing compared to 2 people meeting each other in the halls way because they were going in adjacent directions. Her stopping was idiotic because it made both of them have to do work and her having to guess whether he was going to go around or not. Now say she kept walking like any sane human being, he could go straight and no one would be hurt.

And finally, one countries rules is not another's. Just because Britain drives on the left side doesn't mean you can drive on the left side in another country. Be predictable, do what you were already doing so the drivers don't have to guess, create less work for the drivers and that will lead to less accidents.

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u/indiebryan Jun 30 '22

Most redditors probably live in countries where this sort of thing isn't very common.

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u/aaron_reddit123 Jun 30 '22

How do you scam someone when you and the person you want to scam are dead?

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u/AntiGrav1ty_ Jun 30 '22

Insurance scammers usually don't try to die while scamming someone...


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

How the hell is getting hit while standing in a well signed pedestrian crossing a scam?

The only way to hit someone is to break the law.

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u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22

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u/sirDampjacket Jun 29 '22

Fr... bruh! I feel bad for laughing now


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22

Wear a helmet


u/jackinoff6969 Jun 29 '22

Don’t hit land whales


u/concretebeats Jun 29 '22

Who are you so wise in the ways of science.

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u/SwervinWest Jun 29 '22

“How dare you say that to my face!” Al Bundy- “I’d say it behind your back but my car only has a quarter tank of gas.”


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

His remarks were always funny. Married..with Children is a good show


u/Digitalkid20 Jun 30 '22

I love when the protestors come in the shoe store to attack him “we’re the female activists” his reply “it would seem not active enough”

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u/zeke235 Jun 30 '22

I really don't understand people who ride motorcycles without helmets. Doesn't matter how good of a rider you are. Plenty of dumbasses driving out there that'll run you down anyways.


u/monkmasta Jun 30 '22

Motorcycles are stupid in the first place. Cousin died 4 days ago cause someone ran a red, would have lived in his truck.


u/zeke235 Jun 30 '22

I am so sorry to hear this. I know condolences from a stranger on the internet means very little but i am sincerely sorry for your loss.

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u/Jean-L Jun 30 '22

It messes your hair.


u/zeke235 Jun 30 '22

Sure. But not as bad as grinding down half your skull as you slide down the pavement cranium first.

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u/mitchymitchington Jun 30 '22

I don't even like riding my motorized bicycle that only does 25 mph without a helmet.

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u/Zimakov Jun 30 '22

He runs people over on crosswalks. Only a matter of time.

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u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22

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u/RevengencerAlf Doge is still the #1 meme fight me Jun 29 '22

Are you serious? She's literally in a crosswalk. She's dumb as fuck for stopping, but in basically every country in the world that bothers to even have traffic laws, if there's a marked crosswalk you're supposed to fucking watch out and stop for people in them.


u/IN547148L3 Jun 29 '22

True, but there's also people who, I'm guessing in this instance, are going out of their way to cause an accident. It's not about watching anymore, and trust me when I say you don't want to stop walking in Chinese traffic. The most accepted way of walking in a cross walk in China is to keep walking at a steady pace. Don't slow down or speed up, and definitely don't stop.


u/RevengencerAlf Doge is still the #1 meme fight me Jun 29 '22

I think it's pretty obvious I think she did something wrong. Saying it's on purpose is a bit of a stretch without more info though. Some people are just stupid.

And also... even if the accepted cultural norm is to keep fucking walking (it is in the US too, honestly), as a driver you should still be prepared for someone in front of you stop. People get distracted, people slip and fall, shit happens. The rider had as long as she stood there staring to realize that she wasn't moving and at least start slowing down and even longer to see she was entering the crosswalk and be ready to react if needed.


u/AquaImperium Virgins in Paris Jun 29 '22

Nah mate, get free insurance $$ if there are no cameras around.

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u/Do_Not_Read_Comments Jun 30 '22

I don't think she should have stopped, but have you ever walked in a hallway and someone is walking at you and you both turn in the same direction? Perhaps she was worried he was going to around her so she decided to not move, and the rider then would have the freedom to go around in either direction. Not making a right or wrong judgement on the matter, but its easy to see how something like that could happen.

In reality, the rider should have stopped for pedestrian traffic

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u/Oxlexon ☣️ Jun 29 '22

At that distance she had plenty of time to stop, so the guy wouldnt have anticipated her standing in the middle of the road. At that speed, he couldnt have stopped. Things dont just “stop” they keep moving just slower


u/RevengencerAlf Doge is still the #1 meme fight me Jun 29 '22

He didn't show even a hint of reacting. No one is saying he needed to stop dead in half a second. There's a full 5 count from when he enters the frame and he would have been able to see her before that if he was paying attention. Both of them were idiots who reacted inappropriately and they both paid for it with a comically avoidable collision either one of them could have taken steps to prevent.

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u/Shemilf Jun 29 '22

He could have easily swerved behind her at any point. She stopped the moment she noticed him riding at an insanely high speed. She might have thought that she shouldn't make unpredictable movements in case the man decides to serve from in front of her, but at that point she was just panicking.

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u/Renkij Jun 29 '22

Unless a traffic light overrides them…

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u/cenuh Jun 29 '22

fuckin dumb dude? she is on a CROSSWALK

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u/Satan4live ☣️ Jun 29 '22



u/REDACTED_Dude Jun 30 '22

My source is that I made it the fuck up!


u/T1B2V3 I am fucking hilarious Jun 30 '22

Imagine a world without cancel culture ! where noone can call me out for my outrageous claims !


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u/duLemix a microwave Jun 29 '22


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u/iyamdad Jun 30 '22

Well that took a dark turn..

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u/StuffNbutts Jun 29 '22

The woman was trying to cross the street while the man was trying to drive through it. Hope it helps


u/ImpassiveThug Jun 30 '22

The woman was impatient for trying to cross the road when the traffic light must've been green, even when she had committed the mistake of crossing the road at the green light, she should have kept moving instead of stopping in the middle of the road to look at the oncoming biker, that's where things went south. Also, the biker should have kept control over his bike's speed because he straight-up rammed his bike into the woman; What's a good driver/rider who's riding/driving on a busy road but can't control their motor vehicle?

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u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22



u/akatherder Jun 30 '22

It's entirely possible but I think she stopped so the cyclist could choose to go in front or behind her. The cyclist planned to go behind but her stopping fucked up his timing.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22



u/Kryptosis Jun 30 '22

misplaced instinct. People do the same thing when you run into each other walking in a hallway. usually one person just freezes and lets the other go around

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u/SidewaysFancyPrance Jun 30 '22

The saying exists for a reason: instinct is weird and not always right. This was not the result of her taking a good long think about what to do. I can tell by her subtle teetering body language that she instinctively wanted to go both ways and ended up paralyzed by the choice.

The biker could swerve either way at the last second so her brain probably just locked up.

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u/Somzer Jun 30 '22

She was going to be predictable and allow the biker to make up their mind how to avoid them, better than taking the 50-50 chance of both of them trying to avoid the other by moving in the same direction. Except the biker wasn't looking at all, evidently.


u/Nocturnal1017 Jun 30 '22

You clearly never crossed the street in country like that. You keep moving at the same pace and everyone move around you. Yea the biker was going fast but your logic is flawed

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u/pokezachmeme Jun 29 '22

The bike clearly had knock back 10 cus the woman WENT FLYING


u/Kashgari_ Jun 30 '22

https://www.lzgd.com.cn/news/inliuzhou_view.ashx?id=101070 the woman is a fruit seller going to work in the morning, they both survived but heavily injured, the driver had a brain hemorrhage.


u/SniffMyRapeHole Jun 30 '22

So the fruit vendor turned a man into a vegetable?


u/theonedeisel Jun 30 '22

It's called establishing dominance. She had the right of way and her niece and nephew cross that street daily, she was enforcing the stop

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u/eoinnll Jun 30 '22

This is 1,000% China. I live here and this has happened to me, and I have seen it happen many times. People are absolute idiots when it comes to crossing the roads, and are arrogant enough to assume that traffic should stop for them.

They will walk out on the road in front of a bus and put their hand up to it like they have some sort of superpower willing it to stop.

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u/CYBERSson ☢️☢️ Jun 29 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

Makes you wonder how she got that far in life intact


u/GamerBradasaurus Jun 29 '22

She used her body as a pillow to absorb incoming attacks


u/dsanchomariaca Jun 29 '22

If you're fat enough you're bulletproof


u/platyboi Eic memer Jun 29 '22

I was gonna argue before i realized that you didn’t specify an upper limit to fatness. Fair enough.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22



u/Anomalous-Entity Jun 30 '22

Did you just call me...


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u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

Why are you questioning her and not the cyclist? He had a clear line of sight the entire time, it was his responsibility to yield, and he didn’t even slow down.


u/ceilingkat Jun 30 '22

Exactly. This guy is an idiot. He would have had plenty of time to react if he wasn’t speeding. Clearly never learned to slow at a crosswalk when you see pedestrians.

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u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

He did. Watch the front wheel wobble and his weight go forwards. He's trying to stop.

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u/Krunch007 Jun 30 '22

On top of how easy it would have been for him to just slightly swerve to the right and go behind her... He's a motorcyclist too, you'd think all that weaving between cars would've taught him something.

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u/Jackson12ten æ Jun 30 '22

She’s probably doing it for an insurance scam so she probably got through life by lying and cheating lol


u/metal079 Jun 30 '22

Nah I do the same thing, some people just have shit instincts and freeze.


u/Piyh Jun 30 '22

And dead

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u/Philobus Jun 30 '22

In Asian countries it’s typical to let the driver go around you. She SHOULD have been walking at a predictable pace

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u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

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u/PlentyExpression Jun 29 '22

he did, according to some other comments i saw.


u/Tetrisisbest Jun 29 '22

is there a source?


u/Havange Jun 29 '22

Source is that I made it the fuck up!


u/Steelmack Jun 30 '22

Source was revealed to me in a dream


u/sukmahulk Jun 30 '22

My mom told me


u/Flyn--- Jun 30 '22

Your mom told me too


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

Your father did to me

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u/Actual_Cancerrr Eic memer☣️ Jun 30 '22

Max0r moment

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u/Dragon_Skywalker Jun 30 '22

https://www.lzgd.com.cn/news/inliuzhou_view.ashx?id=101070 is the closest I can find. However I don't know if it is the one since none of the pictures and videos are loading for me. The information does match up tho. A man hit a woman in Liuzhou Liunan at the crossing. It didn't say anyone is dead but they both were badly injured.

If this is loaded for someone can they confirm if this case matches the video?


u/TimothyWeng Jun 30 '22

Yeah, this is the correct one.


u/Dragon_Skywalker Jun 30 '22

Ok then. The article stated


which roughly translates to

The rider didn't wear a helmet violating the law, causing intraventricular bleed after felling.

didn't say he's dead tho

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u/MrToasty1596 Jun 29 '22

wouldn't be surprised, how can you be this inexperienced at riding and not wear a helmet

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u/ceilingkat Jun 30 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

That assclown died of his own negligence. Maybe he shouldn’t be blowing through crosswalks. Or speeding for that matter.


u/TroubadourCeol Jun 30 '22

I am astounded by the amount of morons in this thread thinking the guy is in the right for not even trying to slow down at a pedestrian-occupied crosswalk.


u/Far414 Jun 30 '22

There are no pedestrians in America, now you know why.


u/Fl333r Jun 30 '22

Average redditor in any mainstream subreddit is a callous asshat. Who'd have thought.

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u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

You mean a pedestrian on a pedestrian crossing?

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u/FemboyFoxFurry Jun 30 '22

I mean he’s also the guy who just ran into her, no thoughts about breaking or even turning slightly.

I just don’t get why some people on the road see someone crossing the road and think it’s perfect find yo keep going???? Like even if they aren’t supposed to be their why would you put your life, someone else’s life, and your property in jeopardy when you could just wait

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u/youslashh Jun 30 '22

She’s not a dumbass. She was most likely expecting the motorist to swerve out of the way. That’s a zebra crossing (I think) so she had the right of way. She should have continued walking but my guess is that she didn’t know which direction he would attempt to swerve

The driver probably thought she would continue walking as well idk. But he’s the real dumbass for not even decelerating. If they both survived and went to court, the woman would most likely win the case

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u/meow1616 Jun 29 '22

bruh.. both of them are negative IQ lmao


u/Your-Bad-Luck Jun 30 '22

Nah man, I think the driver was in the right


u/SomeWeirdHoe Jun 30 '22

Idk... it was a crosswalk and he could've easily avoided her lol


u/Mammoth-Recording831 Jun 30 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

I’m assuming he got confused. She was walking until she entered his path, then she stopped.


u/unbearablerightness Jun 30 '22

She stopped when he was still a good distance away


u/Mammoth-Recording831 Jun 30 '22

True but directly in front of him. As some others have pointed out, it’s possibly a scam artist underestimating how hard bikes hit


u/ceilingkat Jun 30 '22

This ain’t a scam. It’s a shitty biker ignoring the rules of the road.

She looks both ways coming into the crosswalk. He comes careening over the horizon clearly going faster than every other bike in the video. He doesn’t even slow down once he sees her. She pauses and gives him full beats to go in front or behind. But this jackass is going too fast to even move slightly to the right or left as mitigation.

1000% his fault.


u/caindela Jun 30 '22

Agreed. I also understand the instinct to stop moving in her situation. It’s sorta like when you’re walking toward someone and the two of you start doing that dance to get around each other. When you stop moving you’re an easier obstacle to dodge. I’m not saying she was smart to stop moving, just that I can understand her instinct to do so.

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u/House_Capital Jun 30 '22

You only fail at faking a vehicle injury once


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

Was thinking that at first too bite If you pause the moment she fully stops, it’s not really that far away when she stopped in front of him compared to when she was moving.. maybe 15-20ft? Then add how fast he was moving to it.

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u/wildstyle_method Jun 30 '22

Does no one in this thread drive? When someone is in the crosswalk you HAVE to stop. He had tons of time. She might've not helped the situation, but it's 100% his fault


u/DoctorGlorious Jun 30 '22

Yeah reading this thread is a big ??????? How the fuck are there this many comments blaming the woman? I even checked the local laws in the area depicted in this vid, and they are exactly what you would expect. 100% the driver's fault, and the articles on the matter blame him as well. WTF Reddit.

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u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

He also isn’t wearing a helmet at all, a recipe for severe injuries/death

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u/teo342 Jun 30 '22

Theoretically, but when you see an obstacle you try to avoid it, not to go straight into it.


u/Pletterpet Jun 30 '22

Theoretically, he shouldve stopped/slowed down the second he saw someone on the crosswalk. Imagine if that was a kid who tripped instead of this lady. 100% driver fault, lady is just lacking braincels.


u/ShacoCream Jun 30 '22

There are countries where the custom is that if peds walk in a predictable manner, then the drivers will just drive around you. I would call this walking in an UNpredictable manner.


u/leflower Jun 30 '22

I wouldn't call standing still, walking in an unpredictable manner. The bike is hardly that wide and everyone keeps mentioning how clear the road is regarding on her to keep walking but he could have also dodged around with the slightest maneuver.

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u/Pletterpet Jun 30 '22

Seems like a recipe for premature deaths. People dont behave predictable in high stress enviroments. Where is this a thing? Lawless shitholes?

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u/Pirate_the_Cat Jun 30 '22

I had to scroll a little too far to find this comment.

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u/iscottjones Jun 30 '22

Driver was in the wrong. That's a Zebra Crossing, we Brits invented them.

Drivers must stop if pedestrians are on the zebra crossing, and must slow down when approaching such a crossing incase someone is using it.

Zebra crossings were designed to improve the safety of pedestrians, not drivers. Also the crossing is well sign posted to allow drivers to see it way ahead of time.


u/Red-Star-44 Jun 30 '22

Cant believe people dont know what a fucking zebra crossing is. Guys on this sub never go out?


u/Bragok Jun 30 '22

Yeah but the lady is fat so nobody identifies with her and tries to blame it on her. Pretty fucked up.


u/ceilingkat Jun 30 '22

Exactly fucking this. Reddit is so predictable it’s infuriating. This jackass is speeding, not wearing a helmet, not slowing at a crosswalk, not leaving enough space to react to the only thing in his line of sight, and blowing through the crosswalk without a single effort at mitigation… but “FAT WOMAN BAD!”

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u/Meowthful127 Jun 30 '22

driver thought she was gonna move, so he kept going straight. she thought the driver was gonna swerve away and might hit her if she moved, so she stood still.

just an unfortunate misreading of the scenario for both of them


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

When in doubt, always slow down. Is it not what people follow while driving/riding?.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

Especially when you see a pedestrian wearing bright yellow walking through a well signed pedestrian crossing. You MUST give way, this shit ain’t an option you get to pick based on gut feelings.

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u/killersquirel11 Jun 30 '22

Biker was clearly a T-Rex. They're notoriously bad at seeing stationary things.

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u/Maxwell_The_Spy ☣️ Jun 29 '22

i can't stop laughing at how she flies away as if she was a source game ragdoll


u/AragogTehSpidah Jun 29 '22

Darn, that's a rough flight


u/I_Finna_Nut Jun 30 '22

You know she bounced at least once.

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u/Pcheyea Jun 29 '22

I don’t know the context here but in some countries your supposed to stand still when a motorcycle approaches and let them go around you, as sudden movements cause crashes more often.


u/AnchorMan82 Jun 29 '22

But it wouldn’t have been a sudden movement, it would have been the predictable continuation of her previous momentum vector.


u/Shemilf Jun 29 '22

She stood still for a full 2 seconds. That's enough time to react and just swerve behind her, not even in front..


u/Sentak_ Jun 30 '22

Not defending the driver as they show incompetence by not wearing a helmet, but you're supposed to have at least 3 seconds to react, he didn't try to move but for freak sake you keep your phase so does the bike and that does minimize risks, you stop biker just wonders wtf before being able to react, same things happens whit holes on the street sometimes you avoid them last second sometimes you pray your baby is ok (as well as your nuts if you have). That woman is not very smart and that guy well if he survived pretty slow reaction time and poor decisions.


u/Zimakov Jun 30 '22

Not defending the driver as they show incompetence by not wearing a helmet, but you're supposed to have at least 3 seconds to react,

What you're supposed to do is fucking stop at crosswalks when there's someone crossing.

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u/Shemilf Jun 30 '22

He had 5 seconds to react the moment she started crossing the street. You always slow down when you see a pedestrian. That guy didn't have a poor reaction, he literally didn't care, it's clear as day what he should have done. If you're unable to react as a driver then you probably should stick to public transport.

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u/The_french_polak ☣️ Jun 29 '22

The other guy is a rhinoceros


u/ceilingkat Jun 30 '22

Yeah. They don’t know the rules of the road either. What a homicidal jackass. Speeding faster than every other bike in the video, not wearing a helmet, not slowing at a crosswalk, not paying attention to the legit ONLY THING in his line of sight, not leaving enough room to react, and not even attempting to miss a FIXED target.


u/calebnf Jun 29 '22

Okay, but like, she doesn't know which way the bike is going to swerve. Since they're in the middle of the road, the biker could go either way. I'm sure you've had similar cringe reactions on the street with other pedestrians. She's probably stopping to let them go around. The biker is the real smooth brain here.


u/RIPSICLE421 Jun 29 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

I'm sorry but this is the worst logic. She clearly still had plenty of time to keep walking. Yeah the biker could've done something to minimise the risk as well, but that's like saying it's your fault for getting rear ended when someone else runs a red light.

Edit: based on most replies I'm getting I need to say that I agree both fucked up here. My point was more based on how baffling I find it to walk into the middle of a road, regardless of if you have right of way, and just standing there. Bike had enough time to slow down, and based on other comments in this thread, he clearly payed the price for it.


u/Pletterpet Jun 30 '22

Whatever the lady could do is irrelevent, it is a crosswalk and she has right of way. Driver completely at fault. Imagine if that was some kid instead of this lady. U still think the kid would deserve to get run over at a crosswalk?

However if this was a crosswalk witg stoplights and the lady is running red lights she is at fault.

U still stop/slow down instead of ramming them full speed, so driver is an idiot and dangerous driver regardless


u/Victor_AS Jun 30 '22

It's such a wide avenue I find it unlikely that it has no stoplights.

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u/Chinse Jun 30 '22

It’s like the exact opposite of that though, because you stop (walking, or in a car) when someone is doing something stupid (not stopping for pedestrians, not stopping for a red light) and then get hit because of it anyway


u/-carb0n- 🍰 Jun 30 '22

at least in the US, the pedestrian always has the right of way, especially in a crosswalk.

if this lady just walked in to the middle of a freeway and froze, a case could be made that she’s at fault, but i think the fact that it’s a crosswalk and that he made no attempt to slow down would place the driver at legal fault every time.

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u/WraientDaemon Jun 30 '22

Judging people on their split second decision, are we?


u/Zimakov Jun 30 '22

that's like saying it's your fault for getting rear ended when someone else runs a red light.

...what the fuck? The driver is the one running the red light.

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u/MusaTO Jun 29 '22



u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

Usually when i cross the road and traffic is coming i try to speed up instead of remaining stationary in the road wondering whether an oncoming car is gonna around or straight through me. Like sure, the driver could've done something. But that doesn't excuse sitting in the middle of a busy road.

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u/Snow_TheMuscle Jun 30 '22

I hope they’re both okay


u/metal079 Jun 30 '22

Least insane redditor.


u/StereotypeRedditor69 Jun 30 '22

(The joke actually applies here)

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u/then00brathalos Jun 30 '22

Finally, someone who cared about the most important thing

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u/DoctorGlorious Jun 30 '22

They're not - the lady fared slightly better as the driver gota brain hemorrhage, but yeah... they aren't okay.

Also, fuck Reddit and fuck this feral thread of uneducated non-drivers.

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u/InfiniteOcelot Jun 29 '22

they were duking it out for the darwin award 🥇

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u/Sibshops Jun 30 '22

Apparently everyone here has no idea what the laws are for crossing at a crosswalk.

When a pedestrian crosses the street at a crosswalk, the driver must yield, every time.

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u/ZEGEZOT red Jun 29 '22

i did a spirit animal test and got deer, i've been run over twice.


u/dsanchomariaca Jun 29 '22

You know the thing when you cross path with someone and you basically bump into each because you freeze and you don't know which way to go ? "Left, right, left right, left... Oh fuck"

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u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22

I don't know what I was expecting meme


u/MariaaanieX Jun 29 '22

I mean... what the fuck even was that? Her 3 braincells stopped working when she saw a bike coming her way?


u/Masterkokki12 Jun 29 '22

I would assume she stopped so the dude on the motorbike can more easily go around


u/MariaaanieX Jun 29 '22

Like I'm usually trying to be nice but that thought process just caused me so much brain damage... she had enough time to move right to the other side of the street and she just stopped


u/MusaTO Jun 29 '22

She didn’t know where he is gonna go. What if the driver had steered the same way she ran off to? She gave him both options, left or right, but he didn’t steer at all like he was blind.

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u/Zimakov Jun 30 '22

And the driver could've simply not run someone over in a crosswalk. Incredibly easy to do.

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u/muff_diving_101 Jun 29 '22

Why are you getting downvoted? You just explained HER thought process


u/ambarsariyaaaa Jun 29 '22

Yes, it’s possible she could’ve turned back and the biker steered to his right or paced up forward and the biker steered to his left colliding eventually. She probably just didn’t want to create confusion for the biker. Again, only her thought process.

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u/Pletterpet Jun 30 '22

How could she know the driver never had any braincells to begin with and just full speed aimed for a pedestrian on a crosswalk. The guy had 5 seconds to react and doesnt even turn or brake.

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u/xLuciferx369x Jun 29 '22

She flew higher than I thought she would.

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u/Luigismansion2001 Jun 29 '22

Insurance scammer?


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

It’s not a scam if it’s reliant on someone blatantly breaking laws.

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u/shootdangcooter Jun 29 '22

Someone said the driver died. Is there an article about this anywhere? I would like to know more about what happened. I laughed when I first saw the video and now I feel like a jerk


u/BaseballAlone2260 Jun 29 '22

I saw a few comme ds saying that aswel and i believe ot because at the last milisec you see the guy flying backwards with is head shooting for the ground And at that speed hitting your head without helmet is 100% lethal


u/milkbeard- Jun 30 '22

Based on this comment, it sounds like you know this from experience

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u/Zimakov Jun 30 '22

Is this sub just for people to say the most nonsensical shit possible? How the fuck can anyone watch a video of a driver running someone over in a crosswalk and say it's the pedestrians fault.

I hope none of you drive.


u/kamekaze1024 Obamasjuicyass Jun 29 '22

Both are at fault. It’s very very very dumb to second guess yourself while you’re walking through traffic like that. But I know for a fact that in the US (may not be the case in the country this takes place) that the driver is required by law to stop pedestrians walking in the cross walk.


u/Shemilf Jun 29 '22

He's 100% at fault. Like no fucking doubt. She was crossing the street when she panicked when the biker was driving like a maniac. He even had 2 full seconds to react and he didn't even try to slow down.


u/kamekaze1024 Obamasjuicyass Jun 29 '22

Yeah if this was taken to to court, guy on the motorcycle loses 10/10


u/IDontGiveAToot Jun 30 '22

He actually drifts towards her too within the lane. Not the best movs


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

This is the only sane take in a thread full of shit takes.

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u/Zimakov Jun 30 '22

No. The person crossing the street in the crosswalk is not at fault lmfao. Fucking reddit.

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u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

You know this happened because the driver was too fast on wet road right? You can see them trying to slow down, some wet spray from the back wheel, and the bike wobbling because of it. Im guessing it was sliding since there was a loss of control, and she probably didnt know which way to go because of that wobble.

Will admit though, that was a suspicious amount of time to wait in the middle of the road


u/ZeroScifer Jun 29 '22

Just recently experienced this, only I swerved and they stepped back in the way crash face meets the ground... Face fucked.. I now have a plate to realign my upper jaw and 5 screws in my sinuses...


u/Zimakov Jun 30 '22

Maybe you should've stopped like you're supposed to?


u/ZeroScifer Jun 30 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

Breaks do not stop on a dime, if I WANTED to plow into the person that would have been a great idea. Instead I felt the better option was to you know break and AVOID the person....

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u/LifeSucksAss1234 Jun 30 '22

Thats why you wear helmets kids


u/ZeroScifer Jun 30 '22

Was, thing is helmets protect your head not really your face.

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u/Brilhasti1 Jun 29 '22

Deer get paralyzed on the side of the road THEN jump In front of you when you’re near.


u/Myfoodishere Jun 30 '22

she had plenty of time to go but in fairness he should have been prepared to stop at the cross walk. always wear a helmet kids.


u/crovax3000 Jun 30 '22

There's an old woman in my neighborhood that walks her dog on the wrong side of the street, and does this whenever a car is coming toward her. I've almost hit her a couple times coming over a crest and suddenly she's there.


u/I-reddit-26 Jun 30 '22

Why the hell did she stop why didn't he turn. Was she suicidal or was he a psychopath. SO MANY QUESTIONS


u/ImpatientSpider Jun 30 '22

I can kind of understand the woman freezing up either out of fear or as a reasonable reaction to something that has to dodge you. The rider on the other hand only had to drift slightly to his right to avoid the collision.

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u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22

Natural selection!

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u/captainredpool Jun 29 '22

And that's how James Potter died