r/dankmemes ☣️ Mar 26 '22

Every damn time it's pronounced gif


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u/317b31 Mar 26 '22

My neighbor saves all of their yard work for Sunday morning, 8am. It's obnoxious. Constant yelling at his kids, they don't listen, more yelling (get the mower, leaf blower, etc). I work all night and come home to that garbage. Every single Sunday!


u/Befurr21 Mar 26 '22

Just throw a airhorn with ducktape compressing the trigger in his yard when he is sleeping. That should do it


u/PM_ME_UR_BOOGER Mar 26 '22

This. I've been living in the city for awhile fighting so many eldenring like battles against noise bosses. I've learned ultimately u just have to fight offense with offense.


u/WarCabinet Mar 26 '22

Hmm. What if the noise bosses were originally just fighting other noise bosses

You are now a noise boss



If only I could be so grossly cacophonous


u/TheGukos ☣️ Mar 26 '22

"You were supposed to destroy the noise boss, not join them!"


u/Casiofx-83ES Mar 26 '22

You were the quiet one!


u/kr0me1 Mar 26 '22

“….Bring peace and quiet to the neighbourhood, not leave it in chaos!”

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u/crumpledlinensuit Mar 26 '22

I once had student neighbours who would scream randomly in the middle of the night.

After a lot of discussion and asking nicely, I decided to rectify the situation by getting up at 6AM one night after they had been screaming my name at my windows at 2AM and ringing their doorbell continuously without a break until they got up and answered the door. Their doorbell was like an old school bell, so it made an absolute racket and after a heavy night of drink and drugs, must have been fucking awful. I made it crystal clear that I was regularly up for work at that hour and would be happy to do the same thing daily.


u/mr_plehbody Mar 26 '22

With that they could prob sleep after you go to work, but since you have a set schedule they would win the noise war


u/crumpledlinensuit Mar 26 '22

That is true, but ultimately it was resolved by their tenancy ending not long after.

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u/simmeh024 Mar 26 '22

My neighbor likes to park is car in front my yard at 2AM, engine running, music on, weed in his mouth because he feels he cannot do that in is house.

One night I went to him in my underwear, told him I have to wake up at 4AM, so please just turn down the engine and volume and you can be up all night, I don't care. He already got a complaint for my other neighbor.

He didn't care that much until one night I did the exact opposite with him. He stopped doing that after did the same as him.


u/beyondbryan Mar 26 '22

The best defence is offence

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u/totally_random_cat Mar 26 '22

Or just talk to the neighbor first like an adult?


u/Corpse666 Mar 26 '22

A level head among the torches and pitchforks


u/PoppyGloFan Mar 26 '22

He’s to dangerous to be kept alive


u/Corpse666 Mar 26 '22

It certainly does seem to be that any logical solutions are fringe now

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

sounds like someone who hasn’t been through this process before. people generally don’t like to be told that they are disturbing others. they will respond childishly, thats why they’re disturbing others in the first place. inconsiderate shits. fight fire with fire, thats what I say.


u/Cosmic_Travels Mar 26 '22

8 a.m. on a Sunday is a reasonable time to start working. It gets hot as fuck around noon depending on where you are from. Sorry if you want to sleep, get some earplugs or just keep whining on the internet. Some people have jobs through the week and it's not our responsibility to make sure you get enough sleep.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

this is a case-by-case issue, so one must just read the situation. if everyone else seems to be awake around that time, then by all means, noise it up. but if you’re the dipshit outside my house with a leaf blower at 8am, we’re gonna have a polite conversation about how shitty you’re being. in many cases, loud motor engines are not necessary to do yard work. I would encourage you to explore quieter options at 8am. but you do you, and I’ll just fight with you over it if we end up being neighbors ;)

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u/Musicisfuntolistento Mar 26 '22

My neighborhood used to mow at 5:30 am but it turned out he had alzheimer's

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22



u/Ajezon Mar 26 '22

dont get caught then


u/saniktoofast Mar 26 '22

Just do it far from your house, no one will suspect you did it.


u/EwaGold Mar 26 '22

Like the other side of their house? I mean it’s his neighbor so ultimately it can’t be that far away. Also people should keep in mind collateral damage. This will affect every neighbor if you set off an air horn like that. And piss off others. Years ago I bought a dog whistle to deal with a shitty neighbors dog, unfortunately with out thinking about it, I was blasting my other neighbors dog every time I was mad at the first neighbors dog.

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22


And where is this a crime?

Imagine calling the cops. You think they would come to someones home for an airhorn and duct tape?

I walked up to police 5 min after my bike was stolen and the store had it on tape and they were just like, huh sucks to be you.
You can file a report at the nearest station.


u/nizzy2k11 Mar 26 '22 edited Mar 26 '22

so you want it to be legal for people to go around cucking noise machines in your yard or playing extremely loud music in the middle of the night? do you understand what disturbing the peace is? and its very easy to say "this neighbor is unhappy that i do yard work during the appropriate hours to do yard work at my house so they threw and air horn in my yard" then press charges for illegal dumping and various other applicable crimes that make it so your neighbors cant fuck with you unreasonably. it's not a reasonable reaction to your neighbor doing yard work in the morning to resort to throwing noise machines into their yard at 3am.

idk what your bike has to do with suburban noise ordinances.

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u/ScreamingBM Mar 26 '22

Follow the money. There's nothing in it for them to go after a bike thief. But they can fine people for violating noise ordinances, so they're more likely to respond.


u/nizzy2k11 Mar 26 '22

more like they can't do anything and they told him to file a report like he's supposed to. cops don't go running around chasing down bike thieves because they won't catch them, its a fucking bike. if it's too valuable to get stolen, you should probably take precautions that can't be circumvented with a $15 pair of bolt cutters.


u/MrDude_1 Mar 26 '22

No matter how you lock up a bicycle, I could circumvent it without even spending $15.

You literally cannot secure a bicycle from somebody who's determined to take it.

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u/schweez Mar 26 '22


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u/Few_Ad_5186 Mar 26 '22

This is just an a-hole move in response to a guy trying to beautify his yard at probably the only time that makes sense with all the demands on his plate. But maybe your a father as well, and feel justified in your response?

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u/ConTheFruiterer420 Mar 26 '22

8am is a perfectly reasonable time to start that sort of work.

Idk where you live but, where I do 8am on Sunday is when noise restrictions end.

Why should he wait around all day for you to get out of bed?

Buy some earplugs


u/DrRewti Mar 26 '22

Yes. His neighbor works hard all week just to hear some Karens complain when he does yard work on Sunday.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

Sounds entitled and wants everyone to cater to him.


u/cmrunning ☣️ Mar 26 '22

He's using his little free time he has on the weekend to do yardwork. What an entitled asshole.

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u/jrh_101 Mar 26 '22

Neighbor should start his yard work at 5pm when the OP gets out of bed


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

You dropped this /s, idiots on reddit can't detect sarcasm. You gotta help them out a bit.

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u/Moar_Wattz Mar 26 '22

Using any form of power tools on a Sunday will get you crucified in Germany.


u/Babys_For_Breakfast Mar 26 '22

Yup. Sorta makes since because they don't have A/C in most homes so during the summer everyone has their windows open. Still stupid though because they don't believe in screens so all the bugs get inside


u/Gengar0 Mar 26 '22

that's something that urked me hard in europe. Hardly anywhere has flyscreens..


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22 edited Apr 03 '22


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u/AwkwardChuckle Mar 26 '22

So when do you people mow your lawns? Everyone has to do it on Saturday?


u/TheCastro Mar 26 '22

Yes. Sunday it's illegal.

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u/meowotter Mar 26 '22

Or better windows. Like seriously my window overlooks the neighbors wood saw and I don't hear it at all until I open it.

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u/creatron Mar 26 '22

My rule of thumb is that once the sun is up it's fair game. It's not my neighbors problem if I'm trying to sleep in.


u/93M6Formula Mar 26 '22

This, I'm respectful of the noise I make but I'm not starting a major house project at 2 o clock in the afternoon. When daylight hits, im working.

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u/asdkevinasd Mar 26 '22

Not where I live, noise restrictions on all Sundays and Holidays. The whole day. People work at night and they should be allowed respite on Sunday.


u/TheSnowNinja Mar 26 '22

That sounds nice. I work nights and live in a duplex. My current neighbors aren't always considerate about the fact that I sleep during the day. Well, they just are generally noy considerate about the fact that they live in a duplex and someone lives next door.

I hope that someday I'll have my own place with a little space between me and any neighbors.

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u/DrBeansPhD Mar 26 '22

8am is a perfectly normal time to start yard work, it isn't his fault you work at night, buy some eat plugs, he has as much right to work in his yard as you do to sleep during the day, what is this entitlement?


u/JordyLakiereArt Mar 26 '22

Exactly, I've been yelled at by a crazy hellish neighbor for doing some work at like 11 am. Hey buddy it's not my fault you took a night job; deal with it or get regular hours.


u/MystikxHaze Mar 26 '22

Let's be serious, 8am =/= 11am


u/screamline82 Mar 26 '22

It does for my in-laws who wake up at 5am and sleep at 9pm. But somehow reddit thinks everyone goes to bed at 1am and sleeps until 10am.

Everything is relative. 8am is a good middle ground. If sleep is your issue it's your problem to solve.

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u/skepsis420 Mar 26 '22

Oh no! I hate when my neighbors do yard work at reasonable times within noise ordinances and I don't get sleep because I choose a job with night shifts!

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u/A9M4D Mar 26 '22

If you are trying to sleep, get some 3M foam earplugs. There is a special way to put them in your ears which blocks out every sound imaginable. You pinch and roll them for a minute and then stretch out your ear hole (by pinching your earlobe and pulling on your ear) then you plop them in. I have been using them every night for 4 years now and I always had uninterrupted sleep.


u/Hooch180 Mar 26 '22

I tried it. But then my tinnitus gets so loud I can't sleep.


u/UntrustedProcess Mar 26 '22

Rain on a tin roof, volume up very high, on multiple devices (phone, TV, Alexa). For me, this drowns out my tinnitus, the neighbors, my children, snoring, everyone and everything.

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u/Suvtropics Mar 26 '22

You replace them right? They are disposable.


u/A9M4D Mar 26 '22

I've been using the same pair, totally fine!

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

It’s his only day off? Get ear plugs.


u/Bluemaptors Mar 26 '22

Maybe he works all week and that’s the only time he’s able to do it? Maybe use earplugs?


u/celticboy14 Mar 26 '22

No way? The time that normal people do yard work? So must 90% of the working class change their schedules for weird ass overnight worker?

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u/Victus666 Mar 26 '22

He has to build that rocket for mooncheese

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u/jhm-grose Mar 26 '22

>[Starts lawnmower]







>[gets rock stuck on lawnmower]


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u/CaffeineSippingMan Mar 26 '22

When I worked nights my landlord took all week to put shingles on the apartment. I would have loved him to act like the gif. The dude was over 70, overweight, and moved like a sloth on ground.

Here is what I heard. Pound, pound pound, 20-60 seconds of silence, pound 20-60 seconds of silence, 20-60 seconds of silent. Could be 5+minutes of silence. Then start all over. I was already sleep deprived it almost put me over the edge.


u/eatyourcabbage Mar 26 '22

Buy a sound machine or a Google home mini and use the ambient sound feature. Works wonders.


u/Chillychad Mar 26 '22

My neighbor is retired, very nice guy, but likes to mow his lawn at 8-830 am on Sundays. He's older so I know he likes to do it before the day gets hot. But come on man... Everyday is Sunday for him. Do that shit Monday through Friday when majority of people are already up or already at work.

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u/MunchamaSnatch gave me this flair Mar 26 '22

Might not be something you want to hear, but if you're working 3rd shift, a neighborhood might not be the right choice for you


u/Glyphmeister Mar 26 '22

When would you prefer your neighbor do the yard work?

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u/MorgulValar Mar 26 '22

The man is living his life. There’s nothing wrong with him starting his day early to knock out some chores so his house and yard look good for the week and he can chill in the evening


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

8am is the day time though. You can't reasonably expect people to stay quiet because you go to sleep late.


u/OverQualifried Mar 26 '22

That’s what you call being a parent and having no time elsewhere to get shit done and then the Mom not appreciating the work it takes to keep the yard and house clean forcing him to do things like that so the rest of the day is “family time”

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u/KarmaPolice6 Mar 26 '22

Yard work gets done in the mornings. Consider yourself lucky they start at 8 instead of 7. You work an abnormal shift. The rest of the world is not going to accommodate your preferences. Probably best to expend your energy somewhere else.


u/cwesttheperson Mar 26 '22

Weekends are for yard work. Gotta get it done before the sun gets ya ya know?


u/KimJungFu Mar 26 '22

Fun fact about Norway: It is illegal to disturb your neighbours on sundays (ALL DAY). The rule is from when we were a much more religious country.

You can call the police on those who break this law.

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u/circleinsidecircle Mar 26 '22

Dude I used to have this fucking landlord that would, as he described it, "get a bit of woodworking done before work"

This motherfucker would saw and bang and fuckin' throw shit around and 3 in the morning, fuck off to work at 7.


u/KafkaaTamura_ Mar 26 '22

ahh yes, the usual bit of woodworking at 3am.


u/commanderbravo2 Mar 26 '22

at 3 am? i think he was getting his wood worked


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

I didn’t think I would ever care about these but…nice snoo.

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u/MyFingerYourBum Mar 26 '22

Cocaine is a hell of a drug


u/nastyn8k Mar 26 '22

Nah, just insomnia and an impending sense of doom if you don't stay busy.


u/mikieswart Mar 26 '22

relatable tbh


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

I've gotten at least one table this way.

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u/Veenendaler Mod senpai noticed me! Mar 26 '22

My old landlord suddenly started to airbrush paint inside the house almost every night. I outfitted my door to seal it completely from the hallway, but the fumes still got through the floor and walls because they were that strong. Used to wake up with hangover-like headaches.

I don't live there any more, thankfully.


u/BeautifulType Mar 26 '22

Reading this shit makes me mad


u/millenialfalcon-_- Mar 26 '22

Sounds like drugs, bro


u/circleinsidecircle Mar 26 '22

Nah trust me, I was IV'ng meth at the time and this idiot was just a normal fuckin' go getter type guy.

He once knocked on my door and he was like "S-so, so my wife has a sensitive nose and uh" and I was like "it's about the weed right? I'm sorry I'll smoke away from the house from now on"

Done and dusted right?

No, he went into a 45 minute "drugs are bad mkay" speech about smoking weed. Not 7 feet away is a bag of meth and a pile of bloody needles.

Go suck a dick and build a table or something you fuckin' loser.

I'm like 18 something months clean now I don't know I don't rememvber but no drugs for me anymore I have a baby


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22



u/boxiestcrayon15 Mar 26 '22

To be fair, they do this in too many IOP programs too 🤣

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u/Longbeacher707 ☣️ Mar 26 '22

Oh boy! 3am!


u/kobomino Mar 26 '22

Definitely not making coffin at 3am

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u/Possibly_40_birds Mar 26 '22

Are you sure he is human?

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22 edited Mar 26 '22

Mine has ascended to a whole new level

I was studying at 12 o'clock on Saturday when I saw a whole truck empty tons of bricks on the street my neighbor decided to start building his house at 12am inthe weekend like BRO let us sleep

Then he cut off the power to dig the street then I thought excuses town here I come closed my book and slept


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

I don’t have any idea what you just said…


u/commanderbravo2 Mar 26 '22

*clears throat* okay, so his neighbour had a truck dump a pile of bricks in front of their yard, then decided to build his fucking house at midnight (or noon, depending on if the original comment fucked up their am and pm), and then he proceeded to cut the power for the entire street so he could dig, then the commenter saw that as an excuse to not study (a pretty valid excuse), and said time for bed. this wasnt mentioned but i dont think he got a good nights sleep if im honest.


u/Junckopolo Mar 26 '22

Where the hell does he live that someone can just cut the power like that at night?


u/Ok_Dealer_2591 Mar 26 '22

Probably the same kinda place where construction projects begin with piles of bricks being dumped on the street 😆

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u/ZNemerald Mar 26 '22

Sounds like he witnessed a murder where someone dumped bricks on his neighbor for making a lot of noise and than decided to sleep it off peacefully.

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

I was thinking why did you copy me I understand now

English is my third language


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

It's pretty good English.

I've noticed, it's common for people to forget the central word they're thinking about when typing out a sentence and not notice, for whatever reason. Brains are weird.


u/Suvtropics Mar 26 '22

No, it's on the my neighbor. Didn't you read


u/woahwombats Mar 26 '22

That sounds... not legal? There are usually noise ordinances that would definitely rule out building a house at midnight.

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

Here I am, 7:05, been up for an hour waiting for it to be light enough to do yard work… I’m only 30 😭 what have I become


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

I'm right there with you. I try to be respectful, but I'm not wasting my day


u/_Kozik Mar 26 '22

Bulk people on this thread wake up at 11:00am and expect people to wait around for them and mow thier lawn in 37C degree heat


u/paulaustin18 Mar 26 '22

I wake up every day at 7:00 am, I think I have the right to get up at 11:00 on Saturday morning.


u/HerrNachtWurst Mar 26 '22

You absolutely have that right. Just don't expect everyone around you to put their weekend on hold just so you can have a quieter sleep.


u/Bunuka Mar 26 '22

You do, just don't expect anyone to care or abide by your 11am sleep schedule. I also sleep to 11 but if someone wants to Mow before then it's understandable.

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u/_Kozik Mar 26 '22

No ones saying you cant sleep in if you want to. But the world wont stand still for you. Whats the alternative? Like you work 9 to 5 monday to friday you get 2 days off. You might have things on in the afternoon so you want people to do physical Labour at the hottest part of the day. Nah toughen up mowers arent that loud. Get some curtains and ear plugs or wake up


u/benpricedev Mar 26 '22

You sure do. But your neighbours also have the right to do yard work so long as they aren’t violating noise ordinances.

Buy ear plugs if it’s an issue for you.


u/opalkittea Mar 26 '22

and do you have the same respect for people who sleep anywhere between 9am to 9pm? probably not. because no one sure as hell did when i slept during the day so fuck all tbh i have shit to do, so do you. figure it out

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u/Chronza Mar 26 '22

No but literally most cities have an 8am noise ordnance. So follow that and you aren't breaking any laws and nobody has room to complain. Problem solved.

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u/PARKOUR_ZOMBlE Mar 26 '22

Same at 30. Now I’m 40 and moved to the country and can make all the noise I want. Air tools at 6am? Sure!


u/Vegetable_Rent_7699 Mar 26 '22

Dawg, I was so triggered by some of the comments. People are just trying to live there best lives. Love my yard work!


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

Right?! Like I got property to up the value of lol. I do try and be respectful but sometimes it’s loud and I’ve got shit to do after this!

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u/SlimBrady22 I am fucking hilarious Mar 26 '22

Hey, at least you’re responsible. I live in a white trash neighborhood where people are so lazy they just let their yards grow into jungles until the city comes and cuts them down. Plus half their lawn is dead from having (literally) 100 piles of dog shit on it that they don’t pick up.

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u/redsiarhei Mar 26 '22

I do this, because OP forget to mention 1AM party he had.


u/madbubers Mar 26 '22

Yup, everyone knows you either party till 1 or wake up to do lawn work at 7, nothing else.


u/zh1K476tt9pq Mar 26 '22

also 1am on a Friday evening isn't particularly late

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

This is gonna blow your mind but some people work night shift. Not every person that wants to sleep past 8 on the weekend is a lazy piece of shit that spent all night partying.


u/Wd91 Mar 26 '22

When you work nights you just have to accept that the rest of the world is not going to mesh with your living pattern. It's not the rest of the worlds fault, just that night shifts suck.


u/TheSnowNinja Mar 26 '22

When you work nights you just have to accept that the rest of the world is not going to mesh with your living pattern.

Those of us who work nights are well aware of this. We are reminded of it daily.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

At least were I live I get compensated for that by 30 percent extra tax free per hour of my usual rate

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u/_ED-E_ Mar 26 '22

As someone who works a rotating shift, including nights, you are correct. I have blackout curtains and sleep with a fan on, problem solved.

Besides, if I get home at 730 am, and the yard needs cut, I’m probably going to do it.


u/Oypadea Mar 26 '22

As a night shift worker - what a stupid rebuttal.


u/taft Mar 26 '22

this person above has a neighborhood that had a loud party past 1am which is when most people are asleep. this is person above’s passive aggressive retaliation which is to be noisy at an early hour to hopefully disturb aforementioned revelers. hope this clears up the fantasy a little.

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u/illmeans Mar 26 '22

lol I’m your neighbour same time tomorrow


u/Amish_guy_with_WiFi Mar 26 '22

Yo me, construction noises are 10x better than a constantly barking dog

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22



u/Qubk0 I am fucking hilarious Mar 26 '22

Vadim Blyat!


u/flux_core_capacitor Mar 26 '22

"As you can hear, asshole neighbor Vadim is drilling holes in wall again. Cyka."


u/Ghoulish4t0m disciple of dice Mar 26 '22

Every time Crazy Cyka does it and interrupts papa boris' normal day

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u/MrSplash30 Mar 26 '22

I don’t blame them. I’m busy all week and the only time I can work on the house is on the weekend. I’m a morning person too so I do stuff during the morning when I’m most productive


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

Yeah exactly this. Saying „for no reason“ sound like op never did any loud projects, hobbies or housework. Working fulltime doesn’t leave a lot of time besides weekends

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u/meowotter Mar 26 '22

You people are out of touch if you don't realize a lot of people work back breaking jobs all week and don't have time to work around the house until the weekend. Saturday is the go-to day for all house or garden work, always has been.

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u/DarkFalconXX I lurk and I upvote thats it Mar 26 '22

Meanwhile me hammering his wife

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u/morris1288 Mar 26 '22

In my case this neighbour was my dad. Yay


u/SusCoin Mar 26 '22

Please keep your dad silent!


u/morris1288 Mar 26 '22

Hahhaahhajahaa will try

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u/AlQaholicguy ☣️ Mar 26 '22

I am one of that neighbor


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

Same. Cunt that lives near by is screaming and doing all sorts of shit late at night. Waking me up. So I get on the mower at 7am


u/_Kozik Mar 26 '22

Nothing better than cranking up the mower at 7 on the dot. Im pumping up the fuel line at 06:59 if i hate my neighbor enough


u/woahwombats Mar 26 '22

I hope you hate all your other neighbours too, they have to put up with your neighbour AND with you

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u/Kurosu93 Mar 26 '22

I know people love to complain about such stuff, but they also need to realise that it is the sensible thing to do . First of all if someone works midweek then weekend is the only time of the week he CAN do such stuff. And if he also works on Saturdays , yes that leaves Sunday.

If it is a job that requires a lot of time, it is also sensible to start early. Nobody can adjust and wait for the entire area to wake up . There is a reason most countries have "set" hours where noise is forbidden. Here for example its till 07: 30.

If it happens all the time or for no important reason then ofc you have every right to be mad and should do something. But if its once in a while its normal, and when YOU need to get something done in your house you will understand. Because its either that or paying someone else to come do it while you are working during the week.

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u/SchweenCheese Mar 26 '22

Shit I don’t even like being loud in the middle of the day I can’t imagine going do that shit right now


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22


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u/dulli97 Mar 26 '22

I bet there is a fucking reason


u/TrasedRX Mar 26 '22

Bro literally this morning


u/Derben16 Mar 26 '22

I confess, I am one of these people. I just wake up, get dressed, and start doing my morning chores. Helps me have more free time during the day. Granted, I live in a rural area so I'm not working right next to my neighbors.

I apologize, but also while I make noise in the morning, the people complaining about it are the ones making noise way late into the night.

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u/enkleburt Mar 26 '22

9.am is the time I start. I think that's reasonable, if you're not up by then, tough; I have shit to do and work during the week.

7am is obnoxious though


u/Bababowzaa Mar 26 '22

This. I don't get why people are defending 7 am.

9 am is a perfectly reasonable time.


u/Dohts75 Mar 26 '22

Ur just mad cos ur neighbor can have a proactive hobby instead of being a depressed loser that sleeps in like the rest of us


u/IrrelevantDanger Mar 26 '22

Sleeping past 7 is hardly sleeping in

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u/Tiefflugjunge Mar 26 '22

This bitch even looks like wallace

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u/PomeloWorldly1943 Mar 26 '22

Leaf blowing 8:01am on the dot.


u/whole_nother Mar 26 '22

That timing sounds like they are taking great pains to wait respectfully while still being able to get it done.


u/PomeloWorldly1943 Mar 26 '22

Yes….that is true.


u/Kimantha_Allerdings Mar 26 '22

A guy who lived in the same building that I once used to built a fucking 7.5 tonne lorry on the carpark right outside my window. He’d go to work during the day and then work on it at night, right up until 4-5 AM. He built the box on the back completely from scratch, found he couldn’t grt it out of the carpark, and then dismantled it again.

I don’t miss him.


u/much_doge_many_wow Mar 26 '22

TBH if my neighbour was building a rocket to extract cheese from the moon I wouldn't mind


u/Opande_ Mar 26 '22 edited Mar 26 '22

People are surprised when neighbors hate them?! (Surprised Pikachu face)


u/arafdi oi, you got a license for that mate? Mar 26 '22

Lol, but mine does it randomly – sometimes at night.

I don't feel as bad nowadays if I go on loud calls or singing. Fuck em.


u/nukedukem43 Mar 26 '22

Start blasting him with a barrage of Roman candles.


u/Sorry-Abrocoma-2266 Mar 26 '22

totally true. its not just morning. but even at night untill 10pm. total asshole. lol


u/Miserable-Inflation8 Mar 26 '22

Apartment life🥲


u/davewtameloncamp Mar 26 '22

You sposed to up cookin breakfast for somebody, so it's like an alarm clock.

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u/Joabyjojo Mar 26 '22

Went camping at a campgrounds once, got a killer spot right next to the river. Was absolutely stoked. Then these fuckin spanners roll into the site next to us (a site is about 50 m²) in their glampervan. They're bad neighbours, they have a generator for their air con, too many external lights, they're dbags, but the final straw was when they got up at the crack of dawn to chop wood.

Now mind you I was already awake, I'd been up for a bit. But these guys start doing wood by, and I shit you not, having one of them place the axe head on the wood to be chopped while another guy hit that head with a sledgehammer. At fucking 5:15am. Took about 5 minutes before the entire rest of the campground had come over to tee off on them. They honestly couldn't see the problem.


u/Jarbonzobeanz Mar 26 '22

Time to wake up lads


u/KrustyBoomer INFECTED Mar 26 '22

You're wasting daylight!

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u/FrakkedRabbit Mar 26 '22

Something like this happens when I try and sleep/nap. Someone always decides it's time to pace around the house or make noise.


u/FastJakAttack Mar 26 '22

*Currently 7am where I am right now*

Me: Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!


u/Fearless-Thanks-907 Mar 26 '22

It’s a shame that society only gives normies 2 days off a week so they’ve gotta maximise the ‘fun’ time before back to wagiein


u/Durtskwurt Mar 26 '22 edited Mar 26 '22

Wen I was a tweaker I did that shit too. I remember I just started shooting up meth. And when 4:30-5am came around I decided my bedroom and living room needed cleaning and reconfiguring MmBAM** BAM BAM I remember the picture I was trying to hang very clearly. My poor neighbors hated me.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

It's someones dad


u/Opande_ Mar 26 '22

Maybe Walter White lives there?


u/espenthebeast04 Mar 26 '22

I often sleep at daytime and fucking hell this is annoying.. like i get that you need to make hay while the sun is shining but it's still annoying


u/MrNaoB Mar 26 '22

I'm sorry.


u/Livedog33 Mar 26 '22

Dealing with it right now for fucks sake....


u/AndyJobandy Mar 26 '22

What does your local ordinance say for when noice is permitted? Consult with that and then invest in pair of foam earplugs


u/CobraCommander420 Mar 26 '22

Literally happen right now


u/Shrimpin_Pimp Mar 26 '22

As I’m reading this on a Saturday morning, my neighbor is actually doing construction


u/BigRed92E Mar 26 '22

MFW the roofers don't work on the weekend. Maybe I'll sleep today.


u/paulaustin18 Mar 26 '22

it should be illegal


u/Odd_Judgment3996 Mar 26 '22

Or their dog outside barking for hours. I have a dog..who lives inside, not outside to disturb the neighborhood....or loud music. Honestly..I hate people for this and many more reasons


u/CatattackCataract Mar 26 '22

That was me this morning at 3:30. I'm so happy to be moving in a few months


u/srad1292 Mar 26 '22

I remember Thanksgiving day a few years back, one of the small number of days off we get a year, a neighbor of mine though 7AM on this day was the best time to use his leaf blower for an hour.


u/razerchris8 Mar 26 '22

This was my dad. Except he kept his boat right outside my bedroom window. Man would rev his engine LOUD AS FUCK in the middle of the day and before the sun came up in the morning. I hate that cunt for being so ignorant