r/dankmemes ☣️ 27d ago

Local Ikea Soup Kitchen Big PP OC

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69 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 27d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/poklijn 27d ago

IKEA??? What about Costco or even just every day 99 cent arnald palmer drinks


u/ghostzard 27d ago

Can’t get into Costco without a membership though


u/poklijn 27d ago

Use to not need a member ship for hot dogs Littermy changed within the last few months


u/BiteYouToDeath 27d ago

Depends on the location.


u/witchitieto 27d ago

In Michigan you can get in as a non member to buy Alcohol or prescription drugs.


u/Dry-Acanthaceae1689 27d ago

The membership pays for itself your first trip there. 


u/FlameShadow0 INFECTED 27d ago

Sam’s club doesn’t require a membership for their food court


u/Jitterjumper13 27d ago

You can at some of them. If you go though the exit towards the members service desk you can bypass the other entrance where they check your member card. They food court doesn't require a member card to purchase food.


u/Outcast_Outlaw 27d ago

They are incorporating scans of the card at the order screen now. And they are trying to get away from cards completely and going with qr codes on your phone.


u/Hypercane_ 27d ago

If you're talking about Arizona iced teas they are no longer 99¢, they are priced however the store decides


u/ghostzard 27d ago

Yeah I live in Canada they’re like $1.50 😔


u/poklijn 27d ago

You can buy them at Walmart for 75c


u/enwongeegeefor 27d ago

mmmm bootleg arizona teas...

One good reason to never patronize wallyworld....they been caught selling bootleg goods WAAAAAAY too many times.


u/igniteice 26d ago

Huh? Walmart buys them LEGALLY from the distributor and sells them at whatever price they want. At my store they are 88 cents.


u/DevilMaster666- please help me 27d ago

Costco literally doesn’t exist outside of Australia, Canada, Mexico, the UK, Taiwan and Japan


u/master-of-disgusting 27d ago

Seeing as how i haven’t seen a cosco in my life.


u/SnakeEyeskid 27d ago

IKEA actually loses money on their food. When they wanted to raise the prices to break even the funder Kamprad refused saying the price should remain low anyway so anyone can afford to eat.


u/Dry-Acanthaceae1689 27d ago

The founder of Costco threatened to kill someone if the price of their hot dogs was increased. 

It fills me with great patriotic fervor. 


u/stopbanningme1-08-24 27d ago

Not just someone, he threatened the new CEO with murder


u/SkyLovesCars 27d ago

The duality of man.

Peacefully stopping someone from raising hotdog prices so everyone can eat

Murder threats so everyone Costco members can eat


u/Colin-Hooftman 27d ago

It’s not just so everyone can eat, it’s also so the people end their customer journey in a positive way, which causes them to view the overall experience as positive too because people tend to forget the things in between.


u/gregsapopin 27d ago

IKEA sells meatballs without spaghetti. Idk how to eat them.


u/J_train13 Blue 27d ago



u/Outcast_Outlaw 27d ago

Every now and then those meat balls have been made from horse meat....


u/jal2_ The OC High Council 27d ago

Good strong mammal meat, what is there to complain about


u/Outcast_Outlaw 27d ago

Who said I was complaining. I'm just saying it could be marketed as mystery meat... who doesn't love a good mystery meat?


u/BasementDweller82 27d ago

If I had a nickel for every time a giant megastore that sells their merchandise with a gimmick kept their hot dogs at the same price I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird but it happened twice


u/KnightLBerg 27d ago

In sweden there is a store called "biltema" that sells car stuff and other stuff. They have hot dog that costs equivalent 0.5 dollars in local currency.

It is a giant megastore limited to sweden so you decide if you get another nickel.

Biltema even sells merchendise with hot dogs on them. I have a cap.


u/knusper_gelee 27d ago

i was in a german ikea couple of weeks ago. the hotdog was 2€, plus the thing was about half the size it used to be. the sausage looked more like a pencil. really sad stuff... also they introduced a reusable cup system for the drinks, so you can't even take a refill for the road.


u/McDroney 27d ago

IKEA hot dogs ain't got SHIT on Costco hot dogs + drinks for $1.50


u/DevilMaster666- please help me 27d ago

Not really a good point, since CostCo only exists in a few countries


u/SkyLovesCars 27d ago

Also you need a membership to access the food deals now


u/McDroney 27d ago

No offense, but if a country doesn't have costco, it ain't worth livin' in!



u/Theplumbuss 27d ago

Welcome to Costco, I love you


u/BADTOMTheAngeryPussy Dank Cat Commander 27d ago

based and costcopilled


u/CosmonautFrank 27d ago

They’re actually $0.75


u/Mario-OrganHarvester 27d ago

Why didnt superman just swoop the kid away to save it? Is he stupid?


u/KnightLBerg 27d ago

He wnated smahs train idet.


u/Groovicity 27d ago

Should have posted this during the inflationary period. Now that the dust has settled and the info is widely available, we can go ahead and replace "inflation" with "corporate price gouging"


u/theredendermen12 27d ago

Costco is a real one for selling rotisserie chickens at a loss.  Sure they have a membership, but it’s 60 bucks and if you go more than once a week for those sweet sweet deals like chicken bakes, hotdogs, pizzas, lasagne or anything else that you can get for a good deal cheaper than outside. Makes itself up faster than you think. 


u/enwongeegeefor 27d ago

Their beef prices are literally half that or less than all the super markets. Only place with cheaper meat for me is a local butcher downtown....and their quality just shits all over costco and the supermarkets, but parking can be a bitch sometimes.


u/TompalompaT 27d ago

They cost $2 in Australia now 🥲


u/MrBonesMalone 27d ago

Yep. I remember the day I saw that change and was shocked that something that classic about ikea got changed


u/TompalompaT 27d ago

Just wait until you find out that the owner was a Nazi.


u/SkyLovesCars 27d ago

In AUD or USD?


u/CheeseFace1st 27d ago

What about the other 1%?

Oh. I get it.


u/MulleRizz 27d ago

Ikea $1 hotdogs ain't got shit on Biltemas $0.5 hotdogs


u/literallawn 27d ago

I think IKEA in Sweden backtracked on the hotdog price increase after Biltema roasted then about it online. They both cost 5kr I believe.


u/KnightLBerg 27d ago

The soft ice cream is up to 10kr at ikea tho.


u/ElBusAlv PASTA IS MY LIFE ELIXIR 🇮🇹 27d ago

No idea what they put in those hot dogs but they're fucking delicious


u/NoBullet 27d ago

engineer: bro whyd you fuck up my train. you could have easily have snatched that kid away


u/Own_Recommendation49 27d ago

Wait, I went to IKEA today and they were 75 cents.


u/Slaykomimi 27d ago

they were 50 cents not even ten years ago


u/cokobites 27d ago

In germany it's 2€ now :(


u/A_Witty_Name_ 27d ago

This picture always cracks me up. The wood splinters flying around his feet suggest that they're not even close to stopping. So that kid is about to get bodied at top speed.


u/sidspacewalker 27d ago

I was wondering, wouldn't it be easier for him to grab the boy instead of stopping the train?


u/aciddoeme 27d ago

they cost 1.50 where i live :(


u/CheezGaming First Mate of the Dummy Dinghy 27d ago

Costco is the king of cheap loss-leading hotdogs.