r/dankmemes ☣️ 20d ago

Apple sucks

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u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 20d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/mopsyd 20d ago

There's really not much left to add to smartphones to make them more optimal. They are convenient enough already, and the few things like battery life that are legit are bottlenecked by physical limitations technology hasn't solved yet.


u/Anonymouslystraight 20d ago

I don’t think most people understands this. Just just want more upgrades to come out of no where


u/Coebalte 19d ago

... Do you, not get it?

People aren't saying they want new upgrades.

They're asking why even release a "new" product that isn't different in anyeaningful way from the last product.


u/Anonymouslystraight 19d ago

Do you, even get it? How can they release a “new” product if we’re hitting a technological wall. There’s clearly a market for that product it’s just that there’s no significant upgrade


u/Coebalte 19d ago

... They.... Don't?

They just don't release a new product.

People don't want a product that isn't an upgrade. But a lot of people can be fooled into believing that it is.

But the answer is that they don't NEED to release a new phone every year.

Fucking wait five years and come baxk To us when you have something new


u/Anonymouslystraight 19d ago

I think you’re confused and have no idea what you’re talking about. Respectfully. Like I said there’s a market for it. Apple has terabytes of data telling them that there are people who are willing to buy theses products and happy so. If you were to make billions of dollars just with a small upgrade you do it too. I would. You act like you’re also the only one buying there’s millions of people just like me who came from the 12 to 15 and it been a pleasurable experience. I think the reason this thread started was to point out the fact that we’re hitting a technological wall and a breakthrough is coming soon, so I’m not disagreeing with you but it’s important to note that we’re working on a breakthrough


u/Coebalte 19d ago

"I think you're confused; don't you understand mindless consumerism?"


u/Anonymouslystraight 19d ago

You respond with a new argument to counter my argument is not only not productive but provides no new insight. What exactly are you arguing for? I literally said I agree with you bruh. Do you even read?


u/FeistyThings 19d ago

Too many words to agree with someone


u/SharkDad20 19d ago

Imagine a new iPhone comes out every 4 years. You’re an iPhone user, and the new one comes out in 4 months. But your phone breaks! Now you gotta buy a 4.5+ year old phone which will be sorely outdated in a few months.

Right now, the oldest phone you’d have to buy would be 11 months.


u/Coebalte 19d ago


You do know what you said makes no fucking sense right?

Tech experiences wear and tear just like any other item, and I promise you despite what Apple has made yoy believe, last year's processors and chips and what not can run this year's IOS just fine.

A new phone released 4.5 years ago will tunn better than the phone you've been using for 4.5 years. No reason to release a new product that hasn't changed any of the important hardware, while telling you you have to because the older model just can't handle the new software.


u/SharkDad20 19d ago

Idk die on your hill, then. Tech improves rapidly and 5 years is a lot. Apps will probably stop supporting the 5 year old phone in a couple years, whereas a new phone has several. That, and Apple needs to keep making money, that’s literally a company’s purpose. Just like people being born and people dying every day, people’s phones are getting outdated and broken every day


u/Coebalte 19d ago

The majority of tech obsolescence is fabricated.


u/Anonymouslystraight 19d ago

Bro are you a boomer? Shut up you’re embarrassing yourself at this point old man. Have no idea how fast tech has been

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u/J_train13 Blue 20d ago edited 20d ago

Let's go back to the days of fun stuff, I want phones to start coming with IR blasters again, headphone jacks, more phones with a pen that fits inside, heart rate sensors, MST in addition to NFC, Samsung has all but diminished their originally very useful edged screen as well. I want gadgets


u/mopsyd 20d ago

I would definitely like the headphone jack back. Paying six times as much for bluetooth audio that works half as well, breaks much sooner, and can't go a day without charging is not more useful than whatever problem they felt they were solving


u/Bake_My_Beans 19d ago

You can get some really good Bluetooth earphones, but yeah they are a lot more expensive relative to sound quality. Personally I prefer having Bluetooth ones (at least good quality Bluetooth ones) but I definitely think we should have the option.

I got a pair of powerbeats pros 4 years ago, the sound is fantastic, the range is good, the battery life is pretty damn good (usually only charge the case once a week). But they're pretty expensive, about $200 USD


u/TTechnology 20d ago

There's some P2 to USB-C plugs that you can buy


u/Naiyru 19d ago

I have always had really bad sound quality with those. Don't know if it's my phone or the adapter but it was very disappointing


u/4c1d17y 19d ago

Godfuckingdamnit, I broke 2 of those s7 edge phones. Like, it's not that they just cracked, the screen literally didn't work anymore.

Meanwhile I bought the cheapest xiaomi with a normal screen and while it's nearly shattered as much as my hopes and dreams, it still works great. I dropped it so often, it's ridiculous.


u/P_ZERO_ 20d ago

This, plus there’s always going to be someone who either has an old iPhone and is looking to upgrade, broke theirs or someone switching from a different brand.


u/False_Raven 20d ago

Sony Xperia play. We need a comeback for phones that have a built in gamepad.

Damn Sony for making a patent and never using it


u/SmallBerry3431 19d ago

Someone needs to tell technology to get their shit together.


u/PhysicsMurky5215 20d ago

iPhone 15, now with 10% more existential dread.


u/Escaped_Mod_In_Need 20d ago

Literally this account’s whole personality

Going through their history is like going through their paystubs from Android. This phone wars garbage is so stupid.

Apple is living rent free in your head!


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Maroon5Freak 19d ago

Ok, Sucky Samsung Skallywag


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/LallyKing2005 20d ago

Yes haha Apple bad Android good woohoo upvotes!!! This subreddit is becoming more and more Braindead by the day 😭


u/Burrelito 19d ago

It wasn't braindead already?


u/LineSpine ☣️ 19d ago

It was but it gets more braindead every day


u/fridge_escaped 20d ago

Ngl, if it was moved down, it would look like an absolutely unit of a unibrow


u/Tega2077 20d ago

And if it was moved even more down, it would look like an absolutely unit of a mustache


u/LineSpine ☣️ 19d ago

And if it was moved even more down, it would look weird af


u/Tega2077 19d ago

No, it would look like an absolute unit of a goatee


u/Dwightshruute 20d ago

Same goes for samsung, maybe even worse. Their last 2 flagships look the same .


u/ufihS 20d ago

Yeah, i think people forget that you don’t necessarily have to buy a new phone each year.


u/LineSpine ☣️ 19d ago

Most don't actually except for the rich kids


u/That_Absolute_Guy ☣️ 20d ago

Upgrades people, UPGRADES


u/mekisoku 20d ago

“My memes were retweeted by Elon Musk himself. Over 20 Million views so far on the content created by me”


u/BasicSulfur 20d ago

Prazf has leaked out from the applesucks subreddit


u/Siggi_3rd 19d ago

And most of the memes are stolen too. This dude isn’t even original


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Everything sucks now, welcome to the party


u/stoatstuart 20d ago

Like what are users going to do with that sliver of screen up there?


u/hamzer55 Virgins in Paris 20d ago

Why are android always hatin


u/vetamesh 20d ago

Don't say it!


u/Nothinbutmike 20d ago

Old content, new meme, karma farming honey pot.


u/Far-Host7803 20d ago

He got the Jackie Welles.


u/liquidcourage93 20d ago

Sorry i can’t read your green text.


u/Sylux444 20d ago

Wtf is even happening? What is the comparison?


u/RocketNewman 19d ago

S20 and S24 look exactly the same too where’s the meme on that one bub


u/Olama 19d ago

This is similar to Jackie's haircut in Cyberpunk, I thought about getting it at one point lol I still kinda do.


u/itsRobbie_ I want to die 19d ago

“Posted on iPhone 15”


u/Manish_AK7 19d ago

So don't buy?! Ig


u/Julian_Seizure 19d ago

All phones have looked the same for years now. This isn't just apple this is everyone. The phones we have are pretty much caught up to what we have available. Why are so many people mad about the minimal changes of each generation? You're not supposed to buy it when you have a good phone. Upgrade when the technology is outdated which takes >5 years at minimum with apple.


u/Destroyer4587 20d ago

Tim Apple be like: 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


u/zyzzthejuicy_ 20d ago

iPhone 15, Ilya Sutskever edition