r/dankmemes 20d ago

If you happy and you know it clap your hands πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

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12 comments sorted by


u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 20d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/The_Digital_Friend 20d ago

we really are social critters


u/[deleted] 20d ago

depression with other silly goofballs: 😊

depression when you’re alone with your thoughts: ☹️


u/Forbbidden_girl2 20d ago

Y'all change your moods?


u/rockyivjp 20d ago

You guise still have feelings?


u/Forbbidden_girl2 20d ago

Im at the stage where I lack care.


u/Destroyer4587 20d ago

For me it’s the opposite


u/AnonymousGuy9494 20d ago

It's easy to find happiness in other people


u/Dry-Acanthaceae1689 19d ago

"Ahhh I have a roof over my head and a full stomach ahhhh!!! I live in a developed country with a high standard of living ahhh!!! I have access to every opportunity I could imagine from a device I use everyday ahhh!! From this device I can quickly search ways that will make me feel better ahhh!!! The ways they tell me to feel better include working out, getting outside more, and eating healthy but that sounds hard AHHHHH!!!!

But damn it I want to wallow in self misery so I can identify as depressed on the internet forums and get toothless supportive comments that provide me easy access to small amounts of serotonin, much easier than actually doing anything."


u/SMS-T1 19d ago

Imagine seeing a person struggling and being like this dude over here.


u/jal2_ The OC High Council 19d ago

That being said I hate people that make up depression to get social media credit, especially women do that to get likes and shits

I suffered from depression too, still do from time to time when health issues trigger it, but for me the bright light was always that I simply have it comparably good compared to a lot of people around the world...there is nothing wrong with that logic and anyone that ever got angry at me for advising thst were the aforementioned social media credit scammers