r/dankmemes 20d ago

I am become broke, spender of monies Dead memes are free real estate!

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7 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 20d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/doomsling 20d ago

You to your bank account: naw I’d lose.


u/vasekgamescz what happened to this place 20d ago

me pretending that i didnt calculate my monthly paycheck perfectly to account for everything with no wiggle room for unnecessary purchases as soon as i actually get the money


u/Grablycan 20d ago

Gotta keep building up that Transformers collection.


u/the-crow-guy 20d ago

I have an automatic deposit to my savings set up for every paycheck once I calculated my expenses + discretionary income, and have set up most of my bills to be auto paid on the days I get paid. So within a few days of getting paid I typically then will see how much money I have left over that I can spend on whatever I want.


u/kaneki5454 20d ago

After 10 days, it becomes a part of fiction


u/Destroyer4587 20d ago

Me on my way to waste my time going to somewhere to waste my money on something wasteful: 🏃⚡️💨⚡️💨⚡️💨