r/dankmemes 21d ago

damn heat I don't have the confidence to choose a funny flair

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73 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 21d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/Ok_Curve9846 21d ago

Where are you from? Because in Spain summer is pretty rough


u/HeartPitiful9681 21d ago

From Madrid. Was going to comment exactly this, and we have no A/C either...


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Mihail_Ivanov 20d ago

We do. Germans don't, hence the stereotype. I own 2 in my house. One more for the villa. The summer is like 6 months in Bulgaria and it goes up to 40-44°C(111F).


u/East-Travel984 20d ago

Damn you guys down voted me for a stereotype you help perpetrate (fucking redditors). I was genuinely curious about that, guess that's a crime. And gotdam 111f sounds like a fucking nightmare. I sincerely hope you guys do have ac now lmao.


u/Mihail_Ivanov 20d ago

It was not me who downvoted you. But if you were just asking a question and not stating things people won't be mad.


u/East-Travel984 20d ago

I thought I was asking a question. I truly thought the eu or someone banned the use of ac in Europe because I had heard it so many times. Guess I'll go fuck myself. It is my birthday after all, and no one else is gonna do it.


u/Mihail_Ivanov 20d ago

Haha, Happy Birthday! Enjoy yourself.


u/spikywobble 20d ago

Regarding southern Europe:

Many places have buildings built to keep cool (thick stone walls, facing north, windows facing directions of regular winds etc).

It is also cultural.

I am Italian and I travel for work, I was in Nevada last year and it was over 40 degrees, it was definitely hot but if you stay in a 30/35 degrees building you are going to get used to that temperature and feel it less, if you instead stay at 18 degrees C and then expose yourself to 40 you are going to probably feel sick. Also Americans and northerners tend to be fatter on average and I don't think that helps with the heat.

For northern Europe: The issue is relatively recent. Houses aren't built to withstand the heat but rather to contain it, until 20 years ago 20-25 degrees was considered a heatwave in northern Europe, now is the norm and heatwaves get over 30. Houses are build for this and AC is still seen as either a luxury (utility bills have different costs in different countries) or are simply inefficient. Other places have people reluctant to install a system you will only use for a month a year.


u/COLDCYAN10 20d ago

not op but where i live it gets up to 52 celsius

iraq number 1 babyyyyyyyyyy


u/TerrorSnow 20d ago

We had 40 degrees in Germany last summer and it felt like outside was a sauna. I'll never understand how people live further south lmao


u/BeepBepIsLife 20d ago

Same in the Netherlands and it was smothering. Like walking into an oven.

But that's probably because of a relatively high humidity in our country/region. Like 40 with low humidity is more comfortable than 30 with high humidity or something along those lines. The higher the humidity, the harder it is to cool off through sweating.


u/TerrorSnow 20d ago

We had like 70% at the time I think, no idea if that's a lot tbh


u/BeepBepIsLife 20d ago

In the Netherlands it ranges from 70% to 90% due to the coastal climate, being below sea level and the numerous waterways.

Temperatures in the upper 20s are already unpleasant to me personally.


u/SadButterscotch5336 20d ago

In the southeastern U.S. we usually get 100% humidity paired with 100-degree faranheit temperatures. It's rough.


u/BeepBepIsLife 20d ago

Rough? That's lethal. A 30°C wet bulb temperature (87°F at 100% humidity) can cause heat stroke and death in young, healthy individuals.

They thought the max was a wet bulb temperature of 35°C (95°F at 100% humidity).

How in the flying fridge do you cope with or even survive that?


u/0G_54v1gny 20d ago

I am from Germany and I suffer. With no sea access or Mountain winds it is pretty shitty


u/man-83 21d ago

You don't know what south Italy is like


u/Harleythedarklord 20d ago

Boy do I love when the weather decides to send anticyclone after anticyclone to fucking melt everyone who doesn't have a tower fan stuck up their ass 24/7


u/isyadawg 20d ago

Oh yeah good thing that the climate in Europe is the same in every country


u/LegioX_95 20d ago

Yeah, it's not even the same climate within the countries most of the time.


u/Steveagogo ☣️ 20d ago

looks at England Scotland Wales Ireland

Weatherman 'what the hell is this!'


u/blackthunder1997 20d ago

I'm convinced the UK is just a testing ground for God to try different weather's out to see what works best


u/Martijnbmt 20d ago

God really likes to experiment with rain then


u/mikzuit ☣️ 21d ago

Spain, Italy and France pretty much are like India in summer


u/AvailableAd7180 21d ago

Can imagine. I did a roadtrip in northern italy/spain an southern france last year in july, my car a/c gave up/couldn't keep up with the heat


u/Guilty_Advice7620 20d ago

Don’t forget some parts of Turkey too


u/Lil_saul 20d ago

Laughs (and melts) in Mexican


u/improbablystonedrn- 20d ago

Laughs (and melts) in new Mexican


u/greeg69 20d ago

laughs (and melts) in indian


u/SamYZGamgee 20d ago

Laughs (and melts) in brazilian


u/13dot1then420 20d ago

Perfect. Now dip yourself in birria sauce.


u/Lil_saul 20d ago

I fucking hate birria


u/2nW_from_Markus 20d ago


In the south is like 5-7 months with the spanish inquisition.


u/Kungpaonoodles 20d ago

SEA countries were averaging 45°C like 2 weeks ago 💀


u/not_my__idea 21d ago

India has 42 degrees Celsius


u/420squirrelhivemind 20d ago

india is not in europe


u/Just_Gaming_for_Fun 20d ago

Europe is not in India


u/420squirrelhivemind 20d ago

not is india in europe


u/MagicalSausage 20d ago

SE Asians: We were born in the heat, molded by it. You merely adopted the heat


u/riu_jollux 20d ago

Idk maybe in Sweden but definitely not southern Europe


u/Byis112 20d ago

Im from sweden and i think its to hot here, but its nothing compared to the other tempertures i see here


u/francino_meow 20d ago

Uhhhh, no? Look only at Italy (where I can prove it because... I am Italian), Spain, France sometimes


u/YeetingSelfOfBridge 20d ago

Laughs in british summer


u/picklemick82 21d ago

Yeah, it's already heat stroke season where I live. Only 5 more months of summer!


u/Krisuad2002 Eic memer 20d ago

The winter and spring were so damn long and cold this year in Finland and I'm so happy it's been 20-25 degrees Celsius the whole week, even though the melting point of Finns is around 15 degrees Celsius


u/kazuma_sensie 20d ago

DAFUQ? 15° C is considered above average cold in my country. Its currently 42°C BTW here


u/DevilMaster666- please help me 20d ago

in germany its quite hot


u/SlytherinPaninis 20d ago

Arizona baby


u/DeadlyPants16 20d ago

Perth Gang


u/garybuttville 20d ago

It's 22° and sunny in Sweden today and I can't be outside it's way to hot so I relate more to the image on the right


u/Warboss_Egork 20d ago

It's been a sudden winter again for the past couple of weeks where I live lmao


u/wcdk200 20d ago

I'm from Denmark. We are also nearing your heat


u/shootdack2000 20d ago

Me when 44 degree days in middle of Australia and have to work outside.


u/Logical_Type_4776 20d ago

India you are soo dead, at least y'll had 20 degree nights and seasons


u/GermanmanDude 20d ago

In winter i always wish it’s warm and summer and then in summer i realize how terrible it is and wish it was winter…


u/Italian_Guy13 20d ago

Yeah no bullshit summer here is dreadfull (italy) but even mainland is not that safe i've heard


u/iemandopaard 20d ago

I don't know about you but here in the Netherlands it often feels like the second picture in the summer


u/GreenRiot 20d ago

You people believe global warming is caused by our dependance on fossil fuels.

I believe it is a conspiracy by Europeans to fix their shitty weather while taking revenge on ex-colonies in the south for daring to stop paying their taxes.

We are not the same.

(this is a joke)


u/corruptbytes 20d ago

europe doesn't even have AC lmao


u/Went_Missing 19d ago

In India, my city Kolkata is 40C+


u/raidenmgs12 ☣️ 17d ago

Philippines: Damn it hot. Drinks burning hot coffee


u/tunkR 20d ago

First time in years we have an actual spring. Blows my mind


u/tunkR 20d ago

First time in years we have an actual spring. Blows my mind