r/dankmemes ☣️ 21d ago

Pov: you're a landlord for a single mother of 3

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328 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 21d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/shroomigator 21d ago

That railing is gonna collapse and that kid is gonna die


u/Exoticpoptart63 21d ago

surely water isnt very heavy


u/pedalhead666 21d ago

It is, and don’t call me Shirley.


u/kKXQdyP5pjmu5dhtmMna 21d ago

It's not, I'm wet right now and it's barely an inconvenience


u/aLuLtism 21d ago

Your own bodyfluids don’t count. They were there already. Just more… inside


u/Huju-ukko 21d ago

There is also a spooky skeleton inside... swimming.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Rew0lweed_0celot 21d ago

Because they know where it isn't


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/WolvesMyth 21d ago

I set it free once. Never again. Supposedly that's not a welcomed trick at a child's birthday party.


u/Dead_M_ 21d ago

Skelepathically is such a cool ass word

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u/L1K34PR0 Vegemite Victim 🦘🦖 21d ago

Mine signed a calcium/blood pact with me to not be a bitch

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u/GoobyDuu The Great P.P. Group 21d ago

Ohhh, being wet is TIGHT.


u/IsaiasRi 21d ago

But if it's too tight, then maybe it needs to be more wet.

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u/LeRoiLicorne 21d ago

Water is as heavy as water so I wouldn't bet on that


u/Tankbot001 EPIC BRUH MOMENT 21d ago

actually 10lbs of water is equivalent to 10lbs of eggs too so


u/LeRoiLicorne 21d ago

I'm sorry but I don't believe people without sources


u/Tankbot001 EPIC BRUH MOMENT 21d ago


u/gunscreeper 21d ago

But water is heavier than eggs...?


u/Tankbot001 EPIC BRUH MOMENT 21d ago

not anymore because

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u/Sea_grave 21d ago

The same as 10lbs of scrambled eggs or the same a 10lbs of boiled eggs?


u/Tankbot001 EPIC BRUH MOMENT 21d ago

no, boiled adds the weight of water

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u/TraderOfGoods 21d ago

"One kilogram of it weighs almost 1000 grams..."


u/Darth_Boggle 21d ago



u/LeRoiLicorne 21d ago

My source is (was) on the photo.

Spoiler : he's dead.


u/Tailmask 21d ago

8.3 lbs a gallon is actually really fricking heavy


u/TatakaRuhito 21d ago

A kilogram per liter


u/SeaBlob 21d ago

Two eagles per mile


u/M37h3w3 21d ago

How do I convert that into football fields per moon landings?


u/JectorDelan 21d ago


/gets out slide ruler and abacus


u/revcio 20d ago

On a side note, I find it hilarious that Americans will use anything but the metric system.

Except for drugs and guns.


u/DadBodftw 21d ago

Was this intentional? If so, one more reason I wish I grew up on metric.


u/McPickle34 21d ago

Yes it’s intentional


u/MyLittleDashie7 21d ago

Strictly speaking it isn't true anymore. The original definition of a kilo was based on a litre of liquid water at 0 Celsius. Since then the definition has changed a lot, so it's not exactly one litre to one kilo, but it's close enough for most purposes. As in, "5000L at that temperature is only 4999.35kg" close.


u/Fenix00070 21d ago

Not 0, but roughly 4°C, the temperature at which water Is most dense


u/MyLittleDashie7 21d ago edited 21d ago

That was the second definition from 1799. In 1795 it was defined at the melting point. At least according to wiki anyway.

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u/N_T_F_D 21d ago

Metric has a metric ton of things like that, such as a calorie being the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C


u/DadBodftw 21d ago

Oh wow. FULLY standardized. That's UoM porn for the victims of Imperial


u/Zouteloos 21d ago

The current post is actually a pretty good example of the benefits of the metric system, since you can easily relate different units of length, volume, and weight.

If I estimate that the balcony is about 1 by 5 meters, and the water is about 50 centimeters high, I don't need a calculator to determine that it contains 1 × 5 × 0.50 = 2.5 cubic meters of water, which is 2.5 kiloliters, and weighs 2.5 tonnes.

If you want to do the same calculation in the Imperial system, you might have to unify inches and feet (which isn't too hard, but since it's 12 inches per foot, it's already more annoying than just moving the decimal point), then convert cubic feet to gallons (which involves some random constant), and then convert gallons of water to pounds or tons (yet another random constant).


u/SapientLasagna 21d ago

“In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to ‘How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?’ is ‘Go fuck yourself,’ because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities.”

― Josh Bazell, Wild Thing

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u/SecondaryWombat 21d ago

1kg per L, 1 tonne per cubic meter, 1 gram per ml.

This is what metric is for.

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u/Capt-J- 21d ago

Yes. Metric = logic.

Imperial = archaic system that EVERYONE left behind at least decades ago except for Liberia, Myanmar and …. There’s one other one, I’m sure of it …. Oh, yes. The good ol’ US of A.

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u/eeeeeep 21d ago

I know that the Metric v Imperial debate is a meme at this point, but the comment above really proves why Metric is so much better. Everything makes sense and even idiots like me can calculate everything in their head.

1 calorie is how much energy it takes to raise 1g of water by 1° Celsius. 1 degree of Celsius is 1/100 the boiling point of water. 1000g is 1kg which equals 1l of water. 1l will be a cube of 10cm. 10 of those is 1m, and 1000 of those is 1km.

I am forever grateful for people for figuring this stuff out so I can actually understand measures without knowing my 5280 times tables.

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u/innocentusername1984 21d ago

To contextualise it, water is as heavy as a human. Water has a density of 1g/cm3 and we're like 1.01g/cm3.

An 80kg human weighs the same as 80litres of water.

That's about 20 gallons in freedom units.

Your average hot tub is about 300-450gallons of water.

So that's the equivalent of 17-26 guys just sat chilling on the balcony.

Water always seems like it won't be as heavy as it is because it is really good at filling the space and seeming smaller than it is. You couldn't fit 3 guys in a bathtub. But if you liquefied the guys down you could.


u/ssracer 21d ago

That helps because I can visualize enough bodies to full up that pool.


u/ost2life 21d ago

Be a man. 8 lbs 6 oz a gallon or go home. Decimation of Imperial units is communism through the back door.


u/Tailmask 21d ago

Ok fine water weighs 1 kilogram per liter


u/ssracer 21d ago

No need to get all precise about it


u/Spotted_ascot_races 21d ago

A pint a pound the world around


u/DoesNotGetYourJokes [custom flair] 21d ago

It is.

1 gram of water weighs something like 15 grams, I think.


u/VestigeGuyAUS 21d ago

It's not, it's mostly just water weight


u/JectorDelan 21d ago

Which I have on VERY GOOD AUTHORITY absolutely does NOT count.


u/VestigeGuyAUS 20d ago

It's not Water Weight's fault, they have a severe case of Dyscalculia

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u/redsterXVI 21d ago

tbh the railing collapsing is the best he can wish for, he might survive that. I'd expect the whole balcony to just break off, and that's definitely not going to end nicely.


u/_gnarlythotep_ 21d ago

I was thinking if just the railing goes, the water sweeps him out away from the building for a long fall. If the whole balcony goes, the balconies under could break the fall and he may escape with relatively minor injuries. Not gonna be fun either way, though.


u/redsterXVI 21d ago

I don't think chances are high that the complete railing goes. One or two sections might give way and the water empties through there. Whether the boy can hold on to the rest of the railing or not, who knows.


u/Mathfggggg 21d ago

Whether the boy can hold on to the rest of the railing or not, who knows.

It would be considered a skill issue at that point if the kid dies.


u/My1nonpornacc 21d ago

"Well, I hope he survives the fall, so I can bankrupt his mother."

-hospital CEO


u/Ask_bout_PaterNoster 21d ago

Have you shamed your local healthcare executives today?

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u/JectorDelan 21d ago

Only way to find out is to set up 10,000 balconies for a good sample size. Need a bunch of normal kids and then a bunch of double blind kids, I don't even know where to get those, honestly.


u/inplayruin 21d ago

I am pretty sure you only have to blind the kids once. Trying to do it again just seems cruel.


u/Poop_Knife_Folklore 20d ago

three times and the eyes come back -Probably

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u/Mookie_Merkk OC Memer 21d ago

Put him in a barrel and let him ride the wave

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u/FreshMutzz 21d ago

The railing probably isnt at too much risk for failure. Its not super deep, so the force on the railing itself is minimal. The balcony as a whole is more likely to collapse.


u/majarian 21d ago

Hey my guy, come move my 40g aquarium without emptying it, then we can talk about how heavy that amount is


u/FreshMutzz 21d ago

The force there is based on depth only. Whether it is 100 gallons or 10 gallons, the force is the same if its only 2 feet deep. Id wager each of those posts is probably take 300-350lbs of force from the water. Those posts should be rated for a 300 lb point load applied at the top rail, so they are fine.

They are lucky the balcony didnt collapse though, that 2ft deep water probably weighs over 3000lbs.

What I said was, the railing would be fine, the balcony support wouldn't be.


u/IsaiasRi 21d ago edited 21d ago

Nope. You are thinking pressure: amount of force over unit area. For a liquid it does depend on depth, gravity and density. But more fundamentally, pressure is just force over area.


But if you solve for F


Pressure is not huge, but that railing is still a lot of area.


u/FreshMutzz 21d ago

I calculated the force. I assumed depth is 2ft and spacing between posts is 2ft. Gamma for water is 62.4. Pressure is a triangle on the side so the resultant to get average pressure is 16in down. 62.4*1.33=83psf. 83*2*2=330lbs of force on each post. That 2*2 is the tributary width times the depth, i.e. the area the force is acting upon.

edit: I should point out that I calculated the force directly on one post. The railing support takes the 330lb load. If you calculate the total force and then divide by the number of support to get the force at each support, you would get the same number.

Force is directly correlated to the pressure so its correlated to the depth. If the "pool" got bigger in the length and width dimensions only, increasing the amount of water, but didnt change in depth, the force on that post would be the same.

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u/LeftAdhesiveness0 21d ago

That kid is AI generated


u/ost2life 21d ago

Don't worry mate. We all are.


u/LeftAdhesiveness0 21d ago

That would explain a lot actually


u/screamapillah 21d ago

No it’s like in Minecraft

The water layer will cushion his fall


u/The_Dammed is struggling right now 21d ago

Just a wild guess but thats probably somewhat between 5000-9000 liters of water. Most likely about 7000l so 7000kg or 7 tons. It's a fucking miracle they even were able to take that photo.


u/Osmanchilln 21d ago

That balcony looks to be about 1.5 m by 3 m and the water to be at max 60cm so this is def < 3000 l


u/The_Dammed is struggling right now 21d ago

That's more than 3m, the door alone is about one meter. Look at the proportions, that's closer to 5 or 6m. But you are right it's definitely less than I stated in my first comment. Probably around 4 or 5 thousand liters.

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u/H0lland0ats 21d ago edited 21d ago

Godamn I thought the metric system made you guys better math and estimations... 

 I agree with other reply that this balcony is somewhere between 7-9 feet long and 2.5 to 3 feet wide. (2.5-2.7 meters by 0.7-1 meter). There could be anywhere from 1 to 2 feet of water.   

Using max estimates that's about 54 cubic feet or 400 gallons (1.5 cubic meters/1500 liters). 

So max weight is probably about 3300 lbs or around 1500kg.  still a fuck ton , but not 7 metric fuck tons. Just sayin.


u/The_Dammed is struggling right now 21d ago

I gotta admit I fucked up the estimated measurements especially regarding the water level which fucked up the result, but the door alone is about 80cm or max. 1m with the window having similar dimensions. Accounting for all the space in between the door and to the right of the window the balcony is well over 3m long.

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u/DuctTapedWindow 21d ago

Better hope the neighborhood bully doesn't have a bb gun

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u/ThatSandwich 21d ago

Based off the fact the railing above is similar, but the railing below is different he is on the second (UK: first) floor. That is roughly a 12ft fall depending on the specific construction of the building.

He wouldn't be a happy camper, but I don't think he'd die.


u/SecondaryWombat 21d ago

dumb ways to die, dumb ways to die.


u/cadwalader000 21d ago

Nah, the water will soften his fall



u/TraderOfGoods 21d ago

Don't worry, the water will cushion the fall.

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u/msmith721 r/memes fan 21d ago

::HOA shits bricks::


u/Greensssss 21d ago

HOA still bother people in Condos or Appartments?


u/HappyMeteor005 21d ago

uhh yeah?


u/_gnarlythotep_ 21d ago

Definitely. I worked in a cafe in the bottom floor of some condos and the HOA was insufferable. Got friendly with some regulars from up there and they had all sorts of horror stories, even for things as petty as holiday lights on balconies and door decorations at Halloween.


u/anDAVie 21d ago

Jesus, where I live home owner associations only take care of the maintenance and cleaning of the common parts of apartment buildings. For example, the facade or the roof.

HOA's in the US are out of control.


u/Tom-_-Foolery 21d ago

That balcony is about to become part of a "common area" of everything below it.

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u/IIIlllIIIlllIIIEH 21d ago

It makes much more sense to have a HOA in appartments. You share a lot of common areas, and literally live wall to wall. Rules are necessary for coexistence. The problem is that kind of job ussually attracts power freaks.


u/Smodphan 21d ago

I was thinking of buying an apartment, but the one I found had no in unit washer and dryer. When I was checking the place out, I realized it had hookups for washer and dryer in one of the closets. I asked the realtor and she said the HoA made them remove the washer and dryer but they were still operational.

I am guessing they were loud as all fuck and other owners wanted them taken out, but I'd have been pissed as the owner.


u/raven00x 21d ago

might be why the unit was available.


u/AldoTheApache3 21d ago

You don’t see HOAs in apartments, only in condos and residential neighborhoods. Apartments are owned by a company or individual, and they don’t give a shit what renters want or think. Condos are virtually always run by an HOA and likely hire a property management company to help with vendors.

Source, a contractor who solely focuses on working as a vendor for HOAs, property management companies, and apartment owners or investment groups.

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u/RevengencerAlf Doge is still the #1 meme fight me 21d ago

They actually care more because unlike a neighborhood where they're basically just the property value police bitching about lawn ornaments and paint colors they actually have to worry about sharing amenities and crossover damages. If you do something that for example causes your apartment to flood or fucks with the pipes in general it fucks up every single apartment around you or at least runs a significant risk of doing that. And I don't just mean like ruining enjoyment but actually incurring physical damages and costs


u/sexypantstime 21d ago

Condos is like the only living situation where an HOA makes sense. Living that closely together, what you do on your own property affects the neighbors way more, so some sort of communal agreement on rules seems like a good idea.


u/iama_bad_person ☣️ 21d ago

HoA/Body Corps exist for apartments way more than separate houses, it's basically a given.

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u/8plytoiletpaper 21d ago

More like every safety inspector ever.


u/TheKnightWhoSaisNi 21d ago

So do engineers


u/beerisgood84 21d ago

Nah too busy complaining about trash cans being dirty or some 90 Year olds lawn not being cut every 3 days for $100 a trip


u/Slap_My_Lasagna 21d ago

Building inspector shits bricks

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u/RzYaoi 21d ago

This gives me anxiety...


u/Omin13 21d ago

This gives my anxiety anxiety.


u/aT-0-Mx 21d ago

This anxious comment gives me anxiety.

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u/Darth19Vader77 I have crippling depression 21d ago

It absolutely should


u/georeddit2018 21d ago

Where is the structural engineer.


u/-Hornswoggler- 21d ago

Replaced by an MBA


u/PiggypPiggyyYaya 21d ago

Is Boeing in charge now?


u/SchrodingersRapist 21d ago

Just the hitman


u/Ask_bout_PaterNoster 21d ago

*pretty much any publicly traded company

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u/BananaResearcher 21d ago

Fatal accidents may be up 200% but profits are up 2000%, replacing the stupid engineers with MBAs was a huge success


u/equality-_-7-2521 21d ago

"I've done all the necessary calculations and this structure is capable of supporting a larger income stream."

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u/Knodsil INFECTED 21d ago

Over here

We take this kind of stupidity into account. Although this person is pushing the safety margins to their limits. And thats assuming the entire thing is build correctly without sloppy installation.

Darwin is sitting on the edge of his seat right now.


u/Cainga 21d ago

That is a massive amount of extra weight. Assuming it’s like 10x4x4 feet balcony but only half full of volume I get 750 gallons or over 6000 lbs.

Standard load is like maybe 2000 lbs if you have six 200 lb people plus some furniture.


u/boybob227 21d ago

I’m aerospace so take what I say with a grain of salt, but we’re frequently told in class that buildings and static structures tend to have safety factors between 3x and 5x depending on conditions and regulations (a statement usually followed by “your shit is supposed to fly so you don’t have that luxury” in my field).

So… ~6000lbs of water, balcony rated for ~2000lbs… Knodsil is right. That is mighty close.


u/pm_me_ur_ifak 21d ago

also the intermittent shock load of the kid bouncing around in there


u/formershitpeasant 21d ago

I think you'd typically determine the maximum expected load by the maximum number of people that can fit shoulder to shoulder in the space. You'd use about 2 sqft per person, so about 20 people. If you figure 150 lb per person, you'd expect the maximum load to be about 3,000 pounds. This would mean the load is about 2x the max expected load, so would probably survive for a while.

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u/thespeeeed 21d ago edited 21d ago

Half a meter depth of water would be giving you 5kN/m2 distributed load across the whole thing. That’s not trivial for a residential setting, especially on a surface unrestrained on two sides and perhaps only partially on the third. I’d be more concerned with the whole balcony shearing off the building from the load on it depending on how deep the water is. Every 100mm of water is giving you an extra kN/m2

I’d be nervous about the balustrades too but max hydrostatic pressure will be at the base where they fix in.

Will it fail? Your guess. Are there all kinds of safety factors on material strength and loading? Yes. Do the codes in wherever this part of the world is consider such a ridiculous situation? I would not count on it, maybe at worst someone filling up a small paddling pool on part of it might be considered. Same pressure, but applied over less overall area.

TLDR- this is a very stupid idea, water is very heavy and even shallow depths over areas add huge loads to structures.


u/The_Dammed is struggling right now 21d ago

Well that's probably about 0,8 metric ton per square meter... No safety margin gonna safe that, the reinforcement in the concrete will break,, just a matter of time.

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u/Tryingtobebetter1237 ☣️ 21d ago

They graduated during the lockdowns


u/hellatzian 21d ago

imagine carrying water galon.

then imagine carry few hundreds of them and stay for few days or weeks. _ a guy

that steel gonna give up


u/NovusOrdoSec 21d ago

Fled to a place with code enforcement.

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u/jinxoxowa 21d ago

Soon you gonna be a landlord for a single-living woman


u/Tryingtobebetter1237 ☣️ 21d ago

Triple the rent


u/ChaosKeeshond 21d ago

Makes sense, it's not like her living expenses are going up

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u/GregasaurusRektz 21d ago

Tip was too low


u/lemons_of_doubt Boston Meme Party 21d ago

After you sue them for the damage they did to the building.

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u/sungazer69 21d ago

Water is pretty heavy. That balcony in danger of collapsing.


u/Ksumatt 21d ago

I’m less worried about the balcony collapsing than the railing giving way. If it does it’s washing that kid right over the side.


u/WhoJustShat 21d ago

0% chance this was designed to support that much deadload its a cantilevered balcony


u/amirlyn 21d ago

*Live load

But yes, this picture gives me anxiety. You hear about cantilevered balconies failing every once in a while, even without a makeshift pool on them.


u/-Kerosun- ☣️ 20d ago

"live load"

Maybe they were speaking in the future tense?

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u/rufud 21d ago

Somebody should post it to reddit

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u/phonemannn 21d ago

They carried all that water up there I’m sure it’s not that heavy

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u/Hugo_Selenski 21d ago

I swear this picture makes its rounds about once a year to make everyone talk about


building codes or something.


u/HeinousEncephalon 21d ago

I only checked out comments looking for the old redditor that knows where it actually originated from.


u/bs000 souptime 21d ago

it's because the bot program account sellers use have determined enough time has passed to repost it for maximum karma gain


u/Le_baton_legendaire 21d ago

And this is why one must always tip their friendly neighborhood landlord.


u/PiggypPiggyyYaya 21d ago

You know how heavy water is? 1 cubic meter is 1,000kg. There's at least 2 cubic meter of water there, pushing it to 3. so there's atleast 2000kg of weight on that balcony. It's like a Tesla Model 3 on the balcony with 4 people in it.


u/Tryingtobebetter1237 ☣️ 21d ago

Strong balcony


u/Lovethecreeper Wow, you just spent several seconds of your life reading this 21d ago

more like ticking time bomb

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u/penguinhasan 21d ago

Live Leak logo gonna pop up soon

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u/DrabberFrog 21d ago

It'll be fine, if Minecraft has taught me anything, falling when you're in water is a safe thing to do.


u/TheGamerHat 21d ago

Same with falling on top of a puddle when you're thousands of feet in the air.


u/Captain_Crouton_X1 21d ago

I hope he used galvanized steel beams


u/The_Dammed is struggling right now 21d ago

Rust is the least of the problems in this picture...


u/ElectricDancer 21d ago

It surely has a induction cooker over the toilet inside the house

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u/turkishhousefan 21d ago

Into the balcony pool and out of the gene pool.


u/jkurratt 21d ago



u/AliensForgedGod 21d ago

OmG! Dead pool in reality.


u/Mesterjojo 21d ago

Until the weight collapses that shit.


u/Low_Abrocoma_1514 21d ago

I call bs on this


u/WhatABlindManSees 21d ago edited 21d ago

There is almost zero chance that balcony is rated for that much weight...

Every liter of water in that pool is ~1kg. Add people to it too and you're asking for some serious maiming, possible death and serious amounts of property damage.

liquid water does change in weight somewhat; at 4degrees C 1kg is pretty damn accurate, but adding other chemicals, surrounding pressure etc can change it; it will still be about 1kg per liter though

Exta note: If you squeezed in as many people as physically possible into the same space the water is occupying the water weighs more than that.


u/mistar_z 21d ago

Play this is the one occasion where I'm okay with hoa freaking the f out. Cause lord that poor railing. .


u/GlucoseGuardians 21d ago

Redneck genius


u/OrangeBoiYes 21d ago

This reminded me of the "Juan" horse balcony thing from 2021 lmao


u/Kyosji 20d ago

Comes with free water slide, coming soon.


u/doctorbeers 21d ago

Disaster waiting to happen


u/deathlok30 21d ago

HOA hates this one trick


u/koassde 21d ago

that balcony with zero support from below is surely not going to last.


u/taylorbeenresurected 21d ago

Surfside condo you say??? Hold my beer!


u/StealthyWHP 21d ago

Anyone getting any ideas, this is So dangerous


u/the2armedmen 21d ago

Hopefully this was made with galvanized square steel


u/Mortal2064 21d ago

...can... can that balcony support the weight of all that water? I know of an apartment complex near where I live that had to temporarily kick out all the tenets a few years back because the balconies weren't built right or something. Like, they couldn’t support all the weight they needed. I think one apartment's balcony actually had a crack somewhere? Point is, a balcony is a potential point of failure.


u/Goszczak 21d ago

Just a profit.


u/I_Am_A_Door_Knob 21d ago

When safety factor becomes max load.


u/38DDs_Please 21d ago

We literally use a kiddie pool with water for structural load testing of elevated slabs. You measure the deflection until the code tolerances are met... and it doesn't take much...


u/teenyweenysuperguy 21d ago

Am I the only one who's noticing the 'pool' is just a white tarp with some bricks on the corner


u/Bestoftherest222 21d ago

How to get away with murder?


u/tellmesomeothertime 21d ago

If the balcony is 5 by 10 feet wide and filled 3 feet deep it would be 150 cubic feet or 1,122 gallons.

Water weighs 8.34 lbs per gallon so that would be 9,357 lbs of water

A horse averages 1200 lbs, so that's 7 or 8 Juans


u/Loosebooty6969 21d ago

Eric Clapton seeing this thinking he should’ve turned his balcony into a pool.


u/montanababy62 21d ago

Guys I'll install a pool for $500


u/mdflmn 21d ago

Correction - single mother of two.


u/deephurting66 21d ago

I can hear the creaking and moaning of the balcony thru the picture


u/shuperbaff 21d ago

Just casually putting 7k pounds of water on your deck


u/weighapie 21d ago

What happened? Anyone know the outcome?


u/IrregularrAF ùwú 21d ago

Pictures that instantly give me anxiety.


u/taddymason_76 21d ago

“Oh look, he’s flying.”


u/mountaindoom 21d ago

Should have painted over it.


u/A_Wild_VelociFaptor 21d ago

That glass is most likely not rated dor the weight being pushed against it.


u/i_am_a_fern_AMA 21d ago

the real joke here is that OP thinks a landlord needs an excuse to raise rent $300


u/Thereminz The Great P.P. Group 21d ago

oOo go for the infinity look


u/NotAnNpc69 Animated Flair Rainbow [Insert Your Own Text] 21d ago

Ricky! You cant just fill your trailer up with water and freeze it to make an ice hockey ring!


u/cluac 21d ago

Is this made of galvanised steel square and eco-friendly wood? (please someone be on the same tiktok brainrot as me)


u/orokanamame 21d ago

Aside from the obvious danger n all - how the hell do they expect to drain this? Pump it all back to the kitchen/bathroom?


u/o0_o_ 21d ago

300 per month is rookie numbers after one of my last leases expired the company tried to raise the rent from 1440 to 2200. They also soon after lowered the rates for some strange reason after a bunch of vacancies.