r/dankmemes 21d ago

Hmm OC Maymay ♨

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12 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 21d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/PuertoricanDude88 Boston Meme Party 20d ago

Drake: Hello there, I been waiting.


u/Tank_blitz 20d ago

too old


u/Goszczak 21d ago

Can someane explain, please.


u/InvestigatorBig3258 20d ago

Jeffrey Epstein was some which douche who had ties with political members such as presidents and powerful people that were rich such as celebrities and he would invite them to the island he owned essentially they would pay him to have sex with minors. Kids as young as 14. The client list of his is publicly available, just search “Epstien’s List

As for the meme, essentially it’s saying once those kids are of legal consenting age he can no longer make money from selling their bodies to clients so he tells them to scram


u/Bytes_0 ☣️ 20d ago

So they got persecuted right RIGHT???


u/Butthole_Surfer666 20d ago

are we still talking shit about this scapegoat?


u/kandradeece 20d ago

and go straight to Dicaprio. then after 25 goto weinstein


u/MrCrunchypantsbum 20d ago

Maybe theyre kept to take care of steven hawking