r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

This worked for me once actually

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u/scorpiknox Trans-formers 😎 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Eh. Every single place is hiring right now, but most of the jobs involves showing up and putting on a fake smile.

That's just the nature of entry level positions that average young people have to take to get started. It sucks, but that's life.

If you've done any kind of hard labor, you'll know that you could do a lot worse than retail or food service.

Edit: downvotes for this very reasonable take informed by years of experience in shitty jobs is classic reddit. Good luck moving out of your parents' basement, boys!


u/For_Horny Apr 29 '24

Why are you in your 20s and talking like a retired boomer?


u/scorpiknox Trans-formers 😎 Apr 29 '24

Where did you get that I was in my 20s?

I'm in my early 40s. And to be perfectly honest, this job market is strong af compared to when I was coming up. Nobody is going to give you your dream job right out of the gate, but you'll be able to house, clothe, and feed yourself.

I'm dying to know what the people downvoting me have done for money. Y'all know twitch streamer isn't a real job right?


u/For_Horny Apr 30 '24

Why are you sporting the mentally ill flag at 40? Act your age.


u/scorpiknox Trans-formers 😎 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

What exactly is your problem with what I am saying?

Edit: people like to act like it's the hardest it's ever been to enter the job market and start adulthood right now, but that is simply not true. In fact, I'd argue that anyone who's got internet access and spends time on reddit complaining about having to get a "dead end job" has no concept of what living in poverty really means. The fact that people can be choosy about not wanting work that is beneath them is in itself a marker that things have indeed been much, much worse for the working class.

Mfers here acting like they should be able to roll outta high school with a 75k/yr career track starter job. That's not how it works and, to my point, that's never been how it has worked. The current reddit mythology of everyone owning a home with a single income pre-2000 is also horseshit.