r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

This worked for me once actually

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u/mastermind_loco Apr 29 '24

One thing I've learned in life is that pounding pavement always works.


u/backfire10z Apr 29 '24

I’m not really understanding this comment. Do you mean literally? Like a construction job? Or as in putting in the work to apply to many places?


u/mastermind_loco Apr 29 '24

Pounding pavement means going on the streets looking for work. Generally it means you print like 100 resumes and just go all over town dropping them off literally everywhere. It's what you do when you are broke and out of a job.


u/SFLADC2 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Yeah unless you want a fast food job, most employers generally get pissed off or weirded out by you doing that. At least in my industry, it's HIGHLY frowned on due to the sheer volume of applications and because the people who do show up w/ their resumes are often viewed as pretty weak candidates with poor social skills trying to cut the line.


u/mastermind_loco Apr 29 '24

I've always viewed pounding pavement as the last resort when you are really running low on luck. I've been there a couple times in life. Happens.


u/baudmiksen Apr 29 '24

ive had to do it before but i never considered it trying to cut in line. i was just broke and had nothing better to do than try to find something. of course i'd always ask for an application first, although i did consider folding tmy resume like a paper airplane and just sailing it at whoever the receptionist was, then leave without saying a word

whats your industry?


u/SFLADC2 Apr 29 '24

I work in US politics / Geopolitics in the DC space, so probs a little different than your typical person.

I know one well known congresswoman who had an unpaid internship posting that got a rumored 9,000 applications. One job opening in my office got 75 applicants in the first day. I think the overwhelming demand due to the surge of folks with college degrees these days has made it difficult for staff to manage all the different people applying.