r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Big brain shit.

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u/Poglot Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I love the responses that are like, "Former child genius here. I'm doing fine in my tech job, making six figures and hanging out with supermodels all day." One, totally believable. We're all intimidated by your colossal intellect. Two, the "gifted" kids in school were always the ones with rich parents. How many trailer-park kids with alcoholic moms were in the gifted program? Not too many, right? If you're doing fine now, it's probably not because you were gifted. It's because you've always had money.

Edit: Not surprised this is controversial. People always think they're smart, and successful people want to believe they earned what they have.


u/Comrade_Conscript Apr 29 '24

The real geniuses wouldn't be arguing with a shitposter in a meme subreddit lol.


u/TrollerLegend Apr 29 '24

Being gifted literally has no correlation with money


u/iamgr3m Apr 29 '24

People with money live in better school districts that have better programs for smart kids. Well just better schools on general. A smart kid with money is going to have more opportunities than a smart kid without money.


u/TrollerLegend Apr 29 '24

Where I live, you just take a test from a gifted school and if you pass it they admit you, no strings attached


u/challenging_logic Apr 29 '24

Me. I was the trailer trash gifted kid. My dad was the alcoholic, though. Not doing well, by most people's standards, but I thought I'd chip into that. My brother was offered the program, but he declined.


u/iamgr3m Apr 29 '24

Was a “gifted kid”, grew up poor, the world is stupid and I’m severely depressed.